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News :: International Relations
Parallel Resonant Fields Explains ml False Xenolite and the Xenocontinua Current rating: 0
12 Jun 2004
Parallel Fields
Since the discovery of the existence of Parallel Resonant Fields late in the last century, physicists studying them have observed a number of strange phenomena associated with them.
The most obvious of these "suggested mass" or "static gravity" as it is sometimes known. An object in a parallel field will be shown to be of indeterminable weight but still have its inertial properties intact. There were attempts in early parallel research to use this phenomenon in skyshipping to artificially reduce the mass of a ship and its cargo thus reducing the cost of transport. This was proven to be highly risky because of the other major phenomenon associated with these fields.

It was discovered that a mass in a parallel field was under acceleration in a nonspatial dimension which is in direct contact with other temporal continua. We have named these "other dimensions", "xenocontinua". These may be seen as entire universes like our own. Some, remarkably so. If there is a disturbance to the field while a mass is in place, it will drop out of our space, sometimes to be replaced by an equal mass from elsewhere, sometimes to simply disappear. When there is a replacement mass, the object is known as a "xenolite". The Institute has cataloged over twenty-six thousand of them since 1902.

The xenolites are the only way we have had to study the xenocontinua and we have more from some of them than we do from others. Although it is speculated that our universe is in full contact with all others, some seem easier to reach. The ones which are the easiest to obtain information from are referred to as "near" while those less accessible are referred to as "distant." The nearest xenocontinua are very much like our own world containing even analogs of many of the very same people. It took four years to determine a difference between our own world and the nearest xenocontinuum, X-1-A. When one was found it turned out to be so minor, a difference in the spelling of a particular high school student's nickname, that it led to a theory of "budding" of xenocontinua.
It is now believed that universes periodically fission creating two or more where once there was one.We know of at least one, X-24-L, in which time runs backward relative to our own, that is clearly associated with the so called "great inversion" of 1896. It has become progressively more distant since its discovery eighteen years ago.

As I stated before, xenolites are our principal source of information from a given xenocontinuum. A xenolite can take virtually any form, even human beings have been xenolites.

Mostly, however, they are tantalizing clues. Books and newspapers are frequent and valued xenolites, but they often contain obscure references which would lend greater meaning to their content if we knew what they were. Here is a list of some from various xenocontinua.

Lornberg's theorem
the Madagascar incident
the Netherlands war
Homer's muffin stated so clearly by Thompson,...
the Age of Wit
the Handrail theory
the Felton manuscript
the Doghunt of '35
fly-swatter diplomacy
cold combustion engine
the "turning" of China
the "Holy Fish" position
outside limiter
digital candor
the Geneva Convention
the Dead Sea scrolls
the Three Stooges
nuclear power
invisible reweaving
World War II
silly putty
The "G" spot
spin doctoring
the Cleveland Amphora
the edict of Barney Schroder
sluce rate tax
hover control
the Federal Chicken
the Horban Kingdom
Zero Plowing
zoned phase power production
Krellburgh's Jest
the Mantle of Fronden
adjusted freewheel policy
These are just a taste of some of the things that are yet to be figured out by researchers. There are some xenocontinua that are quite distant indeed, where for instance, life evolved differently on the Earth. There are even a few where the physical laws of nature are not as they are for us. Xenolites from such continua tend to be quickly destroyed by even existing in our world, but a favored few can be kept under controlled conditions.
The object known as the "bloop" (X-009603-1) appears to be four (or perhaps five) dimensional. Although it has the quality of size, it does not have a particular size. It may or may not be animal, vegetable or mineral. It can be seen, but its image on film does not correspond to the way it appears to the eye. It reflects light in a forth, previously unknown primary color. Its weight changes depending upon which of its surfaces it is resting on. It seems to have no inside or outside as we understand them. The object was obtained as the result of the explosion of an overloaded Mollot cell during a very high energy probe. Nothing else from its home xenocontinuum has ever been recovered.

The very first xenolite was what has come to be known as the "Ticonderoga pencil" (X-000001) and is in the University museum in Mulweeno. The largest xenolite ever recovered was 100 cubic yards of earth (X-000281-4) from X-9-G during a power test.

