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News :: Political-Economy
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles Current rating: 0
04 Jan 2006
By entering into the land of penny stocks to support their 'Homeland Security' penny stock operation they increase the chance that U.S.penny stocks might be used for money laundering and by operating like a typical offshore penny stock scheme they encourage others by their examples to do the same.If Woolsey or Asa Hutchinson or Tom McMillen can think of no better way to help their homeland perhaps they should all retire.
D.C.Terrorbaggers:James Dale Davidson, ex-CIA Chief Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles

What do ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey,Tom McMillen, Asa Hutchinson, ,Don Nickles all have in common ? Probably a greedy envy of the Beltway penny stock fraudster James Dale Davidson, founder of Agora Inc. of Baltimore's,etc., premiere world penny stock promotion and manipulation 'internet-work' that has pioneered the use of the world wide web to tout penny stock scams and probably launder money with unaudited U.S. penny stock shares.James Dale Davidson and his Agora Inc.even employed the ex-CIA Chief William Colby before his mysterious drowning for use of his name on Davidson's and Agora Inc.'s, 'Strategic Investment ' letterhead.

Congressman and Rhodes scholar Tom McMillen almost sold his worthless Global Defense Corporation (``GDC''), located in Washington, DC to a worthless shell penny stock scam with connections not only to Davidson but to Dubai by way of his fellow Rhodes scholar James Dale Davidson of 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' fame.Now he as issued forth 'FORTRESS AMERICA UT' (OTC BB:FAACU.OB) on the penny stock 'investment' world and yet more worthless penny stock shares circulating around the world used to launder money and used like their money by insiders often on themselves rather than reinvesting in a real company,etc..

Oh,the irony,did these two Rhodes scholars note as their two worthless shell companies went bump in the night ? Too bad Bill Clinton doesn't rat on his two scammy fellow Rhodes scholars as they were so eager to do over Clinton's sex life and phoney accusations re Clinton's involvement in the death of Vince Foster.

James Dale Davidson's Amenni penny stock has a Nannaco connection as well as a Dubai connection. Amenni that appears to have a British address or did as well as a Dubai office for whatever reason,was courted by Nannaco and its suspect ' management' that ex Maryland Congressman McMillen apparently did no investigation of before becoming involved.. And yet Tom McMillen thought nothing of selling his own 'GDC' or Global Defense Corporation 'Homeland Security' company in Washington D.C. to Nannaco or allowing Nannaco to use his and his company's name in a pump and dump scam,even though it might be a criminal or money laundering operation with more ties offshore,and in terrorist money laundering supect country Dubai !!, than in America !!

Is James Dale Davidson using New Zealand ?

D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson, Tom McMillen,Don Nickles

After the U.S. Civil War certain Northern gentlemen found a south in disarray and chaos from losing a civil war and the need to convert a non slave holding south into a wage slave state a fertile ground for
their financial divide and conquer interests.This group became known as 'carpetbaggers' probably both symbolic of their fly by night nature as well as a more than symbolic stuffing of it with loot before departing from the south and back to from where they came.So they had more concern with filling their carpetbag and heading onto another scam than allegiance to the black or white local inhabitants WHO WOULD BE LEFT HOLDING THE BAG AFTER THEY WERE GONE .

These new carpetbaggers have previous connections with the Washington D.C. Beltway bureaucracy, collectively they have many many years of experience and various contacts in high places between them.They,in this modern era hardly need even a carpetbag when millions of dollars in wealth can flow from the fear machine in Washington D.C. to an offshore bank or trust account in a blink and turn worthless unaudited shares into laundered cash.Yes these are our 'protectors',no more than offshore and onshore carpetbaggers whose very means of financial transactions such as James Woolsey's or James Dale Davidson's many offshore accounts.

