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People of the World We Have the Power to Change Things Current rating: 0
05 Dec 2001
There are evil people among all races and nationalities and religions who are trying to keep us fighting and killing each other. This evil is not limited to any race, or religion.

One people consciousness upon the whole earth

Let this word be spread among all the people of all nations.

We the people of all nations and nationalities can live together and prosper. Our religions and faith have different names, but when you really examine them they are all for peace and prosperity for all people.

I am speaking to non-religious spiritual people as well.

There are evil people among all races and nationalities and religions who are trying to keep us fighting and killing each other. This evil is not limited to any race, or religion. The evil is with the force motivating the group of people who want to control the other people and make slaves so they themselves, the very elite may prosper. They think they own the earth and their desire is to reduce the population by 1/3 to create their own paradise.

The world’s real power lies within the poor, the lowly hard working honest people of all races. This is Wher the people have spiritual power that can control the events happening on the earth.

There is a war for sure going on, but it is a war against good and evil. It boils down to being a war against our God by what ever name we call him, the creator of all heaven and earth.

If we can all come together and agree on a plan, we can do away with the evil. The evil is not necessarily even the group of people doing the evil as much as it is the force motivating the forces of evil. All religions speak of satanic forces of evil. This satanic force is what we need to join together to fight against.

We can do this spiritually through coming together in agreement spiritually in fighting against the forces of evil. We can do this with out agreeing to be of one religion. We don’t eve have to say the same words. Instead we must meditate or pray together in pur own way but agreeing to unite the spirits: peace, love, righteousness and goodness against the spirits of war, greed, hate, murder, stealing, and all evil.

The following is the way to win a spiritual war. I have spoken this in the language of my particular belief, but it can be spoken with power in every belief through faith. So please do not be offended because I have used the names and symbols of power of my faith.

I don’t know how to express myself in other religions. But we are all brothers and sisters that can live happily together with mutual respect after we rid the earth of the forces of evil that turn people into evil men and women. I want to emphasize we are not fighting men and women, but the forces motivating them to be evil.

In doing this we will be saving many of these people from the forces of evil forcing them to do evil acts.

We Are all The Army of God and His Righteousness.

We are in a war greater than the visible wars we see in Afghanistan or in the Middle East. We are in a war that involves all the forces of heaven and earth. This is a spiritual war between the forces of good and evil. The war has switched from a war in heaven to a war on earth.

This is a gorilla war taking place inside of every nation, inside of every city, and inside of every family upon the earth. The war is a war where the forces of evil are using mind control. This is a spiritual war where the enemy is spiritual beings of every type.

The evidence we see ranges between all types of Aliens, Shadow People, and even satan and all the fallen angels including all evil spirits. It appears tha tall these evil forces have been cast upon the earth at this time.

We are involved in the final war before the Kingdom of God appears on this earth. We are seeing the fulfillment of the Prophecies of all the books of Revelation of all faiths being fulfilled in and through us.

The strategy of the enemy is to blind us so that we cannot see that we are being controlled and manipulated. We have not realized our power given to us in unity. We have been led to believe in thinking that we are not really involved but only spectators to the scenes we see in the media and on television of the wars and rumors of wars that we all see happening now upon the earth.

Satan and his forces have been cast out of heaven and are now upon the earth.

The Man-Child is a symbol of what is coming forth. The Man-Child is a corporate man of both sex’s man and woman made up of many people of all nations and nationalities of people coming out of every religion and belief system. The Man-Child the corporate people as a group is now being formed by the people rising up spiritually under the leadership of God almighty. The Man-Child is not any organization or special group of people that can be recognized.

Most of this group of people are looked down upon because of their nothingness. These people are among all nations have no Political or financial clout, nor do they seek any recognition for themselves. Many are considered out casts or losers who will never amount to anything in the world view.

These are wounded and broken people who have given up on the world, but have taken on new power and authority with the God of heaven and earth through faith and becoming a member of the Over Comers.

