Parent Article: Illinois: Suburb shift turns state blue |
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Re: Illinois: Suburb shift turns state blue |
by NRA4Freedom (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 22 Jul 2004
Hey Jack, you cannot blame the media though, since they are always doing their part in the attempt help turn states colors! Actually, it is stuff like this that really pisses me off...
"Let's see, top secret documents disappear from a government facility where one needs top secret security clearance to even enter. And it leaves in the hands of an ex Clinton National Security person now working for the Kerry campaign. And then, his lawyers claim that he must have discarded some of the documents he, amazing, Top Secret United States documents in a land fill someplace.
Hmmmm, had this been a republican working for Bush, the news media reports would have made you think the world as we know it had just come to an end. There would be democrats galore from Kerry to Jesse Jackson all over the TV demanding special prosecuters, and especially Bush's head on a platter, for weeks and weeks. Yet, all we hear from the talking liberal heads on TV is how this HAS to be republican dirty tricks, based on the "timing" of the release of this information. Excuse me, but the information was actually "leaked" to the AP by the mans own lawyers, according to the guy who worked for him in the Clinton administration in an interview last night.
But, more importantly, as it is today, a couple days later, CBS News web site reports it with a little tiny link as "Partison Spat over Berger Leak" buried on their web page...with their top story about Intel and the 911 commission along with a report on how Blacks favor Kerry 8 to 1. Isn't that special. Buried on CNN's web site under "Politics", their little tiny link says "House Panel opens Berger Probe". NBC News on their MSNBC web site reports it with a really small link that says, "Democrats Denounce Berger Allegations" with their top story claiming in huge letters "INTELLIGENCE FAILURE" about the 911 reports with a great big photo of GW Bush next to it. A HUGE link to that...liars, all of them. ABC News doesn't have a word about the Berger criminal affair at all, nowhere to be found on their web site. Like it never happened. Amazing!
Just a few more perfect examples of how the lying and liberal national news media really attempts to spin the news the way they want the people to know it...anti republican, and anti Bush. Just another perfect example of why being a liberal is synonymous with being a liar, a traitor, a hypocrite, and an all around piece of worthless human debris..." |