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News :: Elections & Legislation |
Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
Current rating: 0 |
by Paul Kotheimer Email: herringb (nospam) prairienet.org (unverified!) |
16 Feb 2005
A little bit of research on a frequent poster to this site, who calls the majority of Urbana's citizens "limited, blunted...numbskulls" and "blind, mindless liberals." He supports Tod's re-election vehemently, and I'm trying to figure out what's in it for him and his pocket-book. Anyone care to help me research this? |
Michael Langendorf ran against Tod in the Democratic primaries in the late 1990's. He lost big-time...perhaps because he's not really a Democrat? Just speculation.
In 2000-2001, or thereabouts, Michael Langendorf sued the city to keep a section of Southeast Urbana from being zoned a certain way. The case went all the way to the Illinois Supremem Court, and Langendorf lost again. I don't quite understand the details. Could someone fill me in?
On this site in 2004, Michael Langendorf sounded off as the mayor's total lapdog when it came to the At Large Seats issue. That referendum, of course, lost by a wide margin.
Michael Langendorf says he hates the IMC. It represents everything that's wrong with Urbana (--I'm paraphrasing). Yet he seems to enjoy posting to this site whenever he can trumpet the Business-As-Usual position. His postings, as far as I can tell, boil down to the assertion that the voters of Urbana are a nuisance, and should be overruled whenever it's convenient for the millionaire real estate developers.
Whose pocket is Michael Langendorf in? Independent journalists, start digging! I'm sure we'll find an interesting story. |
 This work is in the public domain |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by Michael Langendorf crdmike (nospam) aol.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 16 Feb 2005
Well, I will save you some heavy duty research. I am a life long Democrat....my mother was a Democratic precinct captain. I work everyday in rural Vermilion County with some of the poorest people and with children with special needs. I learned from running for mayor that when you run and hopefully win you become the mayor of all the citizens...not just some finite and childish perspective. Any citizen should feel comfortable coming to see you....not just people who do and think as you do. Urbana is a community that has many problems and often doesn't do things the right way. I helped organize my neighbors to protest how the city worked with the Atkin's Group and Meijer to rezone the Douglas farm.
We went as far as we could.....we sued the city....we took it to the Illinois Supreme Court.
Unfortunately, the Court chose to not answer the real question of the process by which cities develop open spaces. They ruled based on the statute of limitations. Further, my name was on the suit because my neighbors were afraid of retaliation for questioning how government did its thing. Presently, Meijer has chosen not to build but Mr. Atkins has independently developed southeast Urbana in a positive manner which generates thousands and thousands of real estate tax dollars for the City of Urbana and its schools.
I have made no money or economic advantage from any of my activities. I have just taken the time to pay attention and comment on how things happen. The City of Urbana is far from perfect. Yes, there have been mistakes made and bad plans executed. But Southeast Urbana is a much prettier landscape because we fought at first and then learned how to become a productive part of the process.
Now, that some questions have been answered maybe it is time to address the real issues...when will the "progressives" ever work to represent all the people of Urbana? |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by gehrig (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 Feb 2005
langendorf: "Any citizen should feel comfortable coming to see you....not just people who do and think as you do."
Without having a chair thrown at you?
@%< |
Satterthwaite threw a chair at Sascha Meinrath in May of 2003 |
by Paul Kotheimer herringb (nospam) prairienet.org (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 17 Feb 2005
Here's the original e-mail posted from elsewhere on our site.
From: Sascha Meinrath
Date: Fri, 9 May 2003 11:54:39 -0500 (CDT)
To: Sheri Herndon
Cc: cindy (at) eff.org, David Burman , Lee Tien
, ,
Subject: [Imc-legal] the Urbana mayor physically assaulted me this morning
-- we need legal help!
hi all,
i met with the urbana mayor this morning. attached is the account that i
sent out to city councilmembers after our meeting. briefly, the mayor
screamed at me, was physically intimidating, and then threw a chair at me
hitting me in the leg.
needless to say, i have no idea how to proceed.
This morning after I sat down in Tod's office [the Urbana mayor], he
opened our meeting by screaming, "What the fuck is wrong with you!" He
then proceeded to slam his fist on the table in a threatening way, he then
grabbed his tea mug and slammed that on the table with enough force to
launch the tea strainer clear off the table. By this time I was quite
concerned for my physical safety; as it turns out, I had very good reason
to be.
He then grabbed the chair at the end of the table and threw it too. As I
was seated at the table already, the chair hit me in the leg. So, what do
you think I should do? I have been threatened and physically assaulted by
the mayor in his office in the city building. I certainly was fearful for
my safety throughout the meeting -- his secretary was in the other room
and heard both his yelling and the commotion of his slamming and throwing
This is so far beyond what is acceptible behavior -- physical assault is a
serious criminal offense -- that I feel quite out of my league as to how
to proceed. I can be reached via phone at (217) 328-3856. The IMC's
Emergency Response Team will be going to the national media beginning this
evening, so plese be in contact before then.