It is perhaps for the very reason of these looters and traitors Beltway connections they not only can form a worthless penny shell of a 'company' but attract investors or 'marks' based upon that reputation of
insider political connections that will make your penny stock perhaps part of the federal government's or the CIA's up and coming growth stocks in the never ending war on terror.And thus yet more Beltway spooks are brought out of retirement to keep us scared and disorganised as they loot America and or Iraq etc. on an international scale.Not since Iran Contra and IraqGate have these spooks had it so good,and now unlike the 1980's penny stock scams, they have internet and perhaps the NSA,and SRA International,and Mantas Inc. the supposed anti-money laundering spinoff of SRA International and thus the CIA..... Should the CIA be invested in the stock market at all and is it not yet another conflict of interest to invest in companies such as SRA International whose spioff Mantas Inc gathers insider trader broker etc. info that may be used to help the CIA's In-Q-Tel trade or dump their penny stock etc. investments to the disadvantage of 'ordinary' investors Âż?

Now with computers and internet and combining NSA internet spying with internet stock fraud perhaps ? Aside from gambling the stock market is perhaps one of the best money laundering arms of international crime and of looted cash from war or drugs.This is because of what I term 'share-money laundering' that takes advantage of a glaring SEC weakness in penny stock money flows,i-e.- the SEC's inability or unwillingness to audit the issuing of shares,
often allowing penny stock criminals to remain anonymous much less convicted, by often fraudulent,illegal pump and dump and even money laundering penny stock management and the underworld figures who often associate with them.

Perhaps even for all the boys of D.C.'s patriotism and valor we might request of them:ex-DIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,....don't follow the path of National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson and illegally pump and dump your shares on the market.Do not let those shares be used offshore or they may be used for money laundering.

This appears to be the attitude of many of our supposed patriots who are seeing the death and destruction in Iraq and Afghanistan as well
as our military occupation as an opportunity to loot and sack both U.S.coffers in the name of 'security' and a 'war against terror' as well as privitizing out themselves creating every imaginable ' homeland security' company or shell and either pandering to our Beltway bureaucracy or even opening unproven fly by night companies claiming to be offering anything related and with hopes of capturing some of what trickles down in the largesse of the Bush-Cheney world war on terror or to perhaps defraud Americans further through Beltway and government bureaucrats and military and NSA or CIA or ex Beltway politicos such as Asa Hutchinson or Thomas McMillen or ex CIA Chief Woolsey,as if he is not making enough on his Dyncorp interest through lucrative private or corporate military contracts funded by the same U.S.government he was once a humble employee of.....

What do they all have in common ? Envy for James Dale Davidson,founder Agora Inc,premiere world penny stock promotion 'internet-work' that has pioneered the use of the world wide web to
tout penny stock scams,even employing the ex-CIA Chief William Colby before his mysterious drowning for use of his name on Davidson's Agora Inc.,' Strategic Investment ' letterhead.

All James Dale Davidson's scammy Agora Inc websites make claims of 100's of percentage point gains with their advise.And yet Agora Inc has been allowed to carry on in Baltimore,their international penny stock activities unhampered and with no scrutiny.

Mr. Davidson is also founder of the National Taxpayers Union and the far right and possibly used ex-CIA Chief Willliam Colby's name without his permission on 'Strategic Investment' whose purpose of stock promotions was converted overnight into a James Dale Davidson,'Clinton killed Vince Foster', political psyops mailing.

This endeared James Dale Davidson even further to the Beltway far right but as more and more deception and lies were found in James Davidson's and his British smear writer Christopher Ruddy's story of Clinton being behind the death of Vince Foster,it would appear Mr.Davidson may have lost some clout, at least temporarily, in the Beltway.James Dale Davidson is behind so many penny stock and or
other scams at any one time it appears the SEC and U.S. government must purposely turn a blind eye. James Dale Davidson uses the same tactics against investors he defrauds that he uses against his political enemies or perceived enemies such as Bill Clinton.He promises 100's of percentage point returns and lies about the real reason for collapse of share value, generally his own massive dumping of shares he got for pennies on the penny.

