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"How Foolish Are You?" Current rating: 0
30 Aug 2001
Modified: 01 Sep 2001
If this makes post, and you get to the third article; you will probably find the answer to the question in the title. By letting interlopers mess with this site and remove articles like Ids= 1566, 1609, 1630, 1650, 1664, & 1730; you are probably supporting the hands that kill you. Let them refute my writings in person. Not a one of them can write a coherent paragraph.
"Love and Foolishness"
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" DEaf Messenger 7:37am Sun Aug 12 '01 (Modified on 7:56am Sat Aug 18 '01)
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 phone: na notavailable
Average rating of OK

Do you hug trees down there? Are you hungry? How foolish are you? Ask and I will tell you great and hidden things you do not know. IF YOU ARE BLOCKED ACCESSING ANY IMC SITES; TRY HITTING THE "BACK", "STOP", & "RELOAD" BUTTONS REPEATEDLY.

"Love Festivals of Hooterville - Just for You!"
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 11:31am Wed
Jul 18 '01
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 phone: na

Since so few people knew that Elijah arrived here in '95, a curse
has come on the land, subjecting us to ever-increasing amounts
of lawlessness. The Love Festivals of Hooterville are the
God-given solution for what ails us.
"Love Festivals of Hooterville"

Wednesday 21 Mar 2001 author: Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel"
Deaf Messenger

Summary :Years ago a man named Vandermeyer put crosses
throughout this country, three crosses a la Golgotha. He probably
thought that these crosses were a tribute to Jesus Christ when in
reality they are a testament to those of you who trust in carved
images; furthermore they are destined to be the sites of a festival,
which has been dubbed Hooterville by my friend Norm, who
claimed; "Hooterville is the stupidest people on earth!"

The last time I saw my friend Norm, I explained that the prophet
Elijah had arrived in Wheaton, Illinois when attackers slit open his
mother and ripped him from the womb because a friend of theirs
wanted a baby. Since this November 1995 event was suppressed
by Newt Gingrich and the media, a curse has come on the land.
This prophet's message is the manner in which he came into the
world, nothing more, nothing less. It was supposed to turn the
hearts of the parents to their children and the hearts of the
children to the parents, or the curse would be made manifest.
Even though Norm immediately embarked on a campaign as
God's watchman, the "watchman of Ephraim"; nothing could stop
the evil that was afoot in Norm's Hooterville. Norm went to every
single town in the area announcing that he was from Hooterville
and "Hooterville is the stupidest people on earth!"; but to no avail,
for Norm stumbled, Sarah and Jennifer stumbled, and millions
more have apparently stumbled. When I moved to Norm's
Hooterville in 1996, the Hootervillites immediately set about trying
to drive me out, for I was living at Norm's house since Norm was
not home. In May 1998 they dumped enough sulphuric acid on my
trailer to kill Norm's "sacred river oaks". Let me tell you right now
that God hates these "oak" trees, and He says so in the Bible.
Maybe God hates these "oak" trees because they are locust
trees, the biggest oldest black locust trees on earth, trees that
were fullgrown when Mark Twain was here; trees that are still
slowly dying for the damage was fatal; thus fewer and fewer
leaves show each year. Alas! A festival! A day of atonement.
Shrines from coast to coast with three crosses of hewn oak to
atone for Norm's "sacred river oaks". Surely God will be pleased.

Plans have been afoot for some time now to gather all of the
Hootervillites for this festival, for these people have actually laid
traps for their own lives since they didn't look in the mirror when
Norm warned them. They could have used the prophesized
number to save the gays, for most of them are gay; but nobody
liked the number. Centuries of bad PR had convinced them that
"six smelled bad". Instead they concentrated on effacing Israel,
the Holy Nation from being a nation; not understanding that they
expressed their desire to become Israelites when they moved on
the Israelites. Since the righteous Israelites have disappeared
from the land; these Hootervillites will now carry on the work of
the fallen Israelites in an attempt to appease their Lord. Yes the
plan calls for them to dig up the fallen Israelites with the military's
ingenious collapsible shovels and use their chemical modus
operandi to raise up their Great Dead King via voodoo. If they had
a king, what could he do for them? Well, from there some of them
will go abroad to declare the majesties of the fallen Israelites who
called them out of the darkness into His wonderful light. They will
find shelter at the houses of the "Storm Troopers of America"
who will probably be under house arrest for their own dastardly
deeds against the Holy Nation; nevertheless these houses will
serve as the Judean Embassies which will help make manifest
Israel's claim on Judah as God's portion in the Holy Land. These
Hootervillites are a really devious bunch, so God has given us a
hint on how to single them out; He says that the look on their
faces will betray them. Here I thought that meant that the shaved
heads of the narcotic addicts or the "Bill" sealed foreheads were
going to betray them; but it appears that He might be talking about
the coprophagic look on their faces that will give them away. Thus
Hooterville is coming to an area near you! What? Who? Huh?
Sounds like you need to do your reading..See; "Silent Murder
Epidemic - Buffalo Version" 8:35 AM 2/20/01; "Modus Operandi of
Lawlessness - Update" 6:00 PM 2/22/01; "Foolproof Plans of
"Storm Troopers of America" and their Supreme "Narky"" 9:13 AM
3/7/01; "Coprophagia Rules?" 8:20 AM 3/8/01; ""Storm Troopers
of America" and Their New World Order" 12:29 PM 3/11/01;
Comment: "PGW was Fulfillment of Prophecy" on "Why the
War? Kuwait Connection" 9:50 AM 3/12/01; and Comment:
"Comedy Capers" on "Bush Says Russia Not Enemy" 8:10 AM
3/14/01. That's all for today folks. Respectfully yours, Robert
Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

