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News :: UCIMC
Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana Current rating: 0
09 May 2003
On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at approximately 6 PM, the performance space
at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (UCIMC) at 218
W. Main St. was closed by the City of Urbana under highly irregular
Press Release

Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down by City of Urbana

On Thursday, May 8, 2003, at approximately 6 PM, the performance space
at the Urbana-Champaign Independent Media Center (UCIMC) at 218
W. Main St. was closed by the City of Urbana under highly irregular

The UCIMC was first inspected three days earlier, on Monday, May 5.
At that time, the UCIMC was given notice of six violations of the
Urbana fire code and informed that a follow-up inspection would be
conducted on May 29, 2003.

On Thursday evening after business hours, the Division Chief of the
Fire Rescue Services Department returned unannounced with a building
official to close the performance space. It is extremely unusual for
an inspection to occur after business hours and with little notice.
Furthermore, the city has thus far given no reason why the space was
suddenly shut down instead of reinspected on May 29, as stated in the
original notice.

The UCIMC has already made significant progress in addressing the
violations listed by the Fire Department, and plans to continue
addressing these concerns. It is unclear why the decision to close the
performance space was made after it was determined at the initial
inspection that the organization would have 24 days to fix the

The performance space at the UCIMC is Champaign-Urbana's only all
ages, volunteer operated, not-for-profit, non-smoking venue for
regularly scheduled touring and local music performances.


Zach Miller Meghan Krausch
217-367-4678 217-390-6051
217-265-8458 217-244-4682
zach (at) meghan (at)
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Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 1
09 May 2003
What were the nature of the violations? Has a lawyer been contacted? What can we do?
Standby For Further Information
Current rating: 3
09 May 2003
I have just come from a meeting between IMC representatives and the City of Urbana. I cannot give a complete run-down of what transpired at this time, but it led to a better understanding of the events of the past few days and opened channels of communication between the parties that will help resolve some of the issues. Standby for further news as this is a developing story...
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
09 May 2003
[My comment from the morning of 5/9 dissapeared sometime between 1pm-9pm. Any ideas?]

Also interested in hearing about what the violations were as well as the progress.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 1
10 May 2003
Buy a Saturday News-Gazette to get the full story!
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 3
10 May 2003
Your earlier comment was eaten by a bug in the software, which does that when a story is made into a feature.

The concerns raised by the fire department are a mixed lot, ranging from the easily alleviated to far more complicated ones that have existed in the space all along. Everyone involved is exhausted from two days of trying to get to the bottom of the problems (there were some definite communication problems with the city that caused a difficult situation to be even more traumatic than it was anyway) and trying to work out temporary solutions. More will be forthcoming later. Please bear with us, as this occured right at the end of the semester, so a number of us also have other obligations to address.

As for what may appear in the N-G, we'll just have to see. I'm still waiting on them to do a big expose on Tim Johnson's vote on the tax cut for millionaires that we have been following closely here. Maybe they will do a better job with a story about the IMC than they have done so far on how on local congresscritter is selling out 99.9% of his constituents.
Rock Me, Rock Me All Night
Current rating: -5
10 May 2003
Clearly this is the work of COINTELPRO, and their agents in Great White. Anybody know where I put the smudge pots?
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 3
10 May 2003
Modified: 11:48:38 AM
The News-Gazette's version of the story in today's paper is online at - headlined "Fire hazards impede facility". Any comments as to its accuracy?
Chicago In Solidarity
Current rating: 3
10 May 2003
as a chicago organizer, i have full respect for the comrades of urbana champaign, and will commit to ya'll resources if you request any activity by us.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
10 May 2003
This sounds a lot like what we are seeing in Ann Arbor, MI. The Net/Tech Center, an affordable space for artists to do their work, was unexpectedly invaded by fire fighters armed with axes who proceeded to break down the walls and doors of spaces which were being occuppied. This was at the beginning of a bitter cold winter and came without warning. Beware artists!... the phillistines have siezed control.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 11
10 May 2003
Modified: 03:58:56 PM
As a regular attendee of the events at the IMC, as is also my teenage daughter - I am curious if there are any plans yet for showing the level of public community support for this facility? The timing is difficult (and probably intentional), to be sure, with the end of school terms in full swing. But if support meetings or petitions are put together fairly soon, many people may perhaps still be able to offer input while they are available in town.

Please keep us all posted as best possible, and thanks - many of us greatly appreciate all of the IMC staff's tremendous efforts to resolve this situation.



What Comes Around Goes Around !!!
Current rating: 2
10 May 2003
Modified: 04:27:56 PM
The ultimate irony of this entire situation is the article's last sentence which happens to be a quote by your own Meghan Krausch:

"They're basically making it impossible for us to do business in Urbana," she said.

