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News :: Protest Activity
Prospect For Peace March 15 Current rating: 0
15 Mar 2003
Prospect for Peace took on a whole new meaning today! Hundreds of people arrived at Prospect Avenue this afternoon to give voice and physical presence for opposition to a pre-emptive war against Iraq!
Prospect for Peace took on a whole new meaning today! Hundreds of people arrived at Prospect Avenue this afternoon to give voice and physical presence for opposition to a pre-emptive war against Iraq!

A much smaller pro-Bush group was also present standing in oppostion to the pro-Peace demonstration!

Those against a US lead attack on Iraq filled both sides of Prospect Avenue!

Vigils are planned for tomorrow March 16 in 120 countries! 5,000 vigils for Peace will be held around the world! Vigils are also planned for Urbana (Carle Park)and Charleston Illinois(Morton Park) beginning at 7:00 PM.
WAR Is coming act NOW!
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Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: 3
15 Mar 2003
The turnout today was amazing. Let's hope that we can keep numbers like this showing up until this war is stopped!

A side note: "Newschannel" 15 reported that there were 200 people on both sides (anti-war, and pro-war). Anyone who was there knows that this is an out-and-out lie. There were over 300 on the anti-war side, and about 40 on the pro-war side. Another shining example of the morons in the media skewing the story however they see fit.

Thank goodness we have Indymedia!
John Needs To Learn To Count
Current rating: -7
16 Mar 2003

I was on the other side, you know, "the good guys". I saw about the same or if anything we had more. We definately had more positives aimed at us than you guys. I also, took the time to walk amongst my adversaries. I have to say, what a collection of misfits. You guys should earn some money and buy some clothes. Perhaps people would take you more seriously. Right now, we are all simply laughing.

See You Next Week,

Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: 0
16 Mar 2003
Modified: 10:22:22 PM
> I was on the other side, you know, "the good guys". I saw about the same or if anything we had more.

That's completely inaccurate and you know it.
Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: 0
16 Mar 2003

Thanks for your input. We all like to think of ourselves as the "good guys", don't we?

As an aside, the 300 count was verified by at least three different people who counted both of the crowds at 3:00. I apologize for misrepresenting the number of counter-protestors, as I hear that there were 55.

We've got pictures and names to account for everyone there. No problems counting here. If you thought that everyone on the east side of the street was with you, you might want to talk with your organizer.

Current rating: -3
17 Mar 2003
John, I believe you are correct in your number count. What's the point, nearly every car that passed supported us, you know, that side that loves this country and wants to see it protected from terrorist attack.

What are you folks going to do with your Saturdays in about two weeks? After we completely destroy this tyrannical regime and our welcomed by Iraqis who for the first time taste freedom, what will you do then?

Praying for a swift victory,

Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: 17
17 Mar 2003

Honestly? I fear that I will be mourning the victims of not only this war itself (both Iraqi and US) but also the victims of the terrorist blowback that the CIA and State Department feel is heading our way if we go ahead with offensive war.

I hope I'm wrong about that, but the odds are NOT looking good.

Incidentally, the State Department has pretty much pooh-poohed the "dominoes of democracy" theory. Chances are higher that the country will break up, partly due to the infrastructure breakdown following the bombing last time and the economic sanctions of the past 12 years. If that happens, politically it'll probably look more like Afghanistan than anything else. Maybe we'll actually pay for some real rebuilding this time, but even assuming we seize all the oil for the rebuilding effort, it's gonna be tight, and considering that Bush hasn't even made his promised payments to the firefighters of NYC after 9/11, I don't have my hopes up. Meanwhile, of course, the deficit is ballooning out of control.

Either way I'll be out holding signs.

Current rating: -3
17 Mar 2003
Try to be a little more optomistic. Historically, you guys have almost been always been wrong about your forcasts for doom. Maybe Saddam will chicken out. I am sure his army will. Yes, there will be casualties hopefully low to none on ourside. I really could care less about the Bathe Party Members or the Republican Guard troops. The rest will surrender in short order.

The Liberation is at hand. God Bless our Troops and God Bless the USA.

