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Kike Who Sought To Shoot Down US Commercial Airliners |
Current rating: 3 |
by Michael Hoffman reposted by DAN "Headlines Are Supposed to Match the Story?" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
16 Aug 2003
Justice System Seeks To Acquit Jew Who Smuggled Missiles
Terrorist Out On Bail As Ties To Zionist Entity Acquit |
 DAN Disinfo's Favorite Man |
Commentary -- http://www.hoffman-
Dedicated to Freedom of the Press, Investigative Reporting and Revisionist History
Michael A. Hoffman II, Editor
August 16, 2003
Zionist Linked to Plot to Sneak Shoulder-fired Missiles into the US
Editor's Note: Zionist defendants have extraordinary "pull" in criminal courts in the US. Witness Jonathan Pollard, the convicted Israeli spy serving a life sentence. Pollard will have another day in court to argue for an appeal, more than a dozen years after his conviction and supposed exhaustion of all appeals.
In the case reported below, involving "providing material support to terrorists," the NY Times, presiding Judge Joel Pisano and even the prosecutor, US Attorney Jeffrey Clark, go to remarkable lengths to disassociate the alleged financier of the deal, Yehuda Abraham, from the smuggled missiles which his money was allegedly intended to purchase.
Shoulder-fired missiles are said to be the weapon of choice of "Muslim extremists" seeking to shoot down an airliner at a US airport. However, it would be wrong to pursue this line of inquiry in the case below and the judge, prosecutor and media are united in persuading us to eschew an inquiry. Moreover, such an investigation would be evidence of prejudice, since the Zionist lobby has added "conspiracy theories about 9/11" to their official taxonomy of "vicious anti-Semitic canards." Hence, it would be "anti-Semitic" to seek to investigate the full extent of Israeli involvement in helping stage "Arab terrorism" in the US.
Gem Dealer Accused in Plot May Seek Bail, Judge Rules
NY Times, August 16, 2003
NEWARK, Aug. 15 — Denying a request from prosecutors, a federal judge ruled today that a [Zionist Jew] whom the authorities have linked to a plot to sell shoulder-fired missiles [to shoot down US commercial airliners] could be released on $10 million bail.
...Federal officials arrested [the Jew's co-conspirator] Mr. Lakhani here Tuesday and charged him with providing material support to terrorists and trying to sell arms without a license. ...
... [T]he federal complaint filed against Mr. Abraham does not indicate that he was aware that the money the authorities accuse him of transferring was part of an illegal arms deal [backed by Israel to shoot down a US commercial airliner], and Judge Pisano cited the government's lack of evidence on this point as part of the reasoning behind his decision to set bail.
...Mr. Clark argued, Mr. Abraham was "willfully blind" to the reasons for the transaction and understood "the illegal nature of what he was involved in."
"Mr. Abraham's role in the effort to import missiles into the United States was as a money man, your honor," Mr. Clark told Judge Pisano.
Mr. Clark argued that because of Mr. Abraham's access to money and contacts overseas — he has relatives in England, Italy and Israel — he was a "significant flight risk."
... Throughout the 70-minute hearing, the frail-looking Mr. Abraham[, a Jewish terrorist who conspired to shoot down a US commercial airliner], clad in an olive prison jumpsuit and handcuffed with his feet shackled, sat impassively next to his lawyer.
Occasionally, he would turn to look out into the spectator section of the courtroom, where family members and other supporters [of Jewish terrorism] filled eight rows.
At one point, as Mr. Abraham was being led to his seat before the hearing began, one of his sons made eye contact with him. "We'll get you out, Dad," he said. "We'll get you out [so you can sell those missiles to the Arabs, and provoke another war on Israel's behalf]."
Only 1 Of 3 Missile Suspects Getting Bail For Plan To Shoot American Airliners Out Of The Sky |
by bibhur AKA DAN "Hate Fetish" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 3 16 Aug 2003
NEWARK, N.J. Aug. 15 —
The only (jew) citizen arrested in plan to get sholder fired missles to shoot down american airliners gets released on bail, a judge ruled Friday.