PS: I am writing to you here from 7/18/01 after just posting
"Immigrants, Mad Dogs, and Englishmen" Id=53197 or 53200.
The Id#s for the above mentioned articles are in the order
mentioned are: 24603, 24988, 26851, (26983-stolen: reposted at
32589), 27490, com. 27595, com. 27291. To access via Id#,
access any article, change the Id=# in the address bar, and press
"Enter". As for this article, what I said about Elijah being a prophet
pertains to Malachi 4:5. As for the Love Festivals of Hooterville,
Hosea, Micah, and Amos wrote about them, and the sacred "oak"
trees are mentioned in Isaiah I:29.
Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf

Coprophagia Rules?" (english) Saturday 07 Apr 2001
author: Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger Id=32589

This article was posted at Id=26983; and I have found it to be
inaccessible since
4/4/01 when I posted a Comment. Since I have referenced it in
"Supreme "Narky" of the
United States" Id=31749; I am resubmitting it here.

My Daddy said that when George Herbert Walker Bush, the
lawless Jacob revealed that he had been eating
feces most of his life, that was the hidden factor that unifies all of
his lawless ones. This practice is called
coprophagia, and there has been a concerted effort in the recent
past to promote it as a somewhat acceptable
practice rather than as a depraved condition. When I did my
internship at an institution for the moderately
retarded, I wrote: "The question is not: "Why can't Johnny read?";
but rather: "Why is Johnny's favorite activity
the digging, sniffing, smearing, and eating of his own feces?" I
have since figured out that the staff was
probably fostering this practice to discourage me from pursuing a
career in health care. This was obvious
because there was a prevalence of unstained hands among the
clients who had begun to display coprophagic
activities while the long term coprophagists had stains on their
hands that could not be washed out. The
lawless Jacob and other coprophagists in his tribe apparently
avoid staining their hands via the use of plastic
gloves which they wash and carry in their pockets. Around 1990
in Washington, DC; I witnessed an increase in
public displays of coprophagia and excretions, even in the parks
of downtown during rush hour. As a
consequence of my two false arrests, my abduction, and my 15
months of unlawful hospitalization (98-99), it
became clear that coprophagists were given preferential
treatment and/or placed in positions of power.(Gen. 6:12
Mic. 1:5; Luke 12:2; Is. 5:18-21; 2 Peter 2:13-14; Is. 5-7)

