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Commentary :: Government Secrecy
Impeachment Is Not Enough Current rating: 0
11 Aug 2003
By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy's administration. He lied and good men died because he lied.
Impeachment Is Not Enough August 11, 2003 From the Streets of Little Beirut By Glen Yeadon By now its clear to everyone, that Bush lied to congress about weapons of mass destruction. He lied to the American people. He had aides lie to the Untied Nations. He lied about the connection between Iraq and bin Laden. He lied about Nigeria. He lied about chemical and biological weapons. He lied about the underlying reasons to wage war. He lied blaming others for his lies. He lied about his staff; they are all a bunch of convicted felons and retreads from his daddy’s administration. He lied and good men died because he lied. He lied and now the country is bogged down in two Vietnam like quagmires. Both Afghanistan and Iraq have rapidly descended into guerilla wars. The US forces in Afghanistan control little more than the city of Kabul. The countryside is controlled by the Taliban. The body count from Iraq is averaging one a day since Bush strutting like a peacock with a ego problem in a custom designed flight suit proclaimed the end of the Iraqi war on deck of the aircraft carrier, Abraham Lincoln. He lied that the aircraft carrier was still in route to port. It was circling offshore waiting for his photo op. He lied and it cost the taxpayers a million dollars for that photo op. It delayed the reunion of the sailors with their families by a full day. He lied about his military record, his rich daddy bought him a spot in the National Guards and then he deserted. He lied and good men are still dying in Iraq. He lied about Gulf War illness. The first lie said it was pneumonia. At least a hundred men and women have become ill. Several have died from this mysterious illness. He lied about it. He then tried to cover it up. Josh Neusche was one of those stricken with the illness. He was sent to Germany in a coma. While in a coma the Smirk regime classified Josh as medically retired without his or his parents’ approval. Under this classification, the Department of Defense was not obligated to provide funds for his parents to visit him before he died. His parents were unable to afford the airfare to Europe. His unit raised the money for his parents travel expenses to Germany and should be commended for the act. While in Germany Josh’s father overheard the nurses talking about getting ready for hundreds of similar cases and personally witnessed 55 new cases arrive. He lied and tried to prevent the parents from seeing their dying son for one last time to cover up his lie. He lied about the looting and arson in Iraq. A recent report supports the conclusion that the arson is well organized. Looters obviously have something to gain. However, the arsons gain nothing unless they are paid by someone, they just risk their lives. A reporter witnessed a government building being looted, following the looting two blue buses arrived full of people. Those people aboard the buses then proceeded to torch the building. They then reboarded the buses and sped away to outside Baghdad. It was obvious they were well organized. US troops stood by and watched as the building was looted and then torched. In another incident witnessed by the reporter, an Arabic speaking US soldier invited the on looking crowd to loot and trash Baghdad University. The arsons have nothing to gain by their action in destroying government documents including the Iraqi equivalent to deeds. However, once the Iraqi documents have been destroyed any US corporation or individual is free to file a claim on that land. He lied, and Corporate America is plundering Iraq. He has lied about war crimes. From Europe there are reports that prisoners in Afghanistan were herded like cattle into shipping containers with no ventilation until there was standing room only. Some of the containers were then machine gunned to create ventilation holes in the presence of US forces. The containers were then transported through stifling heat to a secret desert location. If the prisoners were lucky enough to have survived, they were then machined gunned or buried alive in trenches by bulldozers in the presence of American forces, who made no attempts to stop such atrocities. He has lied about Camp X-Ray in Cuba as it violates all standards of the Geneva Convention. Reports from both Afghanistan and Iraq report of torture and in one case a prisoner’s death from torture. In Afghanistan, pilots were ordered to take amphetamines to stay awake resulting in a tragic bombing of Canadian troops. He lied US forces are committing war crimes en mass on his orders. He lied about the reason for war both the Afghanistan and Iraqi wars were wars for oil. Enron built a three billion-dollar power plant in northern India. A white elephant of sorts as it had no gas supply lines. To supply the plant and bail his friend Kenny boy out of the hole he promised the Taliban a carpet of gold for a pipeline across Afghanistan. If they refused, he threatened a carpet of bombs. They refused. They were bombed indiscriminately. Unocal is already seeking contracts and bids in Afghanistan for its gas pipeline. He lied and good people died in Afghanistan. Halliburton has an auspicious wartime contract with the military in Iraq. Brown and Root, a Haillburton subsidiary was awarded nearly $500 million dollars in contracts without competitive bidding. The contracts were awarded in December 2001. In other words, this war was planned at least within three short months of 9/11. Yet, no evidence has surfaced that Iraq was involved in any way with 9/11 or the al-qaida. Cheney has coveted the Iraqi oil fields for over a decade, the federal mandated release of his energy task force papers make clear that the plans had moved to the war planning stage by March 2001---six months before 9/11--- as contracts were under review for Iraq oil fields not yet in US possession. Cheney must have been a very angry fellow when the first gulf war failed to dislodge Saddam and open the fields for international