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News :: Animal Rights |
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by Bye Klaco AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
23 Mar 2003
Iraqis capture of war prisoners
KUWAIT CITY,M23-03 -- The military command center for the U.S.-led war on Iraq flatly denied reports Sunday that either American soldiers had been taken prisoner in southern Iraq or that a coalition warplane had been shot down over Baghdad.
US urges curb on Arab TV channel
Al-Jazeera airs footage allegedly of captured American troops in Iraq |
Published March 23, 2003
DOHA, Qatar - The Arab satellite station Al-Jazeera aired footage from Iraqi television today of interviews with what the station identified as captured American prisoners, and also showed American Dead bodies in uniform in an Iraqi morgue that it said were Americans.
There was no confirmation that the prisoners were U.S. troops, or if they were, what unit they were attached to. The U.S. Central Command had no comment.
On CBS's ``Face the Nation,'' Secretary of Defense Donald H. Rumsfeld said that if those are indeed coalition soldiers being shown on the Al-Jazeera TV footage, ``those pictures are a violation of the Geneva Convention.''
Four bodies could be seen lying on the floor of the room.
The station said the prisoners were captured around Nasiriyah, a major crossing point over the Euphrates northwest of Basra.
At least five prisoners, speaking American-accented English, were interviewed. Two were bandaged. Those interviewed included one woman.
Two of the prisoners identified their unit only as the 507th Maintenance.
One of the men, sitting up, was being interviewed by an unseen person holding a microphone labeled ``Iraqi TV.'' The soldier spoke in English and at one point said: ``I'm sorry. I don't understand you.''
The narrator provided an Arabic translation, but it was possible to hear some of the comments in English.
``I come to shoot only if I am shot at,'' said one prisoner, who said he was from Kansas. Asked why he was fighting Iraqis, he replied: ``They don't bother me; I don't bother them.''
Another prisoner, who said he was from Texas, said only: ``I follow orders.''
A voice off-camera asked ``how many officers'' were in his unit.
``I don't know sir,'' the soldier replied.
One of the prisoners was shown lying on his back on a bed, with apparent wounds to both arms and hands and marks on his forehead. He had a bandage on one hand and what appeared to be dried blood on his shirt, arms and face.
Al Jazeera later showed additional footage of what appeared to be a fuel or water carrier parked along side a highway and a body in uniform with full gear and still wearing a helmet lying behind the carrier.
The U.S. Army's 507th Maintenance Company is based in Fort Bliss, Texas. The unit is part of the Army's 11th Air Defense Artillery Brigade, which includes Patriot missile batteries.
'Dave died a hero,' the mother said,
And then put the letter down she'd read.
‘The Colonel writes so nicely.' her sorrowful voice broke
and choked. As She stared into the empty space beside her.
‘I am so proud of my brave soldier son.' Then looked down.
Quietly the officer walked out.
“I did my job, told the poor Lady some lies
That will help her thru the nightâ€,
While he coughed and mumbled, for a moment her eyes
Had shone with pride for her Patriot son so brave protecting the Homeland.
He thought how 'Dave', incompetent, useless idiot,
Had panicked in that alley while clearing the way
For that oil company truck, that night the bomb
Blew up in Baghdad; how he'd been trying
To get sent home, and how, at last, he did,
In a body bag blown to bits, and no one really cared
Except that lonely woman.
They DON'T Hate Us Because We Are Free |
by kiel AKA DAN (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 23 Mar 2003
Modified: 08:50:26 PM |
they DON'T hate us because we are free they hate us because we have sons-of-bitches like bush running our country and squandering our resources to steal from them and drop bombs on them |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Mar 2003
Bye Klaco AKA DAN Disinfo
You seem overjoyed about the fact that our brave Marines were systematically executed by these animals.
I would suggest that for your own future, you keep your name on this site as untraceable as possible.
Semper Phi to the fallen.
Fraudulent “Jack Ryan” |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 24 Mar 2003
Modified: 11:07:37 AM |
“Jack Ryan” claimed just the other day (18 March) that he was going off within “24 hours” to do battle in Iraq:
“Well, in the next 24 hours it looks as though I will be off to protect you all from a war you fought so "nakedly" to prevent.”
Obviously, unless JR has internet connectivity from the front, this is just the latest in a series of bald-faced lies from this person who claims he support only victory, not war itself, as if “victory” will come without the bloody crime of aggressive war.
I think this demonstrates once again that this war is promoted by those who need to engage a bodyguard of lies to get what they want, no matter how illegitimate. But “Jack Ryan’s” abuses do not just include Indymedia. They also include abuses against the very service people he claims to support.
Masquerading as a servicemember is something that is universally hated and despised by active-duty troops and veterans of all stripes, whatever they may think of the wisdom of the current pResident ordering a battleplan that calls on them to implicitly commit war crimes, even as the Republican-controlled Congress cuts Veterans Administration funding. Everyone has heard the stories of fake Vietnam veterans playing on the heartstrings of Americans. “Jack Ryan” has done these frauds one better by becoming a fake veteran every before battle is joined.
