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News :: Education
Jewish Group Threatens To Kill Editor Of College Newspaper Current rating: 0
03 May 2003
Santa Rosa, California --
SANTA ROSA, Calif. - The offices of Santa Rosa Junior College's student newspaper were locked temporarily following death threats against the editor for a piece she published criticizing Israel. The piece in the biweekly Oak Leaf appeared six weeks ago.

Since then, 19-year-old editor Kristinae Toomians has been the target of death threats from area jewish extremists.

The article, entitled "Is anti-Semitism ever the result of Jewish behavior?", was written by Mark McGuire, a student.

The piece took a pro-Palestinian position Rich Mellott, the adjunct professor who advises the Oak Leaf staff, said he read the piece quickly and saw no reason not to run it.

"It was politically charged and there were a few inflammatory things, but it wasn't libelous and it didn't incite people to violence," Mellott said. "The First Amendment isn't there to protect agreeable stories."

Meanwhile, editor Toomians said the furor the article has been a learning experience.

"I was really nervous at first," she said “Because of death threat letters and fliers left on my car windshield, "but I have a lot of support here, and I'm feeling more at ease."

Well here is the piece in question

Is Anti-Semitism Ever The Result Of Jewish Behavior?

By Kevin McGuire

Israel is the largest and most dangerous terrorist organization in the world. Israel is currently and has been historically involved in a genocidal war against the Arab world.

The Zionist Jews believe they are the 'chosen people' of god and that the world was given to them and is their possession.

The Zionist Jews want to establish a Jewish holy land with no non-Jews present.

They currently occupy Israel but are constantly trying to expand their borders with their superior military power over their Arab neighbors.

No fewer than 2,265 Palestinians have been murdered by the Israelis in the last three years since September 28, 2000.

Many of these victims were children, 22.8% were less than 18 years old and 12.8% (that's 291 killed) were less than 15 years old ( The Israelis carry out these attacks with armored tanks, helicopter gun ships and fully automatic rifles. The Palestinians must defend themselves with rocks. A typical plan of attack involves ramming an Israeli tank through the home of a Palestinian family and shooting anyone who happens to survive, including children. Then, once the cleansing process has been completed, the town is re-occupied with so called "Jewish settlers". This attitude of racial hatred and genocide is also reflected in the Torah: "Destroy all of the land; beat down their pillars and break their statues and waste all of their high places, cleansing the land and dwelling in it, for I have given it to you for a possession" Numbers 33:52,53. Israel is in violation of far more international laws than Iraq. Although bound by the same laws as Iraq, Israel is 'allowed' not only to possess chemical and genocidal race-specific Anti-Arab biological weapons, but they also have over 300 known nuclear bombs. These weapons, being held in the hands of proven Israeli terrorists, pose a much greater threat to world peace than all of the other terrorist organizations combined. This threat is partially to be blamed on us as American citizens, for doing nothing to prevent it. The Jewish war of genocide is being funded by us, the American tax payer. Since 1973, Israel has officially received $2,500,000,000 in US Foreign aid. Divide that by the current US population and it's over $5,700 paid per US citizen. On average Israel receives $6.3 billion per year, or $17 million per day. (

US aid to Israel makes up a full quarter of the Israeli annual budget. In addition to money, we also supply them with military gifts, such as F16 fighter jets, Apache helicopters, gun ships, tanks, machine guns, missiles and bullets. Without the heavy US aid to Israel that they are currently receiving Israel would no longer be able to continue its program of genocide.

Each of us contributes directly to the Israeli holocaust waged against the people of Palestine and we each personally purchase the intense Arab hatred for America which caused the 9/11 attacks.

American funding of Jewish genocide is not only felt by Arabs in the Middle East. On September 11, 2001 our nation was targeted by Arab terrorists not because they 'hate our freedoms', but because we are supplying the bullets that kill their children. Not only are we forced to pay a serious amount of money to fund the Jewish holy war which benefits America in no way, but American lives are also being sacrificed in service to Israel. Our national 'leaders' say nothing, do nothing, and deny the facts. Israel is the most powerful and dangerous terrorist organization in the world and they have hi-jacked America. Our spineless national 'leaders' refuse to even discuss the Israel issue because the Israeli-American lobby in Washington DC, funded by Zionist Jews, is the most powerful lobby in existence, wielding even more power than the NRA.

