Solidarity with Palestine! A mini-conference about the growing movement to divest from Israeli apartheid.
When: Saturday • May 25
Where:Columbia Co... |
Those of us in the Chicago west suburbs are organizing a Reclaim The Streets! party in solidarity on June 29th, 2002. We cordially invite all fun-lov... |
Yet more eveidence that "free trade" agreements are undermining important government safety regulations in the name of "harmonizing" such regulations ... |
Direct Action for a Free Palestine
audio from ISM (International Solidarity Movement) event in NYC on 5/18
report backs from activists doing direct... |
Knowing how much Americans are worried about the loss of innocent life in Palestine, I thought I'd summarize the number of Palestinians killed in the ... |
Right in the wake of House Majority leader Dick Armey's explicit call for two million Palestinians to be booted out of the West Bank and East Jerusale... |
Madrid 17-19 of May:
Resistance to the Summit Meeting of European, Latin American and Caribean Chiefs of State |