Things happen spiritually first and then manifest themselves as events that take place on the Earth. The earth seems to be the stage or the arena of the playing out the events that have been fought over spiritually between the forces of good and evil. There seems to be a dual relation-ship where the events on earth are ruled by the events taking place in the Heavens.

I want to show where Jesus spoke of a parable about the three becoming one again.

Matthew 13:33.
33. Another parable spake he unto them; The kingdom of heaven is like unto leaven, which a woman took, and hid in three measures of meal, till the whole was leavened.

The woman in this case is doing a work that can be compared to an act of God. In this case the Lord is showing us a picture of something the Lord has done, and there is also a prophecy contained in these words.

The woman starts with a large portion of meal. First, she divides this meal into three portions. She hides the leaven in three portions of meal and this implies that since she is hiding the leaven, the leaven is considered a treasure of some type. She hides a little leaven in each of these separated parcels of meal.

Now each one of these are separated parcels. Each is influenced or changed because of what has been added to the meal.

Each separate portion may react totally independent of the other. Each one has a choice they can resist, be casual about it and let it operate on it's own or it can be co-operative and work with the change. Now that the meal is separated there is no longer any relationship between them or influence upon each other.

Each portion has made an independent decision that they believe is the most correct and best decision for that particular circumstance. These portions represent different beliefs.

The woman no longer has any influence after she has divided the meal and hidden the leaven, now the only thing she can do is wait for the leavening process to happen on it's own.

After the leavening process is completed she gathers each of the three portions of leavened meal. To her they all look about the same. She can see no difference in the leavening and now in her mind she has leavened the whole batch of meal. Each has been hidden from the other and their reactions were different, but at the end they turned out the same.

In this case the woman represents God the creator.

The three portions are three different belief systems he used as an illustration. Who is not to say that it may end up being 300 portions instead of the three Jesus used in his illustration.

The meal represents all those souls making up the kingdom of heaven. The leaven represents those that were given to the son by the father even before the creation of the earth.

One third of this seed was gathered into the nations of Abraham which includes the Moslems and Jews. This seed became the 12 tribes of Israel, but this was divided and now there are three separate portions. The other one of the two was Israel who ended up being lost and became found again as mostly Christians and native religions. The other third became Hindus.

So we see that the leaven given was a work of the Holy spirit and was a yearning for each portion to know God. A true hunger for God, and each one leavened in a different way. But each one believing they have made the best decision and have made the most with what was hidden in them.

We are a chosen generation to bring the three peaces of leaven together as one again and fight the fight to rid the earth of all evil.

Be an over comer and spread this word among all nations and all people. "We will not fight each other we will fight he forces of evil that are trying to get us to fight."

We must now look beyond the evil and see that this is a wonderful and victorious time for the people of this earth. A time when evil is being cast from the earth. This is the time that we are given salvation and strength and even the power of Christ as we go forth to fulfill his word and do his will.

We are the Over Comers as we become the Army of God using the Weapon of God. We defeat satan and all his forces including the New World Order with the Blood of the Lamb of God and the Word of Our Testimony and having No Fear of Death.

Rev. 12:11. And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

This is the time to be joyful and of good cheer for all of us know that we are spiritual residents of heaven because we are born again as believers. We live on earth physically as foreign ambassadors to fulfill the mission we have been sent to fulfill.

We are a chosen generation. We are here on a mission.

The Lord is bringing us together as vessels to accomplish his will in bringing forth the Kingdom of God.

The Lord is going to do something through us even greater than what he did in the past bringing his people out of Egypt into the Promised Land.

This is the promised Kingdom on earth that covers the entire earth.

This will be the Lord's conquest as he uses his people who hear his voice and becomes vessel with the anointing to break yokes and bondage.

All the honor and the Glory will be given to the Father as the Body declares that, We come in the name of The Lord Our Righteousness.

