Is it "democracy in action" which drove Champaign-Urbana schools to the lowest performance (almost the lowest in the state of Illinois) on standardized tests? I think that there were mostly the "activities" of people like the author and people extremely similar to her, which made this "achievement" possible. Is it also 'the democracy in action", which has made the high school part in the system of public education almost obsolete, as the drop out rate is fast and steadily increasing. No, I think it is also another result of the author's and her surrounding's activities. Is it also "democracy in action", which pushed the drastical increase of student's tuition in all divisions of UICU? This increase was voted through a couple of days ago. No, it is not the democracy, it is the activity of 'oligarchs' who are presiding in different boards of directors in all state and public educational facilities around. If "democracy in action" is what is acting on behalf of all these events, and , obviously, making even the high school part of free education unavailable for the majority of kids, whose parents can't afford to pay tuition, then this "democracy in action" is nothing short of suicidal martyrs' activities. |