It is now politically incorrect to question our Israeli policy, because any resistance to demands by Jews is anti-Semitism and that is "hate," the label politicians fear most. Our corrupt weakling politicians know that any mention of the Israel problem will be career suicide. They place their own selfish, greedy career and power interests over those of our national interests and the interests of the American people.

In closing, here is a 1998 quote from Osama Bin Laden:

"So we tell the Americans as people, and we tell the mothers of soldiers and American mothers in general that if they value their lives and the lives of their children, to find a nationalist government that will look after their interests and not the interests of the Jews."

The continuation of tyranny will bring the fight to America, as Ramzi Yousef and others did. This is my message to the American people: to look for a serious government that looks out for their interests and does not attack others, their lands, or their honor.

And my word to American journalists is not to ask why we did that, but ask what their government has done that forced us to defend ourselves. It is our duty to lead people to the light."

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The Zionazis Sure Fear The Printed Word As Much As The Nazis Did Or Bush Maybe They Are One-and-the-same
Current rating: 0
03 May 2003
That is also not to forget the brave Palestinian doctors, or intrnational Peace ActivistS medics, etc whom the I"D"F does not distinguishin their slaughter. And those peaceful protestors from abroad sick to their hearts with first hand experience of the ZioNazis... snipers, bulldozers, rockets, missiles, stun grenades, wow, you name it, they've used it all: bloated Goliath fighting little Davids.

And yet there are more and more little Davids everyday brave to face the ZioNazis down. And the world is seeing clearer and clearer each day the real nature of the ZioNazis.

We see each day more and more desperate means applied to stem the tide of protest worldwide.

That old ploy of playing the victim is losing more and more its value each day. Worse still, many real victims of the Nazis are turnign against the ZioNazis for their genocidal behaviour using holocaust victims as the excuse.

For the ZioNazis, someone else being the victim is fine.

Unfortunately for these jackboots, the many one else nowadays do not fall for the old trick used to cover up the ugly face of the ZioNazi victimising of the defenceless.

More Of DAN's Depredations
Current rating: 0
03 May 2003
If you aren't familiar with DAN's record of depredations of Newswires all other the IMC network with his various flavors of hate, you might want to hold your nose and check out his recent thread (imposed on him by th editors here):
Jewish Group Threatens To Kill Editor Of College Newspaper
Current rating: -2
04 May 2003
SANTA ROSA, Calif. - The offices of Santa Rosa Junior College's student newspaper were locked temporarily following death threats against the editor for a piece she published criticizing Israel. The piece in the biweekly Oak Leaf appeared six weeks ago.

Since then, 19-year-old editor Kristinae Toomians has been the target of death threats from area jewish extremists.

The article, entitled "Is anti-Semitism ever the result of Jewish behavior?", was written by Kevin McGuire, a student.

The piece took a pro-Palestinian position Rich Mellott, the adjunct professor who advises the Oak Leaf staff, said he read the piece quickly and saw no reason not to run it.

"It was politically charged and there were a few inflammatory things, but it wasn't libelous and it didn't incite people to violence," Mellott said. "The First Amendment isn't there to protect agreeable stories."

Meanwhile, editor Toomians said the furor the article has been a learning experience.

"I was really nervous at first," she said “Because of death threat letters and fliers left on my car windshield, "but I have a lot of support here, and I'm feeling more at ease."

Well here is the piece in question

Is Anti-Semitism Ever The Result Of Jewish Behavior?

By Kevin McGuire

Israel is the largest and most dangerous terrorist organization in the world. Israel is currently and has been historically involved in a genocidal war against the Arab world.

The Zionist Jews believe they are the 'chosen people' of god and that the world was given to them and is their possession.

The Zionist Jews want to establish a Jewish holy land with no non-Jews present.

They currently occupy Israel but are constantly trying to expand their borders with their superior military power over their Arab neighbors.

No fewer than 2,265 Palestinians have been murdered by the Israelis in the last three years since September 28, 2000.

