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Arrest at "Cincy Autonomous Commune" |
Current rating: 0 |
by nb Email: tlvdatsi (nospam) (unverified!) |
06 Jun 2001
The Latest From Cincy: posted 11am ET at OVIMC |
Wed. 6-6-01 10:58 am - Kim was arrested for criminal trespass on the grounds of the Hamilton County Justice Center this morning. Apparently, the cops came and woke them up. She was sleeping in the area approx 3 feet from sidewalk. The cops also siezed a banner which read, "Jail Cops Not Protestors!" and an expensive mountain bike. Photos exist of the bike, so we should be able to get it back. The bullhorn and other property was siezed. I had a nice flashlight, which may have got stolen. This is typical for the CPD. Apparently , they have stolen money from Over the Rhine residents (mostly African American) when they have done arrests on them. They have also siezed the money held by people who were arrested this weekend. This is a blatant attempt to financially disenfranchise all opposition, just as racial profiling is. Such actions are dangerous for our movement, since energy and time is required to maintain our movement. We are asking for support and people to help with bails. The bails that they are demanding are ridiculous. Usually, $1000 per person. We will be seeking support from the Cincy community and the African Community has been most generous in helping us, even though they can least afford it! So we can applaud ourselves for overcoming racial divisions and the divide and conquer bullshit which they try to pull on the working class! In this city, where there are so many negative associations with whites, this is an accomplishment. |
See also: |
Report from Tuesday Evening |
by Sean Marquis, via ML lesmarquis (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 06 Jun 2001
Editor's Note: The following report was posted early this morning about the growing solidarity between balck and white people because of the vigil. The arrest this morning described above was clearly meant to attack the unity against the police in Cincy that was displayed last evening
June 6th, 1;30 AM. - Since Saturday night, there has been a candlelight Vigil maintained at the Justice Center in Cincinnati in support of people arrested at a demonstration in Mt. Adams about unequal enforcement of April's curfew (mostly well-off, white sections of the city like Mt. Adams effectively had no curfew because the police simply did not enforce it).
Most of those arrested at the demonstration were white and some came from well-off families. Most of their supporters at the Vigil were also white. After the first night of the Vigil both black and white people were coming by to show their support for those who had been arrested and for those holding the Vigil. By Monday night support from the commmunity was strong and the Vigil had been extended to include all those arrested during April's curfew who were still held in jail (62 people).
By Tuesday afternoon, Support from the black community was quite evident by the fact that the majority of those at the Vigil were now black.
By 6PM on Tuesday all the activists arrested at the Mt. Adams protest had been released. Now the police perception could be that the whites were done with their little Vigil and could all go home now, but most of them didn't (some had to reurn home to other states) and now there lots of black folks there as well. Uh-oh, maybe the police don't like that so much, black and white gettin' together.
At 10:10 PM two patrol cars pulled up nice and slow and two officers got out and informed the now mostly black (and local) group that they were not allowed to bang drums after 10 PM - they were just "doing what we're told" and "giving you a fair warning". They also gave a parking ticket to someone who had stopped by to give us a donation.
During the previous 2 days and 3 nights, not one single police officer ever stopped and said a word to any of us (the Sherriff's Dept, - yes, the Police - no). During that time the crowd was predominantly white and split about 50/50 between local and out of towners (but now the crowd was mostly black and local).
During the previous 3 nights we banged on drums at any hour we pleased with never a word from the police. Now just minutes after 10 PM, we are told "no drum banging after ten". A heated argumnet ensued with the crowd just getting louder instead of quieter. After about 20 minutes the police left and there were no further incidents.
Basically this gave me first person experience as to how selective the law enforcement is in this town. The police actions this evening did nothing but piss people off and make them want to fight harder. Cheers, Sean
See also: |
The Latest: Two More Arrest, For Chalking! |
by Sean Marquis lesmarquis (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 06 Jun 2001
Sherriffs Ratchet Up Harassment and Make Arrests at Cinncy Vigil
As of 4:30 PM a total of 3 activists have been arrested at the Vigil. At 9:30 AM, Kim (a local organizer) was awoken from sleep arrested and charged with "criminal trespass". The two activists who were present at the time did not see the Sherriff's officers coming in time to get to Kim and wake her up before the Sherriffs reached her. They confiscated a "Jail Cops Not Protesters" banner, a bullhorn and Kim's bicycle.
Originally, when we went to bail her out, we were told she did not have bail set because "we're not giving standard bails to protesters". Then our legal aid went into the jail, raised a little hell and she was released an hour later on standard bond. Kim's personal bag was not returned to her upon her release because the Sherriff's sent it to "unclaimed property", saying that Kim never said it was hers even though she was arrested with it. ther were meeting notes in her bag as well as organizing information. It's obvious they are looking for an excuse to hold her bag while they copy all the materials. Legal is working on this issue.
Shortly after Kim's arrest (about 10:00 Am), the Sherriff's came back out and wished to confiscate our shopping carts (our "Freedom Machine" noise maker and our "Food Bin"). They said that the carts belonged to a food store and that the store had called them and requested the return of their property (we think they were lying). They said they were going to take the carts unless someone could claim them as their property, both I and a legal aid thought this was an attempt to charge someone with receiving stolen property and it seemed obvious they were trying to just arrest us one by one rather than all at once, so no one claimed the carts.
They also tried to claim the groceries in the cart belonged to the store and they were going to take those as well. I said, "No, that food is ours. People have been coming by and donating it to us. It is OURS!" So they conceded on this point and allowed us to take the food out of the cart. They would not however, allow us to take any buckets (drums) or banners off the Freedom Machine (I was busy geeting food out of the cart and was not involved with the Officer who took away the Freedom Machine, but apparently he was a jerk).
Later in the afternoon (about 2 PM), two more activists were arrested for writing on the sidewalk with chalk and are being charged with "criminal mischief". Earlier in the afternoon an officer had told us we could not chalk on the steps or on the area above the steps because that was county property but as for the sidewalk "that's city property and is not my concern".
When the chalk arrests occurred that same officer was present and one of our group said "you told us we could not chalk on the steps because that was county propertry but that the sidewalk was city propertry and not your jurisdiction."
The officer began to reply "the steps are county property, the sidewalk is city property-" but he was cut off and silenced by his superior who said "No, the sidewalk is ours as well". So there seems to be confusion in the Sherriff's Dept. as to where their jurisdiction is, but that doesn't stop them from making arrests.
They then brought out a pressure washer and cleaning solvents to get the chalk off "their property". Yesterday while some of the Mt. Adams arrestees were still being waited for, there were chalk drawings and writings all over the area (no one was hassled at all) and the rain washed it all away in it's own good time.
See also: |