havent you noticed that you html code on this page is so scewed up no one can use quoteation marks or some other puncuation cause you idiots screwed up writing the code for this wana-be news-board you fucking retards """"""""""
Current rating: 0 13 Aug 2003 Modified: 10:42:46 PM
Formatting in some strange text-like clone such as Windoze Orifice, Ver.~, then cutting and pasting this junk into our form can cause the very problem you are complaining about, but the only cure is at your end. Post in a simple text format and things usually work out best. Or engage the HTML code option when you post and use tags. But that is up to you...Or show up for a meeting to help (heh, we appreciate the input, but I don't think we've had a comment such as yours recently, rude, like is what I mean...) work on things that bother you, like this, so you aren't bothered so bad in the future. You're always free to pitch in to improve things, but that usually means a reasonable attempt being made to get along with people.
Current rating: -1 13 Aug 2003 Modified: 11:06:50 PM
so does that mean you will fix it, like NOW ----! HOP TO... GET ON IT.. lission to yOu always trying to pass the blame.. ON THIS END HA... the fact is your shabby code take's one font and changes it to another...
Re: Who Was The Idiot Thatfucked The Html On This Web Page?