Many of these victims were children, 22.8% were less than 18 years old and 12.8% (that's 291 killed) were less than 15 years old ( The Israelis carry out these attacks with armored tanks, helicopter gun ships and fully automatic rifles. The Palestinians must defend themselves with rocks. A typical plan of attack involves ramming an Israeli tank through the home of a Palestinian family and shooting anyone who happens to survive, including children. Then, once the cleansing process has been completed, the town is re-occupied with so called "Jewish settlers". This attitude of racial hatred and genocide is also reflected in the Torah: "Destroy all of the land; beat down their pillars and break their statues and waste all of their high places, cleansing the land and dwelling in it, for I have given it to you for a possession" Numbers 33:52,53. Israel is in violation of far more international laws than Iraq. Although bound by the same laws as Iraq, Israel is 'allowed' not only to possess chemical and genocidal race-specific Anti-Arab biological weapons, but they also have over 300 known nuclear bombs. These weapons, being held in the hands of proven Israeli terrorists, pose a much greater threat to world peace than all of the other terrorist organizations combined. This threat is partially to be blamed on us as American citizens, for doing nothing to prevent it. The Jewish war of genocide is being funded by us, the American tax payer. Since 1973, Israel has officially received $2,500,000,000 in US Foreign aid. Divide that by the current US population and it's over $5,700 paid per US citizen. On average Israel receives $6.3 billion per year, or $17 million per day. (

US aid to Israel makes up a full quarter of the Israeli annual budget. In addition to money, we also supply them with military gifts, such as F16 fighter jets, Apache helicopters, gun ships, tanks, machine guns, missiles and bullets. Without the heavy US aid to Israel that they are currently receiving Israel would no longer be able to continue its program of genocide.

Each of us contributes directly to the Israeli holocaust waged against the people of Palestine and we each personally purchase the intense Arab hatred for America which caused the 9/11 attacks.

American funding of Jewish genocide is not only felt by Arabs in the Middle East. On September 11, 2001 our nation was targeted by Arab terrorists not because they 'hate our freedoms', but because we are supplying the bullets that kill their children. Not only are we forced to pay a serious amount of money to fund the Jewish holy war which benefits America in no way, but American lives are also being sacrificed in service to Israel. Our national 'leaders' say nothing, do nothing, and deny the facts. Israel is the most powerful and dangerous terrorist organization in the world and they have hi-jacked America. Our spineless national 'leaders' refuse to even discuss the Israel issue because the Israeli-American lobby in Washington DC, funded by Zionist Jews, is the most powerful lobby in existence, wielding even more power than the NRA.

It is now politically incorrect to question our Israeli policy, because any resistance to demands by Jews is anti-Semitism and that is "hate," the label politicians fear most. Our corrupt weakling politicians know that any mention of the Israel problem will be career suicide. They place their own selfish, greedy career and power interests over those of our national interests and the interests of the American people.
The Zionazis Sure Fear The Printed Word As Much As The Nazis Did Or Bush Maybe They Are One-and-the-same
Current rating: -3
04 May 2003
That is also not to forget the brave Palestinian doctors, or international Peace Activists medics, etc whom the I"D"F does not distinguish their slaughter. And those peaceful protestors from abroad sick to their hearts with first hand experience of the ZioNazis... snipers, bulldozers, rockets, missiles, stun grenades, wow, you name it, they've used it all: bloated Goliath fighting little Davids.

And yet there are more and more little Davids everyday brave to face the ZioNazis down. And the world is seeing clearer and clearer each day the real nature of the ZioNazis.

We see each day more and more desperate means applied to stem the tide of protest worldwide.

That old ploy of playing the victim is losing more and more its value each day. Worse still, many real victims of the Nazis are turning against the ZioNazis for their genocidal behavior using holocaust victims as the excuse.

For the ZioNazis, someone else being the victim is fine.

Unfortunately for these jackboots, the many one else nowadays do not fall for the old trick used to cover up the ugly face of the ZioNazi victimizing of the defenseless.

Jewish Desire To Murder Children Infects "American" Military Forces
Current rating: -3
04 May 2003
Al-Tallulah -- It started when a young boy hurled a sandal at a US jeep - it ended with two Iraqis dead and 16 seriously injured.

I watched in horror as American troops opened fire on a crowd of 1,000 unarmed people here yesterday.

Many, including children, were cut down by a 20-second burst of automatic gunfire during a demonstration against the killing of 13 protesters at the Al- Kaahd school on Monday.

They had been whipped into a frenzy by religious leaders. The crowd were facing down a military compound of tanks and machine-gun posts.