plunder. Cheney even managed to help gloss over the first gulf war was started because Kuwait had positioned oil wells within feet of the Iraqi border and had slant drilled into Iraqi oil pools. That's thievery by any measure, and of course, the fact that the Bush family had an interest in this oil operation has been well hidden from the American public. It is also a fact that during the first Gulf War the oil fields were not set ablaze by Iraqi forces but by a secret team of US Special Forces. Of course, it was Brown and Root that was granted the contract to put out those fires. Those fires helped to keep the price of gasoline abnormally high. Moreover, in 1997 when Cheney was head of Halliburton, Brown and Root collaborated with Nigeria’s Mobile Police Unit, a kill and go group reminiscence of the Nazi Einsatzgruppen units. Today Halliburton is still paying Cheney deferred compensation of up to one million dollars a year while good men are still dying in Iraq. He lied about the cost of the war. With each revision of the budget, the deficit forecast grows larger. Bechtel was awarded a contract that ultimately will cost the American taxpayers tens of billions of dollars in a secretive bidding process only open to a select group of American corporations. The six companies that submitted bids were all large campaign donors to the Republican Party. Bechtel alone contributed $1.3 million to the Republicans between 1999-2002. Bechtel has served as sort of a half way house for lame Republicans throughout the last few decades. He lied and the American taxpayer pay the cost. He lied to the UN. He tried strong-arming other countries to join his war for oil. He even tried blackmailing others to join. Only a handful of countries came forward to take part in the rape of Iraq. Only Poland was honest enough to admit it that it was a war for oil. He has treated old allies such as France and Germany as tramps because of their refusal to join his war for oil. In Germany, he has the CIA working behind the scenes to destabilize the present prime minister. France would be justified in asking for the return of that great lady gracing the harbor of New York. It obvious that this country is no longer the citadel of freedom and liberty. He has squandered away the amazing amount of goodwill from the nations of the world due to the 9/11 tragedy. Today America is regarded as a rogue nation throughout the world. An unpredictable rogue willing to kill for oil. He lied and today we stand alone in a hostile war. He lied that his war on terrorism would make a safer world for us. Despite a never-ending war on terrorism, al-quida has regrouped. The Taliban are now in control of the countryside of Afghanistan. Bin Laden is still unaccounted for. Saddam is still on the loose. North Korea has now acquired nuclear weapons and has threatened to use them if provoked. North Korea has also obtained the missiles to deliver those nuclear weapons to the West Coast. Yet, in a brass display of fools’ folly he has the pentagon drawing up an extremely aggressive plan of action against North Korea. A plan that calls for another massive aerial bombardment of North Korea followed by an invasion. He lied and is using the people of the West Coast as pawns in a game of nuclear brinkmanship. Is his plan to provoke North Korea into lobbing a nuclear weapon at the West Coast so he can declare martial law and suspend the 2004 election? That is not as far fetched as it sounds. Remember this is the same group of right wing fools that planned to do the same thing in the 1950s with Operation North Woods. Its certain at the moment that he would not receive a single electoral vote from the West Coast states in an honest election. He is also the thief that stole the 2000 election in Florida thanks to his brother’s help. He is also a member of the Republican Party that detests the vote of the people. It is top Republicans that own the computerized balloting firms. They have lied about the ease with which computerized voting can be manipulated. They lied; the vote was manipulated in Georgia in the last election. In his home state of Texas, the party has turned the state past time into chasing missing state legislators into a new sport all over a gerrymandering issue. In California, it was the same party that financed a recall of the elected governor. To this writer this seems more like a political maneuver to steal the electoral vote in 2004. Moreover, we have his word on it that he would like to be a dictator. He lied and prevented ballots from being counted in Florida. Two years after 9/11 our harbors are still inviting targets to terrors running amok. Our skies are still vulnerable to the same style of attack. He lied about the no fly list which seems dominated by political activists from the left. State and local governments are strapped for cash to fund his anti-terrorism program. Yet, he has provided no federal money to fund these programs. He lied about making the world safe from terrorism and we now face more danger than ever. He lied about 9/11. He even censored 28 pages from the congressional whitewashing report. From those that have seen those 28 pages say that those pages directly implicates the ruling family of Saudi Arabia and its government in financing al-quida. He lied about his family’s connections to bin Laden’s family. The Bush family and the bin Ladens have been connected as far back as the early 1980s. It was the bin Laden family that financed little George’s misadventures in Arbusto and Harkin Oil. He lied when all planes were grounded in the United States after 9/11 and allowed the Saudis a flight so they could fly their nationals outside of the country beyond the reach of the FBI and law enforcement agencies. He lied and stopped FBI investigations into Saudi nationals before 9/11. Additionally, the bin Ladens were members of the Carlyle group along with George senior. He lied; a meeting between Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage and General Mahmoud, the 9-11 'money man', was scheduled at the State Department for the morning after September 11 to discuss their strategy. He lied and his daddy is pocketing the profits from war. He lied about not having foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks. During the WTO talks in Italy in the summer of 2001 surface to air missiles were deployed to protect the meeting for his visit. On September 10, 2001, surface to air missiles were deployed on the rooftop of the motel George stayed at in Florida. To say the least deploying surface to air missiles in protecting the president is highly unusual and not part of the routine protection. There were no surface to air missiles deployed in Portland the last time little George visited nor in any other city after 9/11. At the same time, John Ashcroft had quit flying commercial airliners in August. On the morning of 9/10, top pentagon officials canceled all of their flights aboard commercial airliners. Brother Jeb in the state of Florida even issued an executive order declaring marshal law on 9/7 in the event of an act of terrorism. However, such psychic abilities that protected the top officials in the Bush regime failed to protect the people working in the World Trade Center towers. He lied and three thousand good people died in a single day. He lied that there were no military fighters available to intercept the hijacked planes. Does anyone serious believe that two thirds of the East Coast airspace was left unprotected including the White House? Fighters were available at several locations manned by the National Guard, Reservist and active military units. Yes, those interceptors remain partially armed, certainly armed enough to take out a commercial airliner. The FAA’s internet site was quite specific in what to do when a plane veers off course by five miles or more or when contact is lost. They are to call NORAD to have a fighter intercept the errant plane. The FAA rules were very specific on that point even in case of doubt call NORAD immediately. The FAA site was mysteriously pulled immediately after 9/11, but thanks to one internet activist, the material has been preserved. He lied to wage his oil war. Some may remember that when golfer Payne Stewart’s plane failed to make a turn, a fighter was along side the aircraft within less than 20 minutes. Then a series of fighters tracked along side the plane until it crashed in South Dakota. One can rest assured that if such ability existed for a small private aircraft that such an ability exist for large commercial airliners. Especially when four suddenly deviates from their courses within less than an hour of each other. He lied then he ran and hid like a scared rabbit in a deep bunker under Nebraska cornfields. He didn’t dare return to Washington until after nightfall sneaking into the capital like a thief in the middle of the night. He lied and used the event to stage a photo op in a fireman’s coat. Further at least one article appearing on the internet shows some of the top executives of the financial firms had the good fortune to fly to Offutt air base in Omaha on the morning of 9/11. For those not familiar with the cold war strategy, Offutt is the SAC base deigned with bunkers to survive a nuclear war. These financial CEOs arrived by private jet from NY just in time to see the video on the plane crashing into the second tower. Supposedly, they were attending a charity event on the base hosted by Warren Buffet. That’s the same base little George hid out at and that is the same Warren Buffet that held the insurance policies on the World Trade Center. How strange is it that the top executive of Franklin Resources and other top financial executives had the good fortune to be in Omaha while their employees perished in the inferno of the World Trade Center towers? He lied about a forewarning to wage a war against freedom. He lied about the Patriot Act. Within 45 days of 9/11, the act he submitted to congress passed both branches. The House of Representatives passed the act without copies to review. The act is anything but patriotic; it is a full-scaled assault on our freedoms granted in the Bill of Rights. The act is fully unconstitutional as it voids the First, Fourth Fifth, Sixth, Eighth and Fourteenth Amendments. The act expands the government’s terrorism laws to include domestic terrorism that could subject political organizations to surveillance, wiretapping, harassment, and criminal action for political advocacy. The act expands the government’s ability to conduct secret searches and permits wider surveillance of phone calls and internet usage. The act allows FBI agents to open an investigation on a person by merely claiming it was for intelligence purposes. The act allows non-citizens to be arrested and detained indefinitely on mere suspicion. The act allows the government to monitor the conversations between a defendant and his attorney. He lied, this was no act of patriotism it was an act granting gestapo powers to a religious kook that is hell bent on destroying the rest of the constitution and waging a religious vendetta against calico cats. He lied and took away our rights and freedoms. The danger in the Patriotic Act comes as a three-prong attack on our right to privacy. First, it grants the executive branch unprecedented and largely unchecked surveillance powers. Secondly, it paves away around the fourth amendment’s probable cause when conducting surveillance. All that needed now is an excuse of significant purpose or the gathering of foreign intelligence. No checks are provided for in who determines if it is significant or if it is foreign intelligence. Finally, it once again opens the door wide for the entry of the CIA into domestic affairs. Does anyone still remember the Church Committee and the CIA’s operation Chaos? He lied about the content and need for the Patriotic Act and hundreds of good men have suffered embarrassing searches including a New Mexico attorney detained after visiting the public library for reading an article unfavorable to this regime. He lied and the rights of good people have been abused. Even more onerously is a suit filed against protestors in California by a defense contractor seeking payment for the increased cost of security due to the protest. If the court rules in favor of the defense contractor, it will be the death keel for public protests. In Oregon, the Republicans introduced