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"Wipe That #$%&-eating Look Off Your Face!" Current rating: 0
02 Oct 2001
Modified: 04 Oct 2001
Why I saw a coprophagist today! How do you feel about that?
Hopefully you have all read "Coprophagia Rules?" Id=32589 (if not, see below) and the recently published Comment, "Jim Morrison Connection?"; so that you understand what the coprophagic look is all about. What? Who? Huh? Sounds like you need to do your reading.

You all know that the Bible reveals that the look on their faces will betray the lawless Israelite wannabes that infest the land (Isaiah 3:9); and it has recently been revealed that this look is the coprophagic look which used to be described in its more direct profane version; #$%&-eating look. I'm sure a lot of you remember hearing something like: "What did you say? Don't give me any of that? And wipe that #$%&-eating look off your face!" But word of that look quickly disappeared from the public refrain as this message took on a more sinister design. The lawless powers-that-be just couldn't have their compatriots walking around with that look on their faces if they expected people to listen to them. Thus the brain-damaged coprophagists were taught to dress for success and rely on self-esteem to conceal their progressive loss of intelligence. They were taught to set their faces in a look of stern conviction that they were in the right no matter if they knew what they were talking about or not. They have learned to act perturbed if anyone questions them about anything, making the questioner feel stupid for asking; thus in this way the coprophagist prevents people from asking any hard questions which they obviously couldn't answer. Once someone cracks this fabricated "facade" of superior intelligence; that #$%&-eating look returns to their faces. Be sure to take a picture of it.

The sinister designs of this PR of lawlessness has served a lot of unreal purposes because society has been set up to support these designs. Short gruff answers are probably all parents can get when they go looking for their children who have disappeared. Communication glitches have been intentionally established so that those in power can never be called upon to address puny concerns such as life and death. Coprophagists seem to believe that their coprophagia somehow justifies their chemical-throwing practices; furthermore their "opiate" of feces puts them in a state similar to a deep sleep, so that inhumane acts have no effect on them whatsoever. Alas! A day of atonement! The Love Festivals of Hooterville! Surely God will be pleased. See the "Love Festivals of Hooterville" Id=29190. Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

Coprophagia Rules?" Saturday 07 Apr 2001
author: Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger Id=32589

This article was posted at Id=26983; and I have found it to be inaccessible since 4/4/01 when I posted a Comment. Since I have referenced it in "Supreme "Narky" of the United States" Id=31749; I am resubmitting it here.

My Daddy said that when George Herbert Walker Bush, the lawless Jacob revealed that he had been eating
feces most of his life, that was the hidden factor that unifies all of his lawless ones. This practice is called
coprophagia, and there has been a concerted effort in the recent past to promote it as a somewhat acceptable practice rather than as a depraved condition. When I did my internship at an institution for the moderately retarded, I wrote: "The question is not: "Why can't Johnny read?"; but rather: "Why is Johnny's favorite activity the digging, sniffing, smearing, and eating of his own feces?" I have since figured out that the staff was probably fostering this practice to discourage me from pursuing a career in health care. This was obvious because there was a prevalence of unstained hands among the clients who had begun to display coprophagic activities while the long term coprophagists had stains on their hands that could not be washed out. The lawless Jacob and other coprophagists in his tribe apparently avoid staining their hands via the use of plastic gloves which they wash and carry in their pockets. Around 1990 in Washington, DC; I witnessed an increase in public displays of coprophagia and excretions, even in the parks of downtown during rush hour. As a
consequence of my two false arrests, my abduction, and my 15 months of unlawful hospitalization (98-99), it became clear that coprophagists were given preferential treatment and/or placed in positions of power.(Gen. 6:12 Mic. 1:5; Luke 12:2; Is. 5:18-21; 2 Peter 2:13-14; Is. 5-7)