Ex-CIA Chief Woolsey on the other hand has apparently some of Mr.Davidson's offshore skills so he wasn't an ex-CIA for nothing. He even has an
offshore account probably more than one to dump those penny shares of Asa Hutchinson,Don Nickle's and Tom McMillan now priced about $6 a share on the scammy OTC stock board that they all got for about 1 1/2 cents !! But what are they selling but the names and reputations for running scams and pulling strings in Washington D.C.,including support from the Homeland Security or the White House ? And that is exactly what investors buy their worthless shares for as well.So even if the company were to become profitable it would be because of the unethical insider connections of the Beltway carpetbaggers who used their Beltway connections to suck at the tit of the U.S. taxpayers.Defrauded again.

And it appears Tom McMillen is already aware from his past penny stock activities,trying to take advantage of his basketball notariety, ended in shame and fraud against investors even if no loss was paid by himself.Only 'investors' were the victims of his last penny stock scam.:

''The 6-foot-11 McMillen was a star basketball player at the University of Maryland and a Rhodes scholar. He played 11 years in the NBA until 1986, then won the first of three terms as a Democratic U.S. representative from Maryland's 4th district.

McMillen's most prominent business venture since he left the House in1993 was as co-founder and chief executive of Complete WellnessCenters Inc ., a health care company that put together and managed alternative medicine centers. After a $6 million IPO in 1997, the company was briefly (and inconclusively) tangled in a federal health care fraud investigation in 1997 and 1998......''

By entering into the land of penny stocks to support their 'Homeland Security' penny stock operation they increase the chance that U.S.penny stocks might be used for money laundering and by operating like a typical offshore penny stock scheme they encourage others by their examples to do the same.If Woolsey or Asa Hutchinson or Tom McMillen can think of no better way to help their homeland perhaps they should all retire.

CIA , Asa Hutchinson , James Davidson , Thomas McMillan , Don Nickles , Terrorists and Offshore Money Launderers

beltway terrorism carpetbaggers:james d davidson,ex-cia woolsey,asa
hutchinson, mcmillen,nickles

It seems like only yesterday but must have been earlier this year that Maryland's ex Democratic Congressman and Rhodes scholar Tom
McMillen almost sold his worthless Global Defense Corporation (``GDC''), located in Washington, DC to a worthless shell penny stock with connections to Dubai by way of his fellow Rhodes scholar James
Dale Davidson of 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' fame.Oh,the irony,did these two Rhodes scholars note as their two worthless shell companies
went bump in the night ? Does Tom McMillen know he is now in the murky world of penny stock underworld and mafia of the likes of James Dale Davidson and ex-CIA Chief James Woolsey who has made a 'killing' with his Dyncorp private military and police service to and for the U.S. government and favored U.S. corporations in Iraq and Afghanistan etc.
A google search ' woolsey dyncorp' will give you a general idea.

Davidson's Amenni that has had a Nannaco connection as well as a Dubai connection.Amenni that appears to have a British address or did
as well as a Dubai office for whatever reason,was courted by Nannaco and its suspect management and Tom McMillen thought nothing of selling his own 'GDC' or Global Defense Corporation 'Homeland Security' company in Washington D.C. even though it might be a criminal or money laundering operation with more ties offshore,in terrorist money laundering supect country Dubai !!, than in America !!

And in his greed to get in on the 'war on terror' and the 'homeland security' scare and profit while he can he hooks up with that right wing peudo-patriot ex-CIA Chief Woolsey who has so little respect for
America he opts for offshore accounts for his U.S. war profiteering and to hold and sell or dump as the case may be shares of the penny stock shares he gets for pennies on the penny to sale or dump on less fortunate Americans who must pay taxes onshore unlike himself who will dump his U.S.penny stock shares in the U.SD. market and 're-patriate' his ill gotten gains.