False Xenolites
To further confuse matters, there is the phenomenon of "false xenolites" which seem to be psyonic constructs having nothing to do with a contacted xenocontinuum. False xenolites have included, a human fecal bolus which smelled strongly of roses (FX-000226), an American quarter dollar piece struck from sharp Cheddar cheese (FX-000048), a tango record which glows in the dark (FX-000530), a copper ingot with the word "unless" inscribed on it (FX-000912), a set of false teeth made entirely of bologna sausage save for one gold tooth (FX-005460) and an inside-out tomato (FX-000018). We now believe that these objects originate in the interstices between xenocontinua.
It is known to science as the "Alladin's Lamp" effect.

An operator of parallel resonant field apparatus probes with a sense of expectation of encountering an object, making a wish, as it were. The focus falters for an instant and the xenocontinuum is lost even as the transfer process has begun and a transmission of "flux" from between the worlds takes place instead. This flux manifests itself as matter, energy or some combination of the two, as in the very first false xenolite, the eternally vibrating doorknob (FX-000001). This common brass knob has never ceased emitting a 74 cycle hum since the day it appeared.

False xenolites may only be obtained by accident. No attempt to create one has ever succeeded The discipline of studying these objects is called psudoxenology and is so baffling a science, that a degree in it has never been awarded to anyone in spite of intensive work in this field. It has been suggested that this is the only hard science in which the scientific method cannot be used. Personally, I do not hold with this view but I admit that much remains unknown.

Mollot's Discovery
The technology which made this research possible emerged in the first decade of the twentieth century. Starting in 1902, Alexander Rodman Mollot, working from ideas devised by Valdmar Poulsen, built the first static gravity focus matrices, better known as "Mollot cells". The original concept was to create a solid state device which would amplify a radio signal. No one was as surprised as him when the completed device did nothing to the radio signal. He abandoned the unsuccessful device to explore other avenues of research when he noticed that it didn't weigh the same as it had at the time of its fabrication. There were forces at work here of which he knew nothing at all.
Through trial and error, Mollot started to create equipment which would be able to both quantify and utilize the peculiar forces generated in the device which he now referred to as the Mollot cell. This was the first primitive parallel resonant field translator. The little machine would produce a region around itself which appeared to be blurred and indistinct as if there was an area in which one could only see double. The device used no electricity but rather used the induced energy produced from the Mollot cell's interaction with the highly polished "phase plate". Mollot hoped that with the cell now controlled he would have discovered an anti-gravity device.

Within seconds of activating the device for the first time, he dropped a pencil on to the phase plate, knocking it out of alignment and deactivating the machine. It wasn't until hours later that he noticed that a transformation had taken place. He was jotting down some notes on a napkin at a local diner when he saw that the pencil which had had printed on its side, as so many do, St. Edmundsburgh, NA, this one now said, Ticonderoga, NY. The standard Dixon pencil was, then as now, made in St. Edmundsburgh, never at this upstate New York town with the hard to pronounce name. He called stationary stores all over town to find out if they had heard of such a pencil. None had.

Back in the lab at night he dropped a bottle cap from the Regal Cola he had with dinner into the field, when he examined it he read the name "Dr. Pepper". It was the first intentionally obtained xenolite (X-000002).

Demonstrations of this peculiar effect had enough impact on the president of the Dilmount Institute that Mollot was allowed to set up his own department to research this phenomenon. This department became the Institute for Parallel Studies.