Although there is little research on coprophagia among humans, it is evident that since the 1980s health care
was trying to portray it as an accepted abnormality rather than a symptom of dementia, even though Oxford English Dictionary still reads: "Among demented patients in advanced stages of their illness, (coprophagia) is not rare..." It seems like one of the trends for promoting coprophagia has been to give incontinent patients a taste of their own feces when changing their diapers, initiating a practice that the patient will continue on his or her own probably indefinitely. Since the lawless Jacob also revealed that the alleged doctor, the Supreme One is also a coprophagist; I suspect that when the alleged doctor revealed to me that he had previous bouts of amnesia, he was really describing a symptom of coprophagia. Although there is abundant research on the effects of coprophagia among canines, it affects them little; thus I've been forced to draw my own conclusions about the effects of coprophagia among humans. Coprophagia seems to act as an "opiate" by dulling ones mental prowess; however the entrenched aversion and the irreversible effects of the ingestion of the bile duct toxins of feces makes it an abomination. In addition to impairing the function of the brain, the ingestion of feces seems to promote blindness, jaundice, reprehensible body odors, and liver and kidney failure. (It probably also causes black rot of the teeth at gum level.) I have found references associating coprophagia with Satanism, human sexuality, and the religious practice of eating the feces of a sexually-revered person; but there is no mention of coprophagia in the modern Bible. Perhaps the lying pen of the scribes has concealed the true nature of the sexual immorality and sacrifices of the Moabites in
Shittim in Chap. 25 of the Book of Numbers; thus was born a word that literally means feces. In spite of such taboos, it seems like coprophagia rules. It is a sad sorry sight to behold if the professed superior knowledge of coprophagists has prevailed over the chemically-induced stupidity of a dumbed-down America; nevertheless these lawless ones became Israel, when they moved to destroy Israel, the Holy Nation. (Amos 6:8; Ps. 12:8; Is. 29:9-10; Jer. 30: 12-13; Jer. 8:8; Num. 25:1-3; Rev. 2:14-15; Mal. 2:3; Lev. 19:26; Jer.11:11; Tim. 3:9-10; Titus 1:10-16; Ps. 83:2-6; Prov. 1:18)

After four approximately 1,000 word anonymous contacts with the Defense Intelligence Agency in January, I realized that they, like the CIA, The Secret Service, and many others, were at the beck and call of the Supreme One; thus the military has apparently been misled to support the "Silent Murder Epidemic", which I revealed to the DIA. After this I stumbled on Indy Media; resulting in the posting of "Modus Operandi of Lawlessness - Update" Id=24988; "Silent Murder Epidemic - Buffalo Version" Id=24603; and "Justice New York Style" Id=25099 on In short I revealed that of our five fallen presidents; one is (Bill Clinton rules; probably because Secret Service mistakenly declared a State of Emergency two days before inauguration); one is to come (Reagan won the election hands down): and one is to be the eighth (George Herbert Walker Bush as I have revealed his destiny as the Great Dead King of Israel). Since a lot of the lawless ones have apparently been smoking a diluted crack mixture that is mostly paraffin, there has been a call for hair sample tests to confirm this; plus the bile duct toxins of coprophagists are probably also detectable in hair samples. These tests will confirm that these lawless Israelite wannabes are qualified to become servants of God via the seal of "Bill". As usual they don't even have to ask Bill's permission.(Rev. 17:10-11; Hosea 10:3,15; Mic. 2:11-12; 1;16; Is. 3:24; Rev. 17:16; Is. 3:9; Ez. 8:9-10; Rev. 7:2-4).
Meade copyright 2/6/01

That's how I usually write an article with the ten or more Biblical references per paragraph.

From posted Comments after the 3/8 posting:

My Daddy said that when George Herbert Walker Bush confirmed what I had heard about Jim Morrison eating
feces on stage in Miami or thereabouts in 1969; that incident had probably been suppressed by the coprophagists to conceal from their compatriots how toxic this practice could be. I heard that Jim boasted that no one could gross him out; and someone jumped on the stage and defecated, then Jim picked it up and took a bite out of it. I've heard that 3 oz. is a fatal dose; thus Jim probably realized instantly that the end had come. The people around him had probably tricked him, saying that this was the way to impress the crowd and that no harm would come of it; but it probably killed him, for no amount of drugs or alcohol could do what that did to him. Even though I thought that the covenant with death of the lawless ones mentioned in the Bible was defined by their chemical-throwing proclivities; I now realize that it is probably based on their coprophagia. That is, if they eat their feces a little bit at a time, their brains will be damaged in increments, and they won't die from it. (Have since heard that Jim was pulled off stage and surrounded by a hostile crowd that more or less compelled him to do that and that they wouldn't let him spit it out). God bless Jim Morrison.

