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News :: Peace |
Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
Current rating: 0 |
by Peter Miller (No verified email address) |
16 Mar 2003
| coordinated a global "rolling candlelight vigil" against war today, and 500 Champaign-Urbana residents participated. The vigil took place at 7 pm near the Lincoln statue in Carle Park. |
Picture taken from the steps of Urbana High School using an inexpensive digital camera.
Tim Hallett of St. John the Divine Episcopal Church participates in the vigil. |
Candle Light Vigil |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -14 16 Mar 2003
Why don't they hold candle light vigils in Iraq?
a. Because this form of protest would get them hung by their genitalia.
Candle Light Vigil |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -15 16 Mar 2003
Why don't they hold candle light vigils in Iraq?
a. Because this form of protest would get them hung by their genitalia.
b. Because it could set their robes on fire.
c. Because it would guide our bombers who will be their any day.
Answer: All of the above.
Hey, I thought you guys hated religious people or are they just "useful idiots" to your cause?
Jack |
To Tim Hallett |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -9 16 Mar 2003
Dear Father Tim,
You are a tool of the left. Don't you know that if the people with whom you are standing ever gain power, they will seek to have your services outlawed? They try to gain respect with your presence, yet, would be the first to place you in prison for your beliefs. We will free the good people of Iraq and uncover many mass graves. You are standing with the same people who thought Hitler and his policies were the answer to the our depression. Take your head out of your Bible and see who you are standing with and may God have mercy on your soul.
Peace Be With You,
Jack |
More Pictures |
by via ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 16 Mar 2003
More pictures of the vigil by Ben Grosser are available at these links:
Re: Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
by Tom Clancey (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 8 17 Mar 2003
Modified: 01:52:18 PM |
You who call yourself Jack Ryan, you are a coward as well as a fool. My fictional hero would be brave enough to use a vaildated e-mail address, he wouldn't hide and snipe anonymously. But, on the other hand, you do demonstrate the depth of character that all right-wing chickenhawks seem to possess. Fear is a powerful thing, isn't it faux-Jack?
If I were you I'd quit posting on this site--it only serves to validate what cowardly idiots you and those of your ilk truly are. That, and the teacher might catch you wasting computer lab time and make you stay after school.
Grow up and get a grip.
Peace, Tom |
Tom Clancy Fan? |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -4 18 Mar 2003
Modified: 10:53:06 AM |
Dear Tom,
You call me a coward for not having a validated site and yet you yourself do not seem to follow your own advice. Is that not like the typical leftist to impose rules on others while they exempt themselves. How do you commie's know my name really is not Jack Ryan? Is the name that unusual. BTW, Happy St. Patrick's Day Tom.
I realize you lefties are probably going to have a tough couple of days here. Seeing the US win a stunning victory will be tough for you to watch.
For the Jack Ryan Fans, and there are many, isn't interesting that when they respond they simply try a futile attempt at an insult. Is it because they are simply angry, bitter people who have been defeated in the arena of ideas or is it because they no longer have any.
Keep the comments coming,
Jack |
Re: Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
by Robert Dunn prorobert8 (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: -1 19 Mar 2003
Why is the Nazi right on the UCIMC website. Get off now. You have the News-Gazoo and the Daily Lie for your propaganda. Father Hallet is a real believer unlike some so-called Christians like Bush/Cheney/Falwell, etc. |
Robert Dunn |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -2 20 Mar 2003
Dear Robbie,
Interesting you call me a Nazi. Wasn't the Nazis who did not tolerate a dissenting voice? I think Father Hallett is demonstrating with people who if they gained power would clearly limit or restrict his ability to spread his message and therefore, that makes him a tool of the left. Additionally, these same people hate Christians except when they can be used in a Propoganda photo. If he cares about life, he should be protesting the 44 million abortions that have been carried out since the Roe vs. Wade became law. I bet you won't see him out there though will you.
As for my comments, I would like to direct you to your own sites mission statement. If you can't take the heat, I suggest you find a new outlet for your anger, you big sissy Mary.
The Newswire is an open publishing system where all posters are responsible for their own posts and the views contained in them. Posts to the Newswire do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of the Urbana-Champaign IMC nor U-C IMC members.
Like your name, I guess your DUNN
Perplexed |
by Michelle kat681 (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 5 24 Mar 2003
Modified: 09:52:42 PM |
Whoever posted the pictures, thank you for doing so. That was what I came to the site looking for. I think the pictures are beautiful.
To Jack, I know your kind well enough to know I won't be able to change your mind, but for the sake of democracy I'll speak my mind anyway.
What I'm wondering is, why do you think those of us who want peace agree with Hitler? I've heard a lot of ignorant comments about the anti-war movement, but this one just floors me. Perhaps I didn't study history quite hard enough, but I'm pretty sure Hitler wasn't a peaceful man. In fact, I believe one of his war crimes was pre-emptive war, which just might put him in a category with Bush (please do not try to refute this comment by telling em all the ways Bush is different from Hitler. I only drew this one comparison).
I'm also not sure why you separate Tim Hallet from the other people at the vigil. He IS one of those people. He came to the vigil of his own accord because he believes the same thing the rest of us do: that war is wrong. Perhaps he also considered it to be his religious duty. Since you seem not to support reading the Bible you may not be aware of the commandment that says "thou shalt not kill," but I'm sure the reverend is aware of it and supports it completely. That's why he was at the vigil. And you're right, if he cares about life, he could protest abortions. He could also protest the death penalty, or protest at a gun show. Let the guy do one protest per night, ok?