a bill in the state house that would have deemed any protestor that caused to delay anyone, a domestic terrorist. The bill failed to pass. He lied this is no war on terrorism it is a war on American freedom. In an effort to further concentrate and consolidate his power this "want to be a dictator" asked congress to create a cabinet level department of Homeland Security. Wasn’t the Gestapo in charge of the Fatherland Security? The act was flagrantly anti-union. The department consolidates some twenty odd agencies under one department and denies the employees union membership. Under the department, was the over promoted TIPS program seeking to recruit mailmen, delivery men, utility meter readers and others to spy on their neighbors and report any suspicious activity. These tipsters would be immune from any liability. Another proposal under this department was the total awareness program. Under the proposal for total awareness, every purchase anyone would make would be stored in a database in an effort to detect suspicious activity. The provision for a national identity card was killed. However, buried deep in the bill passed in 2002 was a section limiting the liability of any manufacturer of homeland security devices. It further limited the liability of drug companies including the maker of the ill fated small pox vaccine. Thus, taking away our right to sue as granted in the constitution. Anytime such as this when the government subordinates the rights of the people to a corporation, it is a step towards fascism. This administration is not slowly creeping towards fascism its sprinting towards full-blown fascism. Once again, congressional oversight was extremely limited as evident in the use of the new department for partisan purposes in locating the Texas legislators after they skipped out of Dallas. This big brother unit created solely for domestic spying was the largest expansion of the government since the New Deal. This Orwellian approach is a death march right into 1984. He lied, the ones waving the flags as his motorcade passes by are not patriots; they are the modern day equivalent of the goose stepping SS of Nazi Germany. In still another effort to further consolidate power in the executive branch he lied about the sequel to the Patriotic Act. Ashcroft’s department of injustice had secretly prepared another bill and had submitted copies only to the Republican House Speaker and Dick Cheney the president of the Senate. Fortunately this bill never passed. However, congress is still trying to determine how many good people Aschroft has arrested and imprisoned for extended lengths of time without ever filing charges. Ashcroft maintains such information is privilege and needs to be kept secret. He lied and thousands of American soldiers have died in the past fighting governments that secretly arrested people, held secret trials, secretly spied on citizens and executed people on orders from secret tribunals. He lied about his tax cut reviving the economy. He lied about creating jobs, He lied about education, He lied about the environment and has selectively censored his own departments’ conclusions on global warming. He has illegally withdrawn from the test ban treaties and the treaty of non-militarizing space. He has opposed an international court for war criminals. He has lied about globalization and free trade both are just another name for world fascism. He has lied on every issue. He has turned the country into another third world banana republic where only the rich have any rights. He has lied to congress. He has committed war crimes. He lied about upholding the constitution. He allowed 3000 people to be murdered in the World Trade Center towers. He willfully exposed the ambassador’s wife as a CIA agent as a forewarning to everyone that he would not go down alone. This administration knows no bounds. To cover up his lies about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, he sent a secret CIA team in ahead of the invasion. Their mission was to plant weapons of mass destruction. Ironically, they were killed by advancing US forces, who thought they were Iraqis. All of his lies are grounds for impeachment but impeachment is not enough. Impeachment followed by a pardon is an injustice. The only manner in which justice can be served and to rid this country of fascism and to regain our stature as a peaceable nation in the world is for him and a dozen or so of his cohorts to twist in the wind at the end of a hangman’s noose following a conviction in a Nuremberg style trial. HE LIED, HIS STAFF LIED, HIS VICE PRESIDENT LIED, HIS WHOLE ADMINISTRATION IS GUILTY OF MASS MURDER OF THE OCCUPANTS OF TWO NATIONS WHOSE PEOPLE HAVE COMMITTED NO CRIME EXCEPT BEING AN IMPEDIMENT TO THE BUSH FAMILY OIL OLIGARCHY. IMPEACHMENT IS NOT ENOUGH. For more about the Bush family’s connections to the Nazis spanning 3 generations and 80 years click the link below.
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A Couple Of Helpful Points
Current rating: 0
11 Aug 2003
Here's a couple of helpful points. It was Niger, not Nigeria, that Bush lied about in connection with the falsified uranium shipments (although give Bush enough time and I'm sure he'll lie about Nigeria, too.) And please try to use a paragraph break every once in awhile. It makes things a lot easier to read.
Timeline Of Treason: The Bush Family Connections To The Nazis
Current rating: -1
12 Aug 2003