My Daddy said that when my friend, Bill said that coprophagia was a medical condition, common in children;
that had to be from a recent book. Thus I told Bill that was what they wanted him to think. I further suspect that
the ingestion of the bile duct toxins of feces at an early ages causes more severe impairment of intelligence
than the same at a later age. On the other hand, the lawless Jacob said that the coprophagists say that feces
is "power food" only if you don't sniff it before you eat it and that they concentrate on getting children started on
the coprophagic habit. Thus the IQs probably keep getting lower and lower. If they get you to accept that coprophagia is a medical condition, then they will probably try to get coprophagists special status; i.e. handicapped, "touched in the head", something like that. Hopefully you have been befuddling their "superior intelligence" and getting pictures of that coprophagic look on their faces. Those are the pictures that I want to see on Indy Media. "Wipe That #$%& Look Off Your Face" Id=30108; unless of course you don't have one.

"Morons America Style" (english)
by Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger 11:45am Thu Jun 14 '01 (Modified on 5:37pm Thu Jun 14 '01)
address: 402 North Geneva St. #4 Ithaca, NY 14851 phone: na notavailable

As you browse these pages and the level of cognitive function goes up and down like "a barometer on Judgment Day"; have no fear, I am here.

My Daddy said that Bush Daddy Making Morons a la "Coprophagic Rule.." Id=32589 just scrapes the surface of what ails America. Of course you all know how the "Supreme "Narky".." Id=31749 and the "Storm Troopers of America" Ids=26581, 27166, & 27490 have used "..Creative NonViolence" Id=33468 to stage a "Concealed Holocaust" Id=35206 while not understanding that they were making themselves into "Messiahs.." Id=43985 and bringing "...Violence" Id=44378 back on their own heads; but one has to wonder: How did this come to be a nation ruled by morons?

I have written of how Bush Daddy bragged about getting an invalid diploma and going to graduation to impress upon people that he had graduated and how alleged doctor "Narky" is probably illiterate, having bought his medical license; but these cases seem to involve organized corruption on the highest level. These lawless ones have always said that I didn't graduate because I didn't go to graduation. It was not required, so I just took off for Canada when I had finished exams and secured my degree. Even though I have a diploma and a degree, these morons keep saying that I didn't graduate. I never attached much importance to this until I realized that attending graduation plays a big role in their professed "superior intelligence". (Since I first wrote this article, it has become clear that Skull and Bones was probably the only thing that Bush Daddy and his kid attended at Yale University. Furthermore if a hick goes to an Ivy League school, I doubt if they come out talking like a hick.)

Sure they have been taught to dress for success and assume grandiose self=esteem; but their having duped people into thinking that they have advanced degrees is what places them in positions of power. Most of them seem to have attended the schools that they claim to have graduated from; but more often than not, they flunked out or quit before they graduated. It seems like their game was to go to graduation with a pack of similar flunkies then slap each other on the back congratulating each other for having graduated, with graduation meaning that they have survived intact whatever time they had spent at the school. It seems like thirty or more years ago, schools stopped publishing records of "living alumni"; thus all these people had to do to claim there degrees was produce some fabricated proof of having graduated or studied somewhere. (School stickers on their car windows seem to serve in some cases.)

They have many preoccupations that keep their fabrications from ever being brought into the light. They make it so they never have to demonstrate cognitive function and brush off or "rub out" anyone who tries to get them to do so. In addition to "Deceit, Delusions, and Depraved Dementia" Id=31133 and "Wiping that #$%& Look Off.." Id=30108 their faces; they concentrate on targetting people for the most minor infractions that you can imagine. They especially concentrate on people who are smarter than them and have demonstrated that they won't tolerate stupidity.

What one needs to do is ask them questions that require thought for answers or have them put anything that they've addressed in writing in front of witnesses. Expose their stupidity. Request proof of their professed education. Call the schools that they claim to have graduated from and request certified written proof. The time has come for fools to be called noble no more. It's just a game to them, but it won't seem that way when things start going against them. They are all pompous bluster, and they couldn't explain their thought for the day if they had to. You care about these morons, don't you? Aren't you afraid that they will hurt themselves if they fall off their "horse"? This practice prevails everywhere; but the true graduates who have supported them will not keep it up once they realize that it doesn't pay to support stupidity. Hasta luego, adios.

Respectfully yours, Robert Meade "Bobby" "Israel" Deaf Messenger

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Bobby Is Full Of It
Current rating: 0
02 Oct 2001
Dude, you really ought to get some help with your obsessions.
Why Bobby Can't Communicate
Current rating: 0
03 Oct 2001
While doing research on Bobby’s patterns of spam, I came across this interesting exchange at Atlanta IMC.