Where Are We Meeting This Saturday?
Current rating: -3
18 Mar 2003
Good Evening Members of the Loyal Opposition:

Oh, did I say loyal, my bad. Hey, we may be in Bagdad by Saturday, God Willing, so I am curious are we going to protest for the same thing or some sort of government handout or something. Let me know, because I need time to paint my sign. BTW, is it possible to get a government grant for protest paint? This stuff gets expensive and I thought I would use your strategy to get someone else to pay for it like you demand of everything else. JUst a reminder, there are plenty of jobs available for people who are willing to work weekends.

Applications will be available after the Nutbag Protest.

Game's Over
Current rating: -3
19 Mar 2003
Modified: 01:16:41 PM
You people make me sick. You are not creating peace. You have no balls to do anything. Sadaam is about to get his ass kicked, lose his chem-bio weapons and all the hardware sold to him by the French. And you try to act as if you are the ones creating and keeping the peace. As it was said before "your peace is pretext" to a devestation that you naive bastards can't imagine. Sitting and waiting for it come is not securing the peace. What would be going on today at the UN? More talk about what great progress they have made. 12 1/2 years and they still don't know where his weapons are. That is a FAILURE. There is no other way to look at it. The UN FAILED to disarm Iraq. What is worse, Chirac vetos UN resolutions before Sadaam can. There may have been an actual advantage to the UN to make Sadaam think they had the will to enforce their resolutions through force. But, this approachs was to inappropriate to use towards a dictator who only respects the use of force. Who has done nothing without a creadable threat of force. Fear not, we will prevail. When the horrors of Sadaam and the truth about what he has comes out I hope you all take deep looks at your ideas of what peace really means and how it secured. You can wipe the egg of your face; those heros who actually protect it must wipe the blood of our enemys off theirs.

John Rambo
"All I want is what every person who has fought for this country wants; For my country to love me as much as I love it"
Chickenhawk Hypocrites
Current rating: 0
19 Mar 2003
Modified: 04:55:09 PM
It is so amusing to see "John Rambo" and his alternative nymn, "Jack Ryan," (yes, we know you "two" are one and the same) sling his bullshit in comments to certain articles here on Indymedia. But there is a deafening silence from this quarter on other articles that you would think that, assuming you buy into his lie that he is really the one "supporting our troops," he would have a whole lot to say.

Take, for instance, John Goff's telling analysis of what war and its aftermath will really be like in Iraq. Unlike the Hollywood fantasies of the troll JR, ex-West Point instructor Goff is a realist about the fact that this will not be a neat and clean, hero-gets-only-a-scratch and never-has-to-reload cinematic action flick. Real people are going to die and it's likely there will be lots of US troops among the casualties. Read about this here and see how JR avoids reality like a vampire avoids the sun:

Then there is this story about the Republicans cutting Veterans Administration funding just as they send another generation off to war:
You would think this would result in JR working himself into a lather about this betrayal of our troops and the effect this will have on their morale. Instead, there's not a peep from this phony, keyboard commando.

Given this, there is no reason to take JR seriously about anything else, whether it's as "Jack Ryan" or "John Rambo" or any other silly nick he may choose to use. He's only committed to his own self-serving and narcisstic rhetoric, not to any principle and definitely not to the troops.
* Or Better Known As "The Little Dipper".
Current rating: -2
20 Mar 2003
Modified: 05:24:48 PM
Hey, Little Dipper,(*)

How come you are not out protesting with the rest of the "Nutbags". I really do not have much time to humiliate you today as I am busy watching the troops beat the shit out of the Iraqis. Just like I said would happen.

You really need to get over the John Rambo, Jack Ryan complex you have. I give you my word of honor that I am not, nor have I ever been, John Rambo. (I do like the way he thinks though) I realize words like Honor, Duty, Country are foreign concepts to people like you.

In any case, VA Benefits have not been cut. A reduction in the rate of rise in the baseline budget has been proposed. I do not support this by the way. I think the savings can come by cutting many of the handouts that you people consistently take out of the system.

I do have some good news. NO US CASUALTIES. Does this displease you? My side is kicking the crap out your side.

Peace Through Victory,

Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: 0
20 Mar 2003
Modified: 09:56:13 PM

As of this writing, there have been 16 "allied casualties," 12 from the United States and 4 from Britain. They were in a helicopter that crashed. Currently it's suspected to be an accident, although this is not yet certain. Either way, they were alive yesterday, but are dead now.

Still, US casualties are few, yes. Does this displease me? Not at all. I hope the overall death is as small as possible, on both sides.

