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Commentary :: Civil & Human Rights : Iraq : Prisons
Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology Current rating: 0
09 May 2004
Now that The Paper is gone, Channel X is back on the web...
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I hope this upload works; this system doesn't like Apples...
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Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
11 May 2004
I am a proud American, but the actions of our World governments over the 54 years of my borders more on the outrageous rather than the considerate. I've watched the greed driven markets, civil rights trampling, impersonal treatment of persons (especially women) in the various industries, of course, some women practice impersonal treatment also, they are a minority, thank goodness. We are at a point where people must learn to view others as simply people if we are to live on this World together. I've had a lot of people from other countries ask me to sponsor their entry into the USA. So far, I glad I have not brought anyone here, to a country with supposed high ideals and gutter habits!!
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
11 May 2004
Can't argue too much with that. Many Americans often do not live up to the supposed ideals espoused by this Nation. Some would say that is mostly due to a "liberal" influence on morality, and they may be partly correct. But in the end, there are good people and there are bad people. The bad people do the things they do because they harbor evil and evil intent in their heart, and they will always attempt to take advantage of the goodwill of others in acting out their evil intent. People have been on this earth for a long time now, and IF they were all going to "learn" to get along, it'd have happened long before now. Every new generation of teenagers thinks they have found the holy grail of fixing the worlds ills..."everyone just needs to get along"...but, since that's a pipe dream that will never take place, better to just grow up and see the world for what it truly is.
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
11 May 2004

Cheer up dude, you live in the greatest country in the world where one is only limited by his or her drive and ambition.

Despite your lack of support to your friends who wanted you to sponsor them to become citizens, it is my hope that if they came to benefit the country instead of taking benefits, that they got in and are now enjoying the God given bounty that is America.

Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
11 May 2004
Deart Jack ryan and NRA.

Re: I should grow up
Current rating: 0
12 May 2004
I grew up as the only Black student for 20 miles from where I lived. I was attacked three times because of my race.
1. In Kindergarten, someone behind me called out "NIGGER" as hands pushed on my back; I fell down the stairs on my face.

2. In the fourth grade, a new student came to class; he was placed in the seat just behind me. He mouthed the word NIGGER just loud enough for me to hear. I ignored him. During recess, I was playing marbles with my friends, when the new kid walked into the marble circle halting our play. I stood up as he began to call me NIGGER again, he began to flail away at my stomach, and his pummeling had no effect because my stomach was very hard. Just as the Teacher walked around the building corner to see about the commotion, I let that kid have my best shot right to his temple, he collapsed onto the ground. He never returned to school, I heard that my strike had broken his jaw. You see my friends and I had a game, you paired off then one guy would stand against a wall then let his partner slug him in the stomach as hard as possible. If you did not wince or bend over you exchanged positions, if you winced or groaned or bent over the partner could slug you again before switching positions. Soon to say, everyone of our group's stomachs were so hard we could be hit with a baseball bat, withstanding it although it stung greatly. My stomach is still hard today.

3. In the fifth grade, an eighth grader threw a rock at me that cleaned my clock, as I was running across the play field. I heard him laughing as he went back into the school building. My friend helped me get up from the ground, he said to me he would speak to his older brother about the incident. The next day, I brought my .22 Rifle to school, on my bicycle handlebars, nobody even thought about seeing me with the rifle, as it was known that a friend and I often went hunting after school. I intended to shoot the eight grader if he came after me again, he was much larger than I was. I hid the rifle in the tall grass just inside the janitor's fenced area, which was in the center of our play area. I hid it on our playground just inside of the fence.
The next time I saw this eight grader, my Filipino friend’s big brother was hauling him by his collar. My friend’s big brother forced the eight grader to apologize to me, and then he hauled him back to the school building.
I took my rifle home that evening.
I entered High School an angry young man, looking for an excuse to do harm to anyone that crossed me. One day, I decided that if I continued to be that way, I would not be able to get along with too many people, it took me several days of argument with myself, headaches and such, but I achieved isolation of my angry emotions from directing me. I have now existed that way for many years, rarely have I had to show anger, I found that as my high School relationships increased, then on to those in college, everyone thought of me as a regular Joe, no color label at all, simply classmate.

