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Announcement :: Economy |
Urbana Business Alliance Survey -- What Do Urbana Businesses Want? |
Current rating: 0 |
by Urbana Business Alliance Email: office (nospam) (unverified!) |
13 Mar 2003
The Urbana Business Alliance is interested in feedback about what businesses in downtown Urbana want. Please take a couple minutes to fill out this brief one-page survey. |
We are coming to the end of our first year as a business association and would like input from you.
Please take 5-10 minutes and respond to the survey by clicking on the link below. Your comments are confidential and can only be viewed by myself. I can tell you I'll be sharing all comments with our board and city staff where appropriate. In no way can your name be affiliated with your responses to the questions.
This information will help us understand your needs and add to our member benefits and services. More information about member servicing will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.
Thank you for taking the time to complete the survey and I look forward to hearing your comments.
Laurie Bonnett, Executive Director
Urbana Business Association |
Re: Urbana Business Alliance Survey -- What Do Urbana Businesses Want? |
by scumbag (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 13 Mar 2003
I can tell you what the ruling Urbana Businesses want:
-quiet streets and sidewalks. the only foot traffic should be between offices, bars and cars.
-real estate tax write offs -- keep downtown storefront rents high so that no new businesses can afford them, then you can write off the vacancy.
-no rabble-rousing -- don't bring actual art or people to the streets and sidewalks -- they might block real customers.
-no cafes or coffee shops, because that attracts the wrong element.
-no out-of-towners, unless they're visiting their jail-bird relatives.
-more lawyers! the police state is booming business!
simple observation indicates that the urbana bidniz alliance likes thing they way they are, 'cause at least that way they can stay in control.
What Does Urbana Business Want? |
by Jack Ryan (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 5 13 Mar 2003
Modified: 09:25:38 PM |
Now if this is not a virtual slam dunk, I do not know what is.
Urbana business (currently two or three going concerns) wants a wall built around the city to prevent the few businesses that remain from leaving. These should be controlled by guards, German Shepards and surrounded by mine fields. Anyone who tries to escape should be shot.
We want the city council to continue to address foreign policy so they can't continue to crush what little business remains.
We continue to insist that Urbana remain a nuclear free zone despite the Reagan Defense Build up winning the cold war.
We want national exposure, no matter how embarrassing it is for us or our citizens.
We want Champaign to adopt our form of government so that they will not have any business either.
We want the University of Illinois to pay huge property taxes like us, so they can be absorbed by Champaign.
We want our Mayor to start a business outside the city limits. (Oh, he has already done this, sorry)
We would like to be liberated by the City of Champaign and it's pro-business environment and it's consumers. You may ask: What's a consumer? Not the CCHCC, but rather, people who actually are willing to pay for the goods and services they receive.
These are just for starters, I am sure I will think of more.
Best of Luck,