The youngster had apparently lobbed his shoe at the jeep - with a M2 heavy machine gun post on the back - as it drove past in a convoy of other vehicles.

A soldier operating the weapon suddenly ducked, raised it on its pivot then pressed his thumb on the trigger.

Mirror photographer Julian Andrews and I were standing about six feet from the vehicle when the first shots rang out, without warning.

We dived for cover under the compound wall as troops within the crowd opened fire. The convoy accelerated away from the scene.

Iraqis in the line of fire dived for cover, hugging the dust to escape being hit.

We could hear the bullets screaming over our heads. Explosions of sand erupted from the ground - if the rounds failed to hit a demonstrator first. Seconds later the shooting stopped and the screaming and wailing began.

One of the dead, a young man, lay face up, half his head missing, first black blood, then red spilling into the dirt.

His friends screamed at us in anger, then looked at the grim sight in disbelief.

A boy of 11 lay shouting in agony before being carted off in a car to a hospital already jam-packed with Iraqis hurt in Monday's incident. Cars pulled up like taxis to take the dead and injured to hospital, as if they had been waiting for this to happen.

A man dressed like a sheik took off his headcloth to wave and direct traffic around the injured. The sickening scenes of death and pain were the culmination of a day of tension in Al-Fallujah sparked by Monday's killings.

The baying crowd had marched 500 yards from the school to a local Ba'ath party HQ. We joined them, asking questions and taking pictures, as Apache helicopters circled above.

The crowd waved their fists at the gunships angrily and shouted: "Go home America, go home America."

We rounded a corner and saw edgy-looking soldiers lined up along the street in between a dozen armoured vehicles. All of them had automatic weapons pointing in As the crowd - 10 deep and about 100 yards long - marched towards the US positions, chanting "Allah is great, go home Americans", the troops reversed into the compound.

On the roof of the two-storey fortress, ringed by a seven-foot high brick wall, razor wire and with several tanks inside, around 20 soldiers ran to the edge and took up positions.

A machine gun post at one of the corners swivelled round, taking aim at the crowd which pulled to a halt.

We heard no warning to disperse and saw no guns or knives among the Iraqis whose religious and tribal leaders kept shouting through loud hailers to remain peaceful. In the baking heat and with the deafening noise of helicopters the tension reached breaking point.

Julian and I ran towards the compound to get away from the crowd as dozens of troops started taking aim at them, others peering at them through binoculars.

Tribal leaders struggled to contain the mob which was reaching a frenzy.

A dozen ran through the cordon of elders, several hurling what appeared to be rocks at troops.

Some of the stones just reached the compound walls. Many threw sandals - a popular Iraqi insult.

A convoy of Bradley military jeeps passed by, the Iraqis hurling insults at them, slapping the sides of the vehicles with their sandals, tribal leaders begging them to retreat.

The main body of demonstrators jeered the passing US troops pointing their thumbs down to mock them.

Then came the gunfire - and the death and the agony.

After the shootings the American soldiers looked at the appalling scene through their binoculars and set up new positions, still training their guns at us.

An angry mob battered an Arab TV crew van, pulling out recording equipment and hurling it at the compound. Those left standing - now apparently insane with anger - ran at the fortress battering its walls with their fists. Many had tears pouring down their faces.

Still no shots from the Iraqis and still no sign of the man with the AK47 who the US later claimed had let off a shot at the convoy.

I counted at least four or five soldiers with binoculars staring at the crowd for weapons but we saw no guns amongst the injured or dropped on the ground.

A local told us the crowd would turn on foreigners so we left and went to the hospital.

There, half an hour later, another chanting mob was carrying an open coffin of one of the dead, chanting "Islam, Islam, Islam, death to the Americans".

We left when we were spat at by a wailing woman dressed in black robes.

US troops had been accused of a bloody massacre over the killings of the 13 Iraqis outside the school on Monday. Three of the dead were said to be boys under 11.

At least 75 locals were injured in a 30-minute gun battle after soldiers claimed they were shot at by protesters.

Demonstrators claimed they were trying to reclaim the school from the Americans who had occupied it as a military HQ.