Although there is little research on coprophagia among humans, it
is evident that since the 1980s health care
was trying to portray it as an accepted abnormality rather than a
symptom of dementia, even though Oxford
English Dictionary still reads: "Among demented patients in
advanced stages of their illness, (coprophagia) is
not rare..." It seems like one of the trends for promoting
coprophagia has been to give incontinent patients a
taste of their own feces when changing their diapers, initiating a
practice that the patient will continue on his or
her own probably indefinitely. Since the lawless Jacob also
revealed that the alleged doctor, the Supreme One
is also a coprophagist; I suspect that when the alleged doctor
revealed to me that he had previous bouts of
amnesia, he was really describing a symptom of coprophagia.
Although there is abundant research on the
effects of coprophagia among canines, it affects them little; thus
I've been forced to draw my own conclusions
about the effects of coprophagia among humans. Coprophagia
seems to act as an "opiate" by dulling ones
mental prowess; however the entrenched aversion and the
irreversible effects of the ingestion of the bile duct
toxins of feces makes it an abomination. In addition to impairing
the function of the brain, the ingestion of feces
seems to promote blindness, jaundice, reprehensible body odors,
and liver and kidney failure. I have found
references associating coprophagia with Satanism, human
sexuality, and the religious practice of eating the
feces of a sexually-revered person; but there is no mention of
coprophagia in the modern Bible. Perhaps the
lying pen of the scribes has concealed the true nature of the
sexual immorality and sacrifices of the Moabites in
Shittim in Chap. 25 of the Book of Numbers; thus was born a
word that literally means feces. In spite of such
taboos, it seems like coprophagia rules. It is a sad sorry sight to
behold if the professed superior knowledge of
coprophagists has prevailed over the chemically-induced stupidity
of a dumbed-down America; nevertheless
these lawless ones became Israel, when they moved to destroy
Israel, the Holy Nation. (Amos 6:8; Ps. 12:8; Is. 29:9-
10; Jer. 30: 12-13; Jer. 8:8; Num. 25:1-3; Rev. 2:14-15; Mal. 2:3;
Lev. 19:26; Jer.11:11; Tim. 3:9-10; Titus 1:10-16;
Ps. 83:2-6; Prov. 1:18)

After four approximately 1,000 word anonymous contacts with the
Defense Intelligence Agency in January, I
realized that they, like the CIA, The Secret Service, and many
others, were at the beck and call of the Supreme
One; thus the military has apparently been misled to support the
"Silent Murder Epidemic", which I revealed to
the DIA. After this I stumbled on Indy Media; resulting in the
posting of "Modus Operandi of Lawlessness -
Update" 6:00 PM 2/22/01; "Silent Murder Epidemic - Buffalo
Version" Id=24603; and "Justice New
York Style" Id=25099 on In short I revealed
that of our five fallen presidents; one is
(Bill Clinton rules; probably because Secret Service mistakenly
declared a State of Emergency two days
before inauguration); one is to come (Reagan won the election
hands down): and one is to be the eighth
(George Herbert Walker Bush as I have revealed his destiny as
the Great DEad King of Israel). Since a lot of
the lawless ones have apparently been smoking a diluted crack
mixture that is mostly paraffin, there has been
a call for hair sample tests to confirm this; plus the bile duct
toxins of coprophagists are probably also
detectable in hair samples. These tests will confirm that these
lawless Israelite wannabes are qualified to
become servants of God via the seal of "Bill". As usual they don't
even have to ask Bill's permission.(Rev.
17:10-11; Hosea 10:3,15; Mic. 2:11-12; 1;16; Is. 3:24; Rev. 17:16;
Is. 3:9; Ez. 8:9-10; Rev. 7:2-4)
UNTIL 12/25/01 "Israel" Deaf Messenger Bobby
Meade copyright 2/6/01

That's how I usually write an article with the ten or more Biblical
references per paragraph.
From posted Comments after the 3/8 posting:

My Daddy said that when George Herbert Walker Bush confirmed
what I had heard about Jim Morrison eating
feces on stage in Miami or thereabouts in 1969; that incident had
probably been suppressed by the
coprophagists to conceal from their compatriots how toxic this
practice could be. I heard that Jim boasted that
no one could gross him out; and someone jumped on the stage
and defecated, then Jim picked it up and took
a bite out of it. I've heard that 3 oz. is a fatal dose; thus Jim
probably realized instantly that the end had come.
The people around him had probably tricked him, saying that this
was the way to impress the crowd and that
no harm would come of it; but it probably killed him, for no amount
of drugs or alcohol could do what that did to
him. Even though I thought that the covenant with death of the
lawless ones mentioned in the Bible was defined
by their chemical-throwing proclivities; I now realize that it is
probably based on their coprophagia. That is, if
they eat their feces a little bit at a time, their brains will be
damaged in increments, and they won't die from it.
(Have since heard that Jim was pulled off stage and surrounded
by a hostile crowd that more or less
compelled him to do that and that they wouldn't let him spit it out).
God bless Jim Morrison.

My Daddy said that when my friend, Bill said that coprophagia
was a medical condition, common in children;
that had to be from a recent book. Thus I told Bill that was what
they wanted him to think. I further suspect that
the ingestion of the bile duct toxins of feces at an early ages
causes more severe impairment of intelligence
than the same at a later age. On the other hand, the lawless
Jacob said that the coprophagists say that feces
is "power food" only if you don't sniff it before you eat it and that
they concentrate on getting children started on
the coprophagic habit. Thus the IQs probably keep getting lower
and lower. If they get you to accept that
coprophagia is a medical condition, then they will probably try to
get coprophagists special status; i.e.
handicapped, "touched in the head", something like that. Hopefully
you have been befuddling their "superior
intelligence" and getting pictures of that coprophagic look on their
faces. Those are the pictures that I want to
see on Indy Media. "Wipe That #$%& Look Off Your Face"
Id=30108; unless of course you don't have

To access via Id#s, access any article, change the Id=# in the
address bar, and press "Enter".

