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Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
Current rating: 0 |
by tr4nqued Email: tr4nqued (unverified!) |
21 Jun 2004
The people of Champaign-Urbana should be informed that Fahrenheit 9/11 will only be shown in one theater for one week. |
f911.doc (21 k) |
I think more theaters in Champaign should show "Fahrenheit 9/11," and if they did, something should be done to get more people to see it (one suggestion being for a group to canvas moviegoers, suggesting they see it). However, as the movie is only showing at one small place for one week, it is still important that more people see the film. As a reminder, tickets must be purchased in advance at, and at that website you can see exactly how many seats have been sold. They should all be sold.
To this end, I have liberally distributed a flyer about the film on all the bulletin boards in a couple of buildings on campus and on the benches and in the male bathroom at Beverly Cinema (I also went to Savoy 16, but I got scared and ran away...). I called WEFT and asked them to announce where the film is showing, and they did it (They're cool) (I also called 107.1 The Planet and asked them to, but I don't think they ever did (They're not cool)). Monday night, I plan to distribute my flyer in Borders, Pages for All Ages, and Barnes & Noble on the tables scatterd around the stores. I will also rehit the cinemas.
If you know of a place a flyer needs to be posted, I have attached the one I made so you can download it, change it if you like, and put it up where you see fit (ATMs would be good). |
 This work is in the public domain |
Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued tr4nqued (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 21 Jun 2004
f911.doc (21 k) |
I think more theaters in Champaign should show "Fahrenheit 9/11," and if they did, something should be done to get more people to see it (one suggestion being for a group to canvas moviegoers, suggesting they see it). However, as the movie is only showing at one small place for one week, it is still important that more people see the film. As a reminder, tickets must be purchased in advance at, and at that website you can see exactly how many seats have been sold. They should all be sold.
To this end, I have liberally distributed a flyer about the film on all the bulletin boards in a couple of buildings on campus and on the benches and in the male bathroom at Beverly Cinema (I also went to Savoy 16, but I got scared and ran away...). I called WEFT and asked them to announce where the film is showing, and they did it (They're cool) (I also called 107.1 The Planet and asked them to, but I don't think they ever did (They're not cool)). Monday night, I plan to distribute my flyer in Borders, Pages for All Ages, and Barnes & Noble on the tables scatterd around the stores. I will also rehit the cinemas.
If you know of a place a flyer needs to be posted, I have attached the one I made so you can download it, change it if you like, and put it up where you see fit (ATMs would be good). If you have concerns about the legality of the flyers, please let me know. |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Jun 2004
I placed flyers on tables in the three mentioned bookstores, also in the male restroom of Borders. Also on the benches and in the male restrooms of the two theaters; on study tables in the student union; by photocopiers and computer terminals in the undergrad library, the education library, the commerce library, and the stacks; on tables and by terminals at both public libraries; on tables downstairs in Espresso Royale on 6th and Daniel; beside the ATM by Kam's on Daniel; and on the floor beneath the films in a Blockbuster.
I should make a cheap iron-on or three at Kinko's that advertises the film, dates, and location; put it on a shirt; and stand around in the Beverly and Savoy 16 and the grocery store before and after I see the film myself this weekend.
If multiple people advertised the film at both theaters late this weekend, some may be swayed to see it who otherwise wouldn't, which would be good. |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued tr4nqued (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jun 2004
I have come up with a list of somg things people can do in their communities to make sure as many people see Moore's film as possible. I have distributed this list around the internet, and I've asked a few organizations and prominent individuals to advocate the film once it comes out. Please distribute the list of actions and contact people to endorse the movie.
1. Encourage theaters to show the film.
2. Tell friends, family, coworkers, employees, employers, customers and everyone else about the film and where it's playing.
3. Make homemade flyers advertising the film and place them where people will see them in college classrooms, bookstores, libraries, public restrooms, cinemas, beside ATMs, at churches, and wherever else you think they would be most effective and seen by the greatest number of people. Handing them out to individuals can waste resources, but just placing individual flyers or small stacks of them in prominent places does better.
4. Call public radio stations and cool commercial radio stations and ask them to announce where the film is playing.
5. Contact prominent individuals and organizations (e.g., Bill Clinton, Noam Chomsky, Dennis Kucinich, Howard Zinn, Jesse Jackson, Ralph Nader, Amy Goodman,, and ask them to advocate the film once it comes out.
6. Hang out at cinemas where the film is playing and induce people to see the film. This could take the form of making a t-shirt that advertises the film and wearing it around the ticket booth of the cinema, walking up to people outside the theater and telling them about the film and suggesting they see it, or hanging out with a group of people with picket signs advertising the film. There are many other things along these lines that could be done too, and the more the merrier.