Yehuda Abraham, 76, a jew Manhattan blood diamond dealer, will remain in federal custody until court officials interview at least 10 friends and relatives willing to post his bond.
Zionist Entity Installed Cannibal Idi Amin In Uganda |
by zack AKA DAN "Redundant Hate" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 Aug 2003
According to an article in today's London Independent, the Zionist entity made this move in order to be positioned to attack the government of Sudan, which supported Arabs in the Six-Day War, through "Christian" proxies. That civil war, which has continued, the document reveal, solely through Jewish support of the anti-Sudanese revolutionaries, has been one of Africa's many bloody and ongoing conflicts and has claimed tens of thousands of lives.
Previously, it had ben widely believed that Britain had masterminded the coup, and that the Brits had been the ones primarily responsible for backing the Sudanese revolutionary movement. But new documents recently declassified show that Britain had been surprised by the Jewish engineered the coup.
Idi Amin, the man the Jews installed in power, was known for killing and eating politically dissenters, and engaged in cruel practices of torture and genocide against his own people. Because of these habits, his government had a natural appeal to world Jewry, which revels in curelty and in installing into power those who will brutalize and torture their fellow countrymen.
Revealed: How Israel Helped Amin To Take Power |
by Richard Dowden reposted by DAN "I Don't Care If Anybody Sees This 'Cause I Post Where IShouldn't, On the Local Newswire" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 Aug 2003
When Radio Uganda announced at dawn on 25 January 1971 that Idi Amin was Uganda's new ruler, many people suspected that Britain had a hand in the coup. However, Foreign Office papers released last year point to a different conspirator: Israel.
The first telegrams to London from the British High Commissioner in Kampala, Richard Slater, show a man shocked and bewildered by the coup. But he quickly turned to the man who he thought might know what was going on; Colonel Bar-Lev, the Israeli defence attaché. He found the Israeli colonel with Amin. They had spent the morning of the coup together. Slater's next telegram says that according to Colonel Bar-Lev: "In the course of last night General Amin caused to be arrested all officers in the armed forces sympathetic to Obote ... Amin is now firmly in control of all elements of [the] army which controls vital points in Uganda ... the Israeli defence attaché discounts any possibility of moves against Amin."
The Israelis moved quickly to consolidate the coup. In the following days Bar-Lev was in constant contact with Amin and giving him advice. Slater told London that Bar-Lev had explained "in considerable detail [how] ... all potential foci of resistance, both up country and in Kampala, had been eliminated". Shortly afterwards Amin made his first foreign trip; a state visit to Israel. Golda Meir, the Prime Minister, was reportedly "shocked at his shopping list" for arms.
But why was Israel so interested in a landlocked country in Central Africa? The reason is spelt out by Slater in a later telegram. Israel was backing rebellion in southern Sudan to punish Sudan for supporting the Arab cause in the Six-Day War. "They do not want the rebels to win. They want to keep them fighting."
The Israelis had helped train the new Uganda army in the 1960s. Shortly after independence Amin was sent to Israel on a training course. When he became chief of staff of the new army Amin also ran a sideline operation for the Israelis, supplying arms and ammunition to the rebels in southern Sudan. Amin had his own motive for helping them: many of his own people, the Kakwa, live in southern Sudan. Obote, however, wanted peace in southern Sudan. That worried the Israelis and they were even more worried when, in November 1970 Obote sacked Amin. Their stick for beating Sudan was suddenly taken away.
The British may have had little to do with the coup but they welcomed it enthusiastically. "General Amin has certainly removed from the African scene one of our most implacable enemies in matters affecting Southern Africa...," wrote an enthusiastic Foreign Office official in London.