At end of Bobby’s of one of Bobby’s recent spams:

SECOND ATTEMPT TO POST THIS EXPLANATION OF THE MULTIPLE POSTS: Dear Readers and IMC; This happens all the time. The doofus interlopers think that it is proof that I have a problem if they make it so that I have to post multiple copies. The one from last night also appeared, and I had cleared the form before the screen even went blank because I had to leave a closing library. When interference freezes the computer it is possible to post thousands of copies. Ask the doofus interlopers who claim that I have a problem for doing this, how it is possible to post more than two copies if there is no interference? If there is no interference the screen will go blank before you can hit the "Publish" button three times. Bob

Then Mark/Atlanta IMC: Hi Bobby The Atlanta IMC collective is having a meeting on october 2nd. You are free to join us to discuss our editorial policy. Email me personally and i will give you directions.

IN response to your post - we are not democratically run, we are collectively run and hence make decision as a collective and not by majority rule.

take care -mark Atlanta IMC

Then Bobby’s reply:

Dear "Mark"; There is no way that I can E-mail anything. Whether I had my own E-mail address or not, it would not be delivered. I will soon publish a piece that will explain why paper communication has been out for me for a long time too. Your Collective is not accessible to the public period. Access is blocked in the same way that access to any pages that contain my articles are blocked on There is nothing to discuss really. You have despotically censored my writings since day one. If there have been any complaints, they should have been posted in the comment section; but of course the comment process is tampered with to an extreme also. Bring the contentions, the frustrations, and the contrived "superior intelligence" of your Collective to the Comment Section. Not a one of them can write a coherent paragraph as far as I know. Hasta luego, adios. Bob

Then Connie asks for action to deal with Bobby:

As you've seen, there's no communicating with "Bobby". As to his explanations of his spamming behavior, the only hypotheses which fit the facts are that:

1. his computer and/or ISP have really severe problems

2. He can't work a Web browser

3. He does it deliberately, either because he really believes that his screeds are the most important thing in the world, or to retaliate against IMCs and their readers for not considering themselves his personal publishing house.

The fact that he has repeatedly posted comments 6titled "Front page or bust" after his articles tends to support the third hypothesis.

Enough is enough. He fantasizes that he is being blocked and interfered with. I think that his fantasy should be fulfilled.

It shouldn't be impossible to tweak the publishing software to detect and delete multiple identical posts. Better yet, "Bobby" is unable to write anything which doesn't contain catch phrases such as "My daddy said". Just write something which will grep incoming posts for his trademarks and consign them to /dev/null.

Finally, Bobby makes more excuses for his irritating incompetence:

Dear "Connie"; There is communicating with me if these posts are not blocked. I don't know what a "web browser" is; but I have to work up to six windows to get my posts secured sometimes. Have you read every post of mine that was deleted from the listings? They are all listed above. Go read them and state your objections there. Do you see the staggered text in the above article? Do you think that I am doing that? If an article is blocked from the front page, it never gets posted there, especially if it is mine. Go look at my posts on, and you will see that some of them have been forced off the front page and rendered inaccessible in the pages within minutes. In Atlanta's case, they are removed from the listings without comments within minutes. If they are removed with nary a comment, that is lawlessness. You do not have to read this stuff. This is an open forum. What is wrong with this stuff? Be specific. And if this comment doesn't post without multiple attempts, that is not my fault. If they let all of them through after that, that is not my fault. I have seen more lawlessness than you could ever imagine. If you are part of it or support it, your destiny has been written from the beginning. If you don't want to hear about it, go someplace else. Bob
See also:
BM's History of Spamming IMCs
Current rating: 0
03 Oct 2001
FYI, this is so that people have an idea of the extent of the problem with Mr. Meade's spamming.

Bobby Meade’s Spam

Bobby Meade has made a practice of spamming numerous IMC sites with his articles, which usually have little, if any, relationship to the sites they are posted on. A number of IMCs have taken steps to deal with his spamming activity by hiding his poasts based on this fact, besides the fact that they generally do not have any content that could be considered news. I will continue to accumulate evidence and pass it on for consideration of action. The info below provides both a justification for any action taken, along with a growing body of evidence of his actions in spamming IMCs. ML

From the IMC Process FAQ page:

Can I post to all the IMC newswires or e-mail lists with the touch of one button?

No. The site is set up to encourage you to post or e-mail your information to the specific newswire/e-mail list that it concerns.

