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Commentary :: Israel / Palestine
9-11 and The Zionist Connection Current rating: -2
13 Apr 2004
Why is it taboo to point the finger at Zionists and not at Bush for engineering 9-11? Bush collaborates with the Zionists to get re-elected but he shouldn't have to take the heat alone. All the guilty parties must be brought to trial.
Let’s all do our own supplementary 9-11 investigation, shall we?

Many of you have already done so.

From what I’ve read all around, it really does seem to me as if the Zionists conceived of the 9-11 event, aided and abetted it, as well as found some Arab Muslim fanatics to act as patsies to carry it out. Perhaps Daniel Lewin (a multi-millionaire Israeli internet mogul who also was an Israeli top secret commando for the IDF) was also a suicide bomber-commando in this case. The Mossad most definitely was involved with 9-11 and I think most likely participated in it fully with strategizing, supplied the funds, the high tech know-how and helped to implement it and made it all happen--- and REJOICED! Witnesses saw the “dancing Israeli spies” who were later detained. Sharon said it was “good for Israel”. And you can bet your last dollar that the Neocons also rejoiced and toasted to the event that they had actually specified that they had needed to happen to jumpstart their vision for the New World Order as spelled out at their website which they have since toned down their rhetoric a bit and they’ve actually now hidden their once bald-faced manifesto (which stated clearly that they needed a catastrophic Pearl Harbor style attack to happen ostensibly from “the enemy” to launch a massive imperialistic attack on the Middle East starting with Iraq.)

I thought I’d write an article connecting all the dots which clearly show how the Zionists are the most likely to have pulled off 9-11 (as well as probably using some Muslim fanatics as patsies), but after doing an internet search, I have found that others already have.

You may be surprised to know that David Duke has written one of the best articles to date about how the Zionists caused 9-11 to happen.
I never would have thought that someday I would be quoting David Duke, but there you have it.

Although I do not agree with his thoughts and writings on Blacks, I think he is right on the money when it comes to Zionism and the Zionists and the threat that they pose to America and the world at large. If you check out his article, I think you may be very surprised at the effective case he makes against the Zionists, and he provides many footnotes to back up his claims with evidence. By the way, you may not know that at this moment David Duke is a political prisoner and has a few more months to go (I believe) to serve in prison for trumped up charges of tax evasion--- the favorite weapon of political elites, like the Zionists, to get at their opponents. I admire David Duke, a former Louisiana Congressman, for his courage to speak out about the Zionists. After he came back from a tour of the Middle East and Russia telling the media there about his political beliefs about the Zionists, the Zionists in America swooped him up and put him in prison, for his political beliefs more than anything. Duke chose to go to prison rather than get bankrupted fighting the trumped up charges of tax evasion with a skewed justice system that would have found one way or another to put him in prison. At any rate, you can find more info about all that on the internet.

Back to the charge that Zionists actually orchestrated the 9-11 catastrophe with the express purpose of unifying American public opinion in support of Israel’s “war on terrorism”, which we all know is actually Israel’s war on all the countries that Israel wants to dominate and exploit in the Arab world, which began with Zionism in the late 1890’s but went into full force when Israel was created in 1948 ( Zionists have always used countries that have more money and power to help implement its Zionist goals of a Jewish supremacist state of Israel.

What better country to use than the world’s only Super Power, the United States of America, to hide behind while using their money, political clout and soldiers to accomplish their goals in the Middle East? Previously it was Britain, but when Britain did not do enough for the Zionists, the Zionists turned on the British (google “bombing of the King David Hotel”). Just like the Zionists turn on anyone who doesn’t “cooperate”. See what happens to any politician who doesn’t pledge unconditional allegiance to the Jewish state of Israel. Any politician who even asks for a more balanced approach to the Middle East? It’s political career suicide. Seen many articles in the papers criticizing Israel? Or even MENTIONING Zionism? Not likely, for as you know the US media is completely dominated by Zionists. Completely.

Everyone in the Middle East knows what Zionism is. Most Europeans know what Zionism is. Why is it that most Americans are unaware of what Zionism is? It’s because the Zionist-dominated media does not want Americans to know what Zionism is. Zionism is a nationalistic ideology that seeks to create and maintain a Jewish supremacist state in the area once known as Palestine at the expense of the indigenous non-Jewish people, the Muslim & Christian Palestinians, who have lived there for generations. Before the Zionists who are and were mostly Eastern European Jews arrived, the Jews who lived in Palestine lived in harmony with their Muslim and Christian neighbors. Zionists have terrorized the non-Jews in Palestine since day one of their arrival there.

At any rate, I will list some other websites that pertain to the case against Zionists with regards to 9-11 at the end of this article, with a couple other interesting links about the Israeli commando Daniel Lewin who died in one of the jets on 9-11.

