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News :: Globalization : Government Secrecy : International Relations : Miscellaneous : Peace |
Army Retaliation against Sgt. Donald Buswell, the 911 NCO |
Current rating: 0 |
by Captain Eric H. May Email: captainmay (nospam) (verified) Address: Houston, Texas |
29 Aug 2006
The US Army has done the only thing it could do in its attempt to undermine the "911 NCO," Sergeant Donald Buswell, who has become a central figure in the 911 Truth Movement by calling for a new 911 investigation -- and being attacked for it. Sergeant Buswell, it turns out, has powerful comrades in the State Department who present a big problem for a military bent on defaming him for his position of principle and his mission of conscience. |
Army Retaliation against Sergeant Donald Buswell, the 911 NCO
A Follow-Up Report to the US Army Inspector General (8/29/06)
Introduction to the Inspector General
Dear Lieutenant General Green,
Journalists and editors with whom I regularly discuss Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell have expected an act of official retaliation against him before long. As you already know, I filed a formal complaint of prior official retaliation against him with your office recently. Here is the chronology of events to present:
Four weeks ago Sergeant Buswell, a 19-year Army intelligence analyst at Fifth Army, suggested that the nation re-examine the 911 investigation.
Three weeks ago the 911 Commission published a new book saying that the military had deliberately misled it in its investigation.
Two weeks ago Sergeant Buswell was placed under investigation and suspended from duties by the Army for disloyalty for questioning the official 911 story. I file a complaint with the Army Inspector General.
One week ago an article about Sergeant Buswell appeared in the Lone Star Iconoclast, a mainstream publication with a worldwide reputation and considerable Congressional readership.
This weekend the US Army's Signal Corps posted an article attacking Sergeant Buswell: Anti-War Left Gets Help from Unexpected Quarter While the writer misrepresents much, he cites such important articles, like my prior complaint to your office, as part of his attack on Sergeant Buswell.
Defending the Loyalty of Ghost Troops
In the article, the Signal Corps writer also attacks Ghost Troop, the cyber-intelligence unit of which Sergeant Buswell is one of many notable members, asserting that membership in our unit constitutes disloyalty. In a similar vein, the writer also attacks Ambassador Chase Untermeyer, who is currently serving in Qatar, and is a CENTCOM familiar. He asserts that Ambassador Untermeyer's membership in Ghost Troop is disloyal as well, and calls for his investigation.
Allow me to clarify how the the ambassador came to be a Ghost Troop.
Chase Untermeyer and I have been close friends for over a decade. We shared many of the same editorial and political connections in Houston before the Iraq war, and he was my mentor as well as friend. We met regularly for years, and never tired of exchanging ideas and analysis about everything imaginable. When George W. Bush was the governor of Texas, Chase introduced me to the Bush team as a good candidate to become GWB's speech writer. He also introduced me to the Wall Street Journal and NBC, news organizations for which I later wrote both editorials and essays. He was my best man in my 2002 wedding.
Chase and I were in close contact when I formed Ghost Troop, and since he was a former Assistant Secretary of the Navy (under President Reagan), I offered him command of Ghost Troop shortly after forming it in the summer of 2003. He knew and understood my motives for forming the unit, and declined command, but requested to serve as the unit chaplain instead.
Conclusion and Request for Investigation
General Green, as the Ghost Troop Commander, I know my Ghost Troops, especially important ones like Ambassador Untermeyer and Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell. By their membership in our unit, they vouch for me and mine, their comrades in Ghost Troop. We are as proud of our members and missions as any military unit in the US Armed Forces. We enjoy a unique camaraderie because we have always served the oath, and obeyed the duty, of duty of the US Armed Forces.
In its recent Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld decision, the Supreme Court has decided to hold all government officials responsible for illegal acts, even when those who commit them claim special exemption from law or national defense justifications. Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld will dictate the way future investigations will judge present acts like the current one of official retaliation. I believe the very existence of Ghost Troop, formed out of many Armed Services veterans from many echelons of command, will make it clear that the Armed Forces teach their men how to act rightly, even though some unworthy members of the Armed Forces have been acting wrongly.
I request that you investigate the Signal Corps article written against Sergeant Buswell, Ambassador Untermeyer and Ghost Troop.
Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
PS: Last week I gave a national update on Ghost Troop in a one-hour interview with journalist Michael Wolsey: I shall presently post this complaint as an article of evidence to you and the American People.
captainmay (at)
Houston, Texas |
 This work is in the public domain |
by Captain Eric H. May captainmay (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 31 Aug 2006
Foreword to Lt. General Green
US Army Inspector General
Thank you for your correspondence of yesterday, answering my article about Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell, the decorated Active Duty Army intelligence analyst and a Ghost Troop, and who is a member of Ghost Troop. He is connected with another Ghost Troop you know, US Ambassador Chase Untermeyer (Qatar), a former Asst. Secretary of the Navy.
