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News :: Civil & Human Rights : Protest Activity |
Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
Current rating: 0 |
by Zach Miller Email: zach (nospam) chambana.net (unverified!) |
16 Apr 2004
Anti-chief protestors log 18th hour amidst rowdy oblivious bar crowds.
A group of IMC reporters checked in at the Anti-Chief sit in this evening. We interviewed activists inside and outside the building and cheered as the 17th and 18th hour marks were posted. |
About 40 protesters have locked themselves in the Swanlund Administration building and are determined to stay, disrupting the work of campus administration, until their demands are met. They expect to be there at least throughout the weekend. Their demands include a dialog with the chair of the UIUC Board of Trustees, a vote on retiring the racist Chief Mascot, and increased funding for minority student programs.
One police officer is also in the building with them. One source from inside the building said that the decision to allow the officer inside was based on debate and a vote among the protestors. Outside the building several supporters sit on the steps of Swanlund and several police offers across the street observe. Everyone we talked to agreed that the police were not a threat to the protesters but are there to keep the peace.
One source from outside the building said that Chancellor Nancy Cantor herself requested that the campus police not arrest the protestors or clear the building. The Chancellor will be meeting with the protestors at 8am Friday morning and they ask that their supporters arrive at 7am for a rally.
Hundreds of drunk university students walking past the building were oblivious to the sit in. A few yelled hostile comments. A few more yelled their support. Some came demanding free sandwiches, while others attempted to engage the supporters in some debate. At a point when the tension among the crowd seemed high, supporters chose to simply sit down and talk amongst themselves to defuse the situation.
One young white male suggested that Native Americans should just suck it up and take the mockery of UIUC's racist mascot. He said that he felt sympathy for oppressed minorities because "right now America is very anti-Christian" but he said he wouldn't complain if a school chose the "fighting jesuses" as their mascot.
Eventually falling temperatures led the reporters to go home, vowing to return at 7am on Friday. We hope to see you there too.
Look forward to ongoing coverage of the events at Swanlund here at the UCIMC website and on IMC Radio News on WEFT 90.1 FM on Monday. |
Related stories on this site: "Anti-Chief" update: Interview with sit-in-er Antar Jackson
| This work is in the public domain. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by ijustkrushalot uiuc.edu (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 16 Apr 2004
nice to see that our lame duck chancellor still has her finger firmly on the pulse of the student population...
First off... i came to realise something overnight... these clowns didn't just block the doors to the building... they have taken over the whole first floor and locked themselves in... my initial impression was that they just blocked the doors from the outside...
anyways... if was Chancellor here's what i would do...
1.) negotiations are over... you can continue your little protest through 5pm tonight... the office staff are probably deserving of a break.
2.) After 5pm, taxpayers quit footing the bill... water, gas, electricity are turned off.
3.) Just like the other circus in town in a couple weeks, you're gonna be sent the bill for police protection after 5pm
4.) you will be billed for ANY damage done to the building!! Including Cleanup costs!
5.) You will be sent the bill for any work time lost starting at 8am monday morning.
6.) the police will not interviene, no mace or anything like that... you leave when you feel like it... you'll be billed later
7.) Have a nice day! |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Joe Swartz JoSwar1256 (nospam) msn.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 1 16 Apr 2004
Reminds of an old song. Get a job. Get Get a Get a Job. Also a life. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Bob from Peoria bob (nospam) yahoo.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 5 16 Apr 2004
I love America, where people have the right to express their opinions, and also waste their time lobbying and communicating with a hobbit-like chancellor who's trying to stir up trouble before she hits the road for Syracuse.
I'm sure everybody in that building is REALLY upset, and more inclined to agree with the anti-chief stance now that a bunch of smelly college kids have been there for 18 hours. Nice work.
By the way, Calvin Brock declared for the Illini Basketball team today. HOORAY!! |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Why??? (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 14 16 Apr 2004
It'd be nice to hear some actual thoughtful criticism instead of stereotypical attacks on people who obviously are showing some thought and bravery against something they see as an injustice. "Smelly hippies"? The occupiers must be treating the building well--they even let an officer of the law in to ensure that nothing goes wrong to damage the building.
All I see are unreasoned hateful wishes of ill-will for the protesters. Why don't you just say, "Those damned colored kids are always stirring up trouble!" It'd be racist, but at least it would fit the facts of the situation better...
