Living Wage Basics
Maiko Covington and
Mike Lehman
What is the Living Wage?
A: The Living Wage is the amount of income required
to bring a family of four up to the poverty line as
defined by the federal government at:
For 2001, the Living Wage is $8.49 an hour for full-time
work, or $17,650 a year.
A: The Living Wage is indexed to the
poverty level. Because the federal poverty level is
updated every year to reflect changes in the cost
of living, tying the Living Wage to it prevents increases
in the cost of living from falling unfairly on the
workers least able to absorb such increases.
A: The Living Wage includes basic health
care benefits.
Why a local Living Wage is important.
The Living Wage encourages and rewards the work ethic.
A fair day's work deserves a fair day's pay.
Government is the last resort for those
members of our society who lack the resources to sustain
their families. It is only common sense that government
bodies should pay all their own workers enough so
that they should generally be able to avoid the need
for government assistance.
Public moneys are frequently used to
encourage the growth of business. It is only just
that government should also promote a Living Wage
for workers by setting a positive example in the way
in which it uses public funds. Increased income for
workers builds a community's tax base and results
in a lower demand for government services. Public
money should not be used to encourage and subsidize
businesses who do not pay their workers enough to
avoid becoming a burden on other taxpayers.
The Living Wage is also a moral issue.
We often hear about the importance of government in
promoting public morality and family values by setting
positive examples. Government action in support of
the Living Wage has widespread support among most
religious denominations.
Any business or unit of government can
pay a Living Wage. Passing a Living Wage resolution
commits a unit of government to acting on a good idea,
instead of merely paying lip service to it.
Questions and Answers About The Living Wage
Q: Is there a precedent for this type of legislation?
Is the momentum for such measures really widespread?
A: Indeed there is quite a bit of precedent for this
type of legislation (ordinances in force in more than
60 communities of all sizes nationwide), and many
more communities are working toward it (more than
75campaigns currently under way.) A compilation of
Living Wage communities and their ordinances is available
Q: Won't this cost local governments
a lot of money?
A: The city of Baltimore, Maryland instituted a Living
Wage ordinance in 1995 which has been independently
studied by the Preamble Center for Public Policy.
They found that the inflation-adjusted cost of city
contracts actually declined by 2.4% in the first year.
Compliance with the ordinance has cost city taxpayers
on average of 17 cents per person per year. See:
Locally, the cities of Champaign and
Urbana already pay most of their workers at least
a Living Wage; costs to implement a Living Wage would
be nominal. A computer model estimated that the costs
to bring all Champaign County government workers (about
20%of county government workers earn less than the
LW) up to a Living Wage would be approximately $250,000
per year.
Q: Won't this affect minimum wage,
prevailing wage and union contracts?
A: The Living Wage affects only public moneys. It
does not replace the minimum wage for private employers.
Governments may choose to require that businesses
bidding on contracts for goods and services pay their
workers at least a Living Wage. The Living Wage specifically
does not apply to existing prevailing wage laws, nor
does it supplant existing union contracts. If adopted,
it would seta floor for wage negotiations for future
contracts. It would prohibit the contracting out of
current work at less than Living Wage rates.
Q: I agree with your idea, but isn't
a family of four a high level to set the Living Wage
A: We chose this level because we wish to encourage
workers. It allows a single person to live in frugal
comfort, but pays at least enough that a family of
four is at the poverty line. Workers don't get raises
for having children. If we mean to really promote
family values, we have to encourage workers to shoulder
their responsibilities by paying them enough to do
so. A more realistic view of the economic burdens
faced by working families can be seen at:
A basic budget for a family of four in our area, one
which means that the family no longer qualifies for
any public services, is actually over $36,000 a year!
Two parents working full-time at the Living Wage level
fall short of this income. More than 25%of the citizens
of Illinois live in families that earn less than this
amount. Also see:
Living Wage Timeline
1988 First Living Wage ordinance passed in Des Moines,
1994 Baltimore, Maryland becomes the first major city
in the US to adopt a Living Wage.
1998 The Champaign County Living Wage Association
(CCLWA) begins meeting and seeking endorsements from
among the religious, labor, and social action communities.
Chicago becomes the first city in Illinois to adopt
a Living Wage (followed since then in Illinois by
Cook County and Kankakee County).
1999 CCLWA holds its first public forum on the Living
Wage, hosted by former Champaign mayor Bill Bland.
We begin polling and tracking local candidates' positions
on the adoption of Living Wage ordinances. The AFL-CIOand
the League of Women Voters both endorse the CCLWA
campaign for a Living Wage.
2000 CCLWA picks up its first endorsement of the Living
Wage from Republican candidates.
2001 The C-U Public Health District and Champaign
County Housing Authority adopt Living Wage policies
for their workers. CCLWA pushes for action by cities
of Champaign and Urbana, along with Champaign County
Living Wage Web Sites
Champaign County Supporters Of A Living Wage
AFL-CIO of Champaign County
American Federation of Federal, State, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) Local 698
American Federation of Federal, State, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) Local 900
American Federation of Federal, State, and Municipal
Employees (AFSCME) Local 3700
Best Interest of Children
Catholic Worker House, Champaign
Carpenters' Local 44
Champaign Church of the Brethren
Champaign County Health Care Consumers
Champaign Federation of Teachers
Champaign-Urbana Typographical Union #444
Channing Murray Foundation
Common Ground Food Cooperative
East Central Illinois Building & Construction
Trades Council
First Mennonite Church of Champaign-Urbana
First United Methodist Church - Social Awareness Ministry
Graduate Employees Organization, University of Illinois
Holy Cross Parish, Peace & Justice Committee
Illinois Disciples Foundation
Illinois Education Association, Region 9 (21 Locals)
International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW)
Local 601
International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees
(IATSE) Local 482
Labor Studies Club, University of Illinois
League of Women Voters of Champaign County
McKinley Memorial Presbyterian Church
Terry Meadows - a member of the Teamsters, TDU and
Ministerial Alliance of Champaign-Urbana and Vicinity
NAACP - Champaign County
National Organization for Women, Champaign County
Parkland College Office of Women's Programs and Services
Planners Network, Champaign-Urbana chapter
Religious Leaders for Community Care
V. Rev. Stuart Swetland, Episcopal Vicar for Social
Justice, Catholic Diocese of Peoria
St. Boniface Catholic Church, Seymour
St. John's Catholic Chapel/Newman Foundation at the
University of Illinois
St. Mary Catholic Church, Champaign
Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local
Sierra Club, Prairie Group
Socialist Forum
Union of Professional Employees (UPE) University of
Illinois, Executive Committee
UIUC Association of Academic Professionals
University YWCA
Urbana-Champaign Friends (Quaker) Meeting
Women Against Racism
Champaign County Living Wage Association Contact
We welcome your participation!
The Champaign County Living Wage Association (CCLWA)
meets the third Saturday of the month at noon. Our
meetings are held at the Illinois Education Association
office, on the second floor above Pard's Western Shop,
304 N. Maple St. in Urbana (behind the Urbana Schnuck's
store and across the railroad tracks.) This is an
accessible building.
Address: CCLWA, P.O. Box 953, Urbana,
Illinois 61803
Phone: 217-344-5609