As you know, these two patriots, like all Ghost Troops, have been involved in and witnesses to suspicious terror drills in the last three years, the particulars of which are now being covered by the media and investigated by your office. We are issuing a red alert on the basis of an alarming article from the Chicago Sun-Times, which we think describes a an attempt by US officials to stage a "Chicago 9/11" attack on September 7, 2006:
Since the danger at hand involves people and matters central to a case you're already working on, has Army connections and represents a grave threat to the American People, I request that you take all appropriate actions to protect our citizens and constitution. Ghost Troop will be following up on this alert with another public affairs mission, like those you are already investigating that involved our members Ambassador Untermeyer and SFC Buswell. I am quite willing -- even eager -- to discuss our methodology with any interested intelligence professional, and can be reached through my editor at the Lone Star Iconoclast, Mr. Leon Smith.
Notes on Mayor Daley and his Chicago 9/11 Exercises in May, 2006
In the Chicago Sun-Times article, Mayor Daley's gives strong assurances that the 9/7 Chicago 9/11 exercises are nothing to worry about. His words, though, don't reassure us at all. As you know from your Ghost Troop IG case, we detected and published an earlier Chicago 9/11 drill, suspiciously like this one, that had been set up secretly by Homeland Security early in 2006, and was set to run this May (5/2 - 5/4). On 4/26, alerted to exercises by our Internet associates, we contacted involved officials and learned about the exercise, which simulated the collapse of a major building, which we believe was the Sears Tower.
On 4/26 -- the same day -- we issued a red alert, and sent it to Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich via his National Guard and Chicago Police, as well as via other military commands. We also published it internationally on the Internet. The next day Governor Blagojevich issued a press release confirming the exercise details we had reported. Things seemed quites suspicious, especially after we later found out that Mayor Daley was away from Chicago during the terror exercises -- in Israeli with Israeli intelligence services.
Setting the Stage with Time Running Out
Time is running out for the Bush Administration, which explains everything else. The US media, which has sold every official story to lead the nation to war after 9/11, is currently preparing the American People for the planned Chicago 9/11 terror attack. In July they reported that Al Qaeda "homegrown" terrorists in Florida were planning to destroy the Sears Tower (Chicago). In August they reported an Al Qaeda terror plot to destroy UK-US airplanes over the Atlantic, and pointed out that the attack was to have been bloodier than 9/11 itself. The story line so far leads to something like a Chicago 9/11, with a catastrophic body count.
If the attack doesn't happen before the Congressional elections in November, it will be a disaster for the Bush Administration. Congress will be overrun by Democrats who have difficult questions to which there are no easy answers. Future Congressional leaders are already mentioning possible oversight, investigation and impeachment of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney and Donald Rumsfeld. When the Nixon Administration once reached this low point, the Armed Forces were alert against the possibility that they might use the military to create an emergency situation -- like another 9/11.
This current Congress can still be relied on to avoid doing its duty, especially if it is hit with an attack, like the one five years ago, just as it returns from the summer recess. Several months ago some Congressional leaders made speeches about requiring the Bush Administration to ask for Congressional approval -- as required by the Constitution -- before starting a war with Iran. Since then, though, it has allowed itself to be ignored, meaning that the Bush Administration still has the green light to do whatever it wants -- at least until a new Congress comes to power.
The Israel Lobby is pushing for a regional war with Iran, starting with a strategic air strike against it that would likely result in a world war. As far as Israel's concerned, this is an "existential" war -- for their very existence. To them, any reduction in the US presence in the region is the beginning of their end. Before the Iraq war, they pushed hard for an invasion, saying that the road to Jerusalem passed through Baghdad, and the Bush Administration complied. Now that things in the Mideast are a mess, they are pushing for an attack, this time saying that the road to Jerusalem passes through Tehran, and the Bush Administration is complying.
The post-9/11 war plan to dominate the Middle East has failed, with a disastrous quicksand war in Iraq. We can't continue to fight as we have fought. The public is burned out, though, just like the volunteer military that has been deployed for the last four years. The Bush Administration must either pull out of the geopolitical game or double its bets by escalating the war to win back its losses. The American People will never allow an unpopular leader to gamble their lives, liberties and children on an expanded war -- unless there's another 9/11.