At seventeen I was asked by the Santa Clara County Sheriff to be a big brother to a couple of white kids that got into trouble.

I was next challenged by the Sheriff to teach some kids how to read. The kids who were kicked out of school for beating other kids and Teachers. I knew I could not perform this feat alone. I sought the help of a reading clinic in Los Altos, California, which agreed to donate their services. I would pick up these guys, take them to the clinic then bring them back home. I would then challenge them to read sports stories in various newspapers that I had cut out all the pictures in the section. Once they could read an entire page to me, I would reward them with tickets to a sporting event. One day, one of these gentleman told me he wished to learn about computers, I told him if he was willing to study, I'd teach him, and then help him find a job. I used some books I had from the old Digital Equipment Computer Company to teach him basic computers and the jargon. I then called different companies around where I worked to find any new computer installations that were in process. I found a company two blocks away, that was in the process of building their computer room. I called the company to find out the type of computer they were installing. I purchased a set of books for that computer and began to teach him how to operate that computer. When I was comfortable that he could do a decent job, I sent him to those people for an interview. He was hired immediately. I had the pleasure of taking this gentleman to the hospital where his first child was to be born. He called my Mother several years later, to leave a message for me, it was
Thank You. This man became a Systems Analyst, as last I heard of him.

I do not agree that people are simply evil, I believe they are pressured into or learn their evil ways by experiences and that they could just as soon unlearn if they wished to.
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
12 May 2004
Interesting post Wayne, I enjoyed reading that.

>"I do not agree that people are simply evil, I believe they are pressured into or learn their evil ways by experiences and that they could just as soon unlearn if they wished to."

There are some people that are just plain evil. Perhaps you have not met up with any of them, but, they exist. For some people, who are encourageable, or who lack any true moral foundation, I'd agree that they allow "experiences" to mold their actions and reactions and they can "change"...but you nailed the keywords right there in your message..."IF THEY WISHED TO". Now, the question becomes, why don't they "wish to"? And the answer is, it's all about the intent of their heart.
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
13 May 2004
Hmm. I think people are making too big a deal out of the prisoner abuse itself, and not what it really means. When it comes down to it, most "compassionate" conservatives don't really think torturing terrorists and criminals is such a bad idea. Yes, we probably shouldn't do it, but hey, they're evil. Overblown concern with captive terrorists only makes the Left look weak- and don't take my word- Rush Limbaugh said as much on the radio the other day. He thinks the liberals are going to "overplay their hand".
Too bad, because the *real* issue is the incompetence of the Bush administration. We're supposed to be winning the Iraqis over, in order to bring them freedom and democracy, right? "Hearts and minds", remember?
So how could the Bush military be so f---king stupid as to allow this to happen? It *was* widespread, and it *was* systematic. Just as the right wing was just plain wrong when they said the Iraqis would greet us as liberators and dance in the streets (I remember Jack Ryan saying exactly that), they were just plain wrong when they thought they could play hardball with prisoners and not get caught.
The problem with Bush isn't that he's "evil". It's that his administration is so arrogant and ignorant that they make mistake after mistake after mistake. Should we be surprised that a bunch of rich kids who dodged service in Vietnam would know jack s---t about running a war?
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
13 May 2004
Dear Wayne,

As you have probably have guessed, I am not a black man (African American) etc.

The word "Nigger" was a bad word in my family growing up. One of my earliest memories is of my mother offering food to our garbage man who was black when we lived in Birmingham Alabama in the late 60's.

I also remember my mother telling me a story of when she was a little girl and how they, as children, found the man whom they paid to shovel coal in their furnace pratically beating his mattress in frustration wishing that he were born white.

That shook my mother and it was a story that she told her many children whenever we asked questions about the black kids who for whatever reason seemed to hate the Catholic School kids when we walked home past the school.

Wayne, I cannot begin to know what it is that you have gone through as a child. We all took are share of teasing. I have lived all over the country and have been called a "Mick" on more than one occasion.

I see from another post that you are an inventor that has run into some financial difficulties raising the necessary capital to get your products to market.