I hate to use your recent run of bad luck to point out the obvious, but how do folks on the left like a taste of your own medicine? This is exactly the kind of thing the private sector in Urbana (what remains of it) goes through all of the time.

From government involvement in hiring practices, excessive regulation, government mandates, OSHA, DOL, Renters Rights Board, Community Health, Health Care mandates, crushing taxation, etc., your group has essentially lobbied for all these. Urbana businesses trying to make a profit have been destroyed by the policies that you have imposed upon them. So much so, that this fire inspector was left with little to do but nail you guys.

I bet the conspiracy segment of your membership is going nuts right about now. The reality is that these changes should be made, in light of the recent disasters that killed all those people in Chicago, and Rhode Island. Although I take great joy in making fun of what your organization stands for, I would never want to see any harm come to anyone of you.

Your group needs a safe, comfortable place, in which you can America in peace. Is'nt there some sort of government agency that you can go to for a handout, grant, or something of that nature? As a last resort, you could do what business does and actually try earning the money for the neccessary repairs. Like that's going to happen.

Best of Luck,


Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
10 May 2003
I would like to know what was said at a meeting between a reporter and the Urbana mayor that caused the mayor to throw a chair at a reporter.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -1
10 May 2003
OMG... this is priceless. Can you people not take a hint, or what?
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 3
11 May 2003
St. louis IMC is ready to help in whatever way possible... all of us sympathize and understand. let us know if there is anything that we can do!
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -1
11 May 2003
Modified: 12:10:02 PM
All they wanna do is take your social virginity and make you a whore for the mainstream media.
Admittedly, it's a fire trap. Also admittedly, this seems like a blunt attack nobody can say anything about.


Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -4
11 May 2003
Winston, are you insane, friend?
"Social virginity?" Oh puke.........
"Make you a whore?" I don't think anyone would want to sleep with them....
"Admittedly it is a firetrap." Well, I guess the best thing to do would be let them continue to meet there, huh?
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 20
11 May 2003
Modified: 06:01:50 PM
I'd wonder if the people constantly trolling the IMC comments section would consent to displaying their opinions publically instead of hiding behind the anonymity of the internet.

It's rather pathetic to dedicate any amount of time to destroying something that someone else worked rather hard to create. I feel sorry for you, "Jack", "Reva", "bfd", etc.

I personally think that a lot of indymedia action is pretty irrational and misguided at times, but I don't see anything wrong with the community center. Hell, the building is made of concrete - it's not going to burn down terribly quickly even if something bad does happen. Exits were clearly marked - it might not have been up to code, but actions were being taken to bring it up to code and it certainly wasn't a deathtrap or firepit or whatever you'd call it.

A hundred minor fire code violations could be found at the IMC and it wouldn't come close to the dangerous conditions of several campus bars.

I've been in contact with the fire chief and trust that he's acting genuinely in this instance, but reveling in the closure of the community center is just sad.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -3
11 May 2003
This is classic... while "Zach" complains of people who disagree with AWARE hiding behind "anonymity of the internet" he didn't post his email address, or his entire name. Hmmmm........ are you hiding Zach???? I have posted my address, why don't you do the same?
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -5
11 May 2003
Dear Zach,

I merely pointed out the irony of the entire situation. You folks have violated code and endanger those who enter the facility. If you don't raise the money to make the changes, your "I hate America Center" will be shut down by the very people you all have elected to monitor these things.

Perhaps this will awake the entrepreneurial spirit within each of you and put a little capitalistic elbow greese into the problem and solve it.

How about a Krispy Kreme fundraiser?

Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -2
12 May 2003
I wonder why my first letter was not posted. Maybe it was because I sent it to Zack and not to the website? Anyway, the point is the concern for public welfare- instead of putting your energies into complaining about the system, the procedure, the timeframe, the lack of revenue- just fix the code violations and show some concern for human lives. No, it may not be like a bar- but it isn't a bar- it is a performance center with curtains, lighting, wires, and a dwelling for 3 illegal tenants etc. Just do the right thing.
Where To Start....
Current rating: 9
12 May 2003
Modified: 08:32:38 AM

You are seriously uninformed.

1. If you are on this site for longer than 20 minutes, you will know that this is an IMC project, not AWARE. AWARE meets at the IMC since it is a public, community space. AWARE is not a sponsor or in any way a party to the building or the performance space at the IMC.

2. Zach is a well-known member of the IMC. You would know that as well if you were informed. He IS using his real name. I know who he is. So would ML, or PM, or many others.

3. I don't see where AWARE is even involved in this story. Could you point that part of the story out to me? The Greens also meet at the IMC as do other local progressive groups.

Finally, I find the glee of the conservative trollers a little odd.