By the way, as much as Arab Muslim fanatics and extremists may hate America, and justifiably so with regards to our government’s continuing massive support of Israel’s state-sponsored terrorism against the Palestinians and other Arab neighbors, I sincerely do not think that it is possible that they could have carried out 9-11 without the help of the Zionists and their vast network of intelligence, spies, high-tech expertise, zillions of dollars and political clout. Let’s face it: the Arab world IS severely handicapped when it comes to an intelligence network, spies, high-tech expertise, zillions of dollars and political clout. DUH. I sincerely doubt if the Arabs could have ever pulled 9-11 off themselves. NO WAY. All the Arabs have basically is passion for their cause and their corrupt, despotic leaders have lots of money which they spend on lavish lifestyles and they control their countries’ oil resources, so far anyway. Zionists on the other hand have it all and more so. Much more so than any one ethnic group, even more than your average White American Christian who is generally clueless, let’s face it. What the Zionists have worldwide is a collective strategy. And they have had it for a long, long time. They have been organizing and strategizing and now they have come into the zenith of their power and it means endless war, in order to subjugate the world to the Zionists’ liking, where they dominate EVERYTHING and EVERYONE. Unless, of course, Americans wake up and smell the coffee and demand their rights— their right to freedom of speech, their right to say NO to our government’s support of Israel’s endless racist war against the Palestinians and the Arab world, their right to demand that Israel and our own government to abide by UN Resolutions and International Law, NOW.

Unfortunately, too many Americans still rely on CNN or more appropriately it should be referred to as ZNN (Zionist News Network) for their news. I did a seach on CNN’s site for a story about the fact that many of the so-called hijackers of the 9-11 flights were actually cases of stolen identities. I couldn’t find any. But I did find the stories on BBC, the British equivalent of CNN. British is also heavily influenced by Zionists, but apparently Zionists don’t have quite the same stranglehold on Britain as they do on the USA. Americans simply cannot trust the Zionist-dominated media here in the USA for the real story. Only the Zionist spin is allowed. Americans must look beyond the New York Times (aka Jew York Times) and the Washington Post and actually ANY of the mainstream media and read the foreign newspapers and news items on the internet to get the full picture. Look at how much time American media spent covering Laci Petersen’s murder and the faux “rescue” of Jessica Lynch (whom psychiatrists say was “raped” but she just “doesn’t remember it” somehow!) in comparison to the murder of American peace activist Rachel Corrie by an Israeli soldier with a bulldozer in broad daylight!

By the way, the Saudis want the entire findings on any Saudi involvement with 9-11 to be made public, but our government is refusing to do that. Why? Because they would prefer to keep the US public thinking that the Saudis were the ones behind 9-11. In fact, because the real culprits are most likely to be the Zionists. As in the Israeli attack on the USS Liberty ( the Israelis wanted to blame it on Egypt, but when that became impossible to do, they claimed it to be a “tragic accident” when all eye-witnesses claim otherwise. Also do a google-search on “the Lavon Affair”, another blatant case of Zionists trying to frame Arabs for crimes that the Israeli Mossad did. The Israeli spies of the Mossad bombed American cinemas in Egypt and tried to make it look like it was the work of Muslim fanatics/extremists, when evidence was found that caught the Mossad red-handed.

I remember seeing something on TV, when I still watched it that is, about Arabs thinking that the Zionists were behind 9-11, and at the time I thought that was ludicrous. I now find it to be completely likely that the Zionists did indeed orchestrate 9-11, start to finish.

To sum it up, the Zionists have a near stranglehold on the American media and government, and unless Americans take it upon themselves to reclaim their country and the democratic values it stands for, we are doomed to endless war and terror. Simple as that. Do you or do you not want to have freedom of speech and equal rights and justice for ALL regardless of religion, race, ethnicity or gender? Then speak your mind NOW or forever hold your peace!

Here are a few interesting links, and I hope you will do your own research on 9-11 and Zionism as well.

www. david duke .com/writings/howisraelcaused911.pdf
(was he shot or stabbed or neither? was he sitting in 9A or 10A or what seat? conflicts conflicts.
maybe he was part of the mastermind of 9-11 and the hijacker patsies turned on him at the last moment?)
(this is an example of Israeli Zionist spin— see how they make Lewin into a “hero”)
A Summary:

Due to the long-time, long-term collective strategy of the Zionists to dominate the world in general, they were able to orchestrate 9-11 and make it happen.