"Coprophagia Rules?" (english) Saturday 07 Apr 2001

"How Foolish Are You?"
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel " Deaf Messenger 1:24am Sun
Jul 22 '01 (Modified on 5:00am Tue Jul 24 '01)
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851

Although 2 Timothy 2:23 warns us to avoid foolish and unlearned
issues, most people have probably been supporting the hands
that kill them.
My Daddy said that although the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan
and the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion (see make clear that this perverted form of Zionism
is intent on getting rid of practically everyone; people continue to
set traps for their own lives (Prov. 1:18). Time and again I have
warned the anarchists and other activists that the Learned Elders
of Zion identify them as the "..ranks of our fighting forces -
Socialists, Anarchists, Communists - to whom we always give
support in accordance with an alleged brotherly rule.."(Prot. 3
para. 7). These "mouthpieces" are intent on continuing even
though "Their Folly is Plain to Everyone" Id=48513. "We will
continue with our own plans" (Jer. 18:12) is what they are saying.
Notice how they are all encouraging people to go raise a ruckus;
but they are sorry that they can't be there themselves. In addition
to villifying any suckers who show up to oppose a behemoth that
can't be affected, these "fighting forces" probably have many
ulterior motives such as disarming whole populations. The first
Protocol makes clear among many other things that the best
results in governing comes via violence and terrorization, for they
are appealing to the "bad instincts" that they believe prevail in
most men. Here the learned elders also make clear that their
power will "..remain invisible until the moment that it has gained
such strength that no cunning can undermine it" and that the
"..mob is a blind, senseless, and un-reasoning force ever at the
mercy of a suggestion from any side". God says that the words of
the fool's mouth will progress from foolishness to madness (Ecc.
10:12-13); thus the sword will abide in his cities as He puts an
end to their plans (Hosea 11:6). Since so many people can't
seem to learn to "Heed Not the Foolproof Folly" Id=49490; our
best bet is to just publicize as much of their folly as possible to to
turn "Their Own Tongues Against Them" Id=36936 and ensure
that the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 comes back on their own

Via the control of the press and the end of free press as
described in Protocol 12, it has become possible for the
communication glitch that is the mainstream media to lead
people to their slaughter with lies. The destruction of God by
replacing Him with materialism is described in Protocol 4; and
Protocol 2 mentions the how they have arranged for Darwinism
(evolution) to be one of the main components of their destructive
education. Dr. Ivan Panin's "Mathematical Proof of the Divine
Nature.." of the 66 Books of the Bible is irrefutable proof that the
Bible was created before language was created. Does the Torah
have such proof? Evolution still is and always has been little more
than a theory. There is little to prove that evolution occurs
naturally. Carbon dating is little more than a theory also. There is
not enough fossils to justify the infinitely greater number of years
that they are always quoting while it is much simpler to prove that
the earth is closer to the age that the Bible hints at (plus or minus
45,000 years?). The contention that coal and gas are organic is
probably also fallacious, for it is more likely that they appeared as
the result of a geological process. In addition to "the beasts that
perished" of Psalm 49 probably referring to the dinosaurs, there
are many other passages in the Bible that support creationism.
There is nothing in the arguement for evolution that God could not
have done, and do much better. Creationism can be proven via
science, and science should be taught from an ecological
viewpoint, nothing more, nothing less. The lawless ones probably
support the bestial origin of man set forth by evolution in order to
justify their own evilness. "And since they did not see fit to
acknowledge God, God gave them up to a base mind and
improper conduct"(Rom. 1:28).