The IMC had until 5/29 to repair code violations. This is customary. Local restaurants and bars are regularly inspected for health and safety violations. I have worked at many restaurants and bars here in CU and I have never been present at an inspections where numerous violations are found---NEVER. Establishments are always given a deadline to fix the violations---from not have mayo at the proper temperature to blocking fire exits to rotten food to broken sprinklers. Closure of an establishment rarely happens unless it is deemed grossly hazardous---which the IMC wasn't in it's first inspection, and then was 2 days later AFTER business hours.
Current rating: 0
12 May 2003
I meant to say that every inspection I have been present at has found numerous violations. Sorry for the confusion.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
12 May 2003
Modified: 11:11:12 AM
I think a lot of us could write letters to the editor with a little more info.

Of course, if there are violations, they need fixing. The question seems to be why give the IMC 24 days to fix the problems and then shut them down. I'm sure someone from the IMC must have asked this question, either when the officials came to shut the place or at subsequent meetings. I know you guys are busy these days, but what has anyone told you?
Good Questions: We're Trying To Get Answers
Current rating: 3
12 May 2003
Modified: 11:40:32 AM
The UC IMC is working on a statement to address these issues. It should be forthcoming in the near future. One problem we are facing is that we are still waiting on an official report, which we should have Tuesday, so we are still uncertain exactly what the scope of the problems we face is.

Another problem, that is still unclear after the meeting held between city officials and UC IMC representatives on Friday afternoon, is the manner in which the city pursued this in a zero-tolerance fashion without attempting to communicate and work with the IMC about the issues they thought they saw. This approach has not been used with other businesses and would be unlikely to be tolerated by the community if so used regularly. The IMC has been inspected regularly in the past, with only minor violations found (a very common situation for any publicly used space), which were quickly resolved by the IMC in good faith.

This time it was apparent that the intention of the city was to shut us down first and ask questions later. Most of the alleged violations are issues that have always existing with the space and are nothing new. At least one, the issue of the soundproofing foam as misleadingly portrayed by the frontpage picture in Saturday's News-Gazette, was blown far out of proportion by failing to communicate with the IMC and instead turn it into something it was not. The fabric that covers the foam had been treated with fire retardant. The foam itself is bedding foam, which is supposed to be fire-retardant. While we now know that it does not fall under the code requirements for a fire retardant building material, it is simply not true that it was used in a reckless manner without any thought to safety as is implied by the picture and article in the N-G.

The finetooth comb that the city used against the IMC could be similarly used to shut down almost any business in the city, if so applied. Since we were singled out, it naturally raised questions of selective enforcement that are still unanswered. Unfortunately, the city's choice to make its case in such a way, to ensure we were shutdown, rather than to work with us like they do with other businesses, has painted everyone into a corner, escalating the issues in such a way that makes finding any solution that leads to us being able to resume use of the Back Room difficult, if not impossible.

This is not to say that city officials are not now trying to work with us. We have been cooperative with the city throughout past and present inspections, so the approach initially taken by the city is still not explainable. But the damage has been done.

We hope to go forward from here. We are not blaming the city for the problems that exist, but pointing out that everyone involved has made mistakes, not just the IMC. However, we are the ones who bear the brunt of the poor outcome and remain hopeful that the city's approach will not mysteriously revert to the non-communciation and uncalled for mistrust that apparently went on last week prior to Friday afternoon's meeting.
Current rating: 0
12 May 2003
Privately circulated emails should not be posted without permission of the original authors. Please refrain from doing so here. Querstions that may arise from such communications can be discussed with those involved at this Wedcnesday's Steering Group meeting at 8pm at the IMC. Thank you for your cooperation.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -4
12 May 2003
ML< can you ever take responsibility for yourself and not blame the rest of the world? You should be grateful no one has been hurt in your facility. Instead, you blame Urbana inspectors for doing their job. You blame the News-Gazette because it had a picture of the shoddy workmanship. Grow up. Accept responsiblity. The world isn't out to get you
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
14 May 2003
I'd just like to point out for clarity that the comment in this thread made by "zach" was not made my me. I always post with a verified email address of zach (at)
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
15 May 2003
"5" Says::you will know that this is an IMC project, not AWARE. AWARE meets at the IMC since it is a public, community space. AWARE is not a sponsor or in any way a party to the building or the performance space at the IMC.

Reva replies: Yes, 5, I am fully aware they are two separate groups.