Subject: Repeat SRA International,Mantas Inc link: CIA or mafia on wall street again ?

Add to topic connection between Mantas having a trove of information yet no one caught for illegal pump and dump etc. ?

Could Mantas Inc. be trusted to monitor another Beltway connected securities fraud or perhaps cover it up ? For instance the James Dale Davidson and Endovasc dump from Schwab account, Mantas should have been monitoring.What if hypothetically numerous ...... shares were being dumped from Woolsey's offshore accounts or from Asa Hutchinson's or Tom McMillen's or Don Nicke's onshore accounts.Would Mantas catch it ? Or would they miss the dump as they did in Davidson's Charles Schwab account case ?

Mudville Gazette
It is DynCorp employees who are the security force for the new Afghan president,Hamid Karzai. Former CIA Director James Woolsey is a primary stockholder. ... - 36k - Cached - Similar pages

room 3-03 US Eye of the Beholder: Terrorism West/Terrorism East
Linked to former cia director James Woolsey, DynCorp provides security in ...
Woolsey's DynCorp links tally with his intellectual inclinations—both
he and ... - 57k - Cached - Similar pages

Online NewsHour: James Woolsey Bio --1998
R. James Woolsey is a partner at the law fire of Shea & Gardner in Washington,
... 1984-1989; Titan Corporation, 1983-1989-, DynCorp, 1988-1989. ... - 15k - Cached - Similar pages

McMillen Brings Big Names To New Venture

The 6-foot-11 McMillen was a star basketball player at the University of Maryland and a Rhodes scholar. He played 11 years in the NBA until 1986, then won the first of three terms as a Democratic U.S. representative from Maryland's 4th district.

McMillen's most prominent business venture since he left the House in1993 was as co-founder and chief executive of Complete WellnessCenters Inc ., a health care company that put together and managed alternative medicine centers. After a $6 million IPO in 1997, the company was briefly (and inconclusively) tangled in a federal health care fraud investigation in 1997 and 1998. McMillen's affiliation with the company ended badly: He sued Wellness after it terminated his employment agreement, according to SEC filings. Wellness, beset by creditor lawsuits, filed for bankruptcy liquidation in New Jersey in March 2001, with assets of $304,000 and debts of $4.4 million.

For much of the past six years, McMillen has been a merchant banker and has been affiliated with a number of small homeland security firms, either as an investor, director or adviser. He has also been
chief executive of Washington Capital Advisors LLC , a Washington private equity firm.


Re: Asa Hutchinson

Terror Flight School Owner In Business With Whitewater Scandal 'Key Figure'.

As for Asa Hutchinson when did he ever contribute to making American or Arkansans lives better for that matter ? As Arkansas Attorney General did he bring those bringing cocaine into Arkansas or trading
it for arms safer ? No. And what was his reward ? W.Bush appointed him drug czar.
And in his short lived and winded role as DEA 'drug czar' did he capture one large heroine dealer of international significance or only do a photo op of some raid on a California Medical marijuana
dispensory ? He actually presided over one of the fastest growing opium and heroine productions in world history since the U.S.invasion of Afghanistan which coincided with his appointment to head the DEA.

In many ways he is an example of why 911 happened in the first place.Did he know how many ex Whitewater and Mena related suspects would be coincidentally at and around Venice,Florida's Saudi terrorist flight school ?And why did Jeb Bush not notice and investigate the Arkansas and Saudi presence in Venice,Florida at his friend Wally Hilliard's flight school ? And why didn't Wally Hilliard who must have known his close pal Governor Jeb Bush's father, George Bush,had close contacts with Saudis in the highest circles not get the unusual Saudis training at his Venice flight school checked out by Jeb Bush ?
If only Asa Hutchinson could answer those questions we might be able to solve 911.

The Homeland Security Bubble

CIA head James Woolsey? (Steve Clemons of the Washington Note has more on Woolsey's efforts to profit from the war on terror.)

Fear, Inc.

