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Announcement :: Peace : Protest Activity |
Nationwide Recruiting Station Demos November 17th and 18th |
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by anonymous Email: chatareena (nospam) (unverified!) |
28 Oct 2005
“National Stand Down Day”
End The Iraq War - Demonstrations and Nonviolent Resistance at
Recruiting Stations Across the Country |
November 18, 2005
Young Americans sign on to go into harm’s way to defend their country if necessary, but instead they are being turned into harm’s ministers in a war that has claimed more then 100,000 Iraqi lives and nearly 2,000 Americans. The President and Congress have breached a sacred trust with our soldiers and abused their oath to defend the Constitution by leading young Americans to kill and die in a war based on lies.
As the Bush Administration refuses to make plans to bring our troops home, join us for “National Stand Down Day,” as we halt the machinery that takes young Americans off to this illegal and endless war in Iraq.
We welcome, and will provide coordination and support as possible, for all manner of protests and demonstrations at recruiting centers. We want to especially encourage and assist nonviolent resistance actions, such as civil resistance or civil disobedience. As we recognize and support soldiers who take great risks to refuse fighting in this unjust war, so it is our moral responsibility to share that risk to the extent that we can, by preventing even more young Americans from being placed in such jeopardy – particularly in light of the lies and abusive practices being used in the recruiting process.
Our violation of these unjust practices is undertaken in a spirit of nonviolence and love, with compassion and respect for all we encounter. But our nonviolence will not be mistaken for lack of resolve: we cannot stand by while our schools and communities are militarized by the "No Child Left Behind Act,” or as potential recruits are deceived by clauses that allow the armed forces to disregard the terms of their contract.
This call is also made in support of the “National ‘Not Your Soldier’ Youth and Student Day
of Action” call for a youth and student led counter-recruitment day of action on Thursday, November 17. We encourage everyone who will participate in National Stand Down Day on November 18 to support the efforts of local students as well - you can find out more by going to
Please join us as we say NO the war in Iraq, and NO to the recruitment of our fellow Americans into this war.
If you are interested in joining this nationally coordinated day of nonviolent action to end the war,
please contact us at
National Stand Down Day is a project of the Iraq Pledge of Resistance’s National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance.
Endorsers (list in formation):
National Student and Youth Peace Coalition
United for Peace and Justice
War Resister’s League
Code Pink Women for Peace
National Campaign for Nonviolent Resistance
Progressive Democrats of America
Peace Action
Student Peace Action Network
Iraq Pledge of Resistance
Democracy Rising
Peace Majority Report
The Catholic Peace Fellowship, New Jersey
Raging Grannies of the Peninsula
N.C. Peace Action |
 This work is in the public domain |