I can help you. I am a capitalist. This is what we do. Has anyone ever advised you to sell the foreign rights to your products?

A true inventor finds a way to succeed. If you continue to see yourself as the victim, you are simply letting the racists win.

You did not cause your problems, but only you can solve them. My advise to you is to stop listening to all the people on this site who tell you that you are a victim and that in this country you will never succeed.

I wish you the best in your pursuit of the American Dream.

Re: Jack's last comment
Current rating: 0
14 May 2004
Jack, I do not think of myself as a victim, my Wife does. I think of myself as an individual.

I would never sell my inventions to a Foreign government or entity, where they could be misused.

Would you believe 20 years after it occurred, I found out that middle management of a company I helped grow from mini to maxi set up an accident for me?
This accident was to keep me from;
1: maintaining control of a large computer I had set up for them, I worked for the Research & Development Department, as the machine had been paid for by $703,800.00 of R & D money, also a memory box had been removed from my order, they wanted to make me fail. I got the machine up working anyway and it paid for itself in it's first 30 days of operation. The Operations Department wanted control of the computer.

2. The company President was going to ask me to sign on the patent of the device which was the pioneer to the growth of the company. The did not want me to sign, which I didn't anyway for my own reasons.

This Patent ran into a lot of trouble 20 years later, it was all over the Wall Street Journal.

How I came to Champaign 05/30/03, was to do a project for MTD, you may have noticed the GPS, People Counters and internal Destinations signs that the MTD vehicles now have. I was the manager of the crew that did the installation until I was terminated 7/7/2003, My ex-employer owed me $8000.00+ in back pay and expenses. I finally I tried to collect this money using a local lawyer who sat on the case for 3 months without moving a finger I then filed the case Pro Se and won a judgement 2/27/04.

I had decided 8/1/03 to build a couple of prototypes of two of my pending inventions here in Champaign, then to patent them.

Both of these products are for the benefit of humankind.

What I have done before has affected many people, including yourself .
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
14 May 2004

I saw the list of your inventions and I doubt that national security would be threatened by you taking advantage of your creative brain and selling some foreign rights to your products.

Okay, so I have heard stories about how the man is keeping you down and I take you at your word. As an employer, if you are that valuable to your them, I seriously doubt that they would let you go or go to the extreme of setting you up for an accident that would hit their workers compensation premiums.

Anyway, you need capital. You won't take the first and the path of least resistance so I suggest that you form a corporation and sell shares. Hell, if you have some patents, I might be interested.

The next step is venture capital. Careful here because they can be slime balls.

With all due respect, it seems to me that the easiest invention is the excuse itself. So when you come to a brick wall, go around, under or through it to reach your goal.

You live in the best country in the world for just such a person as yourself.

Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
21 May 2004
As of the accident, it was not on Company property, therefore no Workers Comp.
It was a well planned automobile accident, to force me to run me into a railroad signal guard rail head on! I did something they did not think about, I put the car into a spin, which knocked a lot of speed off at the point of impact, therefore my self and my roommate survived, they did not expect my roommate, who was White to be in the car with me because it was known that that evening I was to take him to the service station which we had just left minutes before to pick up his car which was being repaired. Except his car was not completed, I filled up with gasoline, then we began the return trip home in Sunnyvale, we did not even make it a mile!

Ps: Since you do not give your e-mail address, are you the Jack Ryan who is running for political office?
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
22 May 2004

No, I am not the next junior senator from Illinois. Too Bad about the accident. Hope you can rise above it.