Nannaco to Enter $130 Billion Homeland Security Market
Wednesday March 2, 2005 10:47 am ET

GIG HARBOR, Wash., March 2, 2005 (PRIMEZONE) -- Nannaco, Inc. (OTC
BB:NNNC.OB - News) announced today that the Company has executed a Letter of Intent to acquire Global Defense Corporation (``GDC''),
located in Washington, DC.

The LOI provides for the payment to the Company of cash in stages. Initially GDC will pay $25,000 to the company. At the time a definitive merger agreement is signed, GDC will pay to the company another $125,000. Upon closing the merger GDC will provide an 8% $250,000 Promissory Note payable within 90 days of the closing of the merger. The obligation of GDC to close is conditioned on, among other things, the satisfactory completion of due diligence review by GDC and the reduction of the Company's liabilities to $50,000 or less.

The Honorable Mr. C Thomas McMillen, Chairman of GDC, was formerly a U.S. Congressman, representing a district in the State of Maryland in the House of Representatives from 1987 to 1993. Mr. McMillen has over 18 years of combined experience in government,finance and mergers and acquisitions. In February 2003, Mr. McMillen founded GlobalSecure
Corp., a homeland security consolidator focusing on companies serving critical incident responders and where, as Chief Executive Officer until February 2004, he was instrumental in securing $30 million equity capital. In 2003, Mr. McMillen served as Vice Chairman and Director of Sky Capital Enterprises, Inc., a venture capital firm, and Chairman of Sky Capital Holdings, its brokerage affiliate. Mr. McMillen was appointed by President Clinton to Co-Chair the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports from 1993 to 1997.
Prior to serving in Congress, Mr. McMillen played for 11 years in the National Basketball Association. Mr. McMillen received a BS in chemistry from the University of Maryland, and a Bachelor and Master
of Arts from Oxford University as a Rhodes Scholar.

Mr. Paul B. Silverman currently serves as Chief Executive Officer of Global Defense Corp. Mr. Silverman has over 30 years of senior management experience, having served as the CEO of both public and private companies. In 2003, Mr. Silverman assisted in restructuring MobilePro Corporation (OTC BB:MOBL.OB - News), a publicly traded third generation wireless chip company, and was appointed founding Chairman of the MobilePro Corporate Advisory Board (2003-2004).

Mr. Silverman has also held senior management consulting positions with Coopers and Lybrand, Booz Allen and Hamilton, and from 1991 through 1996 served as CEO for James Martin Strategy, Inc., an
international management consulting firm with global headquarters in Amsterdam. He has extensive corporate management experience, including senior positions at GTE, Xerox, SBS, IBM and RCA. Mr.
Silverman holds a BS in Physics from CCNY and an MS in Management from Polytechnic University of New York.

The outline of the proposed merger transaction set forth in this press release presents only certain material provisions of the non-binding letter of intent between the parties and is, of course, subject to the terms of the definitive merger agreement which will be executed by the Company and GDC.

GDC is in the business of providing added value to existing companies with products and services relating to the Homeland Security industry. Technologies of interest include, but are not limited to:
remote sensing technologies, security assessment and simulation software, surveillance technologies and others. GDC adds value by providing strong and proven management, a highly accomplished
advisory board, and the ability to support new technology and business developments through new financing. Currently, GDC is in negotiations to acquire several acquisition targets consistent with its business objective of creating a large scale global security technology firm.

``We are pleased to have concluded this Letter of Intent with Nannaco,'' said Paul Silverman. ``I anticipate prompt completion of this transaction, which provides a strong foundation enabling GDC to
achieve its ambitious business objectives of global consolidation of critical homeland security technologies.''

Steve Careaga, CEO of Nannaco, expressed delight at signing the Letter of Intent. ``We could not be more excited about our opportunity to combine with Global Defense Corp.,'' he noted.
``Homeland Security is currently one of the fastest growing sectors in the United States. Combined government and private sector expenditures are expected to exceed $130 billion in the next five
years. I look forward to completing this transaction so that Nannaco shareholders can participate in this exciting and fast growing marketplace.''