Exploration of the Xenocontinua
What we came to know about the various xenocontinua was realized slowly. Originally they were numbered in order of discovery, but a more useful system of numbering based on "distance" from our own world was introduced in 1905. A few of them are as follows.
X-1-A has already been discussed as being almost indistinguishable from our own.
X-2-A is very similar to our own world with the exception that Texas never won independence from Mexico. Greenland is a sovereign nation of Eskimos.
X-2-B similar to X-2-A but Andorra is part of Spain and Woodrow Wilson is known as Thomas Wilson.
X-3-A through F are a series of xenocontinua where the Confederacy won the Civil War. In only one of them, X-3-D, was it not brought back into the Union after ten years or less.
In all xenocontinua more distant than these, the Antarctic continent is a frozen wasteland and the republic of Bromfkidor does not exist. Also there is no knowledge of parallel field technology in any of these xenocontinua.
X-4-A through GG are an extensive series of xenocontinua in which the Dutch held onto control of the New Amsterdam colony, in hundreds of other particulars they are as different from each other as night and day in spite of the fact that all have a common history up to 1887.
The X-5 through X-13 xenocontinua become progressively more distopian the more distant they become. Starting with X-5-C we start seeing a large number of socialist style governments holding dominance mid-century. In the X-10 through X-12 continua at least half the worlds population lives under a particularly odious form of communism which harshly restricts personal freedom. Further, about half of the remaining states are oppressive dictatorships.
Two of these xenocontinua, X-7-C and X-12-B have actually been reached a good number of times. X-12-B has actually been visited by explorers on several occasions and it is believed to be the original home of Admiral Wendell Wyley. The X-12 continua are characterized by a number of historical particulars. Abraham Lincoln was assassinated shortly after the end of the Civil War. Bolivar failed to unite Colombia permanently. California remained a part of the United States. In most of these worlds, Europe is a major battle ground in the first half of the century.
X-13-F through N continua have civilization fallen into ruins and the world almost totally depopulated. Xenolites from several of these come to us highly radioactive. No one knows why.
The X-14 xenocontinua all share in common a later exploration of the New World beginning around 1560. In all of these worlds South America, known here as Virginia, is colonized by the British. North America, known here as America, is colonized by the Italians east of the Mississippi and the Russians and the Chinese in the west. The largest city in the twentieth century is Nova Roma on the gulf coast.
The X-15 through X-25 xenocontinua are progressively more distant variations based on the Chinese colonizing most of North America while the situation for South America is similar to that in the X-14 series.
The X-26 through X-45 continua are based upon an entirely different race arising in Africa in early prehistory. In these worlds civilization arises about 12000 B.C. in western Africa and soon thereafter in the Italian peninsula. Africans colonize South America before the Indians get there. North America is never conquered by outsiders and a powerful civilization of red men rules it in the twentieth century.
More distant xenocontinua are known by only sparse evidence and difficult to name as a result. We visualize these clusters of xenocontinua as a series of bands which are given region numbers.
Because the previously discussed xenocontinua constitute the first region, the region beyond these is known as the second region. In this region we find worlds where civilization emerged much later and in our time humanity has risen no higher than ancient Summer.

In the third region humanity remains in the wilds or has not even evolved in exactly the same way that it has here.

In the forth region, which includes over a thousand worlds, humans never appeared on the Earth. In a few clusters of these worlds some other creature rose to the estate of civilization. Interpreting xenolites from this region is highly speculative and the opportunity for error is great.

In the fifth region mammals never evolved. In a few continua in this region we find truly alien life on Earth.

In the sixth region life never emerged from the oceans or failed to evolve altogether.

In the seventh region the Earth formed differently or at a different distance from the sun or not at all.

The eighth and ninth regions are distinguished by differences in solar evolution including variants like the sun forming as a double star or a white dwarf.

The tenth region is very hard to figure out because there is no matter in our part of the galaxy. It extends for at least one million xenocontinua.

The Eleventh region has no matter at all but is very energetic. Light goes slightly faster here. Beyond these regions there are large gaps in sampling. Entire regions are identified based on only single or fragmentary contacts. The object known as the "bloop" is believed to originate in a xenocontinuum somewhere in the twenty-eighth region. It is the most distant stable xenolite ever recovered.

Functions of Parallel Fields
Parallel fields can be visualized as shifting domains which act as a kind of "package" for our particular reality. I have illustrated this as a nested set of currents. This field impregnates and serves as the skeleton of our universe (fig.1). The standard state of the field is counter rotating and is referred to as "bipolar".