While we're on the subject of religion, could you also explain why you think peaceful people are anti-religious? This also perplexes me. We don't want to attack people so we must be unbelievers? Where is the basis for that argument? I for one have a strong belief in God. If anything that explains why I went to the vigil.
You state that Nazis didn't tolerate dissenting voices, which is absolutely correct, but you should in that case identify very much with Nazis, since you don't appreciate our dissent. You were the one who came to a website that was merely showing pictures of a candlelight vigil and began absolutely attacking the people who were at the vigil. You're right, they can't have such protests in Iraq. You sound almost as if you think we shouldn't get to have them here either. Those of us who are arguing with you aren't doing it because we don't respect your right to say what you believe; we're doing it to exercise our own rights to say what we believe. So tell me again why we're Nazis, and how you justify yourself as a person who believes in democracy and freedom? I find it interesting that you compare the left wing to fascist dictators when leftists are known to be liberals. Do you know what the word liberal means, Jack? I'll give you a hint: it's related to the word LIBERTY, which is something I believe liberals tend to respect. But that doesn't mean you can believe everyone who is against war is a liberal. There are some pretty conservative people who don't believe in killing as well.
If you would like to explain your feelings in a dignified manner, I would welcome it. But if you want respect you're going to have to be a little more respectful yourself. |
Re: Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 1 29 Mar 2003
Modified: 11:52:01 PM |
You asked some serious questions in a respectful manner, so I will try to answer them in a respectful way. If you will note from the stream of posts listed above yours and mine, it was I who was called a Nazi first by comrade Dunn.
It is an interesting tactic by the left to call anyone who disagrees with them Nazi's. They can't refute the argument, so the resort to calling names. I always respond with the Pro Abortion argument because under these laws, 44 million lives have been taken and those are statistics which would make the Nazi's proud.
You fault me for coming down on Father Hallett. I did. Many in your organization are Marxists. I am sure that know this. AWARE and many others are the principle leaders of your movement. As you know, Marxist's called religion the "opium of the masses" (sorry I am not a great speller so for give me if I let a few fly here) This "man of God" should know who is leading him. I am a Catholic and I disagree with our Pope on his argument against the war. I should think that a Man of God should be fighting for life in his own back yard, like out in front of Planned Parenthood or against the Death Penalty. Too many Catholics and Protestants stood by while the Jews where taken away and murdered by the Nazis. Too many again did the same when the Marxists committed the identical actions in Eastern Europe, South American and China. There is a time to fight for what you believe in and killing evil is not only right, it is a necessity. St. Michael the Arc Angel did not protest Lucifer, he defeated him.
It may surprise you to learn that I am against the Death Penalty as well. In almost all cases, I am Pro Life except when the women's right to choose to have sex is taken from her or if her life is threatened as a result of child birth.
You state that I am against your right to protest. On the contrary, I think the right to protest is what separates us from virtually every other country on the face of the earth. However, I am completely against providing aid and comfort to our enemies. Our troops are now in the field. Congress has approved this action. (Even Hillary) The foundation of our Liberty was paid for in the sacrifice of Blood from everyone who came before us. It is up to us to make sure that these sacrifices are not in vain.
In the big picture, your vigil will not amount to much with the possible exception of our enemies will view us as divided, which they do now. They actually believe they can win. Our men and women will die and suffer as a result of this.
Michelle, this is not a preemptive war. Rather, it is a continuation of the failed promises of the Gulf War cease fire. It is a message to those who would do us harm, that we will hunt you down and kill you. It is a not just a war we must fight, indeed it is a war we must win.
Thanks for Hearing Me Out.
Re: Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 31 Mar 2003
Modified: 08:39:13 PM |
Dear Lefties and Michelle,
I take the time to answer you seriously and this is what I get. Michelle, you asked valid questions and I humbly suggest, that I destroyed you. Either you are reviewing your beliefs (I hope) or you are searching for an unworthy adversary.
For those of you, confused and on the fence, does this not say it all. They can not answer a straight argument, they refuse to meet on any terms and they run from confrontation.
Who are the cowards? ML, ANON, 5 and *. That's who.
Jack |
Re: Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
by Michelle kat681 (nospam) (verified) |
Current rating: 5 02 Apr 2003
Modified: 10:00:29 PM |
What do you mean, this is what you get? What did you get? And you humbly suggest nothing. What do you mean, you destroyed me? That is by no means a respectful thing to say, nor is it true in the slightest. You overestimate yourself greatly. I am not reviewing my beliefs. Your statement was full of unfounded generalizations (leftists are Marxists? I've never met a Marxist and practically everyone I know is a leftist) (and what about our right to protest separating us from VIRTUALLY EVERY OTHER COUNTRY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH? Do you realize how many other countries are protesting?)and comments that just made no sense (killing evil by killing Iraqi civilians?) But jsut the same, you made the comments in a more or less respectful manner, and we could have had a respectful discourse...until you made the other comment. I think that pretty much killed the respectful discourse idea. |
Re: Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 1 02 May 2003
Modified: 03 May 2003 |
I am sorry, I should have been more patient. I only waited four days for your response. Anyway, my bad, we won and no harm done.
Jack |
Re: Hundreds Attend Candlelight Vigil In Urbana |
by Illinois Citizen (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 21 Dec 2003
Hello Jack Ryan,
Are you the same Jack Ryan who is the Illinois Republican Candidate for U.S. Senate? |