Re: Rising above the man keeping me down
Current rating: 0
25 May 2004
several odd things, the car that caused the accident was driven by the 30 yea security guard of the company that a majority of the employees at my company had come from. He claimed he was going to make an illegal u-turn through the railroad signal, but two things belied that. (l) it was a single rail crossing, to make successful u-turn in any american car, compact or otherwise you start from the right lane, not the leftmost lane! 2) Also if he had stopped to begin the turn, why did my car not strike his car when it wrapped around the railroad signal guard rail? Obviously, when he saw that I had committed to the evasive action, he removed his foot from the brake and traveled a little further! He stopped just after other side of the signal, his car was covered by the gasoline which flew from my squished gas tank! If he had lit a cigarette, he would had died in a fireball, as well as us. (all these points were pointed out to me by a friendly Chicago cop 37 years after the accident, he said it was obviously a setup!)
Obviously we survived, Doug my roommate's pelvis was fractured. I had a broken neck my left arm was paralyzed. I was misdiagnosed at El Camino Hospital, I was bundled into a wheelchair and given to my parents. My ID and wallet were still in the wrecked vehicle, as I was black, they assumed I had no insurance. They kept Doug, of course. My parents had to wrap me into an electric blanket then turn it up full blast to keep the muscles spasms abated that night. The next morning they took me to the same Doctor who had examined me at El Camino, he subscribed a collar for me and I purchased one at the drug store, then I went to buy a new car. In my new car, I went to the junkyard to get some personal items out of the wrecked car. I then went home to our apartment in Sunnyvale. Monday I was a bit late to work due to some insurance papers I had to sign then return to my agent's office. I was back at work, some people were surprised, I could not figure out why. I did not pay too much attention the PDP-10 had a disk drive that was down, and I had just figured out what was wrong with it just before the accident. I worked for the entire week, then I was re-hospitalized on the 29th of December, where my neck break was now evident along with further effects down my body, such as weak un-coordinated legs. One surprise, the gentleman I had opposed hiring Friday, to take over management of the PDP-10, Computer was hired on, my Boss said he was pressured into it after the accident, I thought that was a little weird. He worked or R & D exactly one week before declaring irreconcilable differences then transferring to the Operations Department, taking the computer with him. He also had fired the senior Operator and the Systems Analyst I had hired, keeping the two junior operators. His mismanagement of the computer soon caused the Engineers to clamor for me to regain control of the computer, but my Boss did not want to participate in the political action. I then called the chairman of the board, he said if I wrote a letter I was saying I would quit if nothing was done. I was sitting at my desk, thinking about writing the letter when suddenly my ex-girlfriend who worked in building 2 was kneeling beside me crying, asking me not to write a letter! I consoled her, told her I could take care of myself, she left, still upset but calmer. My phone rang, it was the VP of operations' secretary, she said he wanted me to come down to his office. I did not work for him, I replied "ok". When I arrived, sitting in his office was the new manager of Data Processing. The VP said he wanted us to shake hands and to forget any animosity to each other, he did not want to hear anymore about it. We shook hands, then we left his office. Less than a month later after several computer crashes and my new project getting delayed by other actions, I left the company.
Re: Channel X: An Awful Apple Apology
Current rating: 0
03 Jun 2004
No I was not on company business, at least not the company in this digression. I had just left my own little company, where my roommate was helping with a project while being taught electronics. Why do I not let go?

I believe some statute of limitations my limit any police work, some witness have died.

Just a year ago, I met with my ex-boss. He displayed his under-construction $5M home just across the street from where Bill Packard had his prior home.
In a conversation later when my Wife, he and I were discussing my stripped notoriety, she commented to him that "He would throw the baby out with the bathwater" he became red, we were ushered quickly from the home by his Wife & daughter. At the door, he pointed his finger at me and said, "When you put my crazy ideas and your crazy ideas together, they work!" The door the shut, since that time I have had no contact. But one funny thing, if I was so unimportant to the functions that went on which made him so famous, why I, lowly me, had access to him for 30 years while he hardly passes the day to anyone else? Why was it me he called when he had the problem with Gilbert Hyatt? Because I started it all!

What is going on now is the fact that what I am working on could be one of the answers to the American oil glut. And our future, but they want me to give it up for free again...

That is why I referred to the other incident where I innocently joined a company bringing what turned out to be their Holy Grail with me and was nearly killed for doing it.

I'm not too sure I would survive the next attempt if it occurs.

Alas a Judge just decided on evidence submitted to his court without the prior 72hour notice to the opponent (twice) and he has ruled in the favor of that motion! I still have not collected the $ 9k owed me from last year. This is the economic pressure that continues that debilitate my development progress.

That is why I cannot forget about or get above it, because the suppression is still in progress!

Wayne Pickette