Figure 1: a bipolar field.
A parallel resonant field translator will, in its initializing state, "translate" the field into a "unipolar" state where gravity is rendered intermittent (fig.2). There are also "omnipolar" fields which are unstable and tend to dismantle matter for as long as they exist (fig.3). Some accidents in early researches have been blamed on these fields.

Figure 2: a unipolar field.

Figure 3: an omnipolar field.
A Mollot cell by itself will cause distortion in a parallel field (fig.4), but that distortion is limited without part of the cell's static gravity charge being bled off to a focusing surface known as a "phase plate". This, along with a tiny amount of power, becomes a simple Parallel Resonant Field Translator, or PRFT, as they are popularly known.

Figure 4: a parallel field.
A simple one can be used for lab demonstrations in gravity and illustrations of the parallel field. One with higher potential will precipitate a linkage to another field, another xenocontinuum. An active PRFT will exist in a spatially indeterminate state. If the field strength is raised to encompass a large Molott cell distortion enough area, some of what was in that area may remain in a different xenocontinuum when the PRFT is brought to a resting state. A diagram of the event (fig.5) will show the fields intersecting or touching on their periphery, and this is in fact a useful way to visualize the process for those who use it, however, other models have been used to illustrate what happens in these events.

Figure 5: field intersection.
The comparison has also been made to a distant focus lens being used to observe a forest several miles away. Only one line of trees will be able to be brought into focus at one time but they are all part of the same forest and all exist as part of one environment.

Representation of Phenomena
It is important to understand that the way a phenomenon is described is not the phenomenon itself. This can be wonderfully illustrated by the differences in atomic theory on various xenocontinua.
In our world, conventional wisdom holds that the atom, matter's fundamental particle is a reflection of the intrinsic field of the universe as a whole, a direct translation of the macroscopic to the microscopic. Unraveling these fields creates instabilities which result in electro-magnetic forces. Matter as a function of space. We have found this to be a very successful model for understanding gravity and parallel fields.

In the X-7 xenocontinua, atoms are viewed as solid objects of specific shapes that can "stack" more easily one way than they do another. They have devised a stunningly complex array of shapes on the periodic table of elements and the system has worked amazingly well to describe chemical reactions and for predicting the behavior of both new compounds and new elements.

Scientists on the X-12 xenocontinua have a view of the atom as a complex machine of wheels within wheels. A dense "nucleus" is surrounded by an "electron cloud" which is solely responsible for all electro-chemical effects. The nucleus is supposedly an extraordinarily complex system of particles of diverse properties which are themselves supposed to be constructed from a plethora even smaller and more exotic particles. In spite of this model's almost overwhelming complexity, it is capable of explaining, although not terribly elegantly, all the phenomena associated with radioactivity.

In some of the X-18 xenocontinua, the fundamental division of matter is not viewed as a particle of any kind but rather as an energy fielld rather like ball lightning. All are seen as fundamentally identical but capable of being "impressed" with the "identity" of an element.

These are just a few of the myriad of atomic theories found outside of our science. I have only discussed, by the way, theories that actually serve as a functional explanation for behaviors that have in turn yielded principals by which knowledge can be extended. I have included no magical or religious views. The point of this discussion is to explain that the conventional representation of the Parallel Resonant Field is not the only way in which it can be represented. It is diagrammed in this fashion as a convenient way to show certain of its properties.

Parallel Field Behavior
Xenocontinua, as seen from the vantage point of our world, appear distorted. It is a kind of compression as if they were two-dimensional. The circular paths illustrated by the arrows are known as "flux rings". Those paths are not restricted to two dimensions and they are very flexible. Flux rings are actually observed as the so called "banding" effect seen in the vicinity of an operating PRFT. These are, of course, an effect of minute gravity differentials. When the static gravity of a field is raised above a certain potential, flux rings will start encompassing other xenocontinua (fig.6).

Figure 6: expanding flux ring.
When that potential has been reached, the phase plate of the apparatus must be positioned in such a way that it can be brought into phase with the flux rings of a neighboring field. When this is achieved, the fields are in a state of parallel resonance. The area encompassed by the field becomes common to both continua. Reaching more distant xenocontinua requires parallel probe much higher energies. The unfolding flux regions are much trickier to handle and difficult to diagram which is why it can be so hard to correctly identify very distant parallel regions (fig.7).