Timeline of Treason: The Bush Family Connections to the Nazis 1833: Skull and Bones Society formed at Yale. 1897: Union Pacific Railroad (UPR) bankrupted. 1898: Union Pacific Railroad sold to Edward Henry Harriman & partner, Judge Robert Scott Lovett. The deal was managed by Kuhn Loeb brokerage of which Felix Warburg was a partner. 1902: Paul and Felix Warburg immigrate to the United States. 1904: German Alfred Ploetz founds the Archive for Racial and Social Biology, which becomes the chief journal of the German eugenics or race hygiene movement. Ernst Haeckel popularized eugenics in Germany. John D. Rockefeller issues "Occasional Letter No.1" detailing plans to mold the people, reduce national intelligence to the lowest common denominator, destroy parental influence, traditional and customs, and eliminate science and real learning, "in order to perfect human nature". Eugenics laboratory established at Cold Springs Harbor on Long Island constructed by Charles B. Davenport. Cold Springs Harbor was also the location of the estates of both Dulles brothers. Cold Springs facility is funded in excess of $11 million by the Harrimans and the Rockefellers. 1907: Samuel Bush elected President of Buckeye Steel Castings Co. in Columbus, Ohio. For his entire career, Samuel Bush supplied Wall Street railroads with castings. Later Bush became a close advisor of President Hoover and was the first president of the National Manufactures Association. (NAM). NAM has a history of supporting fascism and later in the 1950s, members of NAM led by Robert Welch formed the John Birch Society. Indiana passes the first eugenics law. 1909: The Rockefeller Foundation was established. The Rockefellers supported the eugenics movement including the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Germany. 1911: John Foster Dulles joins Sullivan and Cromwell. 1913: Federal Reserve Bank created. Paul Warburg served as a governor of the bank during WWI. At the same time, his brother Max was the head of the German Secret Service. 1914: With war close at hand Percy Rockefeller took control of Remington Arms & appoints Samuel F. Pryor as CEO. 1915: Dulles’ uncle Robert Lansing was appointed Secretary of State. Lansing recruited his nephew to go to Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama on the pretext of company business but in reality to sound out the Latin Americans on aiding the US war effort. Costa Rica was led by the vicious dictator Federico Tinoco. Dulles advised Washington to support the dictator, as he was anti-German. Dulles also encouraged the Nicaragua dictator Emianiano Camorro to issue a proclamation suspending diplomatic relations with Germany. In Panama, Dulles offered to let Panama waive the tax on its annual canal fee as long as Panama would declare war on Germany. 1917: Prescott Bush joins the Skull and Bones. Both his son and grandson George and George W. likewise were Skull and Bones members. Brown Brothers & Harriman had an exceptional number of members during the 1930s. 1918: Robert Scott Lovett elected president of Union Pacific. Samuel Bush appointed to facilities division of the US War Industries Board chaired by Bernard Baruch & his assistant, Clarence Dillon. 1919: George Herbert Walker forms W.A.Harriman & Co. Walker is president and CEO. Averell Harriman, son of Edward Harriman is the chairman. Averell would later serve as US Ambassador to the USSR 1943-1946 and as US Secretary of Commerce 1946-1948. Dulles brothers involved in the treaty negotiations after the war. 1920: Averell Harriman and George Walker gain control of German Hamburg-Amerika Line. The deal was arranged through the chief executive German Hamburg-Amerika, William Cuno, & Max Warburg of the shipping line’s bankers, M.M. Warburg. The name of the firm was changed to American Ship & Commerce Corp. Samuel F. Pryor of Remington Arms had been involved in the deal & now served on the board of the renamed corporation. Cuno was later a heavy contributor to Nazi Party funds 1922: Averell Harriman opened a Berlin branch of W.A. Harriman. A U.S. government memorandum dated Oct. 5 1942 to the Executive Committee of the office of the Alien Property Custodian indicates that sometime prior to 1924 Harriman was in Europe and met with Thyssen. They agreed to set up a bank for Thyssen in New York. Additionally, the memorandum indicates Thyssen’s agent; H. J. Kouwenhoven traveled to New York before 1924 in regard to this connection. The Model Eugenic Sterilization Law was published by Harry Laughlin. The law led to the sterilization of over 20,000 Americans and service as the basis of the Nuremberg laws adopted by the Nazis. 1923: Fritz Thyssen begins to contribute to the Nazi party. 1924: W.A.Harriman & Co invested $400,000 in setting up Union Banking Corp to act in partnership with the Thyssen-owned Bank voor Handel en Scheepvart in Holland. Prescott Bush brought into the firm to manage Union Bank. Prescott was the son in law of George Walker and son of Samuel Bush. Union bank is now in the position to transfer funds back and forth for Thyssen’s United Steel. Coinciding with the Dawes Plan, which is discussed elsewhere in this chapter John Foster, Dulles arranged a large loan for Krupp. For the loan Dulles had called Leland Harrison, assistant secretary of state on a Saturday to soft pedal the item in the news. Harrison was infuriated because the department had issued a circular asking to see foreign loans before American funds were exported. Dulles knew however, that Harrison had no authority to stop the loan. Dulles wanted to avoid the State Department’s scrutiny as to whether German factories were producing military hardware. Sullivan and Cromwell at Dulles behest accepted the assurances of Krupp that all military hardware had been destroyed. Ethyl Corporation formed jointly by Standard Oil and General Motors. 1925: By 1925, I.G. had established powerful allies inside the Republican administration. The then Secretary of Commerce, Herbert Hoover appointed a nine-member board, Hoover's Chemical Advisory Committee. Seated on the committee were Walter Teagle (Standard Oil of New Jersey), Lammot du Pont, Frank Blair (President of Sterling) and Henry Howard (Vice-president of Grasselli). Despite the extensive ties the four had with I.G. they sat on a committee whose role was to help America's chemical industry fight off the I.G. cartel 1926: Prescott Bush promoted to Vice-President of W. A. Harriman & Co. Clarence Dillon of Dillon Read, set up the German Steel Trust with Thyssen & partner, Fredrick Flick. According to the terms, Dillon Read would handle the Trust’s corporate banking in return for two Dillon Read representatives being on the board of the German Steel Trust. Albert Voegler was the chief executive of the German Steel trust was. Voegler was another industrialist that was instrumental in bringing Hitler to power. He also held directorships in Thyssen’s Dutch bank and the Hamburg-Amerika Line. Union Bank was not in partnership with Flick’s empire, Silesian Holding Co. Walker, Bush and Harriman owned a third of Flick’s holding company and called their share Consolidated Silesian Steel Corp. American I.G. founded as a holding company controlling I.G. Farben assets in the United States. Some board members were Edsel Ford, Charles Mitchell (President of Rockefeller's National City Bank of New York), Walt Teagle (President of Standard Oil), Paul Warburg (Federal Reserve chairman and brother of Max Warbug, financier of Nazi Germany's war effort and Director of American I.G.) and Herman Metz, a director of the Bank of Manhattan, controlled by the Warburgs. Three other members of the Board of Governors for American I.G. were tried and convicted as German war criminals. Allen Dulles joins Sullivan and Cromwell. 