Sorry to burden you all with this, but I really have no idea how to
--Sascha |
Ask Sascha: sascha@ucimc.org |
by Paul Kotheimer herringb (nospam) prairienet.org (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 17 Feb 2005
Here's what I know:
Sascha Meinrath just finished his Master's Degree at the UIUC in Communications. He's hardly a "professor of wireless." He's a grad. student like so many others in town.
Sascha co-founded the Urbana IMC, along with about a dozen other of us citizen journalists, in the Fall of 2000. The IMC movement was in full swing, from what I recall, when we started working on bringing an infoshop and website to Urbana. The Urbana IMC is one of nearly 100 IMC's worldwide.
Meinrath participates in online forums which help organize the IMC Global network. He also helps with fundraising and bookkeeping.
Sascha founded the CU Wireless Initiative along with a few other tech. geeks here in Urbana. CUWin is BY NO MEANS a scam of the taxpayer's money by friends of council members. Joe Futrelle has already cleared up the confusion on the "conflict of interest" scandal brewed up by the mayor: Here's his recent post from another part of our site:
"You are doubtless repeating an unfounded allegation against Danielle Chynoweth. The record is crystal clear that CUWiN will not receive a cent from the city under the *unanimously-approved* budget amendment:
"To be *absolutely clear* about this: CUWiN *does not sell wireless equipment or internet service*. They simply provide free hardware specifications and software, and if you go to an electronics retailer and buy commercial-off-the-shelf equipment that matches those hardware specifications, you can use the free software and join the network. That is what the city is going to do.
"This is a perfect example of how Tod can make a completely and demonstrably false allegation, and people will continue to believe it. " +++end of quote+++
Meinrath was Danielle Chynoweth's tenant at 412 W. Illinois for a few years--from about 2002 to 2004, I think. This fact is irrelevant to local politics, except that it has been seized upon by the mayor to stir up a smear campaign which the News-Gazette swallowed hook, line, and sinker.
As far as the claims Sascha makes about being assaulted by Tod in May of 2003, I'd advise you to e-mail Sascha directly. His e-mail is sascha (at) ucimc.org. |
About Wireless Again |
by Paul Kotheimer herringb (nospam) prairienet.org (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 17 Feb 2005
To reiterate: According to Joe Futrelle, a technician working on the project, CU WIreless Initiative "provide(s) free hardware specifications and software, and if you go to an electronics retailer and buy commercial-off-the-shelf equipment that matches those hardware specifications, you can use the free software and join the network."
In other words, you CAN have a wireless node on your rental house. Just download the assembly instructions, buy the parts, put them together, install the software on your computer, and it's ready to use--from what I gather.
Now, I have to admit that I couldn't put one of these gizmos together from parts, but that doesn't mean that the insiders are nefariously freezing me out of the wireless game. It just means that I don't have the kind of expertise required to build a wireless antenna from scratch. |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by RR (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
So Mr. Langendorf thinks Liberals are mindless but isn't a Liberal thing to question economic development like the Meyer store. How can he calls liberals mindless when his beef is that Todd and Urbana at that time were essentially not Liberal enough in regard to Meyer? |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by Michael Langendorf crdmike (nospam) aol.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
RR and Dose of Reality.....first off it is Meijer....the economics of giving someone a tax break to compete against already existing businesses ...who have been supporting the community is dumb....further rezoning property while violating statutes...like the LaSalle factor are clearly reasons to stop a business arrangement...i noticed that our "progressive" city council members helped block a frat from tearing down an old shack and putting up a parking lot....might decrease property value....a parking lot ....but it's okay to put up a 24 hour a day gas station and superstore across the street from an 80 year old couple who have lived there for 40 years...on a piece of property zoned agricultural for over a 100 years...the city was wrong....the whole Meijer project was absurd .....further it would have promoted sprawl.....you all sicken me....IMC people...Green party you fantasize that you have a grip on the "truth".....the truth is that people who work and invest their hard earned money in home..pay taxes,deserve some protection from the city ...there are people who for some reason want to built a nice home in this community..I don't why because people like you would rather have Section 8 housing all over our community...go visit Rantoul....I have friends who made the mistake of moving to Rantoul..
I tire of all your nonsensical thinking.
I notice the crime rate is highest around the large Section 8 housing behind Osco drug on Colorado....I know everyone is a victim....I don't blame the victim.....I blame the "progressives" like Patt and Danielle who want the community to be one giant Section 8....I am amazed that anyone would build a nice house....why stay in a community where folks like you criticize anyone who is monetarily successful.......and what have a nice home.....check the police blotters...they spend an awful lot of time out at Colorado and Philo....yep I am sure that Laurel can fix all of our problems...oh yeah the problems are all because of Tod....dose of reality get a grip. |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by Joe Futrelle futrelle (nospam) shout.net (verified) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
> Now, I have to admit that I couldn't put one of these gizmos together from parts, but that doesn't mean that the insiders are nefariously freezing me out of the wireless game. It just means that I don't have the kind of expertise required to build a wireless antenna from scratch.