There are some decent people on the Pro-Chief side, but sometime it's hard to tell with all the hateful illogic coming out of that side. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Burt burt (nospam) yahoo.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 8 16 Apr 2004
Bravery? Give me a break, a bunch of non-native american kids with nothing else to do are sitting in a building, hoping that they can force their viewpoint on the silent majority while the aforementioned hobbit is still around stirring things up. And I sure am glad that these people "let the officer of the law into the building". They should be thankful that the officers of the law don't forcibly throw them out of the building. How brave. What a protestor, what a man! |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Chris Watts chriswwatts (nospam) hotmail.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 1 16 Apr 2004
"Hundreds of drunk university students walking past the building were oblivious to the sit in."
Hyperbole much? |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Zach Miller zach (nospam) chambana.net (unverified) |
Current rating: 17 16 Apr 2004
It should be noted that the occupiers of the building are to a large extent minority students and also a few professors. At least one Native American is inside the building representing a coalition of Native American families from throughout the midwest. The protestors have targetted a chief vote as one of their demands but they are also conscious of deeper issues for minorities in general at this university and they are calling for increased funding for all minority programs at the university.
Which isn't to say that white or non-native people do not have a right and a responsibility to speak out and act when they see injustice.
All this talk of majority doesn't hold water in a case about descrimination and racism. We live in a country that honors majority rules and MINORITY RIGHTS. We couldn't vote blacks back into slavery, we couldn't vote to establish christianity as the state religion, we couldn't vote to disallow mixed-race marriages, we couldn't vote to resegregate schools, and we can't vote to allow the continuation of a racist policy at the University of Illinois that creates a hostile environment for current and potential Native American students, faculty, and staff.
Martin Luther King Jr. led a MINORITY coalition of black and white folks in building occupations and sit down strikes and marches that shut down traffic other non-violent peaceful direct actions against racism. In his time, his detractors said the same things that are being said here. "Why can't they just be nicer about it." After 500 years of oppression the times for gentle quite submissive niceties are over. We want everyone to feel safe and comfortable at the UIUC, including that tiny tiny minority of Native Americans. That minority has rights too. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Zach Miller (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 9 16 Apr 2004
I used no hyperbole in my description of the hundreds of drunk college students.
The streets around Swanlund were flooded with students that night on foot, in cars, and on buses. We attempted to interview several of the folks and the vast majority of them didn't even know there was an occupation, others didn't know if it was pro-chief or anti-chief, others just wanted free sandwiches (there were multiple independent requests for free sandwiches). An entire car load of rowdy students were arrested for their drunken behavior (riding on the hood and bumper of the car, jumping in front of traffic, jumping in and out of the car). Many students walked up to us and told us how drunk they were.
I don't know where the hyperbole is. There were easily hundreds of students. Most of them were drunk. Most of them were oblivious to the protest. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by townie (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 2 16 Apr 2004
Why don't the cops just deliver a little surprise through the ventilation system in the form of chlorobenzylidene malononitrile (cs riot gas)? Ever been gassed? That stuff makes you forget about everything except trying to get away from it. I suppose the cops are trying the more passive tactics first, but I'll bet before Monday comes around we will see something like this. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Chris Watts chriswwatts (nospam) hotmail.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 2 16 Apr 2004
"The protestors have targetted a chief vote as one of their demands but they are also conscious of deeper issues for minorities in general at this university and they are calling for increased funding for all minority programs at the university. "
Whew...for a minute there I thought they'd just be wasting their time over a guy doing the splits during halftime. But since they're supporting a much GREATER cause, that the gentleman dancing at halftime is a threat to all things non-majority, they could really get some exposure. I mean, the Chief issue on it's own doesn't get enough attention; better to piggy-back on actual minority issues in hopes of showing up on the radar of an activist who actually cares about a subject that matters.
But let's get down to brass tacks, since you brought it up...
...which specific minority programs are in need of increased funding, and how are the protestors proposing the increases be made? |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Chuck chuck (nospam) yahoo.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 3 16 Apr 2004
Those darned college kids...off getting drunk and having a good time. We should all be outraged at them for not being aware of 20 people's agenda for UIUC. But thank goodness one native american is at Swanland to represent the entire population.
I think I would rather be sitting on the floor in Kam's than sit in the stench that probably is in Swanlund right now. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Erik (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 5 16 Apr 2004
The should have a sign that says
"We will not feed drunk college kids".
That way, the students won't come up to the protesters, and the protestors won't have to have contact with your "average" college student.