1927: John Foster Dulles director of GAF Company (American I.G.) until 1934. 1929: Standard Oil and I.G. Farben begin cartel negotiations Harriman bank bought Dresser Industries, supplier of oil-pipeline couplers to Standard and other companies. Prescott Bush became a director and financial czar of Dresser, installing his Yale classmate Neil Mallon as chairman. 1930: Dulles arranged for the wealthy Czech family, the Petscheks to sell their interest in Silesian Coal to George Mernane. Mernane was used merely to hidthe Petscheks interest. Dulles then sold the shares to his friend Schacht, the Nazi economic minister. After the sale, Dulles became director of Consolidated SilesianSteel Company. Its sole asset was a one third interest in Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company. The remainder of the shares was controlled by Fredrick Flick. 1931: W.A Harriman merges with the British firm Brown Brothers. Thatcher Brown, Prescott Bush and the two Harriman brothers were the senior partners in the new firm of Brown Brothers and Harriman. Robert Lovett son of Robert Scott Lovett and a close friend of Prescott Bush became a partner in the new firm. Lovett would later serve as Asst. Sec. for Air during the war, as Under Sec. Of State 1947-1949, as Deputy Sec. of Defense 1950-1951 and as Secretary of Defense 1951-1953. Prescott Bush ran the New York office while the London office of the new firm was ran by Thatcher Brown. Montagu Collet Norman, governor of the Bank of England and close friend of Prescott Bush often staying with the Bush family on his visits to New York was a partner of Brown Brothers. He also was a well-known Nazi sympathizer. His grandfather had been boss of Brown Brothers during the Civil war when Brown Brothers were directly responsible for shipping seventy five percent of the cotton from the south to England. Precott Bush and George Walker hosted host of the Third International Congress of Eugenics. The purpose of the event was to call for the sterilization of fourteen million Americans. Bank of International Settlements formed. 1933: On January 4, 1933, Hitler was invited to the Schroeder Bank by a group of industrialists. The industrialists gave Hitler the money to overcome his financial problems in turn for a pledge to break the trade unions. Present at this meeting were two Americans John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles. Hitler assumes power. Max Warburg selected by Prescott Bush to be the American Ship & Commerce Line official representative on the board of the Hamburg- Amerika Line. Warburg was a long time advisor of Hjalmar Schacht, the Nazi’s Economic Minister and an executive in the Reichsbank. Warburg was also a close friend with Montagu Collet Norman. An agreement to coordinate all trade between Germany & America was reached in Berlin after negotiations between Hitler’s Economics Minister, Hjalmar Schacht & John Foster Dulles.As a result Oliver Harriman, Averell’s cousin formed a syndicate of 150 firms to conduct all business between Germany and the United States. North German Lloyd Co. merged with Hamburg-Amerika Line in Hamburg. Christian Beck a long time Harriman executive was placed as manager of ‘freight & operations’ in North America for this newly merged company. Emil Helfferich, an ardent Nazi was appointed chairman of this new company called Hapag-Lloyd. Nazi security guards were now on all ships of the company. William S. Farish was appointed chairman of Standard Oil by John D. Rockefeller. Farish was close friends with Hermann Schmitz, chairman of I.G. Farben. Farish hired Ivy Lee, to write pro-I.G. Farben and pro-Nazi propaganda and get it into the U.S. press. He hired Nazi German crews for Standard Oil tankers. In addition, he hired "Emil Helfferich," chairman of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, as chairman also of the Standard Oil Company subsidiary in Germany. Karl Lindemann, board member of Hamburg-Amerika, also became a top Farish-Standard executive in Germany. The interlock placed Farish and Prescott Bush in a small group of Hitler supporters. Both Emil Helfferich and Karl Lindemann were authorized to write checks to Heinrich Himmler, chief of the Nazi SS, on a special Standard Oil account. This account was managed by the German-British-American banker, Kurt von Schroeder. According to U.S. intelligence documents reviewed by author Anthony Sutton, Helfferich continued his payments to the SS into 1944, when the SS was supervising the mass murder at the Standard-I.G. Farben Auschwitz and other death camps. Helfferich told Allied interrogators after the war that these were not his personal contributions-they were corporate Standard Oil funds. 