In a prior press release and in filings with the SEC, the Company disclosed that it intended to merge with NAZZ Productions, Inc., a film production company controlled by Mr. Nick Stagliano. In order to
fulfill its obligations to NAZZ and to the trading markets, the Company intends to reorganize NAZZ into a subsidiary of the Company and to perform the undertakings necessary to make NAZZ a stand-alone
publicly traded company. The Company's plan includes exploring the possibility of doing a registered spin-out of NAZZ to existing Nannaco shareholders.

More information about Nannaco, Inc. can be found at and on Global Defense Corp. on its website at

This press release may contain ``forward-looking statements.'' In some cases, you can identify forward-looking statements by terminology such as ``may,'' ``will,'' ``should,'' ``could,'' ``expects,'' ``plans,'' ``intends,'' ``anticipates,'' ``believes,''
``estimates,'' ``predicts,'' ``potential'' or ``continue'' or the negative of such terms and other comparable terminology. These forward-looking statements include, without limitation, statements about our market opportunity, our strategies, competition, expected activities and expenditures as we pursue our business plan, and the adequacy of our available cash resources. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in any forward-looking statements are reasonable, we cannot guarantee future results, levels of activity,
performance or achievements. Actual results may differ materially from the predictions discussed in these forward-looking statements. Changes in the circumstances upon which we base our predictions
and/or forward-looking statements could materially affect our actual results. Additional factors that could materially affect these forward-looking statements and/or predictions include, among other things: (1) our limited operating history; (2) our ability to pay
down existing debt; (3) our ability to retain the professional advisors necessary to guide us through our corporate restructuring; (4) the risks inherent in the investigation, involvement and acquisition of a new business opportunity; (5) unforeseen costs and
expenses; (6) potential litigation with our shareholders and/or former or current investors; (7) the Company's ability to comply with federal, state and local government regulations; and (8) other factors over which we have little or no control.

For further information on Nannaco, please contact Steve Careaga at 253-853-3632, or send correspondence to 7235 North Creek loop, Gig
Harbor, WA 98335. For further information on Global Defense Corporation, visit the GDC web site at or call 202- 434-6187.

Source: Nannaco, Inc

amenni davidson siliconinvestor,asa hutchison penny stock

The Homeland Security Bubble

Subject: amenni davidson siliconinvestor

Subject: Asa Hutchinson ,

Terror Flight School Owner In Business With Whitewater Scandal 'Key Figure'.

Endovasc,Texas:Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Endovasc,Texas,SRA International,Mantas Inc.,CIA and Bellador Group

Mantas Inc,Herndon, Va, Pro-Money Laundering Arm of international bankers, brokers,market makers...

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering

Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA

NSA Caught With The Cookies

NSA's Lamest Spy Tool: Cookies,69943-0.html?tw=wn_tophead_4


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Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson ?
Current rating: 0
11 Jan 2006
Does Steve Forbes magazine cover up for National Taxpayers Union founder James Dale Davidson's 'anti-naked shorting' and other stock frauds ?

As a prominent member of the National Taxpayers Union founded by James Dale Davidson it would seem probable Steve Forbes knows quite well about James Dale Davidson's penchant for touting and dumping worthless penny stocks on the U.S. market and then claiming share price collapse is due to 'naked shorting' rather than Davidson's illegal pump and dump activity,often through his Agora Inc. of Baltimore etc..James Dale Davidson has even operated his long ongoing penny stock scams out of the National Taxpayers Union office in Alexandria, Virginia.Why not, with his Beltway connections and his Agora Baltimore with its myriad penny stock scam websites etc. ?