7. After showings of the film, distribute a small list of books and resources that people might find useful in answering the questions the film raised for them.
8. Distribute this list (with your amendments and additions) in email groups and on message boards. The more people who do these suggested actions, the more people will see the film, and the more powerful it will be as an influence on the election. |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jun 2004
Not to discourage individual initiatives, but from what I understand the local group, AWARE, already is planning to take action on much of what you suggest. Strength in numbers and all that... you can contact AWARE through their website:
AWARE meets every Sunday 5-7pm at the Urbana/Champaign Independent Media Center, located at 218 W. Main St., Urbana, Illinois.
And it sounds like Moore's latest will break the records set by his "Bowling for Columbine" so I wouldn't have too great a concern about people not hearing about "Farenheit 911." |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued tr4nqued (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 24 Jun 2004
Thanks for your help. However, from what I can tell, AWARE is mainly organized to deal with people who are already at the film and have seen it. These efforts are definitely needed, and I plan to help. The efforts I propose, though, would assist in getting people to the teather in the first place. This is key. We don't have to rely on others to spread the word; we can do it ourselves.
Your point about organizing is a good one too. I am trying to get various organizations to initiate actions that will get people to the cinema in the first place. Organized efforts would be best at this.
And yes, the film is getting lots of coverage, but in some places, like Champaign, maybe not everyone knows where it's playing because it's in a kind of out of the way place. This may be the case in other locales too. Maybe there's such thing as too much publicity, but I don't think we've reached that point yet.
Any other suggestions people have are appreciated. |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by transpan7 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jun 2004
Good work getting your downloadable flyer out! |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued tr4nqued (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jun 2004
NOW SHOWING.doc (19 k) |
Here's an iron-on I will be putting on some t-shirts and wearing around Champaign, particularly in Savoy 16 and Beverly Cinemas. I got my transfer paper at Staples. Champaign is pretty small, so it won't do a lot of good here, but if you know people in other locations, suggest that they do something similar. |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued tr4nqued (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jun 2004
Does anyone have the pull to get newspeople to cover the opening tonight? |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Jun 2004
Unlike the UCIMC, I strongly support the right of "Free Speech" as long as it does not endanger anyone. Michael Moore is entitled to make as much from the movie going left as I do from the leftist in Urbana.
Congratulations Mike, keep coming out with the movies, I think they have some comedic value and despite their fiction, I think you found an niche that has not been tapped since those who believe that "Star Treck" is an actual fact as well.
People who honestly see the movie should be able to tell your reality from the truth much as view this site.
Jack |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued tr4nqued (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 26 Jun 2004
Jack, do you plan to honestly see the movie? I saw it last night. It wasn't half harsh enough. However, I'm still working on my shirts. I've run into several roadblocks, but I have them done, front and back, and I am going to a Chinese buffet restaurant in Champaign tonight. Standing at a buffet is a good place to advertise, I think. :) |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 26 Jun 2004
Dear tr4nqued
No, I do not plan on seeing his movie in the near term. I do want to let my dollars contribute to an idealism that is laced with fraud, lies and deceit. However, I will see eventually. Honestly, right now I am too busy making money off the slobs who actually go see it.
Jack |
The world according to Bush |
by AmigaPhil AmigaPhil (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 27 Jun 2004
Seen on TV in Europe, actually on theaters, and soon available on DVD (1st July 2004):
A film by William Karel
in collaboration with Eric Laurent
Eight years apart, George Bush and his son, George W. Bush, have succeeded each other at the head of the world's most powerful nation. An unprecedented phenomenon in American history. The key events of the last twelve years have taken place during their terms in office: the collapse of the Soviet empire and the Communist bloc, the first Gulf War, the events of September 11, the globalisation of terrorism and the new conflict with Baghdad.
Who are the Bushes? Apparently, the "quiet dynasty" of modern America. But in reality a "dynasty" whose inconceivable family secrets are painstakingly concealed. The grandfather of the current President, Prescott Bush, made his fortune by managing Nazi companies after Hitler seized power. In 1942, his companies were confiscated for collaboration with the enemy. George Bush Senior, Ronald Reagan's Vice-President and then President from 1988 to 1992, armed and financed Saddam Hussein. He approved the shipping of germ warfare strains to Iraq, thus enabling the country to launch a chemical attack against Iranian troops and the Kurdish population.