The battle will be the battle of evangelism, of creating new believers to join the ranks of battle by giving up their ego’s and individuality in all things to be come one with all believer under the head and ruler-ship.

Each one will possess and use the Keys to the Kingdom of God, the power and the authority to bind all satanic forces and to cast them down under their feet in the name of Lamb of God. They will use these spiritual key’s to open up the treasures of heaven and earth to be used in the Kingdom of God.

The unity message will go world wide and the power will get greater and greater as more people abide in total submission and join the ranks of the over-comers until satan and the New World Order is destroyed and cast into the Lake of Fire. This unity must take place over the entire earth.

This work is the work of an army, the army of God. Each one of us need to be properly equipped under the anointing.

We together in unity have the Keys to heaven.


The Lord says I will give you the keys to the kingdom. Now the Lord explains the key and the power of the keys. The key is the power and the anointing given to each member of the body. The power to bind and loosen the powers on earth and the power of the principalities and the powers of heaven.

We have the keys to the kingdom. The power to bind or release all the powers of heaven or earth. This is not an individual power to bind all the powers upon earth or in heaven. This is power given to each person to bind or release the powers of his life and purpose in taking upon himself the anointing given to carry out his individual purpose, or calling, of God.

Believers all over the earth have these powers. This power is increased as people join together as groups pray and agree together.

The problem today is there are many individual groups separating themselves because of some label or specific doctrine that is emphasized. These divisions leave a lot of room for dissension and disputes that take away our prayer power because of disunity.

By coming together stone upon stone the spiritual temple is being structured and the corporate anointing to become God's Branch is taking place.

Gary Larrabee

Whether you are Moslem, Hindu, Jew, Christian, New Age, or a non religious believer, please do your part and spread this word. Translate it into other languages and send it to the leaders of the nations. If we are going to make a difference we need to do it now, The following article gives insite as to what is really taking place between the factions of many goverments.

This article appears in the "../../eirtoc/2001/eirtoc_2847.html" of Executive

Intelligence Review.

Can The Brzezinski-Wolfowitz
Cabal's War Game Be Stopped?
by Michele Steinberg

The cabal in the United States centered around Carter National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski and current Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz is in a desperation drive to hijack Bush Administration policy into a "clash of civilizations" war, after Secretary of State Colin Powell was given a mandate by President George Bush on Nov. 19 to organize for Middle East peace. The cabal is lobbying to attack Iraq, other Arab countries, and Somalia. Leaders of Russia, Germany, France, Japan, and Egypt and other Mideast countries went on record, beginning on Nov. 28, saying that an attack on Iraq, or other "broadening" of the war against terrorism, it will not be supported.
Bush has tasked Powell to carry out a policy of peace-seeking in the Mideast, and of strengthening the alliance with Arab countries, the war-mongers in his own Administration, whom EIR exposed as the "Wolfowitz cabal" (see EIR, Oct. 26, 2001), are running an active policy coup, and have "gone public" to the media to make an invasion of Iraq, or attacks on Somalia, Yemen, and Sudan, a fait accompli.

Their offensive is getting top Anglo-American reinforcement, in the form of British Tory leader Iaian Duncan-Smith, who will arrive in Washington around Dec. 4 to lobby for turning the London-based Iraqi opposition, led by Ahmed Chalabi, a con-man and snitch who embezzled his CIA expense accounts, into a "Northern Alliance" fighting force that can "take Baghdad."

One Mideast expert in Washington told EIR that, in effect, the "Clash of Civilizations" gang is deeply frustrated because Bush rejected their push for a broad war against the Islamic world, but they have not—and will not—give up. "It's a faction fight that no one can predict," said this source, "and it will go to the ninth inning."

Operatives such as the Hollinger Corp.'s Richard Perle, who now heads the Pentagon's Defense Policy Board, and former CIA head James Woolsey, a board member of the Jewish Institute of National Security Affairs (JINSA), which has long been identified as a major spying operation for the Israeli right-wing military, are leading this drive, and will use every means of black propaganda to succeed.