Since Davidson 'pumped' or promoted Endovasc and Genemax around the end of 2002 and probably dumped through Charles Schwab's LOM account and began complaining that 'naked short selling' caused collapse of share price rather than his massive dumping of shares and dedicated a whole website to the lie called 'NAANSS', or National Association Against Naked Short Selling ,yet another scammy website has appeared on the world wide web called 'NCANS' or coincidentally.

The first one started by James Dale Davidson was the National Association Against Naked Short Selling and its replacement is 'National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling'. Why didn't Steve Forbes introduce his own Forbes writer Elizabeth MacDonald to his own associate James Dale Davidson founder of both their National Taxpayers Union as well as the probable founder of the 'anti-naked short selling' fraud to cover up his own manipulation and dumping of worthless U.S. generally Nevada incorporated penny stock shares. And if he did not invent the fraud himself he certainly is the one to have taken it to its maximum use in stock fraud to cover up his own illegal pump and dump activities.

While Forbes' MacDonald's articles re Patrick Byrne of Utah's can be amusing as can those of Roddy Boyd of Rupert Murdoch's New York Post ,that is only because Patrick Byrne himself provides the one liners.However I would expect more from Forbes. Could you really be as naive at Forbes as you all make out to be regarding the 'anti-naked short selling' scam and and its true origens ? Do you think 'Bob O'Brien' and his sidekick Patrick Byrne would create the very same James Dale Davidson 'anti-naked short selling' scam including the admonition to 'buy certs' or paper share certificates to protect from 'naked short sellers' out of thin air and create yet another 'anti-naked shorting' organization with another 'N' for 'National' in its acronym without ever having heard or more likely associated with the same scam previously ?

Or was it coincidence that 'Bob O'Brien' and Patrick Byrne placed their $100,000 + ad-letter
to W.Bush in the Washington Post on February 8
warning about the supposed dangers of 'naked short selling' to Social Security investments in the market.First I thought the National Taxpayers Union planned to gut Social Security anyway and second does the NCANS ad placement in the Washington Post perhaps signify close political-social ties there ?

Steve Forbes,shame on you for misleading your own reporter,and even worse your subscribers, about the true Beltway-Davidson origens of the 'anti-naked short selling' scam.It's not coming from the B.V.I. or Calfornia even if the server or the bank account for is there.The origen of NCANS just like NAANSS before it,(that was located in the same Blaine,Washington office where Genemax was promoted from),is the Beltway itself just like Nigerian letter scams are from Nigeria.But more specifically Patrick Byrne and 'Bob O'Brien's' 'NCANS' also has a Beltway origen coming from the fraudulent mind of your associate James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union etc.

Yet it would appear that Steve Forbes magazine is no better than his pal Rupert Murdoch's NY Post or his Fox news for that matter.I have already explained my reasoning for why Murdoch's NY Post would not won't to expose James Dale Davidson and his probable connections to as well.

Rupert Murdoch was the Lord William Rees-Mogg's employer at the Times of London briefly and the Oxford graduate and Rhodes scholar Davidson has business and authorship ties with and to the Lord Rees-Mogg.James Dale Davidson was the 'brains' behind the political fraud that claimed 'Clinton killed Vince Foster'. And so both Murdoch and Steve Forbes have reason to wish their business writers away from the real story behind the 'anti-naked short selling' scam and the true reasons for it and its creator James Dale Davidson,founder of the National Taxpayers Union' and Beltway insider or 'terrorbagger'(see link to article by that name).

Also Rupert Murdoch's NY Post employed the same smear writer,Christopher Ruddy,that Davidson and his employed for the 'Clinton killed Vince Foster' smear campaign.So it does appear that all parties concerned are certainly political frauds and Steve Forbes covers up for his pal James Dale Davidson who is also a proven stock fraud and one who rips off his fellow Americans to fill offshore accounts.And the traitor appears to be trying more penny stock scams from the Middle East.