Here is “Jack Ryan” claiming to be a Marine:
“I submit to you, that as a Marine, I have seen brave and I have seen courageous, stuff that would make your head spin to be honest.”
Here is proof that he can NOT be a Marine. “Jack Ryan” reveals that he is simply a faux Marine, instead of a real veteran as he has previously claimed here:
“Semper Phi, my brothers, Love Jack”
just as he did here again:
“Semper Phi to the fallen.”
There should now be no doubt about the fraud that “Jack Ryan” is. No REAL Marine would ever use the term “Semper Phi”.
Because it is “Semper Fi,” pure and simple. So there is no way that “Jack Ryan” is a Marine, because NO Marine, no matter how uneducated, would say “Phi” in place of “Fi”. Most likely, “Jack Ryan” is nothing but a snotty-nosed frat boy, fixated on what he presumes is his superior knowledge of Greek even as he reveals his utter ignorance about the military services he claims to be a champion of.
“Jack,” since you are always looking to pick a fight here, it seems that you are just itching to get into battle, even though you’re just another keyboard commando. I suggest, if you really want to see some blood, go to the nearest VFW or American Legion Post and put on your fake Marine act. I’m sure some real vet will be more than willing to call you on this and punch out your lights for being so presumptuous.
Iraqi Farmer Brought Down An Apache With A Rifle Shot! |
by Yamoimi AKA DAN (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 25 Mar 2003
The Iraqi television showed today pictures of a USAF Apache downed southern the capital Baghdad. The black helicopter was carrying guided missiles having US signs on them.
It said that it was downed near Karbala city, 110 km southwestern the capital Baghdad. The TV scene showed two helmets, but without any other indications about the 2 pilots. An Apache aircrew usually consists of 2 pilots.
A picture of the USAF helicopter
The television said an old farmer, called Ali Ubaid Menkash, downed the aircraft by an old Czech-made Brno rifle. It showed the farmer standing by it and carrying his old rifle. He told the television that he and his brothers were expecting an attack when the aircraft hovered over their heads; he gunned it down.
On his part, Iraqi minister of information Muhammad Sa'id Al-Sahaaf said the Iraqi forces downed 2 USAF Apaches. He said in a press conference in Baghdad that one of the two was already shown on the Iraqi television.
In Washington an American military official admitted today the downing of an Apache in Iraq, with no comment on Baghdad's declaration of downing a second one. He had no information about the 2 pilots' fate.
A vow of victory
Iraqi president Saddam Hussein promised the Iraqi people of victory on the invading forces, and praised in a speech he delivered to the Iraqis the performance of the Iraqi forces and their stiff resistance of the American and British forces.
He called upon his forces to seize the opportunity that these forces are in Iraq for the first time to cause them much damages after they were "avoiding clash depending on aircraft and missiles". He praised the brave Iraqi resistance, of both troops and the public, in Faw, Umm Qasr and Nasereya in southern Iraq. He called upon his people to have patience and endurance.
In his second speech since the American invasion of Iraq, Saddam said "We did our best to end the crisis and fulfilled their illegitimate demands because the Iraqi policy is to avoid evil, but once it is on our soil, we have to take a stance".
Continuing bombardment
Smoke rising in Baghdad sky because of the bombardment
Meanwhile, the bombardment of the Iraqi cities continued, where tremendous explosions shook both the Iraqi capital Baghdad and Mousel City in the north, along with a number of other cities.
Baghdad underwent the severest bombardment in two days, where fire broke in different areas in the city. At least six violent explosions shook the middle of Baghdad, while neither warning sirens nor air defence bullets were heard.
Ambulances were heard rushing down the streets. These explosions took place a little after the Iraqi president delivered a speech in which he stressed resistance, promising his people of close victory.
Warning siren sounded twice today morning in Baghdad where smoke was still rising from positions bombarded at night. The bombardment once again targeted a presidential palace that was damaged in a previous bombardment.
In Al-Basrah, Iraq's second largest city, Aljazeera correspondent informed that the southern city is now undergoing bombardment, adding that the bombardment focused on the western strip in particular near a bridge that witnessed yesterday fierce encounters between the Iraqi forces and the American and British invading forces.
In addition, Mousel city in northern Iraq was exposed to bombardment once more today morning and the resonance of explosions was heard in a number of the city's directions. Aljazeera correspondent said that missiles were fired seemingly west of Mosul, though he was not confident whether they hit civil or military targets. Three raids targeted the city early in the morning, two of which were combatted by the Iraqi anti-aircraft.
In the northern city of Kirkuk, minister of information Muhammad Sa'id Al-Sahaaf said the Iraqi forces defeated American forces landed near the city and forced them into retreat.