Another intelligence expert, who spent years working on Iraq, told EIR that the claims made by Woolsey and Richard Butler, the former head of the UN inspection team now with the New York Council on Foreign Relations, about Iraqi links to the Sept. 11 attack and to anthrax attacks, are "totally false." This source said that "Butler is a liar," whose charges could never stand up to the official United Nations' records of what was really found in the Iraqi inspections.

The "Wolfowitz cabal" agenda for an Iraqi war "has nothing to do with the fight against terrorism," said this source, because they came into power "obsessed with overthrowing Saddam Hussein." He added that the Wolfowitz cabal is ecstatic over the war on terrorism and have "jumped in to push their own agenda.... They want war." After nearly three months of the members of the cabal getting non-stop press and Congress refusing to expose the cabal's designs, this source concluded, "I don't think they can be stopped."

LaRouche's 'Skunks List'

But, stopping the Brzezinski-Wolfowitz agenda is exactly what world leaders, and American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, have on the agenda. On Nov. 26, LaRouche, a 2004 Democratic Presidential pre-candidate, let it be know that his campaign is assembling a "Skunks List" of those in the United States who are clamoring for a religious war, a global equivalent of the Thirty Years War from 1618-48 in Europe.

LaRouche said that his campaign would mobilize Democrats and conscience-stricken Republicans to oppose the "clash of civilizations" insanity. One of the key political weapons in this fight, is the LaRouche campaign's "Crisis Bulletin #5," entitled "LaRouche's 'Dialogue Of Civilizations'—The Road To Peace," a 24-page pamphlet of which 500,000 copies have already been produced. It says:

"To ensure the success of this all-important initiative, the LaRouche Presidential cmapaign must increasingly dominate politics in the United States, which means Americans must engage in the effort, through mass literature distribution and organizing. The future of your country, of the human race, depends on it."

LaRouche's Skunks List of war-mongers will be updated daily, by tracking the hate literature spewed out by Brzezinski, Perle, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, Clash of Civilizations author Samuel Huntington, "Arc of Crisis" godfather Bernard Lewis, Woolsey, and the like. The list will identify the hard core of this faction's press outlets: the Washington Post, Newsweek, CNN, the Murdoch press in New York and London, and the Hollinger Corp.'s London Daily Telegraph.

The Skunks List will be a key weapon in cutting through the "smoke and mirrors" propaganda run by the Brzezinski-Wolfowitz cabal. In a replay of Nazi Propaganda Minister Josef Goebbels' tactics, the cabal repeats "big lies" in several controlled media outlets to create a perception that Iraq is guilty of terrorism, and any Arab or Islamic country "could be the next Afghanistan." Theirs is a deadly game of "wheel of fortune," in which any nation could become the target of a "blitzkreig" or "lightning surgical strike" because the cabal targetted it.

In just the last ten days in November, members of the cabal targetted the following countries for military action if they give "inadequate" cooperation in the fight against terrorism: Somalia, Yemen, Sudan, Iran, Syria, Indonesia, the Philippines, and, of course, Iraq. At the same time, a broad effort by the right-wing Zionist lobby is under way in Congress to force Bush to target the Palestinians and Palestinian Authority President Yasser Arafat.

Chewing The Rug

To see how insane the cabal's thinking is, one need only look at the performance of its leaders—Perle and his Siamese twin, Robert Kagan, of the neo-conservative Weekly Standard—at the Carnegie Endowment for Peace forum on Oct. 30. There, they raged at Secretary of State Powell and others in the Bush Administration for not conducting all-out war against Iraq and Saudi Arabia, and for relying on a "coalition." Echoing Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon's attack on Bush, the Perle-Kagan duo equate "coalition," especially one that includes Arabs, with "appeasement."