A Family Affair -- with Cult Codes
Last week the current President Bush (43) met with the former President Bush (41), which may have been a meeting to prepare for the next 9/11 and World War Three. They were shown in "attack boat" photos reminding us of Senior's service in Navy during World War Two, speeding toward martial glory. It was a war propaganda photo, much like when Bush 43 took "Mission Accomplished" photos in a pilot uniform after his Mayday landing on the USS Abraham Lincoln shortly after the Iraq war began in April, 2003.
This week the Bush Administration has begun to use world war rhetoric about saving Western Civilization from political enemies. It has called all parties who oppose US domination of the Middle East Islamo-fascists, and all those who don't want to fight them Appeasers, like who wrongly tried to avoid the last world war. The signs and speeches are emphatic:
"We need to attack Iran, the new Fascist Germany. Those who don't agree with us are blind and dangerous to our homeland. History will approve us, and future generations will thank us."
In photos from their recent meeting, the two Bushes wore the distinctive numbers they wore for the first time the weekend they met after 9/11. The hat numbers are 41 for the senior Bush, and 43 for the junior Bush, and mark their order in the presidential number sequence. Numbers are always of high interest to the Bush family. Generations of Bush men have belonged to a elite secret society, the Skull and Bones, which uses codes like those that show show up in the dates of terror attacks.
The Skull and Bones are small in number, but quite dangerous, as they gravitate toward the controlling positions in the nation's war apparatus of intelligence and military services. They idealize war as the highest (and most profitable) pursuit. They control the US Intelligence services at present, through Skull and Bones member John Negroponte. Negroponte is the most powerful US intelligence official in history, installed as National Intelligence Director. The Skull and Bones have provided two out of the last three presidents with Bush 41 and Bush 43, and were positioned to hold the presidency no matter who won the election of 2004, since both Bush 43 and his opponent, John Kerry, were Skull and Bones members. The US Media mentions none of this.
Chicago's Target Dates: 9/7, 9/9, 9/11
Coded dates gives them a secret calendar of time lines and deadlines for staging terror events. They use numbers as their blueprint, like masons building a temple of great detail and size, and they consider it an art form. They choose what they consider to be powerful numbers, and their patterns are not at all coincidental.
9/7 is the most likely date for a Chicago 9/11 attack. They've already prepared the exercise for that target date, and say they are ready for anything. Note that the number of the date is a descending odd-number code: 9, 7. This may match up with the numbers in the Bush hats, with Bush "43" meaning 4+3 or 7; and Bush "41" meaning 4+1 or 5. Thus the exercise date, 9, 7 is part of sequence that also contains the Bush numbers, 7, 5
9/9 is a dangerous, too. Remember how they used the date 7/7 (London) as a link to 7/11 (Mumbai). Using the same coding, they may want to link a 9/9 (Chicago) to 9/11 (NY/DC). Just as 7x11 (Mumbai) = 77 (London), so 9x11 (NY/DC) = 99 (Chicago). The 9/9 date is rich with code possibilities.
9/11 is quite an important date this year, since it's the 5th anniversary of the original 9/11. It has a frightening symmetry, too, when you examine the full date of 9/11/06 and remove the zero, as they do. Notice that the resulting 9/11/6 gives a most rare number, which, if you flipped it over, would give you a 6/11/9. It's a sort of mirror number, their sort of number, which means nothing to the unaware but screams out its significance to those who understand the number code. Finally, this year's 9/11 may be a hidden "5/11," since it's the "5th" anniversary of the original "11" of 9/11. If we have a 5/11 "secret date" for "the fifth 9/11" then it would complete their major attacks coded date sequence:
9/11 (NY/DC)
7/11 (Mumbai)
5/11 (Chicago)
3/11 (Madrid)
More Details of a Terror Plot
They originally said Al Qaeda would attack the Sears Tower back on 9/11, when reported that the Sears Tower (Chicago) and the Library Tower (Los Angeles) were on the original Al Qaeda target list. They've been preparing the attack since then. Larry Silverstein, who has close connections to Israel, runs the Sears Tower, and made his bid to purchase the Sears Tower on the very day of the 2004 Madrid: 3/11. He's the same Larry Silverstein who was the owner of the Twin Towers on 9/11.
The Sears Tower has 110 floors, as did each of the Twin Towers. Remove the zero in 110 and find the code number "11." The Sears Tower zip code is the scariest number of them all. It's 60606, which becomes "666," a destruction number if there ever was one.
The US media repeatedly reports that Al Qaeda returns to its attack any target it has already tried to attack. Again, according to the US media's Al Qaeda script, Chicago has been a marked target since the 9/11/01. Should a Chicago 9/11 occur soon, the US media will be quick to point out that the attack wasn't really a surprise at all.