After all, isn't the goal to be as out of touch with the thoughts and ideas of the majority student body as possible? |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Chris Watts chriswwatts (nospam) hotmail.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 4 16 Apr 2004
"We attempted to interview several of the folks and the vast majority of them didn't even know there was an occupation, others didn't know if it was pro-chief or anti-chief, others just wanted free sandwiches (there were multiple independent requests for free sandwiches). "
Yeah, but you wrote that "Hundreds of drunk university students walking past the building were oblivious to the sit in..." when in actuality (and from your own rebuttal), you only actually talked to a few of these students who may or may not have known about the alleged protest.
Slight, but very important difference. Your original posts paints a picture of a roving band of drunkards, hell-bent on letting ignorance rule, with nothing to stop them from getting a free sandwich.
Your second post defending your words paints a much different picture. One of a typical college town (whether you'd like to believe it or not) where drunken rowdiness has been known to happen after midnight...but you let "several attempted interviews" cloud your opinion of every one of the passer-bys.
"Hyperbole much" stands. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Chris Watts chriswwatts (nospam) hotmail.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 16 Apr 2004
Sorry about the quad-post. Itchy trigger finger, I guess.... |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Webster's (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 9 16 Apr 2004
Main Entry: oblivĀ·iĀ·ous
Pronunciation: -vE-&s
Function: adjective
1 : lacking remembrance, memory, or mindful attention
How hard is it to observe a lack of "mindful attention"?
It's weird that the article paints a picture that is not most favorable possible of the sit-in--i.e. despite the protesters efforts, many students were "oblivious" to the goings on-- but people gunning for the journalist are still happy to snipe at the journalist through misinformation. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Zach Miller (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 11 16 Apr 2004
If rowdy oblivious drunken crowds are the norm on college campuses (and I agree that they probably are) then my intention was not to judge but to simply provide some context for the story.
It seems that some people are hell bent to assume that IMC stories are "making a point" rather than "telling a story". I am telling a story. I'm anti-chief and so my story will be just as biased as the pro-chief biased stories that appear in the News-Gazette. But ultimately a story has a setting and a mood. The setting and the mood of sitting with the protestors last night was one of being an island of seriousness in a sea of drunken revelry. I don't begrudge the drunks their fun. As long as no one gets hurt, let them have it. I'm just telling it like it was.
Ya'll are welcome to interpret as you wish. If you feel that this is not a momentous event after you hear my stories then that is your perogative. There's no need to argue with me. I'm just the messenger. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by Chris Watts chriswwatts (nospam) hotmail.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 16 Apr 2004
Yeah, the "journalist" fails in his attempt (by my scorecard) to show Illinois students (or more specifically, Pro-Chief students) in an unfavorable light as a bunch of alcohol-fueled jagoffs, but when he gets called on it, you run to his defense, saying that I'm "sniping."
That's rich. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by thorn (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 13 16 Apr 2004
"[portraying] Pro-Chief students...as a bunch of alcohol-fueled jagoffs" (asking to be given sandwiches)
Can't see shooting the messenger on this one, sounds pretty darned accurate to me. And sadly typical of the "pro-Chief" crowd as well. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by MAD AS HELL (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 1 16 Apr 2004
You see, here he is again and he's got other fascists expressing their opinion as well.
The UCIMC is a voice for the left and opinions other than ours should go elsewhere. M.L. I think you do a good job, but, I will no longer stand by while the right hyjacks our site with opinion, attacks and downright mean insults. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by jw (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 1 16 Apr 2004
I am a pro-chief student and alcohol fueled no doubt, but I'll have you know that I have never once asked for a sandwich.
I have come to the conclusion that there are people in this world who are so easily offended that no matter what mascot is chosen they will find an angle to label it as offensive. Clearly the majority of U of I students do not see the chief as offensive so I have to ask, what percentage would indicate that change is necessary? I know it's asking too much, but how about just accepting the fact that from time to time people will do things that you find offensive. Tolerance is a two-way street. |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by MAD AS HELL (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 1 16 Apr 2004
I am not ever going to let Jack Ryan have the last word. If it were up to me, he would never have any. It is time we dispense with the racial bigotry that is the chief. We have tried peaceful protest and this has failed. We need to use force. Silence Jack and Kill the Chief!!! |
Re: Anti-Chief Sit-in still going after 18 Hours |
by chuck chuck (nospam) yahoo.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 13 17 Apr 2004
mad as hell, you are obviously a tool. If you attempt to use force, that might wake up the 98% silent majority so they can beat you to a pulp. Jack Ryan, keep up the good work irritating these goofs. |