You say that "my side is kicking the crap out of your side." Surely you realize that I am an American citizen, just as you (presumably) are, and that you are not currently fighting in the middle east? Which "side" would you be assigning to each of us?

If you meant to imply that the allied forces (currently composed of US, UK, and Australian forces - despite signing pledges of support, other nations aren't kicking in actual resources) are "kicking the crap" out of the Iraqi side, I would have to agree with you. Did you possibly expect otherwise? Surely you realize that the current battle is between a country which spends more on its armed forces than the rest of the world COMBINED (yes, I am referring to the United States here - among the allied forces we have contributed the vast majority of personnel and equipment) and a country which has been under economic sanctions for the past twelve years, and under UN inspections from 1991 to 1998 and then again from November until a few days ago? A country without even a functioning water purification system?

Of course the US is kicking the crap out of Iraq. That's why they picked Iraq for the demonstration war - they're an easy target. Surely you don't really think the Iraqis are a threat to the United States? Heavens.

What we've got here is a seriously mismatched game, the strong beating up on the weak, the rich beating up on the poor, and yeah, it's gonna be a turkey shoot. Personally, I think I'll switch over to the NCAA March Madness, where there is at least some token effort to ensure a fair game.

Unfortunately people are going to be dying in the meantime. But hey, it makes for great TV.

Re: "sides"
Current rating: 0
20 Mar 2003
There are two sides. Military power and cannon fodder. Both Bush and Saddam consider their citizens expendable. They are the enemy, the citizens of Iraq and the U.S. are the victims.
Mink And My Old Friend Joe
Current rating: -3
20 Mar 2003
Modified: 11:18:20 PM
It is true that we have had our first casualties in Kuwait. A helicopter crashed on take off. My heart and prayers go out to the families of the dead. In fact, if any of the families would like to contact me. Leave for me your office number and extention and I will personally donate and raise funds for your family. Your boys and girls did not die in vain and I, for one, on this site thank them for their sacrifice.

Mink and Joe did their best to prevent this war from happening. What these kind souls fail to understand, is that some of their friends are elated right now and that US troops have died for their country. You know who you are. Please see (Support US Troops-No Way)_BTW if I ever find out who you are, I will beat the living tar out of you.
While you are unconcious, I will pull down my pants and piss on your face.

Mink and Joe, I truly believe that you are as heartbroken as I am right now that parents, husbands, and children may be finding out that their loved ones have died protecting our country. I would humbly suggest that some of the same people you are marching with, are overjoyed at this news. Let us pray that this is the only price we have to pay tonight for our freedom and for the liberation of the good people of Iraq.

God Bless America and God Forgive Me for what I am thinking of most of you, spoiled, brats right now. Semper Phi, my brothers,

Love Jack
Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: 0
21 Mar 2003
Modified: 12:16:09 AM
Dear Mr. Ryan,

For a group of "nutbags", you certainly seem interested in what we have to say and the things we do.

Shame on you for assuming certain activists harbor a want for soldiers to die. I find this hard to believe as chants in support of our troops and bringing them home filled the streets today.

You condemn and threaten those who, as you believe, are happy about lives being lost. After your eloquent soliloquy regarding pissing on someone's face, you sent out your prayers to the families of people who have already died.

You are upset that innocent lives have been lost.

If I didn't know better, I'd start questioning where you really stand on the issue of massacre-- I mean, war.

Thank you for participating.

Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: -1
24 Mar 2003

Do you read the articles in your own site? I would like to direct you to "Ted Rall's" treasoneous rant about not supporting our troops.

Your actions and the actions of your nutbag friends embolden our enemies and provide hope for Iraqi Regime.

Yes, you have every right to speak out, but I was just hoping that once the decision to fight had been made, even the left would rally behind the President or at the very least, the U.S.

I guess it was just too much to hope for.

Fraudulent “Jack Ryan"
Current rating: 0
24 Mar 2003
“Jack Ryan” claimed just the other day (18 March) that he was going off within “24 hours” to do battle in Iraq:
“Well, in the next 24 hours it looks as though I will be off to protect you all from a war you fought so "nakedly" to prevent.”

Obviously, unless JR has internet connectivity from the front, this is just the latest in a series of bald-faced lies from this person who claims he support only victory, not war itself, as if “victory” will come without the bloody crime of aggressive war.