As delineated in Protocol 5, the masses are led by lies. The Plans
of the Synagogue of Satan make clear that most of the
inhabitants of Israel in the Middle East are not true Jews. As
described in "Deceit, Delusions, and Depraved Dementia"
Id=31133, most of the true Jews have probably assumed
nonJewish names with no known precursors and infiltrated
christian churches and communities. These are probably the
people who are encouraging people to grieve about the fabricated
conflicts in the Middle East. The suppression of info about the
poisoning of the masses by the byproducts of
"Coal-Gassification" Id=48856 is just one of the ways that they
use their "Chemical Modus Operandi.." Ids=24988 & 47525 to
murder innocent people who are not opposing them. The
suppression of the truth about "West Nile Virus" Id=30273, hoof
and mouth disease, fish kills, Love Canal, and many other plant,
man, and animal diseases is another component of their
"foolproof" lies. "Creative NonViolence" Id=33468 only works for
the lawless ones now even though they will probably have others
make things happen. It is probably best to expose those who
support these lies, and let them deal with the backlash from
others who suddenly recognize how foolish they are to support
such folly.

On the other hand you know that the "Love Festivals of
Hooterville" Id=29190 are waiting for them and that "Children Will
Rule..." Id=32454 over them. They will have the new moon
festivals and the full moon festivals and much more (Hosea 2:11).
You should also know this is the time to "Sound the Horn.."
Id=36182 in order to summon them all to the festivals;
furthermore you should know that Numbers 10:9 says that is also
how you go to war against the enemies in your own land,
probably resulting in a whirling tempest coming upon the heads of
those who hate the horns. New moon tonight! "Dark Side of the
Moon"! Get a move on. There's no stopping fools in their folly.
That's what my Daddy said.

To access via Id#s, access any article, change the Id=# in the
address bar, and press "Enter". All referenced articles are on

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf

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Why Does This Author Choose to Post Here?
Current rating: 0
31 Aug 2001
This posting strikes me as the beginning of an intriguing work of apocalyptic fiction. Surely there are literary sites that would welcome it as an intriguing piece.

In the context of the domain, though, this text makes very little sense.

Perhaps the author would consider submitting his works to another venue--?

Paul Kotheimer
Volunteer, Audio Consultant, Trainer, Fundraiser, etc.
Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center
To "Paul Kotheimer
Current rating: 0
31 Aug 2001
Dear "Paul Kotheimer";

The apocalypse is going to come on like an unbelievable happening. There is already a "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 taking place right now via the communication glitches that prevent anyone from exposing it. The same glitches are going to enable people to end up at the festivals of Hooterville, and "No Body is Going to Do Nothing About It" Id=41739. Was Elijah's birth a fiction? Did you know about it? Who did you tell about it? Do you want to know the probable truth about Littleton; i.e. Columbine Id= 45696? Did you find out how foolish you are? Which of those theories do you believe? Refute one thing that I have written. Do you support the perverted form of Zionism that is intent on world domination? Refute the Protocols and the Plans of the Synagogue of Satan. Maybe I will get an article out of it, and you will get your name in print worldwide. You do not have to read this. If you had anything to do with the removal of the above mentioned articles, put them back. I know that I have readers. I don't want anyone commenting here because I might want to update them on the contents of the article. If you are a "Messiah in the Making" Id=43985, and your friends hang you on a tree for trying to save them from the truth, are you going to blame me? Since "Asbestos, Asthma, and Your Rattling Last Breaths" Id=60292 was blocked from posting here over 50 times, how are you going to know what to do if someone dumps brake dust in your house? Will you vacuum it up? Or maybe you are trying to cover it up, so you can dump it yourself. Anyone who supports your groundless insinuations about my writings, is supporting the hands that kill them. Just leave them alone, and don't read them if you don't want to.

Respectfully, Bob

If You Don't Want Anyone To Comment...
Current rating: 0
01 Sep 2001
If you don't want anyone to comment on your articles, you are posting them in the wrong place.
Anything posted on IMC can be commented on.

That is one way that people who seriously abuse both the truth and the website are kept from getting away with their lawless behavior, such as demonstrated by your repeated postings of works of fiction. This is a news site and you are disrespecting us every time you post your indicipherable screeds here.

Paul was completely reasonable about his concerns and you made all sorts of vile accusations against him for no logical reason. There was no reason for you to lash out at him.
Hey Deaf Potty-Mouth Messenger,
Current rating: 0
01 Sep 2001
You sure spread a lot of shit around for someone who claims to oppose corprophagia. Maybe you simply enjoy smearing it on yourself and parading around in public? Like this comment from another recent post:

>I suspect that they found that Hitler was too smart to control and that they had resorted >to poisoning him towards the end of the war.

It sounds a lot like you enjoy kissing Hitler’s ass, too.

I guess you’re just one of those preachers who preach against something and then turn around and do it yourself.

If you can’t stand the heat in this particular kitchen, then you definitely picked the wrong place to set up your soapbox. It’ll be even hotter when you’re burning in hell. But maybe the criminally insane are forgiven. You had better hope so.