From IMC Process "Spamming IMC" page:

Form Letter by rabble and Micah to send people who cross post on Indymedia sites:

It seems to be an increasing problem that people are cross posting articles on numerous indymedia sites. I've found that if we write them a letter explaining the issues that most people will stop and become more responsible. This is not the only solution to the indymedia open publishing system being abused but it is a start. As exciting as having a medium of free speech, we need to look at how past mediums on the internet have been destroyed by spam. The whole reason we have closed mailinglists and not the totally open usenet system is because that system was setup in such a way so that it could easily be abused. We need to think about how we can improve indymedia's publishing system so it stays open and democratic, but also can stand up to either benign or malevolent attack.

For now I think we should send this letter to people who cross post to many sites. It won't reach people like the 'genocide' guy who are just wing-nuts, but it will reach people who are well meaning but simply don't understand the medium.

Suggested letter to send to spammers:
First I want to thank you for contributing to indymedia. It's a great resource that we are trying to build that will allow us to further the self-determination of people under-represented in media production and content, and to illuminate and analyse local and global issues that impact ecosystems, communities and individuals. We seek to generate alternatives to the biases inherent in the corporate media controlled by profit, and to identify and create positive models for a sustainable and equitable society.

Your posts to more than one indymedia sites are acting against the organizational model of indymedia. Central to indymedia is the idea of a local community based media center. By posting across many sites, I'm sure you hope to reach more people. The problem is that by cross-posting to multiple indymedia sites you reduce the value of the whole network. When somebody looks to see the news from they aren't looking to see something from __place__ about __topic__ which doesn't related to what is going on in Italia. What you should do in this case is look for the best place to post the article. If there is an IMC in your town, then post it there. If you're writing about events in another city, such as a commentary on the IMF/World Bank protests in Prague, then post in on the site. Otherwise just post in to the main website. Currently we have people looking over all the sites and featuring and linking to the articles on the other indymedia sites. This is not ideal, it means the editorial process is limited to a few people so we are working on developing new software which will make this process open, participatory, and democratic.

Posting messages to multiple IMC mailing lists doesn't get your message out properly because it just clogs up working group's lists and discourages people from reading them. The imc-tech list is for discussion of tech issues, resolving problems and planning tech related things. It is not the place for an announcement of a protest, coverage, an action, or anything other than tech-related problems or discussion. If we do not inforce this, we will become deluged with cross-posts and we loose volunteers as the noise on the list becomes unbearable. Please choose the list that is appropriate for the topic and post it to there only. If you need help finding a list, please see

For now, please continue to contribute to indymedia, just limit your posts to the one most relevant site. I know what you're posting has more relevance to the global community, but we need exert some restraint. In the long run, a lot more people will see your work if indymedia grows to be a powerful competitor to the corporate media giants. We are just at the beginning of the media revolution.
Note that it is probably pointless to call Bobby’s attention to this, as he resists all attempts at reason and because he claims he cannot get a working e-mail address so that people can reply to his posts. ML

Noted after his posting to the U-C IMC site:
7:25pm 10/02
10:07am 10/03
10:26am 10/03
7:19pm 10/02
1:30pm 10/03
7:36pm 10/02
10:36am 10/03
10:34am 10/03
Note: He was spamming so fast, he screwed these two up, but he will likely be back to finish them later.
11:06am 10/03
10:43am 10/03
11:14am 10/03
10:58am 10/03
11:02am 10/03
11:06am 10/03
7:50pm 10/02
8:30pm 10/02
1:32pm 10/03
11:22am 10/03
11:27am 10/03
6:01pm 10/02
11:30am 10/03
1:55pm 10/03
11:48am 10/03
11:57am 10/03
8:22pm 10/02

His Previous Spam: U-C IMC site:
9:45pm 09/29

Links below to his cross-postings on other IMCs of this article:
7:50pm 09/29
8:00pm 09/29
6:54pm 09/29
9:05pm 09/30
8:10pm 09/29
5:30pm 09/30
10:15pm 09/30
8:45pm 09/29
6:35pm 09/30
6:13 09/30
6:44pm 09/30
8:17pm 09/29
8:24pm 09/29
6:22pm 09/30
8:30pm 09/29
10:38pm 09/29
9:57pm 09/29
8:51pm 09/29
6:28pm 09/30
8:39pm 09/30
8:56pm 09/29
6:35pm 09/30
7:09pm 09/30
7:32pm 09/30

An Interesting One Because of the Comments:
7:43am 09/28
To all the Doofus Blowfish
Current rating: 0
03 Oct 2001
Dear Bush Daddy Tribe: Sounds like you've been eating your "power food". Or maybe you went and sniffed it. Bob
Corrected URl for Maine IMC Spam Article
Current rating: 0
04 Oct 2001