Pictures of Umm Qasr battles
US and British fighters bombarded today morning the front Iraqi positions near Chemichmal city in the Kurd-controlled area in northern Iraq, the first attack on this area since the beginning of the American invasion of Iraq last Thursday.
Tremendous explosions were heard on a mountain chain controlled by the Iraqi army, 1500 meters away from Chemichmal, controlled by the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, an ally of Washington. It is the first time the bombardment targets this area since war began on Iraq. Chemichmal lies 40 km to the east of oil-rich Kirkuk city.
The Iraqi forces also foiled similar landing attempts in Al Najaf and Karbala cities in southern Iraq. Iraqi ground-based anti-aircraft in Kirkuk city opened fire at the alliance aircraft near the Kurd-controlled area in northern Iraq. Ground-based anti-aircraft maintained fire for ten minutes and stopped to re-open fire for another 15 minute.
On another level, Karbala city witnessed battles between American military helicopters and units from the Iraqi Republican Guard in the city
Obviously, there is a concerted effort to silence anti-war and anti-corruption web sites. This activity is, of course, unconstitutional and a threat to the American people. Thomas Jefferson said it was the duty of all citizens to keep themselves fully informed, so that they could make good decisions. If some covert operation can silence certain information, then you will not be fully informed. You will therefore be unable to make good decision. You will only be able to decide what the carefully pruned and shaped propaganda fed to you would lead you to decide. You can and will be controlled by the control of what you know.
I cannot condone the use of violence of any kind for any reason, unless somebody really fucks with me, for example by making an abrupt lane change in front of my motherfucking car, asshole. So even as we go marching into a sovereign country just in case, you never know- with our entire military might, a war machine such as this world has never seen before, I must warn my fellow protestors: don't use violence to fight violence. That's like throwing gasoline on a fire, and we all know gasoline is worth more than blood. Actually that's not true. Blood plasma costs $26 per IU, which is 450 milliliters, or just under a pint, or in layman's terms waaay more blood than you've ever seen come out of somebody's neck. Gasoline is worth a little more than two bucks per gallon at the moment. A gallon contains 3,785 milliliters as any goddamn fool knows, so you can see why I'm bringing a couple quarts of unleaded premium with me to the hospital when it's surgery time. It stings like bejeezus, but I'll sure save a lot of dough.
So blood is worth more than gasoline. Of course the price of crude oil is plummeting at the moment, wandering in the region of $31.00 per barrel (44 gallons each, or a shitload of milliliters) so blood is worth exponentially more than crude oil, which is what this war is mostly about. If you could fill your car's tank with crude oil instead of refined gasoline, you would save yourself at least $1.44 a gallon. But if you fill same tank with actual medical-grade blood plasma, it would set you back a solid $208.00 per gallon. So fuck it, no blood for oil, right? It doesn't make economic sense. As I wrote this, around three dozen people in the combat zone were definitely dead- about half of them ours and half of them theirs. Your average adult human at full capacity holds around 8 pints of blood that's 4.5 liters for you metric freaks, but the pint will never die as long as there's beer in a glass somewhere in this Godless world-so each of those humans (all of whom by some startling twist happen to be adults, but this record won't last under the circumstances) is worth an impressive $208.00 in blood alone. So that's $7,488.00 worth of blood spilled so far, and by the time I read this that number will have skyrocketed along a Bell Curve the shape of the Grim Reaper's scythe.
So here we are at war for oil, and it's a pretty unpopular idea, so we're getting all disobedient and such here on the home front. The loyal opposition in Washington folded its hands in chaste obedience at the first shot like Bush crossed a magic safety line when he started the war and now he can say "fuck you" to the Democrats and they can't do anything about it but humbly pass whatever evil domestic policies he's cooking up, all in the name of supporting those poor bastards who are over there in desert camouflage fighting for the pump. That leaves the American people to do something about it. And without our elected representatives to defy the unelected ones, we must take to the streets. I fully support the notion of civil disobedience. I fully support shutting down every goddamn downtown area in this country, forming a human chain down the main street of this whole country until this war is over. Anybody who doesn't like it should probably be over there fighting. Or maybe he should examine the black smudge under his armpit where his soul ought to be.
So don't be obedient citizens. The Founding Fathers weren't. Martin Luther King wasn't. Jesus H. Christ was so disobedient they nailed his ass to the tree, and look where it got him- even George W. Bush believes in him now. Back in Jesus' day they didn't have tear gas and nylon handcuffs and pepper spray. But they have these things now. Back in Jesus' day they didn't have bulldozers. They have them now. So be careful out there. Shut this country down, if you think that will make the difference. I do, but it would be seditious of me to say so. So instead of recommending that you all get out there and spend the rest of your days until this thing is over making sure there's no such thing as business as usual in America, let me just say this: whatever you feel moved to do, be safe. Because your blood is worth a hell of a lot more than oil, any day of the week.
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