Forbes magazine has on the other hand lent credibility to James Dale Davidson's 'anti-naked short selling fraud in the past,(without having to mention of James Dale Davidson),by interviewing attorney John O'Quinn who defended James Dale Davidson's pump and dump of the worthless Endovasc penny stock shares as 'naked shorting' by Charles Schwab, Refco, Ameritrade ! These were probably instead just the locations of accounts Davidson dumped worthless Endovasc shares from ! In the case of Charles Schwab I have the proof.

James Davidson's and Bill Bonner's Agora Inc. that seems to have cozy relations with the CIA or at least its ex DIAs such as William Colby and now George Tenet may have touted or promoted stocks the CIA or its In-Q-Tel 'non-profit' investment arm holds or held shares of !! Bill Bonner and his British sidekick Wiggans even spam our Congress in order to solicit them to read their scammy books just like James Dale Davidson and the Lord Rees-Mogg wrote before them.

Yes right in Baltimore is Agora Inc. founded by James Dale Davidson who also founded the National Taxpayers Union that Steve Forbes,
Grover Norquist, have been a big part of as well.And while they claim to be on the 'taxpayers' side for politics they are really internationalists and elitists in terms of their banking and in their consequent taxpaying.Their interests are not those of America or Americans. They or most certainly James Dale Davidson,pal of Steve Forbes,would be and is happy to defraud his fellow Americans in penny stock scams and send their assets offshore to his personal accounts and the SEC or Securities Exchange Commmission lets him do it.

Of course the Securities Exchange Commission uses and pays handsomely to SRA International and thus the CIA in many ways,to run not only their IT infrastructure but also allows them to dominate the 'anti-money laundering'business through major national and international banking and brokerage firms as well !!! Can no one not even the GAO or the SEC say or see conflict of interest ? SRA may not only be providing the 'NetOwl' search engine for the CIA and White House but providing software to read your internet posts as well. And so your banking and stock trading activities as well ?

Unfortunately we now learn the SEC itself uses SRA International for its IT work just as the NSA does and the CIA is an investor through In-Q-Tel and thus may have access to Mantas Inc. private banking and stock trading records !! Forbes says SRA is among the best companies to work for.I know one thing and that is that SRA International's Mantas Inc. allowed James Dale Davidson's illegal pump and dump of Endovasc shares,(up to 30 million in one account!),from a single Charles Schwab account to go unnoticed and thus it aided and abetted the stock fraud and illicit enrichment of Steve Forbes pal and phoney National Taxpayers Union founder,James Dale Davidson!!

It may be past time to ask the SEC to get the CIA out of stock investing.As they set a bad precedent.And other federal agencies may justify a similar scheme as the CIA and or NSA who both use the same IT that the GAO and the SEC and the White House etc etc all use and that appears to be SRA International's predominantly.And it is the major inventor of software for supposed expertise in 'anti-money laundering'.Mantas Inc. is now spun off to Safegurd Scientific(SFE) yet SRA International hand selected the personel.How close can all these relations get before someone cries conflict of interest and not only in terms of invasion of privacy by new fed internet police but one that through Mantas or similar software made by SRA International,may even be monitoring your stock trading activities with the sole purpose of betting against you ?

If what I am learning about the Beltway's connections to spying not only on internet surfers but on individual investors can be used on a mass scale it will certainly turn out to be that certain intelligencia,maybe with criminal minds,in the Beltway may gain more manipulative control of markets than anyone on Wall Street could hope to do.

.Does NSA Serve SRA International's 'Cookies' ?

Agora Inc.meets George Tenet in New Orleans,touts penny stock for CIA

Senator Bennett :Is Patrick Byrne's NCANS a Fraud ?

James J. Angel,Georgetown University,lap dancers and cyber fraud mafia

D.C.Terrorbaggers:J. D. Davidson,ex-CIA Woolsey,Asa Hutchinson,Tom McMillen,Don Nickles

Time Magazine, Daniel Kadlec duped by Houston attorneys Wes Christian and John O'Quinn

Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering