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News :: International Relations |
US Troops Fire On Protesters Kill 10 Injure 100 |
Current rating: 3 |
by Satie AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
15 Apr 2003
From correspondents in Mosul, Iraq
Agence France-Presse: April 15, 2003
US troops opened fire on a crowd Protesting the new US/ puppet governor in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul today, killing at least 10 people and injuring as many as 100, witnesses and doctors said. |
And US forces tried today to prevent the media from covering a third day of anti-US protests by Iraqis outside the hotel housing a US operations base in central Baghdad.
The incident overshadowed the start of US-brokered talks aimed at sketching out a post-Saddam Hussein Iraq and could ignite anti-US sentiment sparked in protests in Baghdad and at the talks in the southern city of Nasiriyah.
Witnesses reported that US troops had fired into a crowd which was becoming increasingly boisterous towards the new governor in the northern oil city, Mashaan al-Juburi, as he was making a pro-US speech. "There are perhaps 100 wounded and 10 to 12 dead," Dr Ayad al-Ramadhani said at the city hospital.
US officials moved quickly to switch attention to Syria, alleging that Damascus had been developing weapons of mass destruction, prompting appeals for calm from the United Nations and Arab and European governments. European Union foreign ministers called on Washington to tone down its rhetoric. "What we need now is to cool off the situation, not to increase the tension, we have enough tensions in the region ... not to create more," EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana said yesterday.
Meanwhile the US-sponsored a meeting in Nasiriyah But the man tipped to become Iraq's next leader, Ahmad Chalabi, head of the US-puppet Iraqi National Congress, was not due to attend. Chalabi, who has insisted he is not a candidate for a post in the interim administration to be run by retired US general Jay Garner, planned to send a representative. The New York Times quoted Garner as saying his mission to rebuild Iraq's political structures would be messy and contentious. His fears appeared justified as the talks in the Shi'ite bastion sparked a demonstration estimated by journalists to number around 20,000 people, led by religious figures. "Yes to freedom ... Yes to Islam ... No to America, No to Saddam," the crowd chanted in the centre of Nasiriyah.
Life in Baghdad remained far from normal six days after US troops entered. Most shops remained closed, and many parts of the city still lacked water or electricity. Some 20,000-30,000 Iraqis gathered outside the Palestine Hotel to express their rage at what they said was the US occupation.
Venezuela Has Proof Washington Was Behind Failed Coup |
by Danny AKA/plagiarized by DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 16 Apr 2003
Army Gen. Melvin Lopez, secretary of Venezuela's National Defence Council, said Tuesday "proof exists" the U.S. administration was involved in the mid-April putsch. He declined to give further details. "We have the evidence," Lopez said during an interview broadcast by Venezuela's state-run television channel.
Lopez said three U.S. military helicopters were on Venezuelan territory during the coup.
A spokesmen from the Pentagon declined comment on the allegation Tuesday night.
Dissident generals rose up against Chavez on April 11, 2002, several hours after 19 Venezuelans died and over 100 were wounded by gunfire as opposition marchers clashed with government supporters in downtown Caracas.
Loyalists in the military returned Chavez to power two days later.
Following his return, Chavez said "worrying details" had emerged suggesting a foreign country might have been involved in his temporary overthrow.
Chavez said a coastal radar installation had tracked a foreign military ship and helicopter operating over Venezuelan waters a day after his ouster. Chavez did not say which country had sent the ship and helicopter but governing party legislators have accused the United States of helping execute the coup.
The U.S. administration has repeatedly denied it was involved in the coup but acknowledged having held conversations with Venezuelan opposition leaders and military officers prior to the rebellion against Chavez.
A month after Chavez returned, the U.S. Embassy denied allegations U.S. military vessels were in Venezuelan territory.
The only U.S. vessels to approach Venezuelan waters during the coup attempt were two U.S. coast guard ships on a joint anti-narcotics mission with The Netherlands, the embassy said in a news release.
The embassy also rejected allegations by governing party legislators that two U.S. military officials who visited the Fuerte Tiuna military base in Caracas the day before Chavez's ouster were helping coup leaders.
The two officers spent two hours at the base April 11 to investigate information about troop movements, the embassy said. They left hours before Chavez was deposed. Two officers returned to the base April 13 for another evaluation of the situation.
Officials in Washington said they told opponents of Chavez they would not support any unconstitutional activity aimed at removing the leftist leader from power.
Chavez, who has irritated Washington by forging ties with Cuban President Fidel Castro, has criticized the United States for being too slow in condemning the coup when it occurred.
In contrast to most Latin American governments, the United States was sluggish to condemn the coup, initially blaming Chavez for his own overthrow. It later joined members of the Organization of American States in condemning the coup as unconstitutional.
Last week, Chavez commemorated the one-year anniversary of his dramatic return to power by inviting anti-globalization activists to a series of forums in Caracas.
Opposition leaders condemned the celebration, saying it was an insult to relatives of the victims who died in the violence that occurred prior to the military uprising.
Re: US Troops Fire On Protesters Kill 10 Injure 100 |
by jefe who is also DAN Disinfo Liberation? (unverified) |
Current rating: 0 16 Apr 2003
Huh, some liberation.
bush is going to show Iraqis how democracy works I guess huh.
A Holocaust Tale That Will Break Your Heart |
by Irv AKA DAN Disinfo pat_f2002 (nospam) (unverified) |
Current rating: -1 18 Apr 2003
The story of ā Misha the Wolf Girl ā
Misha Defonseca's tale will bring the house down The story of a 7 yr old girl that walks 3000 miles - lives with wolves - escapes concentration camps and kills Nazis.
** Remember - This is a 7 yr old girl ***
Misha Defonseca tells one of the most astonishing stories ever to come out of the Holocaust.
A child refugee in search of her parents during World War II, she walked for over four years across 3,000 miles of Nazi-occupied land.
In 1941, when Defonseca was seven years old, her parents were arrested and she was hidden in a "safe" home they had secretly arranged for her.
Her foster grandfather recognized the terrible danger she was in and taught her some important survival skills.
Defonseca overheard her stepmother, however, planning to turn her over to the Germans and decided to run away.
She hid in forests and woodland areas, stealing from farm kitchens, pilfering crops in the field and eating wild plants and insects in order to stay alive.
Frequently close to death from hunger and cold, her survival was only made possible by the companionship of a pack of wolves that helped to feed and shelter her along her journey.
Caring for the cubs while the wolves hunted, she ate the raw meat of their kill, and felt true happiness for the first time in her troubled life. "I never remember being hungry in the company of wolves," she says.
Before the war ended, she was captured by partisans, trapped in the infamous Warsaw Ghetto, forced to kill a Nazi soldier in self-defense and swept up by her first love.
A classic tale of good and evil, Defonseca describes her extraordinary journey of miles and the passage of her heart from innocence through the abyss of despair to peace and redemption.
Told with passion untempered by time, Defonseca's uplifting story is something people of all faiths will want to have the opportunity to hear.
In 1988, she emigrated to the United States, where she now resides with her husband and their many animals in a suburb of Boston.
Background: Author of "Misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust"

Told with a passion untempered by time, misha's story is both heartbreaking and uplifting.
For history revisionists, it's a far-fetched tale. But for misha Defonseca and millions of others who experienced the horrors of the Holocaust firsthand, it is an indelible part of their lives.
This jewess is on the college speaking tours
Now a resident of Massachusetts, Holocaust survivor Defonseca, who was adopted by wolves during the four-plus years that she spent roaming Nazi-occupied Europe, was the keynote speaker at MTSU's fourth bi-annual Holocaust Studies Conference on April 13-15. The weekend-long event was sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts.
According to her 1997 book, "misha: A Memoire of the Holocaust Years," after Defonseca's mother and father were taken away during World War II, the
then-7-year-old Jewish girl began her travels across 3,000 miles of Nazi-occupied territory.
Often near starvation and frequently freezing, Defonseca said she attributes her ultimate survival to the companionship of a pack of wolves that she befriended and cared for on her journey.
"I never remember being hungry in the company of wolves," she has written.
Defonseca's visit to MTSU was co-sponsored by the MTSU Ideas and Issues Committee and the Department of History, said Dr. Sonja Hedgepeth, chairwoman of the Holocaust Committee and a professor of foreign languages.
This year's bi-annual conference, "The Holocaust: The Reality and Legacy of Genocide," featured back-to-back presentations commemorating the Holocaust experience from cultural, educational, and historical perspectives. Conference sessions were led by university educators from throughout the South as well as representatives from Nashville's Tennessee Commission on the Holocaust.-
, I laugh when misha describes the wolfcups playing and g
lamb limb,
A book reviewer meets Misha
Reviewer: Valerie E. Sullivan from Millis, MA USA
I am a personal friend of misha and her family and the account of her story is true. misha's personality as an adult truly reflects the effect of her life's trauma. Animals are magnetized by her. And i don't just mean domesticated animals. The wildlife is equally attracted to misha and her love for them.
My family and I have been mesmerized by the way she communicates with them. On one occasion, we joined her to a place in Ipswich where they have wolves in captivity. As the group of wolves was innocently going about their daily routine, misha howled to them. They all howled back to her. Tears ran down my face and shills went down my spine at the same time. It was so incredible.
A Question About Holocaust Numbers |
by Irv AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: -3 18 Apr 2003
Auschwitz numbers plummet
A French magazine, National Hebdo (May 31, 1990) details how the sacred Auschwitz death toll has fallen dramatically over the years:
from 8 million (French War Crimes Research Office),
to 5 million (Le Monde, April 20, 1978)
to 4 million (the figure advertised at Auschwitz-Birkenau up until 1990)
to 3 million (the "confessions" of Rudolf Hoss) to 1. 6 million (Prof. Yehuda Bauer);
to 1.25 million (Prof. Raul Hilberg)
to 850,000 (Gerald Reitlinger, The Final Solution),
to 75,000 (Auschwitz archives in possession of the Russians).
Re: Neo-Nazi Imbecility Makes Me Bust A Gut Laughing |
by gehrig (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 13 18 Apr 2003
Modified: 04:48:35 PM |
Oh, golly, last of a dying breed, an actual Holocaust denier. Most of you goosesteppers wandered off into other nonsenses after David Irving committed hara-kiri in the courtroom.
You know, I _could_ pry this apart line by line, but I make it a matter of principle not to waste time arguing with cut-and-paste.
On the other hand, I guess we should have expected Holocaust denial crap to branch out to other IMCs, now that IMC-Palestine is busted.
@%< |
A Desire For Mass Murder Consume The Israeli Psyche |
by kiel AKA DAN Disinfo (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 20 Apr 2003
In the early morning of Friday, 25 February 1994, while hundreds of Palestinian Arab Muslims were having their āSalatā prayers at the holy main mosque of the city Al-Khaleel, an Israeli physician, Dr. Baruch Goldstein, who was supported by four other Jewish extremists, started randomly shooting non- Jews. The outcome of his actions was horrible: 67 dead and 225 people with serious injuries.
This ugly, terrorist-crime was naught but a small link in the long series of similar acts. These Zionist terrorist invasions have been steadily occurring for a long time: Deir Yassin, 1948; Kafir Kassem, 1956; ongoing in Occupied Palestine; Sabra; Chatilla; Kana; and Lebanon. Yet, the Al-Khaleel massacre provided more proof of the Israeli racism and their Zionistic rancor against mankind.
The terrorist Goldstein was a 35-year-old resident doctor in the Krayat Four settlement near Al-Khaleel. He was born in New York City and was an active participant in the Jewish Defense League with Rabbi Meir Kahan. Dr. Goldstein arrived as an immigrant in 1983, working as a captain in the Israeli army and later became an active member of the extremist Kach movement. He was a 1988 candidate for the Zionist parliament.