Why? Their motivation: to unite and solidify the USA’s support of Zionist Israel’s goal to subjugate, dominate and exploit the entire Middle East under Zionist control. In the end, most likely, all Muslims and Christians everywhere will be completely marginalized and subjugated around the world, with Jerusalem as the capital under the New World Order. Please note how marginalized Christians are becoming even in America, and they are most definitely marginalized in Israel, where only Jews enjoy equal rights. Please note the intimidation tactics people face who are critical of the racist ideology of Zionism or the Zionist version of the Holocaust, which they use as a license to kill Palestinians and blackmail others into going along with it.

How then did the Zionists make 9-11 happen?

First, as the Zionist think-tank Project for New American Century pointed out, they stated back in 1996 a need for a Pearl Harbor style event to help galvanize the country around a war to be fought agaisnt Israel’s well-deserved enemies, beginning with Iraq, but extending to Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Libya, and the crown jewel--- Egypt. This is the Greater Israel the Zionists envision. It’s just the beginning. It won’t stop there until the whole world is their oyster.

Second, the Israeli Mossad took their cue from the New American Century and coordinated with their vast network of Zionist spies throughout the world particularly in the USA, to make 9-11 happen by taking the following steps:
A) Find the able and willing Muslim fanatics (as well as Zionist fanatics) to manipulate and enable them to carry out such a mission as 9-11.
B) Cultivate them, train them, give them funds, encouragement, and the technical expertise needed to pull off 9-11. Monitor them via phonetaps, etc. and double-agents.
C) Arrange all the checkpoints along the way to make sure that the dastardly deed would happen as planned: ie. At the airports, etc., coordinating all the flights, and ensuing events. Note that it has been reported even in mainstream America (Fox News*) that Israelis control Logan airport security (to their own ends in this case).
D) Israelis own the software for American telephone security with a backdoor to access all the info for their own means.(Fox News*)
*Note how Fox News broadcast some very revealing stories, a four part series on the Israeli spies, the Israeli software for phone security in America with the backdoor, etc. but never followed up on the stories. Obviously, it was just a bit TOO revealing for the Zionists’ liking. Fortunately, many Americans taped these shows.
Third step in the strategy to achieve the Zionist goals: Manipulate the media!

Twist the facts, omit many facts, spins the facts, make up lies--- all to make Americans think that Israel’s enemies are of course the enemies of American people. As Robert Fisk pointed out, Newsweek did a story on 9-11 and put an old picture of a Palestinian in a kaffiyeh (checked scarf) on the cover! A Palestinian who was not even involved with 9-11! No Palestinians were involved with 9-11! And who can forget how CNN (aka ZNN) endlessly broadcast a clip of some Palestinians rejoicing! According to some sources, the video clip again was taped even before 9-11 and was completely unrelated to 9-11! What about the story of the “dancing Israeli spies”? That’s one story that only briefly made it to the news! And that story has far greater implications and relevancy to 9-11.

Fourth step in the strategy to achieve Zionist goals: Keep asking for more money from the US and escalate the persecution of non-Jews in Israel: the stealing of Palestinian land while demolishing Palestinians’ homes, and building a massive Apartheid Wall, while killing Palestinians both randomly and in targeted assassinations on an almost daily basis, as well as starving the entire Palestinian population in the Gaza Strip. All in an effort to force Palestinians out of their own ancestral homeland to make way for Jews.

Fifth step in the strategy to achieve Zionist goals: Provide false intelligence / information and phony reasons for the US to attack Iraq (and then Iran, Syria and so on): Not only to wage war to subjugate Arabs, but to take their resources, like OIL, as in how the Zionists are working to re-open the pipeline from Iraq to Haifa and divert it from Syria. Just google-search “Israeli pipeline from Iraq to Haifa”. Get non-Jewish politicians in on the action by promising them lucrative re-building contracts. Talk about modern-day Judases! For a few pieces of silver, they will betray their country’s best interests, and get lots of people killed and sacrificed in the process. Israel has publicly admitted to “being a full partner in providing faulty intelligence along with the US and Britain” about WMD and so on. Let’s get it right, however. Israel and Zionists were more than “full partners”--- they were and are no doubt the leaders of seeking to produce false intelligence in order to try to justify a war on Iraq. Once again, Israel and Zionists always hide behind the US’ and Britains’ apron strings, on top of milking (bilking) the cash cow (American taxpayers) nearly dry. Don’t you think we could use those billions of tax dollars better here in the USA and NOT in fighting racist Zionist Israel’s wars?

Just who is going to stop the Zionist war machine? It’s up to the American people so spread the word. We must develop our own collective strategy to hold our government responsible for its treacherous support of Israel and demand an end to unconditional support of Zionism and the Zionist state of Israel. We must shun and marginalize Zionism as the racist ideology that it is and demand equal rights for all, here in the US as well as any country which receives any of our tax dollars.

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Re: 9-11 and The Zionist Connection
Current rating: 0
29 Oct 2004
who are you trying to fool?