Figure 7: high energy parallel probe.
Finally, there have been discovered regions of conjoined xenocontinua with ever shifting historical particulars (fig.8).

Figure 8: naturally conjoined fields]
These xenocontinua abound in, so called, "psychic" phenomena. Such continua by nature are very close, perhaps in the process of budding to form new worlds. A person in such a xenocontinuum may think he knows a fact perfectly only to find one day that it never happened. Xenolites appear and vanish with regularity. It is believed that continua cannot exist in such a state for too long. One could imagine that science would never develop in a xenocontinuum of this sort if it stayed conjoined permanently. The philosophy that the world was knowable or understandable would be laughed at heartily by the inhabitants of such a world.

And so here presented for the intelligent layman is the barest outline of the physics of parallel fields. For further reading, I would recommend "Parallel Realms" by Vladimir K. Ulianov and Guido F. L. Romanelli.

Valdmar Poulsen
The Danish inventor who also devised magnetic recording.

Searching for Extra Dimensions

What extra dimensions, you probably think, having just read the title. We know very well that the world around us is three-dimensional. We know East from West, North from South, up from down – what extra dimensions could there possibly be if we never see them?

Well, it turns out that we do not really know yet how many dimensions our world has. All that our current observations tell us is that the world around us is at least 3+1-dimensional. (The fourth dimension is time. While time is very different from the familiar spatial dimensions, Lorentz showed at the beginning of the 20th century that space and time are intrinsically related.) The idea of additional spatial dimensions comes from string theory, the only self-consistent quantum theory of gravity so far. It turns out that for a consistent description of gravity, one needs more than 3+1 dimensions, and the world around us could have up to 11 spatial dimensions!

How could this be possible? The reason we do not feel these additional spatial dimensions in our everyday life (if they exist) is because they are very different from the three dimensions we are familiar with. It turns out that it is possible that our world is ‘pinned’ to a 3-dimensional sheet (a so-called ‘brane’) that is located in a higher dimensional space, To illustrate this, imagine an ant crawling on a sheet of paper in your hand. For the ant, the ‘universe’ is pretty much two-dimensional, as it cannot leave the surface of the paper. It only knows North from South and East from West, but up and down don’t make any sense as long as it has to stay on the sheet of paper. In pretty much the same way, we could be restrained to a three-dimensional world, which is in fact a part of a more complicated multi-dimensional universe!

These extra spatial dimensions, if they really exist, are thought to be curled-up, or “compactified”. In the example with the ant, let’s roll the sheet of paper so that it forms a cylinder. In this case, if the ant starts crawling in the direction of curvature, it will eventually come back to the same point it started from. This is an example of a compactified dimension. If the ant crawls in a direction parallel to the length of the cylinder, it would never come back to the same point (we are assuming that the paper cylinder is so long so that it never reaches the edge). This is an example of a “flat” dimension. According to string theory then, we live in a universe where our three familiar dimensions of space are “flat”, but there are additional dimensions which are curled-up very tightly so that they have an extremely small radius: 10-30 cm or less.

famous drawings by M.C. Escher illustrate the idea of a compactified spatial dimension.

So why would it matter to us if the universe has more than 3 spatial dimensions, if we can not feel them? Well, in fact we could “feel” these extra dimensions through their effect on gravity. While the forces that hold our world together (electromagnetic, weak, and strong interactions) are constrained to the 3+1-“flat” dimensions, the gravitational interaction always occupies the entire universe, thus allowing it to feel the effects of extra dimensions. Unfortunately, since gravity is a very weak force and since the radius of extra dimensions is tiny, it could be very hard to see any effects, unless there is some kind of mechanism that amplifies the gravitational interaction. Such a mechanism was recently proposed by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali, who realized that the extra dimensions can be as large as one millimeter, and still we could have missed them in our quest for the understanding of how the universe works!