Perle-Kagan shamelessly announced that the United States has lost the "first phase" of the war on terrorism, and it was at this forum that they invented "Phase II in the war on terrorism"—and they were drawing up the list of targets.

Kagan raved that when—not if, but when—the United States is hit in a second terrorist attack "in a hard way, a devastating way, ... at that point we will move very quickly to the second round with an entirely new, military and other political grand strategy.... Then, it's time to start realizing that this war is not going to be confined to Afghanistan."

During the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, the cabal used two premier press empires—the late Katharine Graham's Newsweek and Rupert Murdoch's Sunday Times of London—to launch their "Phase II."

The Sunday Times led the charge on Nov. 25, citing "senior sources" in London and Washington, saying that as soon as the campaign in Afghanistan is over, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen will be "at the top of the hit list." Preparations are said to be under way, and intelligence agents from Britain and the United States on the ground, in all three countries, preparing for "stiletto" attacks against bin Laden training camps, reported the Sunday Times.

The Dec. 3 issue of Newsweek reported on Nov. 25 that "well-placed U.S. officials" said the Philippines is also on the hit list. A "handful" of U.S. Special Forces was reportedly already there, helping the country's President "fight the al-Qaeda-backed insurgency."

Despite the naming of other countries, and a Newsweek opinion that targetting Iraq is "not likely," in sheer quantity of press coverage, Iraq won out as the cabal's most popular "Phase II" target.

On Nov. 25 alone, Newsweek's sister publication, the Washington Post, beat the war drums against Iraq, in a column by David Ignatius, and in a news article that linked Iraq's alleged bioweapons to the anthrax letters in the United States. Israeli military intelligence mouthpiece Uri Dan, in Murdoch's New York Post, said that the head of Israeli military intelligence, Amos Malka, had briefed Israeli ambassadors in Europe that the United States is going to strike Iraq, and Hezbollah locations in Lebanon that were linked to Syria. Adding his own twist to the "Armageddon, Now!" scenario, Malka added that a retaliation might be directed at Israel, so it should be prepared for war.

Speaking on ABC-TV, Woolsey, claimed to have "new evidence" that Saddam Hussein was training hijackers to "use knives" in their assaults. Neo-con columnists joined the lynch mob, readying the noose for other Arab countries.

In the Washington Post, columnist Jim Hoagland said that the United States should overthrow the Saudi regime and take over the oil fields, and George Will blasted Powell for being an "appeaser" and Bible violator for not supporting building the "Third Temple of Solomon" on the Muslim holy site of the Dome of the Rock in Jerusalem.

Among the hundreds of written and televised ravings by the cabal in late November, three items stand out: Brzezinski's targetting of Russia; junior cabal member Eliot Cohen's declaration of World War IV; and a nest of right-wing Catholic fascists at the National Review, joining the chorus against Saudi Arabia.

Most significant is Brzezinski's targetting of Bush's relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin in the Nov. 28 Wall Street Journal. He compares Bush to Franklin Roosevelt at Yalta, where, Brzezinski charges, Roosevelt "sold out" Europe to the Soviet Union. Brzezinski aped (and turned on its head) a recent statement by LaRouche about Bush's "epiphany" on Sept. 11, saying, "Perhaps Mr. Putin's sudden epiphany makes him now no longer wish to separate America from Europe," nor forge a "strategic partnership with China" that threatens U.S. "hegemony." Brzezinski says Putin was pursuing anti-American aims "up until a few weeks ago."

On Nov. 20, "World War IV," an op-ed by Eliot Cohen in the Wall Street Journal, argued for a global war. Cohen said, "Afghanistan constitutes just one front in World War IV." ("The Cold War was World War III.") The United States should promote the overthrow of the mullahs in Iran, target Iraq, and transform the U.S. military for the job. On Iran, he wrote: "The overthrow of the first theocratic revolutionary Muslim state ... would be no less important a victory in this war than the annihilation of bin Laden." On Iraq, he said: "The U.S. should continue to target regimes that sponsor terrorism. Iraq is the obvious candidate.... American allies will flinch, and the military may shake its head at the prospect of revisiting the aborted Gulf War victory," but it makes good sense to him.

