Parent Article: Our Old Friend Sinclair Is At It Again... |
Hidden with code "Rated Down" |
transparent motives |
by bfd (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 2 30 Apr 2004
I first encountered this wretched little cesspool of a website in the months after Sept 11, 2001, after one of its editors, Mike Lehman, referred to the Pentagon as a "legitimate military target", with the intent, one must conclude, of not only mocking our dead, but to frustrate and discourage America's will to confront its attackers and defend herself. Fueling the disgust I have to this day for the American Fifth Column that uses the vile propaganda found here to further its hateful, murderous intent, I continue to monitor what those that would see us attacked again are up to, and try, in some small way, to counter their
While I disagree with Sinclair's decision to censor public airwaves, how ironic it is that ML and his ilk are so quick to honor America's war dead, when doing so is politically expedient. Know this - some day the War on Terrorism will end, America will prevail, and those who sought to harm us will have failed. Those of you who aided our enemies, God willing, will be taken to account. |