1934: The US Senate Nye Committee hearings revealed Samuel Pryor, chairman of Remington Arms & founding director of both the UBC & the American Ship & Commerce Corp. had joined in a cartel agreement with I.G. Farben. The committee also uncovered that the Nazis were armed with mostly American arms. E. W. Webb, president of Ethyl Corporation was advised that Washington had learned of the intention of "forming a German company with the I.G. to manufacture ethyl lead in Germany. The War Department indicated that there was considerable criticism of this technological transfer. The Ethyl Company was then advised by the Army Air Corps that "under no conditions should you or the Board of Directors of the Ethyl Gasoline Corporation disclose any secrets or 'know-how' in connection with the manufacture of tetraethyl lead to Germany. With Hitler in solid control of Germany, the profits from the Thyssen-Flick union soared to over a hundred million. Both Union Bank and the Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart were overflowing with money. Prescott Bush became managing director of Union Bank and took over the day-to-day operations of the German plan. John Foster Dulles was publicly supporting the Nazi philosophy. In 1935, he wrote a long article for the Atlantic Monthly entitled "The Road to Peace." He excused Germany’s secret rearmament as an action taking back their freedom. Knowing what he did about Inco and Germany’s munitions industry Dulles was misleading in asserting Germany’s, Italy’s, and Japan’s desires for peace. Later in the 1930s, Dulles helped organize the American First group. A month before Pearl Harbor he donated $500 to the group. Later he would claim no association with the group. Dulles continued his support of the Nazi line right up to the time Germany invaded Poland. Dulles excuse for the Poland invasion was much like blaming the victim for the crime. 1935: Ethyl Corporation signed a joint production agreement with I.G. Farben in Germany to form Ethyl G.m.b.H. and with Montecatini in fascist Italy for the production of tetraethyl lead. The directors of Ethyl Gasoline Corporation at the time of this transfer: E.W. Webb, president and director; C.F. Kettering; R.P. Russell; W.C. Teagle, Standard Oil of New Jersey and trustee of FDR's Georgia Warm Springs Foundation; F. A. Howard; E. M. Clark, Standard Oil of New Jersey; A. P. Sloan, Jr.; D. Brown; J. T. Smith; and W.S. Parish of Standard Oil of New Jersey. John Foster Dulles narrowly missed being indicted in a case of Union Electric Company of Missouri, a subsidiary of the North America Company. The SEC had discovered the company operated a slush fund to bribe legislators. The fund received kickbacks from its local lawyers and an insurance company. The firm had bribed the entire Missouri legislator. SEC general counsel Travis Lane cynically attributed the failure to the grand jury to indict Dulles was due to his charm. Nuremberg Laws passed in Germany paving the way for the Holocaust. 1936: The Schroeder Bank in New York merges with the Rockefellers to form Schroeder, Rockefeller & Company, Inc. Carlton P. Fuller of Schroeder Banking Corporation became president and Avery Rockefeller, became vice president. 1937: By the end of January 1937, Dulles had merged all his cloaking activities into one client account, Brown Brothers Harriman-Schroeder Rock. Schroeder, of course, was the Nazi bank on whose board Dulles sat. The 'Rock' was the Rockefellers of Standard Oil, who were already coming under scrutiny for their Nazi deals. At the request of Prescott Bush Dulles had cloaked the Bush-Harriman dealings with the Nazis. 1939: Hitler invades Poland the war starts in Europe. Farish's daughter Martha married Averell Harriman's nephew, Edward Harriman Gerry. Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation was located near the Polish town of Oswiecim. When the plan to use Soviet prisoners as forced labor fell through, the Nazis began shipping Jews, communists, gypsies and other minority populations to the camp the Nazis had set up. This was the beginning of Auschwitz. The reason Auschwitz was located there was because of the abundant supplies of coal which could be processed into aviation fuel. I.G. Farben soon built a plant near Auschwitz to take advantage of not only of the nearby coal deposits but also of the slave labor supply available at Auschwitz. According to a Dutch intelligence agent, Prescott Bush managed a portion of the slave labor force in Poland. 1940: Allen Dulles served on the board of the Schroeder bank. Johns Foster Dulles served as the legal counsel for Schroeder Bank. Schroeder Bank acted as a financial arm of the Nazis. 1941: Pearl Harbor bombed and war is declared. 1942: Leo Crowley, the US Alien Property Custodian ordered the seizure of all property of Hapag-Lloyd in Aug. In October, US Alien Property Custodian seized thestock shares of the Union Banking Corp. of New York, whose shareholders were: Chm./Dir. E. Rowland Harriman; Pres./Dir. Cornelis Lievense (banking functionary for the Nazis); Treasurer/Dir. Harold D. Pennington (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Ray Morris (of Brown Brothers Harriman); Dir. Prescott S. Bush; Dir. H.J. Kouwenhoven (Dir./Chief foreign financial exec. of German Steel Trust); Dir. Johann G. Groeninger (Industrial Exec. In Nazi Germany). In the same month, the United States government seized two additional companies: Seamless Steel Equipment Corp. & Holland-American Trading Corp both ran by Union Bank. In November, the Nazi assets of Silesian-American Corp were seized leaving the American partners to carry on with business. Seizure of the whole company would have been detrimental to the war effort. On March 25, 1942, U.S. Assistant Attorney General Thurman Arnold announced that William Stamps Farish had pleaded "no contest" to charges of criminal conspiracy with the Nazis. Farish was the principal manager of a cartel agreement between Standard Oil and I.G. Farben. The cartel built an industrial plant to produce artificial rubber and gasoline from coal at Auschwitz to take advantage of the slave labor. The Deutsche-Amerikanische Petroleum A.G. (DAPAG), the Standard Oil subsidiary in Germany, was 94-percent owned by Standard Oil of New Jersey. Standard Oil of New Jersey was represented in the inner circles of Naziism by Karl Lindemann, director of DAPAG and member of Himmler's Circle of Friends and by board member Emil Helfrich, who was an original member of the Keppler Circle. Karl Lindemann connections extended into the international banking area as director of several banks, including the Dresdner Bank, the Deutsche Reichsbank, and the private Nazi-oriented bank of C. Melchior & Company 1945: The Treasury Department revealed to congress that United Steel produced the following percentages of war munitions for the Nazis: Pig iron 50.8%; Pipe & tubes 45.5%; Universal plate 41.4%; Galvanised sheet 38.5%; Heavy plate 36%; Explosives 35%; Wire 22.1%. This is the same firm Prescott Bush acted, as banker for. In effect, Prescott was Hitler’s American banker. Allen Dulles sought out a young Naval Officer that had been put in charge of some captured Nazi documents. If the documents surfaced it would have revealed Dulles as a traitor. In a deal to bury the documents, Dulles agreed to finance the young man’s first political race. This was the beginning of the political career of Richard Nixon. Project Paperclip begins to import Nazis into the United States. 