"5" says: Zach is a well-known member of the IMC. You would know that as well if you were informed. He IS using his real name. I know who he is. So would ML, or PM, or many others.

reva replies: Ok, 5... btw, is 5 your real name? Your parents must have a terrific sense of humor. Why are ML, or PM's names just initials? When speaking of using real names it is strange you refer to yourself as a number and to others at just initials. Is this more of your double talk? LOL... Oh, 5, looks like you got me again with that!
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -2
19 May 2003
Hurry Wow!! Call a lawyer, there has to be someone to sue. Don't take the time to research "the nature of the violations" or work toward a solution - spend the money on an attorney, that's brilliant. Here's what you can do: help fix the hazards and stop being so sue-happy like the rest of the country.
Re: Irrelevant
Current rating: 0
19 May 2003
You seem to have the right name alright, although I suspect it is just the latest mutation in names from Jack Ryan. No one from the IMC has suggested hiring an attorney, only you. We consider such action as being, well, "irrelevant." You seem to attach some importance to our taking your irrelevant suggestion, but to us it is irrelevant.

I'm curious as to why you seem to be both unhappy with some people being, as you say, "sue-happy," yet feel obligated to offer such irrelevant advice to us. Since the only tactic you have against us is the strawman one, perhaps that is why you cling to it in the face of its irrlevancy to a reasoned discussion of the facts, rather than the artificial conflicts you construct as a distraction.
Current rating: 0
19 May 2003
Just so that people aren't taken in by the lies and rumors being spread by the trolls on this thread, here is a link to the UC IMC statement on this incident:
Oh, Really???
Current rating: -2
19 May 2003
"No one from the IMC has suggested hiring an attorney, only you. We consider such action as being, well, "irrelevant."

So what is this?

Apples And Oranges
Current rating: 1
19 May 2003
If one member of our collective has considered hiring an attorney to personally represent them based on what appears to be a case of assault on his person, it is a vastly different thing from the IMC hiring an attorney to represent the collective in relation to the issues surrounding the city's heavy-handed handling of the closure of our preformance space. Your original comment seemed to specifically address the issue regarding the closure of the space. No proposal to hire an attorney to contest the closure was ever entertained and we do not anticipate hiring one in the future, based on the current situation.

As usual, you are simply wrong, hoping to twist the facts into something they are not.
Current rating: 5
19 May 2003
No where in that link does it state that the IMC is hiring an attorney or suing anyone. Your link provides no proof for this assertion.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: -2
20 May 2003
5, do you have dyslexia?
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 3
20 May 2003
Well I think "we need legal help" contradicts "no one from the IMC has suggested hiring an attorney", but oaky, agree to disagree. What no one is saying here is what was it that provoked this reaction from the mayor, and how was it involved in the closure of the space the following day.
Re: ML Irrelevant Response
Current rating: -2
20 May 2003
Modified: 01:24:49 PM
Please see the FIRST comment listed for this article by "Wow" as he/she jumps the gun and quickly plays the "get a lawyer card" Thus the sarcasm in my original response to getting an attorney.

Don't talk about how unhappy I am with some people or how I am plotting to distract others from the truth. There's no conspiracy theory out there, just slight paranoya on your end. Go against the grain when necessary, but read top to bottom and left to right. Bye.
Defining Legal Help...
Current rating: 10
20 May 2003
Getting legal help does NOT automatically mean filin a lawsuit.

Gettin legal help can be: clarification of existing laws,
finding out existing channels to remedy the situation,
learning what your rights are, etc.

As I said before, there is NO evidence in your link that states the IMC has hired a lawyer or filed a lawsuit.

Just because someone who posts a comments suggests a lawyer doesn't mean the IMC as a collective has taken such action. You are assuming facts that do not exist.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 3
21 May 2003
Whoa, whoa, whoa. I just am curious about the whole chair-tossing thing, is all.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 3
21 May 2003
I find the closing of this performance space to be appalling. Artists are not given a strong enough platform, and particularly in smaller towns, it is growing exceedingly difficult for expression to be released.
Closing down the only forum for performances in the city is another step towards killing art, and could be seen as a very tactful method of killing freedom of speech and freedom of expression.
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 1
22 May 2003
There have been scattered references to mayour throwing chair at reporter. This seems like big news. Why the secrecy?
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
22 May 2003
Modified: 08:51:57 PM
Just to be clear, I was not playing the "get a lawyer card" in asking if a lawyer had been contacted nor was I infering any sort of conspiracy on the part of the city. It simply seems a prudent course of action to consult someone knowledgable in the law when confronted by a situation that involves the law in its various manifestations, not to mention the value of a lawyer as an intermediary in any sort of conflict. Nothing sinister. Nothing litigious. Just common sense. That's all.

I might add as well that I also am interested in this chair throwing thing? What's the substance here?
Re: Community Center Unexpectedly Shut Down By City Of Urbana
Current rating: 0
24 May 2003
Isn't Indymedia in favor of openness from the government and business? What does it suppress a story about an elected official, a mayor, assaulting a citizen?