In the book The Al-Khaleel Massacre, said Bilal Al-Hasan, āIt is difficult to tell when the decisive moment occurred on Goldsteinās internal clockāthat is, when Goldstein decided to start his murder spree. Perhaps, it began a year ago, when he donated a copy of the Torah ā¦ while saying, āSome day, some Jew will seek revenge for Rabbi Kahanās death by murdering dozens of Arabs.ā Or, perhaps, it began when he said to a friend, āIām going to do something.ā Maybe, it began when he departed a settlersā meeting, bellowing to his cohorts, āIāll do what I want to do, not what you want me to do.ā ā¦ Or, it might have started at 5 oāclock that very morning when he, in a very unusual way, put on his military uniform, strapped his machine gun to his shoulder, grabbed his ammunition, and headed to the mosque, where he emptied all his bullets into the bodies of unarmed worshippers everywhere.ā
After the massacre, many settlers said, according to Israelās television and radio, that Goldstein was a real good Jew. His associates in the extremist Kach movement issued a statement, expressing their feelings. They said, āWe bow our heads for our sacred hero, Dr. Goldstein. He died as a martyr, while killing for the cause of God.ā His close friends said, āHe was a great Jew, who dared to commit the very same thing that we have always wanted to do ourselves.ā
On Saturday, the day after the massacre, the cameras of European television were recording scenes. One incident caught on tape was a bus of Jewish schoolchildren who were singing a popular song. This song says something disturbing:
āThis ugly Arab ā¦ whom I hate ā¦ Iāll kill him with my bare hands ā¦ and pierce his flesh with my teeth ā¦ then, with these lips of mine, Iāll suck his blood.ā
This was the general feeling of Jews to the bloody carnage of the Al- Khaleel Mosque. It was not just the extremists who venerated Dr. Goldstein, nor was it just children. The Israeli people paid full respect to their terrorist criminal, who heroically dared to embody their desires.
The Israeli government, under the leadership of Rabin, tried to throw dust in the eyes of the world in an attempt to conceal the true nature of this disgusting crime. It was claimed that it was but an accident--that a madman without the aid of soldiers or settlers had committed it single-handedly. This was a Big Lie. Many witnesses testified that the Israeli soldiers didnāt participate in the shooting, but they did support their captain by being absent from the spots where they were assigned to watch.
As for Israeli policy, it has only one particular goal: to murder and expel as many of the original Palestinians as possible. As for the Israeli government, it always offers the same excuse: The killers are always insane and, consequently, are not responsible for their actions. But these very same killers, afterwards, become ministers and prime ministers in Israel. This standard pattern causes us to remember that Israelis regarded Shamir, Begin, and Anan as heroes of the Deir Yassin massacre of 1948. Yet they were also purportedly insane, according to the Israeli government at the time.
The French press revealed the true, ugly face of Israel by confirming that the Israeli government had foreknowledge of what was to occur. Apparently, the Israeli spy agency Mossad knew in advance that the settlers were preparing to do something in the mosque. Israelās television, according to the French press, broadcast scenes of the preparations and of a plan to transform the holy mosque into a synagogue.
The Al-Khaleel massacre added a new chapter to Israelās giant racial- terrorist record, which reflects the hate of Jewish rabbis against every human aspect. The rabbis said in a commemorative ceremony: āThe Israeli people were ill, but Dr. Goldstein gave the prescription to cure.ā The cure, according to the Zionist aspect, is to kill innocent people. These criminals, according to the Israeli mind, are saints.
Eight years have passed since the horrible massacre of Al-Khaleel. Yet Israel continues to commit daily massacres against the Palestinian people. We clearly hear Sharon and his extremist staff shouting: "All of us are Goldstein, until we completely eradicate and murder all the women, old men, and children of the Arabs!"