Hidden with code "Policy Violation" |
by Wayne D. Pickette waynedougpick (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 02 Mar 2005
This is to another voter.
What I am writing about liability insurance is public knowledge. Anybody can find it in Illinois School Code of Laws. I know that districts are violating laws, but I don't believe that they don't have liability insurance, as they are OBLIGED by ISBE (Illinois State Board of Education) and Illinois legislature to have it. What you are writing has no sense therefore. Sorry, I don't feel comfortable arguing with you, as you are, according to your style, a woman and pretending to be less knowledgeable that you, I am sure, really are. However, lady (or pretending to be a one), stop it. ! You are obviously fighting for your own direct survival, as you are an administrator, and, probably a top one (or around that). But if your survival is in the obvious contradiction with the welfare of the majority of this community, like in this case, then you better look for some completely different kind of survival, than the one you have now.
Maybe, you really need to return to immediate teaching, which, probably, was the start of your career, assuming that you know how to do it. Who knows? Anyhow, stop producing this cheap dust of curses, like Biblical prophets did. Neither it, nor your other numerous lies are going to deny the reality, which is not favorable to your way of administrating. Statistics talk louder than you Biblical curses.
You are free to do whichever you choose, but I don't think that any other comment of yours or my answers to them can be of any value either for the cause, we are discussing, or for anything else, including your own survival as an administrator. So, bye then, and be done, as you have promised.
Anna asked me to add some answers to hidden another voter comments, which appeared much later, to this, also hidden, comment. So, here they are:
In every kind of market economy the marketing strategy is the most important factor of the product's popularity, unless the product is OBVIOUSLY OUTSTANDING as microprocessors, for example. It is not easy to sell even extremely useful math book when the author is practically unknown, and it is still pretty possible (not for long, of course) to get all kinds of degrees, starting with GED WITHOUT THE VERY BASIC knowledge of mathematics. In short, in order to have a bestseller in such area as secondary school mathematics you need to have the proper attitude of the society, and it needs yet to be created.
Your personal attacks of my Wife are having no basis, but here is the correction of the chronology:
The test (with two errors in it) appeared on the web at the end of January-beginning of February (all problems are included in the book and considered there precisely). The first part of web was renovated and came up in December, but the test was in the second part.
Anna have had straight "A's"during her entire performance as a student whether in USSR or here. I don't think, therefore, that your very transparent and very wicked hints are of any value.
Her and my version of events and their reasons seem to be much better documented, doesn't it? |