Parent Article: The Florida Terror Attack That Never Was |
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Not Only That When Terrorist Are Caught If They Are Jewish It Is Censered |
by Jack (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 9 25 Sep 2002
Jewish terrorist Robert Goldstein caught planning to slaughter Muslims
Florida 8-27-02-Robert Goldstein case amazes police Poor Dr. Goldstein has been under way too much stress lately, so we have to take good care of him. If he were any other ethnic group, his ass would be at Guantanamo right. Once again we see the double standard at work. Because he's a Jew Dr. Goldstein isn't a terrorist, he's just under too much stress; nothing that a psychiatrist can't fix, no need to declare him an "enemy combatant Muslims or person merely suspected of terror bombings are held incommunicado without charges, trial, and lawyers, for months on end. Goldstein, poor overworked and stressed out boy that he is, just had all those explosives he was caught with as part of a harmless fantasy, and has to visit a shrink for a while.
Lethal weapons of mass destruction were found at Goldstein's townhouse
Little is known about Robert Goldstein, the doctor on trial in the United States accused of planning to attack Islamic centers in Florida.
One fellow doctor told the Associated Press news agency that the 37-year-old foot specialist did not mingle with other doctors.
Mr Goldstein was arrested on Friday at his home in Seminole, near Tampa.
Police went there after Mr Goldstein's wife, Kristi, complained that he was threatening to kill her.
The FBI are unsure whether Dr Goldstein was part of a group or acting alone (solo Lunatic of Zion)
It took detectives 30 minutes to coax Mr Goldstein out of his townhouse, which they say was rigged with trip wires and surveillance cameras.
When police searched the house, they found a cache of up to 40 weapons, including sniper rifles and AK-47 guns, according to prosecutors.
Police say they also uncovered more than 30 explosive devices, as well as a list of approximately 50 Islamic places of worship across Florida.
Most crucially, detectives say they found an 11-point "mission template", covering everything from what Mr Goldstein would wear to getting rid of fingerprints and dealing with hand-to-hand combat if necessary.
"Set timers for approximately 15-20 minutes to allow for enough time to get out of area, but to confirm explosions has (sic) been successful," the template reads.
"The amount of explosives should be ample to take down the building(s)."
Mr Goldstein was placed in custody under a state law that allows commitment for psychiatric evaluation. |