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News :: Elections & Legislation |
Patriots For Gore |
Current rating: 1 |
by P. Beard Email: pbeard (nospam) (unverified!) |
20 Dec 2003
After September 11 foreign policy experience, military service and national security credentials are now longer merely bonus attributes in a President; they are leadership characteristics that are fundamental in a president, now is not the time for a President in Training...51,000.000 Americans went to the polls on Nov. 7, 2000 to cast a vote for the promise and the hope that Al Gore envisioned for our country, our nation and the world in which we all live. Although much has changed in the world since that day, I believe we need that hope and that vision more today, than ever before. Gore alone has the experience and the credentials to defeat a sitting President in a time or war.
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If you are undecided, ask yourself these questions. What other person living on this planet today is called on by nearly every foreign nation to speak on international problems – and – what other person has the stature and credibility nationally to work with and resolve our great and growing national problems. Don’t settle for less – stand up and be counted. Your country needs you – can you do less? JOIN MILLIONS OF VOTERS NATIONWIDE WRITE IN AL GORE IN 2004 Contact your Democratic State and County chair, and find out how you can cast your vote for Al Gore in your Presidential primary or caucuses.
See also: |
Ask Yourself These Questions... |
by P. Beard pbeard (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 3 22 Dec 2003
Bush is afraid of the damage that Harris would do to him in FL, how do you think he would feel about the damage Al Gore could do.I think we should all be thinking about that. As things stand now, we will not win in 2004. The DNC is now focused on 2008. There would not be talk of 2008, if anyone really believed the current Democratic candidates had a chance in h*ll of wining the upcoming election. We are all so caught up in who will win the nomination, that we have lose sight of wining the general election. If Dean is the party's choice, then look for Osama Ads 24-7 and game over.
Bush is riding high on the hog right now, he has no problem with facing anyone of the current flock of candidates, it's a walk in the park for him. The only thing that he thought was a possible threat to him, was Harris, and he took her out quickly. If this is his weakness, as he himself has proclaimed it to be true through his actions, then why are we not taking advantage of that, and running Gore? Gore has already shown he is up to the fight, and he is much more qualified than Dean to defeat this President. Gore has been taking on this President for the past two years, very effectively, setting the agenda for people like Dean.
Why not run a Gore/Dean ticket and be done with it. We will take away the national security and credibility issues, and gather the swing and independents we will need to defeat Bush. We would then be playing our best hand, and the only hand capable of exploiting the weaknesses of our opponent. If we continue on the current path, we will all have to put up with another four years of George W. Bush in the Oval Office. Is that OK with You? |
See also: |
Re: Patriots For Gore |
by Jan Moore freeamerica04 (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 22 Apr 2004
My name is Jan Moore, and I am the Chairperson of a Federal PAC, Patriots For Gore. Our website at will give you the information you need to find out about our goals. Up to this point, however, we have been working with a small group of dedicated Americans on limited resources to restore the Presidency won by Albert Gore Jr. in 2000 to him, and also to restore the Democracy of our nation, and seek restitution for the American people for a travesty of justice that our media and our govt. have decided to sweep under the rug. We believe that Congress has the authority to legislate that Albert Gore Jr. assume the Presidential term he was elected to by the electorate in 2000, on January 20th, 2005, once the illegitimate term of George W. Bush has ended. We would also like to see legislation put forward in our Congress that will address this type of injustice should it arise again.
This is also more than a matter of Democracy and justice to us, it is a matter of national security. A country with a legitimate leader is perceived as stronger and unified. We do not have that now, and we believe the inaction of our Congress to not seek proper redress for the unconstitutional methods employed to secure the Presidency for George W. Bush in 2000 have resulted in America and our world being taken down a road to disaster, because the voices and the will of the people were ignored.
I wished to inform you that Patriots For Gore has issued a petition to the U.S. Congress regarding the restoration of Albert Gore Jr. to his elected position of President. This is the link to the petition, , and I am sending it on to you in the hope that you would somehow get word of this out, and also get word out that we exist. Even Mrs. Blair, the wife of PM Tony Blair of Great Britain, besides other world leaders, have made claims in the media that Al Gore won the 2000 election. The world knows it, and the evidence mounting these past four years which has not made the American mainstream media, suggests it as well. We are here to tell Americans that we are fighting to get the truth out, but that sometimes isn't easy here.
Americans can no longer afford to ignore their Democratic process out of complacency, expediency, or convenience. I truly do believe there are more who wish to preserve our heritage than are willing to speak up, perhaps out of conformity and even fear. We need to find a way to tell them that they aren't alone. For these past four years are only a taste of the wrath Bush will level upon us and the world should we not take action. Of course however, in this country, a group like ours would most definitely be ignored and silenced now, since we stand for truth. We are hoping that your organization will at least give us a chance to inform others that we exist, and that all in America do not subscribe to the New American Empire as dictated by George W. Bush. We intend to stand up for Al Gore, but more importantly, for the American people and the future we have lost without his leadership.
We would appreciate your help regarding this very much as we are a small grassroots group, because it would reach more Americans and others who believe in Democracy who seek a way to approach Congress about this crucial matter of importance to the future of our nation. Considering where this country is now headed, and based on the fact that we at Patriots For Gore do not believe John Kerry can win over Bush, and that this campaign should not even be waged based on the unconstitutionality of Bush's term, this effort is even more imperative than it ever was. We are planning to send this petition on to the U.S. Congress in July, and we have also been sending letters to Congress and others on a continuous basis as well regarding what we are doing in other efforts. That will not stop, and neither will our conviction to see this through to the end. Without legitimate leaders at the helm, we are seen as weak and vulnerable as we become more divided. We also cannot allow Bush to steal another election, nor can we allow our Congress which has a responsibility to the American people based on the oath they took to ignore this any longer.
If you wish to contact me for more information, I can be reached at
freeamerica04 (at)
Thank you very much,
Jan Moore,
Patriots For Gore |