The crowd had defied a night-time curfew to carry out the protest

Horrors Of New Jewish State Slavery
Current rating: -2
04 May 2003
- Fifteen year-old Patrick Komakech lies on a bed, grateful for his freedom and more importantly for his life. He was brought to a rehabilitation centre in the northern Ugandan town of Kitgum after fleeing his captors, the rebel Lord's Resistance Army (LRA), two weeks after they abducted him from his school. He was among the lucky ones. Others in his group who had tried to escape, were recaptured and killed in front of their counterparts "as a lesson on what would happen to us if we tried to run away". Children are the main target of the 17-year LRA insurgency which has terrorised civilians in northern Uganda. The group, led by Joseph Kony, seeks to topple President Yoweri Museveni and replace his government with a regime governed by the Biblical Ten Commandments.

The group routinely attacks Acholi villages, killing civilians and abducting children to be forced into its ranks and girls to be used as sex slaves for commanders.


Children who have managed to escape from LRA captivity tell horror stories about the extreme physical and psychological violence with which they were initiated into rebel ranks.

Peter Ochan, 14, was abducted, when he was asleep and made to walk the whole night and the whole day, before he and other abducted children were allowed to rest. During his 10 months in captivity, the clubbing of children to death by rebel commanders became a daily ritual in the bush, he says.

Ochan, now accommodated at the Gulu Support the Children Organisation (GUSCO), a rehabilitation centre set up to help children returning from captivity, explains how he and others were forced to carry the decomposing body of a boy killed for trying to escape.

"We carried the body on our shoulders everywhere we went," he said. "It smelt very bad. We were told it was part of our training. The commander then told us to scoop out the brains from what was left of the body and show them around to others."

Another escapee, Tony Ulanya, 16, says he has met LRA leader Joseph Kony several times and describes him as a "possessed man".

"He would preach to us on Sundays for many hours," he told IRIN. "He always told us that he spoke with the angel who told him that he would one day be the president of Uganda, and the young people he has abducted and the children born in captivity will take over the country. Sometimes he leaves people and stays on his own for a long time."


Opportunities to escape from captivity are extremely rare for many of the abductees. Many do not dare to escape for fear of reprisals, either towards them or their families.

Relishing his freedom at the Kitgum Concerned Women's Association (KICWA), Patrick recounts some of his gruesome memories.

"Two boys tried to escape," he says. "They were beaten to death, with sticks. A child whose feet were too swollen to walk any further was tied up and left behind to die. He was left there and told to eat soil."


Those who run the rehabilitation centres for returning abductees, such as GUSCO and KICWA, say most of the children who escape are often emaciated, weak from disease, and severely traumatised.

"In the bush, good food, like chicken and goats was reserved for commanders, while children only ate sorghum or wild fruits," Patrick recalled. "In Sudan [where the LRA has its bases], we had to kill people, steal their animals and take stored grains in order to survive."

The rehabilitation centres are however just a temporary respite for returning abductees. Once their return to their families has been facilitated, the children remain under constant risk of re-abduction, which would mean certain execution by their captors.

Mads Oyen, the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF) child protection officer in Uganda told IRIN that there had been at least 6,000 abductions since the beginning of this year, translating to 12,000 a year.

"The abductions that have taken place since the period after June [2002] are the highest levels of abductions ever [since the insurgency began]," Oyen said.

Christopher Arwai, who heads the KICWA centre, however believes that many more children have been abducted from northern Uganda throughout the insurgency, many of whom may never be accounted for.
Re: Jewish Group Threatens To Kill Editor Of College Newspaper
Current rating: 5
04 May 2003
Modified: 11:32:10 AM
This kid's message to America is to look for a serious government that doesn't attack others, their lands or their honor? He will have to go far to find that, maybe Costa Rica or Bali or Australia or something. Amrerica just finished wiping out hundreds of innocent civilians of two middle-eastern countries without ever finding the Saudi terrorist Bin Laden or the Iraqui WMD we were supposedly after. The Bush family are personal band business friends with the Bin Ladens and subverted ongoing investigations by CIA agents which would have implicated them as huge contributors and supporters of terrorist groups. The kid is unaware of many things going on in his world because he says so many untruths. I pray very day that Godwill open the eyes of such people and let them start to really see what is going on around them and (dare I say it?) think for themselves and help them start searching for the truth rather than taking the word of whatver white supremecist ignorance of facts and accurate history that could create such a distorted article.