The man who argued most vehemently for Britain to back Amin with arms was Bruce McKenzie, a former RAF pilot turned MI6 agent. (Amin murdered him seven years later.) He flew to Israel shortly after the coup and, as if getting permission to back Amin, he reported to Douglas-Home: "The way is now clear for our High Commission in Kampala to get close to Amin."
But the cautious Mr Slater in Kampala remained reluctant. Urged on by McKenzie, Douglas-Home gave Slater his orders: "The PM will be watching this and will, I am sure, want us to take quick advantage of any opportunity of selling arms. Don't overdo the caution."
Shortly afterwards Amin was invited for a state visit to London and dinner at Buckingham Palace.
by Michael Rivero reposted by DAN "Constantly Comitting Fake News Stories on IMC" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 17 Aug 2003
PA uncovers Israelis posing as Al-Qaeda agents
A story by Sophie Claudet recounts the arrest of 3 men used by Israel to create a fake "al Quaida" cell. the whole of al Quaida is actually a completely fictitious creation of the Mossad, the Cia, and other fascist organizations.
Gaza security chief announces arrest of three Palestinians
used by Israeli intelligence as al-Qaeda operatives.
The whole of Al Quaida is just a phoney creation of the West the secret agencies of the U.S. and Israel just making the whole thing up.
"A senior Palestinian security official claimed Saturday his services had uncovered an Israeli plot to create a mock Al-Qaeda cell in the Gaza Strip, while an Israeli official dismissed the charge as "absurd".
"Gaza head of preventive security Rashid Abu Shbak told journalists at a press conference that Israeli agents, posing as operatives of Osama bin Laden's terrorist group, recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.
"Over the past nine months, we've been investigating eight cases in which Israeli intelligence posing as Al-Qaeda operatives recruited Palestinians in the Gaza Strip," said Abu Shbak, referring to a series of e-mails and phone call conversations.
"He added that three Palestinians had been detained.
"Abu Shbak's revelations came two days after Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon charged Al-Qaeda militants were operating in the Gaza Strip and in Lebanon, raising fears of an intensification of Israeli military operations."
Putin Purges Another Jew |
by JoJo AKA DAN "My Sandbox at Palestine IMC Won't Let Me Post" Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 18 Aug 2003
Moscow, Russia -- Following up on a promise made two years ago to destroy the Jewish oligarchs who seized control of Russia's natural resources the same way that the destroyed the Jewish oligarchs who had seized Russia's media, Russian President Vladimir Putin is now purging kike Jew Mikhail Khodorkovsky, owned of the Russian oil and energy companies Yukos and Sibneft.
Putin, who has been cracking down on the Jewish vultures who tore at the corpse of the communist government in 1991 and each took their pound of flesh, in the form of the formerly government-owned television, oil, and other industries, ordered police to arrest the kike Khodorkovsky two weeks ago, along with his assistant Platon Lebedev. Khodorkovsky was released at the time, but is now under investigation for five murders conducted by the Russian branch of the international Jewish mafia.
Three of the Seven Oligarchs -- as the Jews are known -- have already been deposed. Aleksandr Smolensky removed himself in 1998 when the Russian central bank that he had taken control of collapsed. Boris Berezovsky and Vladimir Gusinsky were purged by Putin earlier in his reign. Four kike Jews: Khodorkovsky, Pyotr Aven, Mikhai Fridman and Roman Abramovich, remain, plus some minor figures of possible Jewish background who have contribute to these demons' control of post-Soviet Russia.
One of the main motives for Putin's latest purge, other than nationalization of the oil industry, which was promised two years ago, is that Khodorkovsky has appeared to be planning to seize control of Russia politically on behalf of international Jewry in 2007. Just as Jews are plotting to seize the American presidency through their control of the American media, they feel that if they can also seize control of Russia again (Jews controlled from from 1917 to at least 1945, and in many spheres, through 1991 and 1999), they will able to control the entire world -- inaugurating the reign of Satan on Earth.