If the extra dimensions were indeed so large, the laws of gravity would be modified at distances comparable to the size of the extra dimensions. So, why don’t we see this in experiments? In fact it turns out that we know very well how gravity works for large distances (Isaac Newton’s famous law that says that gravitational force between two bodies falls off as the square of distance between them). However, no one has tested how well this works for distances less than about 1 mm. It is complicated to study gravitational interactions at small distances. Objects positioned so close to each other must be very small and very light, so their gravitational interactions are also small and hard to detect. While a new generation of gravitational experiments that should be capable of probing Newton’s law at short distances (up to 1 micron) is under way, our current knowledge about gravity stops at distances of the order of 1 mm. We currently cannot say whether there are, or are not, possible extra dimensions smaller than 1 mm.

So far so interesting, but what does this have to do with particle physics and the DØ experiment at Fermilab? Actually, there is a very direct connection. Since the particles that we accelerate at Fermilab are very energetic, we can easily probe distances as small as 10-19 cm by studying the products of their collisions. However, the particles involved in these collisions are very light, so the gravitational interaction between them is very weak. Fortunately, it turns out that in the theory proposed by Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali, the gravitational interaction is greatly enhanced if the colliding particles have sufficiently high energy. This enhancement is due to the so-called “winding modes” of the graviton – the gravitational force carrier – around the compactified extra dimensions. If the graviton is energetic enough, it could travel ¾ “wind” its way ¾ around the compactified dimensions many times. Each time it winds around, it gives rise to a small gravitational force between the colliding particles. If the number of revolutions that the graviton makes around the curled extra dimensions is large enough, the gravitational interaction is tremendously enhanced.

Two types of the extra-dimensional effects observable at collides: a graviton escapes from our 3-dimensional world in extra dimensions (Megaverse), resulting in an apparent energy non-conservation in our three-dimensional world. Right: a graviton leaves our world for a short moment of time, just to come back and decay into a pair of photons (the DØ physicists looked for that particular effect).

As the Fermilab Tevatron is the highest energy particle accelerator in the world, it is the perfect place to look for extra dimensions, since the higher the colliding particle energy is, the stronger enhancement of the gravitational interaction is expected. Physicists working at the DØ experiment have looked for the effects of gravitational interactions between pairs of electrons or photons produced in high-energy collisions. If the gravitational interaction between the two electrons or two photons is large enough, the properties of such a final state system would be modified. There will be more pairs produced at high two-body masses, and also the angular distribution of these particles will be more uniform than one expects to see if gravity is weak enough to be ignored. When DØ carefully analyzed the data they collected in 1992-1996, no such enhancements were found. The data agrees very well with the predictions from known physics processes, and the gravitational interaction does not seem to play any significant role at the energies that we are able to reach. So, no evidence for extra dimensions was found so far.

Although we have not seen extra dimensions, we were able to set rather strict limits on their size. These limits are stricter than those set by gravitational experiments, or accelerator experiments at lower energy machines, so far. These new limits also place significant constraints on Arkani-Hamed, Dimopoulos, and Dvali’s theory.

Our search for extra dimensions is not over yet. In fact, it has only just started. We are also looking for the effects of extra dimensions in collisions that produce different types of particles, such as quarks. We are also looking for events where gravitons are produced in the collisions and then leave our three-dimensional world, travelling off into one of the other dimensions. This would cause an apparent non-conservation of energy from the point of view of our three dimensional world. With the next data-taking run scheduled to start in 2001, and likely to deliver twenty times the data presently accumulated, we will have a significantly extended sensitivity to large extra dimensions. We very well might see them!

If we are not so lucky, the next generation collider, LHC, that is being built at CERN (near Geneva, Switzerland) will allow us to ultimately probe the theory of large extra dimensions and either find them or show that the idea is actually wrong. But we will have to wait six more years or so, before we learn that.

If you have any questions about this research, please contact Greg Landsberg at Brown University, landsberg (at)

This work is in the public domain
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Re: Parallel Resonant Fields Explains ml False Xenolite and the Xenocontinua
Current rating: 0
11 Apr 2005
you are mistaken in your assumption that the above is in the public domain. It is in fact a copywritten work by myself. I'm surprised that you thought I wouldn't see it. The original can be seen at