I think this demonstrates once again that this war is promoted by those who need to engage a bodyguard of lies to get what they want, no matter how illegitimate. But “Jack Ryan’s” abuses do not just include Indymedia. They also include abuses against the very service people he claims to support.

Masquerading as a servicemember is something that is universally hated and despised by active-duty troops and veterans of all stripes, whatever they may think of the wisdom of the current pResident ordering a battleplan that calls on them to implicitly commit war crimes, even as the Republican-controlled Congress cuts Veterans Administration funding. Everyone has heard the stories of fake Vietnam veterans playing on the heartstrings of Americans. “Jack Ryan” has done these frauds one better by becoming a fake veteran every before battle is joined.

Here is “Jack Ryan” claiming to be a Marine:
“I submit to you, that as a Marine, I have seen brave and I have seen courageous, stuff that would make your head spin to be honest.”

Here is proof that he can NOT be a Marine. “Jack Ryan” reveals that he is simply a faux Marine, instead of a real veteran as he has previously claimed here:
“Semper Phi, my brothers, Love Jack”
just as he did here again:
“Semper Phi to the fallen.”

There should now be no doubt about the fraud that “Jack Ryan” is. No REAL Marine would ever use the term “Semper Phi”.


Because it is “Semper Fi,” pure and simple. So there is no way that “Jack Ryan” is a Marine, because NO Marine, no matter how uneducated, would say “Phi” in place of “Fi”. Most likely, “Jack Ryan” is nothing but a snotty-nosed frat boy, fixated on what he presumes is his superior knowledge of Greek even as he reveals his utter ignorance about the military services he claims to be a champion of.

“Jack,” since you are always looking to pick a fight here, it seems that you are just itching to get into battle, even though you’re just another keyboard commando. I suggest, if you really want to see some blood, go to the nearest VFW or American Legion Post and put on your fake Marine act. I’m sure some real vet will be more than willing to call you on this and punch out your lights for being so presumptuous.
Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: -2
25 Mar 2003

Once again, I graduated from Miami of Ohio in 1985. During my four years of college, I attended OCS. Really between my Freshmen and Sophmore years and between my Junior and Senior years. You are correct, although I was offered a commision as a 2nd Lt. , It was not as a naval aviator which I desired. It is wrong for me to call them my brothers as I do not claim to be the Marine that they are. It is interesting to note, that I did receive an honorable discharge as a result of not accepting this comission.

Now I have answered your charges and it is time for you to run and hide as you always do. Interesting how closely you have followed my career as well as my writings. Are you getting pressure to cut me off? I thought you guys were about tolerance.

Lying "Jack Ryan"
Current rating: 0
25 Mar 2003
People who aren't making up stories usually call a program such as you desctribe "ROTC". Typically, OCS is reserved for those accepting commissions as Regular officers, either through direct enlistment or by being promoted from the enlisted ranks.

Further comments relating to this may be found here:

And you're still Lying Jack Ryan, which you have at least had the decency to partially admit to.
Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: -1
26 Mar 2003
OCS or Officers Candidate School is a twelve week program or two six week programs offered to college students who either do not have access to ROTC or want an alternative too attending military required classes while in school.

You may continue to attempt to challenge my credibility, ML, but you clearly you need to do your homework here.

ML Runs Again
Current rating: -2
26 Mar 2003
Modified: 09:55:55 PM

I have offered to meet you in a neutral site and offered to show you my Honorable Discharge Cert. You attempt to explain OCS to someone who has gone through it. Do I call myself a Marine? No, because I did not accept the commision. Do I have knowledge of Military History? Yes, I do.

I know I have been a thorn in your side since the "naked protester nutbags". I noticed I put an end to second protest all by myself. See News Gazette Article. Every man who saw it, can thank me later.

BTW, I was also a member of the PHI KAPPA PSI fraternity while attending Miami. Sorry for the misspelling and I am truly sorry to the Marines who I might have offended.

ML, it seems you are very bitter, yet are spoiling for a good fight. I am sorry I made fun of your naked body. What else can I say?

Re: Prospect For Peace March 15
Current rating: -2
31 Mar 2003

It's me, several days after you called me a liar and I offered to meet you and prove this and Anon charges as false. You can bring as many friends as you would like. I will come alone and unarmed. I have no wish to bring you harm, on the contrary, I do wish you would appreciate that in this country you can spout any type of crap you wish and you do it very well.

Who gave that right to you? The very people you protest.
