Parent Article: Ted Koppel is the New Dixie Chick -- Sinclair's Power Play |
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Re: Ted Koppel is the New Dixie Chick -- Sinclair's Power Play |
by This place reaks of censorship liberalsrlosers (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: 13 04 May 2004
>"Keep posting boys and we will keep voting you off in the spirit of collectivism."
You can keep believing that if you like, since it is still a free Country for now, but the truth is, it is in the "spirit of" censorship. You must have no idea how stupid you really look, unable to present rational argument that stands up to the truth, so you just try to make the truth go away. You are nothing more than a copy of the little child that holds his hands over his ears and chants so he doesn't have to hear what he doesn't want to hear. But that's ok, you can be a baby if you like...matters little to anyone else.
>"It is your ideas that cannot withstand this market place."
It isn't the "ideas" that are the problem. It is the truth. There is truth, and there is lies. The only things worth believing are the truths. You want to believe the lies instead, so you do what you do and think what you think. Nazi's did the same thing way back when, so you are really no different from them...a hater of the truth.
>"Our site is not, nor has it ever been, a site which welcomes conservative ideals."
I never stated that all "conservative ideals" are correct, just as it is painfully obvious by this web site that not all liberal "ideals" are correct either. It is the truth that matters, not the "ideal" of one side or the other. But, you obviously cannot handle the truth, so you act out your childish behavior. Whatever works for you I guess.
>"You can see these or listen to them all day long by simply turning on your radio or pushing the on button on your remote control."
ONLY if you tune to a certain few channels. By and large, the same stuff you post here overwhelms the public airwaves. And there is nothing really wrong with that, as long as everyone is free to know the opposing side of the story. Unlike you apparently, I read as much of the opposing viewpoint as possible, so I can determine what is truth and what is lies. For the most part, liberals are blatant liars for some reason...always willing to lie in order the further their agenda, like, "the end justifies the means"...which is what this voting censorship thing is really all about here. But, you are blind to that, because you hate the truth and love lies instead. No hope for people like that.
>"You are wasting your time in this venue my misquided yet sad, friends."
It's my time, I'll spend it any way I please. I know that really bothers most liberals, but no thanks to the vast majority of them, this is still a free Country.
>"You should try and go to a site where your thoughts will always be welcome like or some neo nazi site such as that."
Just like a liberal, always trying to tell other people what they "should" do, where they "should" go, what they "ought to" be thinking. You just wish you were in charge, you arrogant idiot!
>"We the enlightened..."
First and biggest stumbling block of a liberal loser...thinking they are "enlightened"!!! FOOLS!
>" have to read your drivel, nor will we ever!!!!"
You do? Mistype there probably. You are a close minded bigot...and you THINK you are "enlightened" is a clue, LOL!!! |