Cohen is an employee of Murdoch's Weekly Standard, which is also the home of Kagan. His ravings were backed up on Nov. 20 in Murdoch's New York Post, in which an editorial attacked Powell's Mideast peace plan and promoted Undersecretary of State John Bolton's attack on Iraq, Syria, Sudan, etc. Another op-ed, "On To Baghdad!" by Al Gore's buddy, Dick Morris, said, "We need a full-scale effort to invade Iraq—taking Baghdad, and toppling and killing or arresting Saddam Hussein."

The cabal is immediately parrying every thrust that opposes widening the war. Such was an article in National Review by its editor Rich Lowry, in response to a Nov. 26 New York Times editorial against invading Iraq. Lowry's piece, entitled "Your Cooperation, Or Else: Phase II Of The War On Terrorism Begins With Scaring The Hell Out Of The Saudis," blasts the New York Times for being soft on Iraq, and praises an "ingenious scenario" from the Moonie-owned United Press International, about overthrowing the Saudis.

Lowry says that if the Saudis refuse to be the base for an invasion of Iraq (which is preferable terrain to the rugged Turkish route), then the United States should go with this plan: "A coup attempt against the Saud family or a terrorist attack on the Saudi oil fields would provide America with ample pretext for seizing the oil fields to secure them from threats. And then, why give them back? A puppet ruler might be found internally.... Or a reliable friend could be imported.... The holy cities of Mecca and Medina could be left to the Saud family, or returned to Jordan's Hashemite dynasty." He adds that such an arrangement "for the next century," could turn the "vast Gulf oil wealth" from a "nuisance ... into an asset" for the United States.

Isolating The Brzezinski Madmen

So far, not a single official from any branch of the U.S. government has come out publicly against the Brzezinski-Wolfowitz cabal. However, behind the scenes, the pressure is building, and the activity of the LaRouche campaign can make the decisive difference.

Also, significantly, is the fact that foreign leaders have responded to the "Phase II" propaganda by stating they would not join any such operation. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Alexander Saltanov said that attacking Iraq would bring down the coalition against terrorism, increase tensions in the Arab world, aggravate the Palestinian situation, and destabilize the Persian Gulf.

As reported by the Russian news agency Interfax on Nov. 28. Saltanov said, "In such circumstances, it would hardly be possible to preserve the unity of the international anti-terrorist coalition," because Arabs "are known to oppose the broadening of the anti-terrorist operation to the region, including Iraq." Reports about such an option, he said, "cause concern," adding that the Iraq problem "does not have a military solution" but "can be solved only by political and diplomatic methods."

As if to illustrate Saltanov's statements, Arab League head Amr Moussa said that any attack against Arabs would have "dangerous repercussions," especially in view of what is occurring in Palestine. Jordanian spokesman Saleh Qallab said that his country "rejects the issue of force against Iraq." Even the leading European countries in the coalition—Germany, France, and Britain—oppose any action against Iraq. German Chancellor Gerhard Schröder said that he opposes naming additional countries, besides Afghanistan, as targets for new military strikes. Especially in the Mideast, this would have a destabilizing effect and "start things flying around our ears that we cannot keep under control." German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer, who had a long telephone conversation with Putin the evening before, echoed Schröder's concerns.

French Defense Minister Alain Richard also opposed action against Iraq, saying, "The evidence we have ... shows no other nation to have become an active ally of this organization." And British Defense Minister Geoffrey Hoon was quoted saying he thought that an "invasive military response" might be needed in countries unable to deal with terrorism, but he excluded attacks on Iraq: "I have not seen any evidence to link Iraq directly with al-Qaeda," he said.

Shadow Government

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