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"ML" is Getting Even Slower!!! |
Current rating: 0 |
by Bob Email: na (unverified!) Phone: na Address: nn |
24 Nov 2001
Took you 21 minutes to get the last one "ML"; you must be getting old. So you are originally from UC, and you never been to Ithaca. I presume that you are not from UC now. Correctamente? This article features "murder by suicide". Based on the precedent of the Ithaca authorities, that means that you could be shot in the head, and they could leave the gun by the door, declaring it a suicide. Aren't you interested? |
"ML" is Getting Slow
by bob 2:21pm Sat Nov 24 '01 (Modified on 2:41pm Sat Nov 24 '01)
address: nn phone: na na
Why should we believe you if you lie about everything else "ML"! Is your name
Mike or Mark Lehman? I believe that you are from Ithaca. Where are you
ML" Defends His Illiteracy
by bob 10:24am Sat Nov 24 '01 (Modified on 10:37am Sat Nov 24 '01)
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 phone: na notavailable
Six minutes it took "ML" to hide this and defend his illiteracy, his criminality, what not? I asked your
pompous censor if he was Mike or Mark Lehman formerely of Ithaca NY; but he wouldn't answer. If
that is who he is, I can tell him more about himself than he would want to know.
Ithaca's Coal-gas Fiasco Continued!!!!
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 9:35am Sat Nov 24 '01 (Modified on 9:44am
Sat Nov 24 '01)
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca NY 14851 phone: na notavailable
This is an update on what's been happening in this town that David Barry has been wondering about.
This is also an example of the lawlessness that UC IMC supports.
Once upon a time (I'm not making this up!) my Daddy said that it looks like the stupidity that sustains
the "Ithaca Coal-gas Fiasco.." Id=73601 has prevailed once again. As you know, I was working hard
to inform the public that New York State Electric and Gas was coming to a public meeting to defend
the trivialization of the greatest crime of all time; i.e. the contamination of the entire earth with the
byproducts of coal-gassification. To spread the word I left 40 copies of "Ithaca Coal-gas Fiasco
Continues?" and a fist-sized piece of coke at the local new earth cafe. Well there was this couple in
town, Joseph Linder and his wife, Janet Breslin, both 46, who I had seen many times at the
swimming pools. They seemed to be very much in love, and I would see them walking crosstown to
or from Cornell, where they had both worked for approximately seven years. They were both fanatical
about swimming, and they would swim both in the morning and at noon at Cornell. After the
asbestoes-throwing incidents (Ids=85389 & 87001) at Cornell in mid-summer, they both started
using the outdoor city pools quite a bit. I explained the coal-gas byproduct contamination in the
waters of these pools to them, and I presume that they had heard about the asbestoes in the air at
the pool at Cornell via someone that I had talked to at Cornell. Whether they were actively opposed
to the lack of action on the coal-gas scenario or the asbestoes-throwing scenario, I don't know.
Maybe the lawless ones just didn't like them because they were such good people. Whatever the
case, their bodies were found on the morning of the October 16th "Coal-gas" meeting, dead from
the gunshot wounds of an alleged murder-suicide. As a result of this nothing ever came of this
meeting, and NYSEG continues to "kick dirt around" on the wrong side of town.
This "murder-suicide" scenario appears to be an offspring of the unsolved murders of creative
nonviolence (Id=33468). What the lawless ones probably don't understand is that they are trying to
close a case before it is ever opened; thus they have to repeatedly reveal their criminal behavior in
order to justify their conclusions. In this case, both bodies were found in bed, and an early press
account revealed that the weapon, a .308 caliber rifle was found by the door, which was unlocked.
This press account is similar to the journalistic "blunders" of mistakenly revealing the truth in the first
editions of the Washington Post as I described in Ids=43171 & 42982. When I went to review the
papers that I had read in the libraries, I discovered that the information about the gun being by the
door was missing in those papers. This is probably a trap for this information to be missing from
library copies, and anyone who mentions this missing information would probably be targetted. In the
same way they are probably offering rewards for any information on the terrorists (Ids=66464 &
66468), so that they can eliminate people who know who the real terrorists are. In light of this, I'd like
to see the authorities demonstrate how they could place the gun by the door and get in bed after
shooting themselves in the head.
