The Kucinich campaign has issued a special plea for Illinois volunteers to
help out in Cedar Rapids and Waterlou Iowa this weekend (January 17th thru
19th). All expenses (food, Lodging, transportation) will be paid for!!!
There will be a special bus sent from Cleveland, Ohio and it will arrive in
Aurora, Illinois at the Jewell on Rte 31, four blocks south of Interstate
88 at 3:30 AM. You can leave your cars in the parking lot.
If you can go PLEASE call Leah at the national headquarters in Cleveland,
Ohio at 1-866-413-3664 for more info and to reserve your seat and
BTW, for those who need the comfort of knowing that you have many
like-minded friends, Dennis just won the poll with over 44%
of the vote, and guess what, TruthOut actually reported the results of
their poll!! Check out for some
mainstream polls that oddly go unreported. BTW, there are many more than
what is listed at the fluxrostrum site but check out the articles while
you're there.
Most important for those who have not fully explored the far-reaching
implications of Dennis's platform, be sure to check out this Rush
Limbaugh-style video - except, unlike Rush, the producer of this video
includes a ton of ACTUAL news clips covering what REALLY happened in
Seattle. (You may recall that Dennis marched in Seattle.) Then fast forward
to what happened at the FTAA protests in Miami a few weeks ago (as reported
at IndyMedia and elsewhere) and multiply Seattle by a factor of about 100.
Consider it news you won't hear from the national press. Go
to watch the video (about 35 minutes):
Totally mind-blowing and bone-chilling! This video is really worth your
time, as is exploring many of the articles and other vidoes on this
non-partisan site. Also check out which
includes some declassified docs such as The Northwoods Proposal of 1962 and
read the 1998 Senate hearings on US foreign policy in the middle East. Read
at least a portion of all of this and you will know why it doesn't matter
about party orientation, both Dems and Republicans (and most third party
groups as well) are really "just different flavors of the same business
ONLY Dennis Kucinich is different, on his record, on his integrity and on
his personal history. THAT, my folks is why you have such worthies as
Howard Zinn and Dr. Patch Adams endorsing Dennis Kucinich. You really need
to explore his platform issues, including his goal to dismantle corporate
media, and to dismantle corporate agribusiness along with the corporate
food industry that is responsible for a toxic food supply, and to challenge
(and dismantle) the toxic mainstream medical model, and to boldly call for
a cut in the military budget and so much more!
For starters, you can check out Dennis's latest statement on the Bush
proposal (available on his website at to make our airports
"more secure" as follows:
"The Bush Administration is diverting resources to measures that
appear to make us safer but actually make our lives more difficult and
violate our privacy," said Kucinich. "The new system will require all
airline passengers to provide their full names, home addressees, phone
numbers, and dates of birth when they book flights. The government
will feed that information into databases and produce profiles on all
passengers. The databases will include government records, information
from commercial systems such as Lexis-Nexis and Acxiom, and mailing
lists and other commercial information. And the databases will be
secret, and therefore no one will have any idea why they would be
given a specific security level.
"The Administration is turning every airline ticket counter into a Big
Brother Booth. Our freedoms and our liberties are on the line. This
Administration is moving with breathtaking speed to demolish the Bill
of Rights and privacy protections. In a democratic society we have a
right to live free and they're taking that right away.
"What conceivable right does the government have to develop these
database profiles? What else will the government do with the
information? The FBI is already collecting information on people who
attend peace demonstrations. What purposes will all of this data be
put to? Once someone is deemed a threat to air travel, will they also
be denied a driver's license? Will they be denied admittance to large
public events?
"These are serious questions. Big Brother is here. This is absolutely
unacceptable in a democracy. We have to live free, or it's not America
anymore. I will work quickly to repeal the 'PATRIOT Act,' to repeal
the intelligence authorization bill that slipped in sections of
Patriot Act II, and to rescind all practices that mine data for the
purpose of profiling.
"We are being driven to fear each other, and it is not helpful. There
is no evidence that this new scheme, or duct tape and plastic, or the
general color-coded terror threat warnings actually make us safer.
Rather than pouring hundreds of billions into an illegal war that is
destabilizing the Middle East and additional resources into assigning
people color codes, we should be working to rejoin the world community
and make the world safer through diplomacy and cooperation."
Dennis Kucinich is the only candidate for President who voted against
the Patriot Act. He has introduced a bill to repeal major sections of
that act. He has protested the proposals for a Patriot Act II. And he
has committed to file suit to overturn the Patriot Act upon election
as President. |