This film aims to pass through the looking glass and to show how the Bushes, father and son, have not only dined with the devil but have often invited themselves to his table. The bin Ladens and the Bushes have always been business partners and the family of the future terrorist chief indirectly financed George W. Bush's political career. This unnatural alliance has continued since the September 11 attacks: Bush Senior is a top official in one of the biggest private investment funds in the USA, Carlyle, a group that has invested heavily in the arms industry: the Bradley tanks and the missiles used in the latest war against Iraq are made by firms controlled by Carlyle... and the bin Ladens. For the latter are Bush's associates within this investment fund.
"The World According to Bush" is based on fully verified facts and eyewitness accounts. It offers a disturbing and striking portrait of the exercise of power at the head of the world's leading democracy, as well as of the unacceptable alliances that have been forged and that remain painstakingly concealed.
The Bushes' feelings of total impunity have attained their peak during the professional career and the political ascension of George W. Bush. His decision to attack Iraq and overthrow Saddam Hussein's regime already appears as one of the most fascinating historical and political conundrums for historians to ponder over in the coming years.
No thriller or political fiction screenplay could have imagined the workings of such an intricate plot. Unfortunately, its actors are not fictional characters but, on the contrary, a man and a team who hold the fate of the world in their hands. For the first time in the political history of the USA, a small group of people, working together for thirty years, has more or less taken over American foreign policy and totally overhauled it, silencing all opposition. Behind the proclaimed global strategy, we find not only considerable economic interests but also a possibly more disturbing aspect, a religious project that George W. Bush identifies with completely, initiated by extremists who are part of the President's direct entourage. Religion has taken on an all-important role since his arrival at the White House.
Never before in the history of the world's democracies have one man and his team acted with such arrogance and impunity, defying international law and creating an unprecedented grouping of interests: the project blends politics and personal interests in an atmosphere of total cynicism. The latest war against Iraq, with its totally unforeseeable consequences, hides another danger, that of seeing America launch further "civilizing" operations of a similar type, imposed by force, fired by ideas that are at best naïve and at worst totally hypocritical, calculated over a dangerously short term.
With, opposite Washington, the rest of the world confined to the part of a mere extra...
The documentary exclusively includes testimonies by several figures of the CIA, journalists and politicians, who have been ruled out due to their discomfort with the US policies particularly with regard to the Iraq invasion.
Chief among those figures are former CIA agent Robert Steel, writer Norman Mailer, former US President Ronald Reagan's advisor Michael Liden, head of Public Integration Center Char Louis, Washington Post journalist Jim Hogland, Robert Baer, Richard Perle, Frank Carlucci (Carlyle Group), ...
The director emphasizes that "the history of democracies has not witnessed a President and his team dealing with such arrogance as did Bush, as he lacks consciousness and despises international legitimacy despite an unprecedented link of personal interests."
In his testimony, Stanley Hoffman, a Harvard University professor, underlines that the US hawks led by Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld, Defense Undersecretary Paul Wolfwitz, vice President Dick Cheney and Defense Department retiree Richard Perle "have made use of September 11 events (gift of heavens) to implement their strategy that is based on re-drawing the Middle East map under the slogan of fighting terrorism."
The director shows, through official testimonies, how the US neo-conservatives have even linked their strategy to ousting the former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's regime as being responsible for September attacks and in possession of mass destruction weapons that threaten the safety and security of the US and the whole world.
The documentary also includes testimonies for (retired) David Kay, senior U.S. inspector for Iraqi weapons and Hans Blix, ex-head of the international inspectors.
The director has managed to obtain the testimony of David Ferron; the only person from the current US Administration who approved to give testimony in the documentary. David Ferron, writer of Bush's speeches, is known for devising the "Axis of Evil" term.
Karel revealed that he has attempted for over 20 times to meet Wolfwitz but the latter refused to give any statements. As for Dick Cheney, Karel underlined, nobody allowed him even to approach any of his acquaintances.
Note: As bonus, the DVD will include the full speech of Senator Robert Byrd.
See also: |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by tr4nqued (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Jun 2004
Craig Unger's "House of Bush, House of Saud," published March 16, 2004, is a good background resource for Moore's film. |
Re: Fahrenheit 9/11 - Tell the people of CU |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 28 Jun 2004
The movies out and the actual factual evidence is in. Surprise, another lie perpetrated by Michael Moore is welcomed by the liberal media and the leftist in America.
Does it matter that the lies are so easily exposed or are you just glad it condemns the Bush administrationz? BTW, Michael Moore, Iraq is enjoying their first day of freedom compliments of Bush and the US Military you fat little bastard.
Jack |