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"Rewriting History" - Bush'slaw Of Diminshing Returns |
Current rating: 0 |
by Oak (No verified email address) |
11 Jul 2003
No, rewriting history is the sole province of King George and his court. We in the real world donâ€(TM)t need to tamper with the facts. |
The present occupant of the Whitehouse, perhaps following the lead of his handlers, has been responding to critics of his regime’s invasion of Iraq by falsely claiming they are “rewriting history”. This deceptive retort was perhaps hatched by the same lame team that came up with the phantom nuke connection in Africa used in Bush’s state of the union address to fan the flames of war. The rewriting of history was long ago in progress on a daily basis by the Bush regime’s own ministry of propaganda with their ever shifting excuses for the invasion of Iraq. Like George Orwell’s fictitious Big Brother, and like the real-world propagandists of the Third Reich, the Bush team regularly resorts to doublespeak, accusing others of their own sins and telling lies so often that they become mistaken for the truth.
In keeping with such Orwellian newspeak, the Whitehouse daybook phrase: “regime change” has already been sent down the memory hole as the prime reason for the illegal invasion of a sovereign nation. Karl Rove and Bush regime neo-cons no doubt wish WMDs would follow suite, but the heat is on, and even the pliant press and corporate media moderates like NPR’s Daniel Schorr are finally beginning to do their job in the wake of the administration’s admission that the African-Iraq nuke connection was shoddy goods (never mind that they reported that very fact prior to the state of the union address!). Way late out of the gate, perhaps these muzzled newshounds will start asking about all those phony Bush allusions to an al Qaeda presence in Iraq; or the misrepresentation of the length and breadth of nation-building, not to mention the expense, in post-invasion Iraq; or the dubious “evidence” of WMDs presented to the UN Security Council by Colin Powell; or the U.S. bugging of various UN missions; or the predetermined invasion plan for Iraq hatched by neo-con operatives long before the American public heard anything about a sudden pressing need to whack Iraq while still floundering in the quagmire of Afghanistan (remember Afghanistan?); or Whitehouse connections to corporations like Haliburton, Bechtel, the Carlyle Group, and Big Oil, who stand to profit enormously from the present occupation; or the appearance of suppressed intelligence reports on 9/11 prior to the attack on the World Trade Center, as well as the administrations less than helpful position on the independent investigation of that incident. Those are just a few of the glaring questions we in the independent media have been asking about
Whitehouse deceptions for months and months.
As the mainstream media wakes up to the quagmire alert and rediscovers both the investigative and journalism parts of “investigative journalism”, heretofore spineless Dems are also seemingly discovering the meaning of opposition as in “loyal opposition”.
Movement toward actual congressional investigations, rather than mere inquiry, is increasing, as well it should. Entire administrations have been brought down in the past for a lot less. However, the regime’s ministry of propaganda is still up and running, in fact its now on the defensive like a wounded jackal, and will be dealing more sleight-of-hand from its’ stacked deck. Look for more orange alerts, maybe even a red one replete with marshal law lite or perhaps even another suspicious terrorist incident. The Bush regime will not go down quietly. After all, look at all the noise and damage they’ve done so far!
No, rewriting history is the sole province of King George and his court. We in the real world don’t need to tamper with the facts; they are all plain to see if only people will allow the scales of Whitehouse manufactured junk food patriotism and knee-jerk rightwing reaction fall from their eyes. Neo-con operatives from the Heritage Foundation and other dens of inequity would do well to bail out on the Bush regime before they lose what little credibility they have left. Granted, Watergate and Contra-gate were sent down the tubes of the memory hole quite a while ago, but this is not to say that other gates remain to be opened.
Bush Now A Terrorist Under U.S. Law |
by Patriot Act (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 11 Jul 2003
USC Title 18, Section 2331, (a new category) - "domestic terrorism" - has been created and means activities that:
"involve acts dangerous to human life that are a violation of the criminal laws of the United States or of any State; appear to be intended to intimidate or coerce a civilian population, to influence the policy of a government by intimidation or coercion, or to affect the conduct of a government by mass destruction, assassination, or kidnapping, and occur primarily within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States."
Bush lied about Saddam's WMD capabilities (criminal fraud) to intimidate and coerce the public and congress to get his oil war in Iraq. Bush is, by definition of his own Patriot Act, a terrorist. |