The lawless ones are apparently working as hard to keep this "murder-suicide" story alive as they
are to keep their "Bogus Blue Moon.." Id=87001 alive. In light of these traps for anyone who counters
their falsehoods; it is probably best to encourage them to publicize their falsehoods as much as
possible without countering them. Although this couple was probably the most well-known on campus
and in town, the lawless ones have everyone acting like they never existed at all. The prevalence of
such a degree of lawlessness here probably got a jumpstart when Bush Daddy and 27 people
butchered Sarah and Jennifer in Cortland County in October 1996 (Id=93509). You can see how
there were probably 500 people supporting this lawlessness and spreading the lie that Sarah and
Jennifer had a problem the next morning, and how the support for such lawlessness has continued to
grow exponentially since then. They probably continue to maintain that Sarah and Jennifer had a
problem even if Sarah and Jennifer were doing the same thing that I did every day in DC for six
years (Id=76394). The reign of Bush Daddy's lawlessness grew of his "Persian Gulf War
Delusions.." Id=36001. It seems like this lawlessness has prevailed since they covered up Elijah's
arrival here in November 1995 (Id=29190), or maybe since the murder of Senator John Heinz
Since the autopsies for this couple were performed in Binghamton, the stronghold of "...Messiah
Exarchou.." Id=62371, you can be sure that they supported whatever the Ithaca authorities
supported. You can also be sure that Dryden's Messiah, the university Messiah, and the town
Messiah all supported or were directly responsible for this "murder-suicide" scenario (Id=43985). As
with the sudden death of the woman who worked in asbestoes-contaminated Dean's office, "No
Body is Going to Do Nothing About It!" Id=41739; that is unless these lawless ones succeed in
bringing the "Dwelling of Violence" Id=44378 back on their own heads. These holy-wannabes
actually think that they are God's chosen people (Titus 1:16), and they believe that they are doing
God a favor by killing like this (John 16:2).
The Zionistic Pro-gay Coprophagic mainstream media will support this lawlessness no matter what.
It seems like the depraved indifference to human life that is characteristic of the coprophagists
(Id=32589)has taken hold throughout the country. The school newspapers in this town are just as
bad, for they focus on stuff like "Dr. Ruth" convincing the students that sex is what college is all about.
They are also helping the lawless ones by surpressing the truth until the semester ends, so that
truthseekers might be targetted and/or eliminated during the semester breaks when there is no
college newspapers. The Ithaca Journal is in the habit of running pictures of law enforcement officers
whenever there is a murder, suicide, or dead body. This is really probably an attempt to prevent valid
investigations, for a lot of people will know someone by sight only and have valid information on what
happened if they could identify them via pictures. Whatever the case, a crime scene like this alleged
"murder-suicide" is probably never appropriately documented or investigated because the lawless
ones are on hand asserting their professed intelligence and intimate knowledge of what happened,
for they are probably trying to cover up their own involvement and criminality. Ungodly men, crept in
unawares and defiled this place (Jude 4). I believe that Joseph and Janet were of the tribe of Joseph
and that they would not hesitate to tell any of these lawless ones that their game is up (Id=45696).
They rest in their beds who walk in their uprightness, for to such belongs the kingdom of God (Is.
57:1-2; Mark 10:14). Although the stupidity that allows things such as the Coal-gas fiasco to continue
may have won a round, the Israelites are never going to get shook about it, theirs is a kingdom that
cannot be shaken (Heb. 12:28). Their work lives on after them. God bless the Israelites.
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Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger
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Story Hidden
by ML 9:44am Sat Nov 24 '01
This article was hidden at 9:42am Nov. 24 due to the author's continuing violation of U-C IMC
website use policy.
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Never Been To Ithaca; How About You?
by ML 10:37am Sat Nov 24 '01
Sorry Bobby, I've never been to Ithaca. And there is serious question whether you've ever been there
either. I doubt that you know anything about me, other than from our talking when you are in one of
your alternative personalities when you are through Urbana. Of course, you're really good at making
stuff up about people, as witnessed by your rambling, incoherent postings to the entire IMC network,
in violation of our use policies.
@10:34 Nov. 24
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"ML" behaves like a teenager
by Bob 2:24pm Sat Nov 24 '01
DEar "ML"; It took you 13 minutes to remove this last time. You must be getting slow. You have to
keep this up because you have gotten in "line" for the Storm Troopers and Bush Daddy. Go Boy!
Go! Bob
More Spam Hidden
by ML 2:41pm Sat Nov 24 '01
FYI, I'm from Indiana originally, although I consider Urbana my home, since I've lived here longer than
anywhere else.
As for believability Bobby, you're the one who makes up ridiculous megalomaniacal ramblings. I
think people will judge for themselves on this issue.
And who is the mysterious"we" that you refer to in your "Why should we believe you..." comment
above? Is this an admission that you have to consult with your other personalities or does it simply
refer to the voices in your head? |
See also:
na |
Now We're Getting Somewhere! |
by Bob na (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 24 Nov 2001
Dear "ML"; So are you going to tell me if your name is Mike or Mark Lehman? I've gotten the impression that the "Leh-" prefix is characteristic of Turko-Mongols who claim to be Jewish. Have you received the impression that you are Jewish. Do you wear a yarmulka? Is your hair falling out there? Tell me if you know. Hasta luego, adios. Bob |