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Right/Left Complicit in Perpetuation of War |
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by unbridled artist network (No verified email address) |
30 Mar 2006
Modified: 03:50:57 AM |
How? Never exposing the reigning bigoted assumptions of the privileged and resulting meta policies against we, the "stupid" masses, for one. Article quotes from Noam Chomsky and the little known Christopher Simpson, author of Science of Coercion. |
"What we've seen since the 1930s was the expansion of...consumer society and I am not even talking about a left or right or whether one is capitalist or socialist, I am talking about the expansion of mass consumer society around the world. What one had seen is that that type of society precludes it overwhelms other forms of social organisation. It counts them out."--Christopher Simpson in interview at:
A mass consumer society. Communities reduced, corralled into 'social roles' and identities, in effect 'reorganized'-- becoming mere resources instead of the vibrant, spirited human beings we all once were as youths and children.
"Both" 'wings' of political organization subservient to this basic method of keeping the rabble (us) not only in line but also under strong wraps, in order that we continually 'serve' as "resources" for the severely alienated "interests" of a relatively tiny group of folks who appear to know no other way than the methods of deception and war to gain whatever it is they seek to "gain."
If this "gaining" is anything like we've seen *systematically* for the past 2000-3000 years, it will only be more of the insane same. War war war war war. Overt, covert, more "sophisticated" (really, STUPID), still Dark Ages, "conventional" and evil. For ALL involved--not just we 'stupid' masses, but the alleged "smart" asses.
And both the Left and Right "sides" of the spectrum are playing along, not demystifying any of this, just keeping us "resources" continuously off-balance and mobilized for "adventures" and such cynically titled aggression at home or abroad, formally, informally, and systematically throughout our so-called "civilized" imaginations.
Those who have been either demonized or denied (or refuse) a Seat At The Table of so-called Power (really terror) and Privilege (really alienation) are able to often clearly see the necessary illusions that the majority of trained 'citizens' cannot comprehend until they too are either betrayed once too many times, or kept pushed away.
Only when we are able to "step away" do we begin to even allow ourselves to think through the war games going down from BOTH the "Right" and the "Left." (Note: originally these descriptions come from two groups formed after the french revolution which ousted feudalism--at least outwardly). All around us, we see virtually everyone playing at this game, and keeping us as divided and hyped-up against each other as possible.
Never are we 'educated' about what exactly the 'evil' Rightwingers are, and the contexts of their actions and mind-set; and nor are they educated about what exactly "we" dangerous Leftists are. Why is this?
Noam Chomsky explains some of this, namely a quite bigoted conception, at the following links:
Significantly, Chomsky analyzes "both" vantage points!
This conception is held, quite often, as well, by the same people who would be judged "stupid" by the 'elite' ones they identify with --and would join if they could--perhaps yourself included. Chomksy calls this "engineering consent" after a member of the 'elites' who apparently cointed the phrase.
What the trusting (or naive) "simpletons" don't ever catch onto is that we are being utilized merely as tools and that is why our consent must be "engineered" or "manufactured." We are mere tools to carry out "business as usual"--ongoing colonization and the expansion of consumer society--which in the normalized 'Newspeak' is called "development." And that we shall be discarded when no longer perceived to be "needed."
Forget "loyalty to one's country" or such things (i.e. racial or economic distinctions)--merely gimmicks to organize we resources to do the work of our "masters"--the ones who can bamboozle us into doing their bidding.
Here's Christopher Simpson, author of _The Science of Coercion_ continuing from an interview at the link at top:
"[The expansion of mass consumer society] proceeds rather frequently with great violence often including genocide. In particular, genocide of indigenous peoples as it spreads around the world. As it spreads it carries particular ideals with it with preconceptions about what's good or what's bad and how things work. The point that I am trying to get around to here is:
1) for consumer society to run there has to be some way to measure whats being bought and sold.
2) It expands only at the expense of existing society.
3) As it overwhelms an existing society, say as it arrives in Turkey or Libanon or Egypt or in South East Asia or in Peru, it breaks down the existing social structure and substitutes itself and that sets off a chain of both frequently damage to the people who live there and also resistance to these developments, so how do you manage the resistance to the arrival of Coca Cola and Ford motor company and so forth, when the local unions when the locla social activists when the local churches decide they've had it about up to here with what the companies are trying to push unto them. How do you manage these people?
"Psychological warfare and the whole field of how economic 'development' comes about.
"The main centers of communication research during the 1950s to 1960s were obsessed with these questions. What do you do if people in Egypt dont like the products that you're trying to sell them. What if they're restless, how do you keep them in line. The first step of course is that you broadcast radio programs or TV programs. Either in nice words or in nasty words, 'you guys better keep in line'. That's the first step. And then when that doesnt work what's the next step. Well you got carrots and sticks so you have some economic development. But there's also the stick. And the stick is police and military violence. Particularly counterinsurgency particularly so called low intensity warfare. Methods to identify the dissidents in these various societies and to eliminate them. And by the 1990s this process of identifying and quite literally eliminating people who were seen as inconvenient to the expansion particularly of american interests around the world. This has become high science. And you see it operating most particularly in central and south America today."
In this way we see that we are not being "informed" about these things from either "side" of those who claim to have "our best interests" in mind. This is obviously a fucked-up state of affairs that even the alleged "peace" 'activists' are largely not comprehending. How convenient to our "masters." |
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