1946: Nixon defeated Jerry Voohris for congress with the help of an influx of money from New York centered banks. 1947: Following the war, authorities seeking to locate the Dutch Royal family’s jewelry discovered the transaction papers of the Silesian American Corporation in the books of Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart. The bank manager, H.J. Kounhoven came under intense scrutiny and was shocked by the discovery. Soon Kounhoven traveled to New York to inform Prescott Bush. Two weeks later, the otherwise healthy Dutch banker died of a heart attack. 1950: Prescott Bush defeated in his political race due to his background association with the American eugenics movement. 1951: Union Bank liquidated. The Bush family received $1.5 million from its interest in Union Bank. 1952: Prescott Bush elected to senate. Prescott Bush instrumental in the selection of Nixon as vice presidential candidate. 1953: John Foster Dulles appointed Secretary of State. Allen Dulles appointed Director of the CIA. With money from Brown Brothers and Harriman, George Bush forms Zapata, a front for the CIA. 1954: CIA under the direction of Allen Dulles help span a coup against Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala to aid United Fruit. Schroeder Bank was partnered with United Fruit in the banana business. Allen Dulles was a sitting board member of Schroeder Bank. Both John Foster Dulles and Allen Dulles had investments in firms with heavy investments in United Fruit. In addition, the American ambassador at the UN was a stockholder of United Fruit and President Eisenhower's personal secretary was the wife of United Fruit's public relations director. The Dulles brothers convinced Eisenhower that Arbenz was a threat to American national security and got his appoval to develop a plan to get rid of the Guatemalan President. 1961: C. Dillon appointed Secretary of Treasury. The Bay of Pigs fiasco. Two of ships were named Houston and Barbara. The CIA code name for the Bay of Pigs was Operation Zapata. tying George Bush to the operation. Additionally in 1981 the year before George Bush was elected vice president all of the SEC records of Zapata between 1960 and 1966 disappeared. John Kennedy fires Allen Dulles after the Bay of Pigs. 1963: John Kennedy assassinated. 1964: George Bush campaigns against the Civil Rights Act in his bid for election. He lost the election. 1966: George Bush elected to congress. 1968: Nixon elected President. 1969: Zapata attempted to buyout United Fruit another company with strong ties to the CIA and involved in the overthrow of reformed-minded Central American countries. 1971: George Bush appointed as ambassador to the United Nations. 1972: Watergate scandal erupts during Nixon’s reelection campaign George Bush appointed chairman of the Republican Party. Bush proceeds to set up the ethnic heritage groups in the party. In short, these groups are nothing more than a haven for Nazi émigrés from Eastern Europe. Members of the Republican Heritage Groups Council included Lazlo Paszor, Hungary Arrow Cross member, Radi Slavoff, Bulgarian fascist, Nicolas Nazarenko former SS officer in the Cossack Division, Florian Gaddu, Romanian Iron Guard member, Method Balco Slovakian fascist. Both Allen Dulles and Nixon believed these émigrés were useful in getting out the vote. 1975: Colby reveals information about secret domestic operations by the CIA: Mokingbird, Mk-Ultra. Cheney seeks Colby's removal. 1976: George Bush appointed CIA director by President Gerald Ford, a former member of the pro-Nazi group, American First. George Bush allowed the execution of Chilean dissident Orlando Letelier by the fascist regime of Pinochet. Bush was fully informed of the operation of the Chilean Operation Condor program to execute dissidents. Operation Condor was an extensive operation by several South American countries led by Chile to conduct assassinations world wide of dissdents to the fascist military regimes in South America. 1984: Arbusto Energy Inc founded by George W Bush is sold after proving to be a failure. 1988: Silverado Banking Savings & Loan shut down by regulators. Neil Bush son of the Vice President and candidate for President was a director. The seizure and investigation had been delayed to after the election. Fred Malek, a well-known Nazi collaborator was part of Bush’s campaign for President. Malek would again serve Bush in his 1992 race for reelection. Several Bush campaign staffers forced to resign after it was disclosed they were ex-Nazi war criminals including Laszlo Pastor and Yaroslav Stetsko. William Draper served as head of Bush’s campaign funding. Draper’s grandfather had founded the Pioneer Fund to promote eugenics. 1989: George Bush takes oath of office as President. Places his assets in blind trust managed by William Farish, grandson of the Wiliam Farish that supplied Hitler with gas. 1990: Following the Gulf War, Bahrain awarded an offshore drilling contract to Harken Oil; a firm affiliated with George W. Bush the son of the President. George W. sells his stake in Harken and one week later the share price collapses. 1992: George Bush pardons all of the principal players in the Iran-Contra scandal. 1996: Goerge Bush, the poppy praises Sun Myung Moon in Buenos Aires. The Moon organization is full of ex-Nazis and closely affiliated with the World Anti-Communist League which is also full of ex-Nazis. 2000: George W. Bush appointed President by 5-4 vote of the Supreme Court. 2001: Patriotic Act passes restricting our constitutional freedoms at the urging of George W. Bush.
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