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democracy breaks out in C-U |
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by Ricky Baldwin Email: baldwinricky (nospam) (unverified!) Phone: 217-328-3037 |
12 Apr 2006
Democracy breaks out. Voters en masse approve referenda for fall ballot. Pro-war, pro-Bush folks show their true colors. DI story title misses the mark, story gets it right. I sent the DI this letter to the editor. You can write them, too. |
Here's my letter. By the way the next township meeting where voters can directly decide things is April 10, 2007. Mark your calendars. - RB
Dear Editor:
The DI misled readers Wednesday (4/12/06) with the story title, “Council approves Iraq referendums.” Nothing of the kind occurred. Voters themselves met, debated and decided to place referenda on the November ballot: one calling for withdrawal of troops from Iraq, another calling for impeachment of the President and Vice-President for lying, breaking international and domestic law, spying and torture.
The body of the story was good, however, and shows how truly pathetic and troglodytic the pro-war side is. I love Mark Thompson’s quote that democracy is “a bureaucratic situation that ties up our government […] just by being here”. Ironically it was his side that dragged the meeting in Champaign out for two hours, whereas their complete absence in Urbana allowed the meeting to end in half an hour.
Of course, our side likes debate. That’s why we want the referenda. So, thanks, Mark.
Champaign Mayor Jerry Schweighart’s quote was good, too. “Many people were killed,” he says in Vietnam when US forces left, skipping over the little detail of up to a million killed when US forces arrived. He predicts that people may get killed in Iraq if US troops pull out. Does he even read the paper? The death toll has been rising since the invasion, US troops as well as Iraqi civilians supposedly “liberated” by our bombs and bullets.
But then, facts have never been the strong point of the warmongers or their acolytes.
And now the Bush Administration wants to invade Iran, too, as evidenced by their denials. (We remember that from last time.) Somehow the madness has to stop. It’s up to us to stop it. Remember in November. |
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Re: democracy breaks out in C-U |
by Joe Futrelle futrelle (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 12 Apr 2006
Thanks Ricky. In case people missed the meeting(s), the referenda call for
1. The immediate withdrawal of US troops from Iraq
2. The impeachment of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney, and
3. The IL governor to resist any attempt to deploy more Illinois National Guard troops to Iraq
All three of these proposals are, in my view, necessary and timely, and ought to be put before the voters. As is what I think is likely to be a bumper crop of third party candidates who support ending the Iraq war and preventing further US military debacles. |
Re: democracy breaks out in C-U |
by 5 (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 12 Apr 2006
Apparently, people using the political process for conservative goals (CUSWMTD) is fab, but people using the political process for other goals (anti-war) is anti-american.
Yes, anti-american. That's the accusation being flung around on IP.... |
Re: democracy breaks out in C-U |
by *Township of the city of Champaign Resident* (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 18 Apr 2006
As a registered voter and resident of Champaign I was surprised to see a recent letter in the News Gazette complaining about Urbana malcontents and radicals putting an advisory referendum on Champaign's November ballot. I was at the meeting of April 11 at Champaign City Hall and only registered voters of the Township of the City of Champaign were allowed to vote.
I am neither a malcontent nor a radical. Perhaps those who wisely followed Illinois Township law that allows the advisory referendum on the November ballot to bring the troops home from Iraq and to impeach Bush/Cheney are after all the patriotic and civic-minded members of our community.
As a World War II veteran I am bothered when many who speak to continue the current debacle in Iraq and support for those who “lied” us to war have never served in the military. As a veteran I am calling for an end to the misuse and waste of our national treasure and resources both human and monetary.
Please take note: Urbana’s Cunningham township may have voted to place advisory referendum on their November ballot for which they deserve credit. However, as a proud (finally) resident of Champaign, I am pleased Champaign residents will be able to mark ballots in November to bring the troops home, remove the bases, help rebuild what’s been destroyed and inform Rep. Johnson we want him to lead the impeachment of (Bush/Cheney). Voters in both communities will be able to repudiate the warmongers! |