In CUWiN's FAQ they state emphatically that they will install roof antennas (they don't indicate that they will charge anything) for anyone who wants to join the network; all they need is access to the roof. They also suggest alternatives for renters who do not have access to the roofs of their buildings.
http://www.cuwireless.net/faq.html |
I Guess I Need a Weatherman |
by Dose of Reality (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
I guess I need a weatherman to tell which way the hot wind from Langendorf is blowing. Yesterday, he claimed, "the city is actually run by a city manager and his staff..." and that the city council had no involvement in how the city was run.
Today, he claims it's all their fault when it comes to city staff's decisions on development.
But, Mike, that means Tod can't take all that credit for development he's been claiming!
Or are you trying to say when the city staff does something you don't like, then city council gets to be the fall guy/fall woman?
And I suppose when the city satff does something you like, then Tod gets all the credit?
Somehow, either you really should be blaming the person how actually directs staff, which is Tod Satterthwaite, or you just ought to quit again while you're still not too far behind in explaining what you don't have a clue about.
It was Tod who was pulling strings to put Meijer where you didn't want it. Gee, and then your suit discouraged other business from coming to town, not the council, don't you think? That went on for years. Who's to blame for that. It sure ain't Esther Patt.
Council members have been at your whipping post long enough and -depending on whether you''re handing out blame or praise -- they don't get a break from you, do they.?
Somehow, your whole story about Urbana just does not add up. You're the nonsensical one, because you can't even keep straight why you're blaming people for things they didn't do from day to day.
And we see where your "people who can afford to build nice houses" theory of citizenship in Urbana came from.
You think that being poor is a criminal offense.
That is pretty ugly, even for your own underside. |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by Michael Langendorf crdmike (nospam) aol.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
The city has made lots of mistakes.....the "progressives" have made lots of mistakes...neither are all bad or good...
the city has tried to get someone to come and invest in Urbana..sometimes stupidly..but it is hard to get people to invest when they watch the "progressives"on the city council discourage anyone who doesn't believe what they believe.....Tod saw an opportunity with Mr. Atkins....the city folks....April G. and Bruce W. all thought there was a need to do Meijer....they were wrong..despite the fact the whole Meijer thing was wrong....Mr. Atkins stuck with it and built a golf course and some office buildings and gave people who wanted to stay in this town even though people like yourself want to turn Urbana into a vast Section 8 housing project
a place to build nice homes and contibrute to our schools by paying their property taxes......you people jsu haven't got a clue.... |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by Michael Langendorf crdmike (nospam) aol.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
So ....Dose of Reality still afraid to tell us who you are..... |
Who Does Have a Clue? |
by observer (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
people who rent pay property taxes, too
Urbana should be home to everyone
those who seek to exclude
have nothing between their ears but bone |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by Michael Langendorf crdmike (nospam) aol.com (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 18 Feb 2005
Observer.....you are correct ......we want the community to be balanced....Dose of Reality and his cronies don't think we should have anyone but their cronies live here.....people who can afford to build a nice home are basically worthless and not welcome in Urbana.....according to Dose..... |
Re: Who is Michael Langendorf and Why Does He Hate My Politics? |
by Mark A. Morenz mmorenz (nospam) ameritech.net (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 21 Feb 2005
Wow. Who needs drugs when you can read threads like this one ...I guess no one will mind if I add to the surreality of it.
At the commercial breaks during Sat. evening's NBA all-star show, I kept flipping back and forth to catch snippets of the Urbana Mayoral "debate" on UPTV. (I know, I know, my priorities are screwed up...but I have a blind spot for hoops.)
For my part, it seems to me that today's DI analysis of the two major candidates' strengths/weaknesses is pretty accurate. My personal impression of all *three* candidates (and I've been at WEFT while Prussing and Hursey were interviewed there) is that they all mean well (I'm leaning for Prussing, but it's far from a sure thing). I suspect that the same is true for Mr. L and for Paul-- that they mean well, that is.
This thread strikes me as an excellent example of how demonizing the other side is getting in the way of actual discussion. I don't think I know Mr. Langendorf or Paul K. (although I might've met Paul once- I'm not sure) but I'd like to invite them both to Dinner at my family's house. We could have a discussion. No audience to troll to, etc. And, no, I'm not running for anything (nor will I). In fact I wouldn't post this invite at all except that your email addresses are unverified.
I'm just curious. Free food. Feel free to RSVP me directly via email. The address works.
Be well!
Mark M. 4-3644 |