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Announcement :: Arts |
House Theater Arrives at the New IMC for 1st time |
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by Charles Joseph Smith Email: charlessmith702210 (nospam) (unverified!) Phone: (773)355-0351 |
16 Dec 2005
Modified: 01:49:52 PM |
School of Designing a Society makes a debut
house theater performance at the new IMC
this weekend!!! |
The School of Designing a Society will do a
house theater performance this Friday night,
Saturday night, and Sunday night, all at 8pm.
Some people know what the SDAS is, since some had worked in the old IMC, but I can
tell you (for those who do not know) that this
society, not related to campus organizations like the University of Illinois or Parkland College, focuses strongly on self-sufficiency,
protest actions using contemporary/improvisation art (like what happened during the WTO protests in Seattle around 2000), feminism, radical cheerleading, permaculture, and the return of an environment that was common in the 1960s, where the sexual revolution exploded in the world, and free-love exploded through the masses in such places like the famous
Woodstock outdoor rock concert (which
led to...of course....Lollapolooza). To put it simply....the world of "the hippies and the yuppies." So that is what SDAS is all about.
Their original house used to be a small schoolhouse at 409 S. Race in Urbana (near University Avenue) where I had
been an auditor for some of their classes.
Don't find that house at all right was
razed several years ago due to eminent domain...specifically
it was because the house on very bad land
that could not be sold. There is a new SDAS house that is on 122 W. Franklin, just off Broadway Ave, on the edge of Crystal Lake Park, in Urbana.
The performance will take place at the new
IMC near the Post Office on Broadway Ave.
(just near the Lincoln Square Mall)...on the southwest end of downtown Urbana. Don't go to 218 W. Main St. (which was where the old IMC was) in Urbana or you will be at the wrong place!!!!
The main part of the show will be the radical
Prince Myshkins, a twosome musical group
featuring Rick Burkhardt and Andy Gricevich,
whose performances involve protest-related and activist-related
songs, mainly full of satire and humor. (This
group originally came out of San Diego, CA.)
Also featured is a solo performance art
dance by Lisa Fay and also by Jeff Glassman. I have been very strong friends
with them since I happen to be a performance art dancer myself. Lisa and Jeff often work together as contemporary and
improvisational dancers. They used to be
part of a mime troupe as well.
Only a $5 cover charge.
"House theater", was a term coined by one of the co-founders of the SDAS, Susan Rose
Parenti (a friend of mine), herself a feminist, composer, and
activist, to mean a theatrical environment that
would take place in a house and would involve contemporary and improvisatory skits, plays, music, meant to make the audience feel comfortable and make a
big diversion from the conventional way
of doing things...but not only that... the conventional world itself. It also allows participants to
do things that would not generally be accepted in regular theatre performances.
Yes, it is winter and it can be cold outside,
but the house theater performance will
make you warm all over.....And, plainly, I am
saying all this just for you....
Charles Joseph Smith
Friend of the School of Designing a Society |
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