If the Chicago 9/11 event occurs, the Bush Administration will have achieved its goal of creating a pretext for World War Three. It will use nuclear weapons against Iran, which will respond with region-wide attacks in the Middle East, effectively beginning a major war. The Bush Administration will then mobilize the USA, which currently suffers, Bush 43 tells us, of a "strained psyche."
All of this will mean a return to the draft, economic deprivation and further tightening of national police powers -- and more 9/11's, if necessary. It will also begin official retaliations against patriot groups like Ghost Troop who have caused so many problems for high officials who conspired to commit mass murder and high treason against the American People.
Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
PS about Prior Evidence
Had it not been for the Ghost Troop involvement in alerting Chicago to the prior 9/11 exercise held in May (5/2 - 5/4), I believe the Chicago 9/11 attack would already have occurred. Without our efforts no warning of the secret exercises would have reached the public, and no impediment would have stopped the plan. I offer the three resources below to any who are interested in what happened last time, and how close we came to the next 9/11 then. If we are not vigilant, we will not do so well this time.
1. My red alert letter to Illinois Governor Blagoevich, Illinois National Guard, Indiana National Guard and Chicago Police, prior to the May 2-4 exercises:
2. A resource page prepared by the Irish 911 Truth Movement on our role the May 2-4 Chicago 911 attempt, which contains my interviews with broadcast media as the situation developed:
3. My most recent radio interview, with references to my intelligence writings for the Lone Star Iconoclast, discussing Ghost Troop's methods and history, and explaining SFC Buswell's role in our unit:
Houston, Texas
www.ghosttroop |
Army cracks Al Qaeda code: Mission 9/11-V |
by Captain Eric H. May captainmay (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 05 Sep 2006
Army cracks Al Qaeda code: Mission 9/11-V
Attn: Army Inspector General: 9/5/06
Dear General Green,
We have been spreading the word that there is a great danger of another Al Qaeda attack between now and 9/11/06, the fifth anniversary of the 9/11/01 attack. We use the mission code name of 911-V, with the V representing the 5th anniversary attack threat, about which we have been in communication with you and other chief officials since last week.
Cracking the Al Qaeda Code
As you also know, SFC Donald Buswell (5th Army), assisted me greatly in breaking the Al Qaeda code. Our results are being published widely in our newspaper articles and heard widely through my radio interviews. We both became aware of it only after the 3/11 (2004) Al Qaeda attack on Madrid, when intelligence circles began to ask what it might mean that there were 911 days in between 9/11 and 3/11 (not counting either the 9/11 or 3/11 dates).
After 3/11 we found that there were more 11-series attacks to come. Two months ago there were 7/11 bombings in Mumbai. Amman was attacked in 2005 on 11/9 teaching us that Al Qaeda often encodes dates running backwards, (as in the Arabic and Hebrew writing systems).
7/11 joined the odd-numbered 11-series attacks:
9/11, 7/11 ... 3/11
Other attacks are related to the 11-series code. For instance, when we take 7/11 Mumbai we find numbers that, multiplied, give us 7/7 London.
Al Qaeda used an 11-series code in the first Bali attack (2002), which was on 10/12. To decode we have learned to remove zeros, since they're "not there." Then, we read backwards -- as we do with the 11/9 Amman attack. 10/12 then gives us a 2/11.
The second Bali attack, in 2005, was 10/1, which is read without the zero as a simple 11: (0)/11. The even-numbered 11-series attacks create a sequence for the southern hemisphere:
(0)/11, 2/11
Power Numbers for the Pentagon
Based on our decoding, we believe an Al Qaeda attack is highly likely between 9/6/06 and 9/11/06. Before explaining the significance of the master date of 9/11/06, I'll examine 5 subordinate dates immediately before it: 9/6, 9/7, 9/8, 9/9, 9/10.
Al Qaeda considers the numbers 6 and 9 to be "rotational twins," meaning that they're the same number if you just flip them over. Thus 9/6 or 6/9 are really a 66 or 99 to Al Qaeda. Accordingly, 9/6/06 is a 666 code. In our experience, they have often used anti-Christian code numbers like 666.
The 7 occurs between rotating twins 96 -- and the "rotational pair" distill down to an 11, as was the case in the 7/7 in London. The 7 in the middle of the 9/6 twins (11), then becomes 7/11, which they used in Mumbai two months ago.
The 8 occurs between 9/6 (11). This even-numbered 11-series attack would be irregular in the northern hemisphere. There has never been an even-numbered 11-series attack in the north hemisphere, but it's certainly possible. An 8/11 would join the Bali sequence of even-11's:
(0)/11, 2/11 ... 8/11.
This is another anti-Christian 666 code. It's important to realize that a 9/9 would also match the 9/11 attack in the same way that 7/7 London matches 7/11 Mumbai. It is doubly dangerous for that reason.
This is very close to 9/11/06, and is just a day and a digit away. Drop the zeros in 9/10/06 and find 9/1/6. The twins become an 11, and the 1 joins them as 1/11, and joins other attack numbers:
9/11, 7/11 ... 3/11, 1/11
9/11-V (9/11/06): Due Date for a 5-Year Plan
We believe that Al Qaeda is fulfilling in a master cycle of 5 years, and 9/11/06 is the last day for their whole cycle, not just a 9/11-V attack plan. A 5-year plan explains the 3/11 Madrid mid-way point in the plan, since 3/11 which is exactly halfway between 9/11/01 and 9/11/06. 3/11 is 30 months from each date.
9/11/06 is Al Qaeda's last chance to follow up their original 9/11 attack, and it is tried and true. They already used 9/11 -- 5 years ago. In Al Qaeda's code, this may make it the 11-series attack 5/11. The year number 5 would simply take over the month number 9 to join the 11. As 5/11, it join and complete the attack sequence:
9/11, 7/11, 5/11, 3/11
On the other hand, we we could take it as a simple 9/11/6 code. In that case the 9/6 twins become an 11, and the other 11 makes it 11/11. It joins the attack sequence:
11/11, 9/11, 7/11 ... 3/11
If we take it to be both 5/11 and 11/11, then it is an emphatic conclusion of a 5-part Al Qaeda 11-series sequence of attacks:
11/11, 9/11, 7/11, 5/11, 3/11
Revolutionary Resources for Researchers
General Green, to finish as I started, many of us in Ghost Troop have worked hard over the Labor Day weekend to provide a simple article and interview that will better serve the American People in their war against Al Qaeda.
The technique we have pioneered of synthesizing military intelligence with public affairs has achieved revolutionary results. I believe we have made a quite strong case for our Mission 9/11-V red alert with the interview and article at:
The RED ALERT: 9/11/06 is at the top of the page, with Mission 911-V at the bottom, and between those two lines are links to our best article and best interview of the Labor Day weekend.
I shall include this vital communication as a part of the link shortly after you have received it. SFC Buswell and I are like the loyal men who broke the Japanese codes World War Two, and nearly prevented Pearl Harbor. Using our work to break the Al Qaeda code, we intend to make sure there isn't another Pearl Harbor.
I request that you forward my work to the Joint Chiefs for immediate action to protect the American People, and to defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign or domestic.
Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
PS: to Pentagon Planners
It's an ironic coincidence that the 5-sided Pentagon can now stop the 5-year Al Qaeda plan. If the Al Qaeda plan fails, Al Qaeda may fail along with it. There is a most encouraging recent report from the India Daily that Bin Laden is thinking of a surrender:
Captain Eric H. May
captainmay (at)
Houston, Texas |
See also: |
FW: RED ALERT: CHICAGO 9/11 (Unclassified, Mission 9/11-V) |
by Captain Eric. H. May captainmay (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 0 07 Sep 2006
(Unclassified, Mission 9/11-V)
Prologue from the Pentagon
SAIG-ASSISTU-IGNET Mailbox <saigassistu (at)> wrote:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Captain May,
Perhaps you have the wrong agency. The Department of the Army is not
responsible for addressing criminal matters. I recommend you revaluate your
concerns and submit them to one of the agencies responsible for handling
issues of this magnitude. I am certain you know who they are. I am sorry
we could not be more helpful regarding your efforts.
Attn: US Army Inspector General
Dear General Green,
Above you see the reply I received from the Department of the Army about
the red alert we have issued in the last week to Chicago, Detroit and
Houston. In it Army supports my charge that the Bush Administration is
preparing to stage another 9/11 around the 5th 9/11 (9/11-V) since the
original attack, and encourages me to report it. Having said so much,
though, Army says no more, and fails utterly to defend the American People.
To complete the proof of a conspiracy of silence, the Army has placed a
warning statement, written in red for emphasis, ordering that I am NOT to
spread the alert that it has just ordered me to spread:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO
The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying attachments
may contain Inspector General sensitive information, which is protected from
mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 USC
§552. Matters within IG records are often predecisional in nature and do not
represent final approved DA policy. Dissemination is prohibited except as
authorized under Army Regulation 20-1. Do not release outside of DA channels
without prior authorization from The Inspector General. If you are not the
intended recipient of this information, any disclosure, copying,
distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on this information is
prohibited. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify us
immediately by return e-mail.
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
[Back to Army Inspector General...]
General Green, what's happening as a 9/11-V attack is being arranged is
quite like what happened before the Pearl Harbor attack. Then, as now, the
military command shut down, closed its eyes, and allowed the attack to
occur. For the full text of the Army reply from which I have extracted
above, please refer to:
NASA Treason and Discovery: 7/28/05
NASA's delay in launching the space shuttle Atlantis indicates a delay in
the 9/11-V attack. We have been involved in two Houston-area warnings of
petrochemical events that coincided with the only two shuttle launches in
the last two years. On 7/26/05, NASA launched Discovery, then on 7/28/05
British Petroleum, Texas City, blew up, sending oil prices (and profits) to
the highest levels in history before Katrina. This mission coincided with
the use of an air-burst nuclear weapon, or a similar weapon, being deployed
south of Houston, and is the content of the most listened-to of my
interviews as Ghost Troop Commander:
Teknosis created an ongoing article from our mission files that showed how
the shuttle mission was used to set up a Texas City attack, which would have
been the much-promised Al Qaeda nuke attack the media was setting up last
summer: In
that article you'll find that we were suppressed by the FBI and Secret
Service as we tried to alert the American People, much as we are countered
by the Signal Corps now.
NASA Treason and New Horizons: 1/31/06
NASA's launch of the New Horizons Mission was heavily coded, with a 1/19
launch (9/11 backwards). It is a 9-year mission to the 9th planet, Pluto,
named after the Roman god of death: After this
event we put Texas City under red alert again for another attempt at a
false-flag nuke by the Bush Administration, predicting the attempt would be
1/31/06 (1/31 is an anagram of the Madrid 3/11 attack code).
The result of our mission was another success -- and mainstream media
reported that secret Dept. of Defense nuclear assets were present in the
Texas City area. I conducted an interview after we confirmed the nuke
attempt, which contains links to the confirmation article in Galveston
County Daily News:
NASA Treason and Discovery: 7/2/06
Ghost Troop figured that the next NASA launch of Discovery would also be
in concert with an attempt at an attack, and again we were right. The
original date for the launch was 7/1. The Exxon Mobil refinery in Baytown,
like Texas City, a Houston petro-suburb exploded on 7/2, again resulting in
the highest oil prices in history when the markets reopened after the July
4th holiday. In a 6/29/06 interview, I was explicit about the danger ahead,
and my prediction was validated by the event:
We note that there is another NASA shuttle launch, Atlantis, set for
tomorrow, and believe that it will be used to signal, and possibly assist,
with the 9/11-V attack. This is high treason.
Coded Messages for 9/11-V Attack
In the last two weeks, there have been several coded stories that show the
Bush Administration is preparing for the 9/11-V attack
8/27: Flight 5191:
In this story, from the Sunday before last, an aviation disaster (staged)
was reported as a way of conveying code. The flight number says it all:
5191, which is the 5th 9/11, once you unscramble it (5/9/11). This was
immediately after both Bush 41 and Bush 43 met in Kennebunkport, and was the
"go code" for the 9/11-V attack.
9/3: Iraq War KIA = 9/11 WTC KIA (2749)
In this story, the Pentagon releases the numeric code number that is
identical to the 9/11 WTC death count of 2749. The body counts equal, a
freak occurrence. Please note the confirmation of the WTC body count via a
2005 article:
This was a Pentagon "go code" for the 9/11-V attack.
I note here for those who read the Al Qaeda code that the number 2749 has
a two-step increase of even numbers as the 1st and 3rd numbers: 2 ... 4;
and has a two-step increase of odd numbers as the 2nd and 4th numbers: ...
7 ... 9. This is code.
Signal Corps Treason and RTO Trainer
the pending 9/11-V attack. It has continued to the present, after a week of
constant harassment of our cyber-communications.
The Signal Corps magazine Signaleer, led by "RTO Trainer" is attempting to
undermine the very code analysis that the Army just recommended I report to
other agencies, and we thereby infer that the Signal Corps has the
responsibility for enabling the false-flag 9/11-V attack by attacking anyone
trying to impede the attack. This is the same code analysis I've just done
above on the code numbers of Flight 5191 and the Iraq War / 9/11 WTC body
count of 2749.
RTO Trainer has dedicated a week now to attacking our code analysis. Why
bother -- unless he's protecting the codes being used to set up the 9/11-V
He show knowledge of several code types, and uses codes in his own writing
intended to argue against our decoding. "RTO Trainer" itself is a code
name, an anagram for "ANTI-TERROR," when the letters are rearranged. Far
from working in an anti-terror capacity to stop harm from befalling the
American People, RTO Trainer is working in a pro-terror capacity to set up
the 9/11-V attack.
In order to make it clear that I thought this conduct treasonous, I sent a
warning to RTO Trainer and his Signal Corps superiors on 9/1/06, which is
also part of Ghost Troop archives:
You'll find that the message quite specifically warns RTO Trainer, the
Signaleer and the Signal Corps that conducting a psyops mission against us
as we warned the American People of a coded terror event was treason. In an
effort to counterattack the psyops, our Ghost Troop correspondent, GT Kent,
has begun to publish articles describing what RTO Trainer and the Signaleer
are up to:
Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld and Treason
I request that you report my findings of a Bush Administration attempt to
stage the 9/11-V attack to the Joint Chiefs, and to all other echelons and
services. There could not be a greater danger to the American People than
that which we now face, with a 9/11 Conspiracy now falling apart as more and
more people ask questions and the 9/11 commissioners admit that they didn't
get straight answers in their investigation.
I have already written and published on the Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld decision,
stating that I believe it is a salutary attempt to uphold the constitution.
It says that neither the president nor his agents -- or officers in the
Armed Services -- are authorized to break the law, whether that means
torture in Gitmo or setting up false-flag attacks on the American People. I
request that you remind the Pentagon that it serves the Constitution, not
the 9/11 Conspiracy, and advise them to read my article explaining how I
believe the near future will judge present actions:
Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld: Geneva Conventions now; Nuremberg Principles later,%20Nuremberg%20Principles%20later%20By%20Captain%20Eric%20H.%20May.htm
Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
(Unclassified, Mission 9/11-V)
Prologue from the Pentagon
SAIG-ASSISTU-IGNET Mailbox <saigassistu (at)> wrote:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
Captain May,
Perhaps you have the wrong agency. The Department of the Army is not
responsible for addressing criminal matters. I recommend you revaluate your
concerns and submit them to one of the agencies responsible for handling
issues of this magnitude. I am certain you know who they are. I am sorry
we could not be more helpful regarding your efforts.
Attn: US Army Inspector General
Dear General Green,
Above you see the reply I received from the Department of the Army about
the red alert we have issued in the last week to Chicago, Detroit and
Houston. In it Army supports my charge that the Bush Administration is
preparing to stage another 9/11 around the 5th 9/11 (9/11-V) since the
original attack, and encourages me to report it. Having said so much,
though, Army says no more, and fails utterly to defend the American People.
To complete the proof of a conspiracy of silence, the Army has placed a
warning statement, written in red for emphasis, ordering that I am NOT to
spread the alert that it has just ordered me to spread:
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: FOUO
The information contained in this e-mail and any accompanying attachments
may contain Inspector General sensitive information, which is protected from
mandatory disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 USC
§552. Matters within IG records are often predecisional in nature and do not
represent final approved DA policy. Dissemination is prohibited except as
authorized under Army Regulation 20-1. Do not release outside of DA channels
without prior authorization from The Inspector General. If you are not the
intended recipient of this information, any disclosure, copying,
distribution, or the taking of any action in reliance on this information is
prohibited. If you received this e-mail in error, please notify us
immediately by return e-mail.
Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE
[Back to Army Inspector General...]
General Green, what's happening as a 9/11-V attack is being arranged is
quite like what happened before the Pearl Harbor attack. Then, as now, the
military command shut down, closed its eyes, and allowed the attack to
occur. For the full text of the Army reply from which I have extracted
above, please refer to:
NASA Treason and Discovery: 7/28/05
NASA's delay in launching the space shuttle Atlantis indicates a delay in
the 9/11-V attack. We have been involved in two Houston-area warnings of
petrochemical events that coincided with the only two shuttle launches in
the last two years. On 7/26/05, NASA launched Discovery, then on 7/28/05
British Petroleum, Texas City, blew up, sending oil prices (and profits) to
the highest levels in history before Katrina. This mission coincided with
the use of an air-burst nuclear weapon, or a similar weapon, being deployed
south of Houston, and is the content of the most listened-to of my
interviews as Ghost Troop Commander:
Teknosis created an ongoing article from our mission files that showed how
the shuttle mission was used to set up a Texas City attack, which would have
been the much-promised Al Qaeda nuke attack the media was setting up last
summer: In
that article you'll find that we were suppressed by the FBI and Secret
Service as we tried to alert the American People, much as we are countered
by the Signal Corps now.
NASA Treason and New Horizons: 1/31/06
NASA's launch of the New Horizons Mission was heavily coded, with a 1/19
launch (9/11 backwards). It is a 9-year mission to the 9th planet, Pluto,
named after the Roman god of death: After this
event we put Texas City under red alert again for another attempt at a
false-flag nuke by the Bush Administration, predicting the attempt would be
1/31/06 (1/31 is an anagram of the Madrid 3/11 attack code).
The result of our mission was another success -- and mainstream media
reported that secret Dept. of Defense nuclear assets were present in the
Texas City area. I conducted an interview after we confirmed the nuke
attempt, which contains links to the confirmation article in Galveston
County Daily News:
NASA Treason and Discovery: 7/2/06
Ghost Troop figured that the next NASA launch of Discovery would also be
in concert with an attempt at an attack, and again we were right. The
original date for the launch was 7/1. The Exxon Mobil refinery in Baytown,
like Texas City, a Houston petro-suburb exploded on 7/2, again resulting in
the highest oil prices in history when the markets reopened after the July
4th holiday. In a 6/29/06 interview, I was explicit about the danger ahead,
and my prediction was validated by the event:
We note that there is another NASA shuttle launch, Atlantis, set for
tomorrow, and believe that it will be used to signal, and possibly assist,
with the 9/11-V attack. This is high treason.
Coded Messages for 9/11-V Attack
In the last two weeks, there have been several coded stories that show the
Bush Administration is preparing for the 9/11-V attack
8/27: Flight 5191:
In this story, from the Sunday before last, an aviation disaster (staged)
was reported as a way of conveying code. The flight number says it all:
5191, which is the 5th 9/11, once you unscramble it (5/9/11). This was
immediately after both Bush 41 and Bush 43 met in Kennebunkport, and was the
"go code" for the 9/11-V attack.
9/3: Iraq War KIA = 9/11 WTC KIA (2749)
In this story, the Pentagon releases the numeric code number that is
identical to the 9/11 WTC death count of 2749. The body counts equal, a
freak occurrence. Please note the confirmation of the WTC body count via a
2005 article:
This was a Pentagon "go code" for the 9/11-V attack.
I note here for those who read the Al Qaeda code that the number 2749 has
a two-step increase of even numbers as the 1st and 3rd numbers: 2 ... 4;
and has a two-step increase of odd numbers as the 2nd and 4th numbers: ...
7 ... 9. This is code.
Signal Corps Treason and RTO Trainer
the pending 9/11-V attack. It has continued to the present, after a week of
constant harassment of our cyber-communications.
The Signal Corps magazine Signaleer, led by "RTO Trainer" is attempting to
undermine the very code analysis that the Army just recommended I report to
other agencies, and we thereby infer that the Signal Corps has the
responsibility for enabling the false-flag 9/11-V attack by attacking anyone
trying to impede the attack. This is the same code analysis I've just done
above on the code numbers of Flight 5191 and the Iraq War / 9/11 WTC body
count of 2749.
RTO Trainer has dedicated a week now to attacking our code analysis. Why
bother -- unless he's protecting the codes being used to set up the 9/11-V
He show knowledge of several code types, and uses codes in his own writing
intended to argue against our decoding. "RTO Trainer" itself is a code
name, an anagram for "ANTI-TERROR," when the letters are rearranged. Far
from working in an anti-terror capacity to stop harm from befalling the
American People, RTO Trainer is working in a pro-terror capacity to set up
the 9/11-V attack.
In order to make it clear that I thought this conduct treasonous, I sent a
warning to RTO Trainer and his Signal Corps superiors on 9/1/06, which is
also part of Ghost Troop archives:
You'll find that the message quite specifically warns RTO Trainer, the
Signaleer and the Signal Corps that conducting a psyops mission against us
as we warned the American People of a coded terror event was treason. In an
effort to counterattack the psyops, our Ghost Troop correspondent, GT Kent,
has begun to publish articles describing what RTO Trainer and the Signaleer
are up to:
Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld and Treason
I request that you report my findings of a Bush Administration attempt to
stage the 9/11-V attack to the Joint Chiefs, and to all other echelons and
services. There could not be a greater danger to the American People than
that which we now face, with a 9/11 Conspiracy now falling apart as more and
more people ask questions and the 9/11 commissioners admit that they didn't
get straight answers in their investigation.
I have already written and published on the Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld decision,
stating that I believe it is a salutary attempt to uphold the constitution.
It says that neither the president nor his agents -- or officers in the
Armed Services -- are authorized to break the law, whether that means
torture in Gitmo or setting up false-flag attacks on the American People. I
request that you remind the Pentagon that it serves the Constitution, not
the 9/11 Conspiracy, and advise them to read my article explaining how I
believe the near future will judge present actions:
Hamdan vs. Rumsfeld: Geneva Conventions now; Nuremberg Principles later,%20Nuremberg%20Principles%20later%20By%20Captain%20Eric%20H.%20May.htm
Captain Eric H. May, MI/PAO, USA
CO, Ghost Troop, 3/7 Cybercav+
Mission of Conscience / Patriots in Action
Captain Eric H. May
Houston, Texas
captainmay (at) |
See also: |