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In the October issue:

Labor's Day Explained
by Jim Barrett

Not usually considered a union-friendly society, the United States recently celebrated its 109th annual Labor Day. In recent years Labor Day is mostly a matter of picnics and barbecues, but it could be more. We had our own enthusiastic observation of labor's vital role here in Champaign-Urbana. For the second year in a row, the Champaign County Federation of Labor sponsored a successful Labor Day parade and related festivities at West Side Park. Champaign's Labor Day parade, successfully resurrected last year after many years of dormancy, is on its way to becoming a new tradition. The event had all the requisite high school bands and trucks, as well as signs and banners conveying Labor's political agenda and issues of vital concern like the Living Wage. What we did not have was much discussion of what is actually happening to Labor in the United States (or Champaign-Urbana) at the beginning of a new century. Everyone had a good time, but did we really understand what we were doing? read more

Letters From Readers

Name That State: I am thinking of a country — one familiar to most of us. In this country, a state of open-ended war exists....

Complacency is Complicity: After the terrorist attack last September, I attended a Rockford Peace & Justice meeting along with many other political activists.... read more

GEO Gears Up for a Spring Election
by Ben Scott

This fall the Graduate Employees' Organization, IFT/AFT (GEO) at the University of Illinois is doing something it has never done before: preparing for a union election. As early as the spring semester, graduate employees will be able to democratically elect union representation. In so doing, they will fulfill the goal of nearly a decade of organization and agitation, to establish a firm voice in the administration of their working lives. For the first time, the conditions of graduate student labor-most importantly health care, workloads, grievance procedures, wages, and work environments-will be made to answer, at least in part, to those who live within them... read more

Globalization Fails to Deliver the Goods
by Mark Weisbrot

One of the good things about the stock market coming back down to Earth after a prolonged bubble is that it leads people to question other misconceptions about the economy. When stock prices were soaring we heard all kinds of nonsense about a "new economy," technological revolutions, and profit projections that were just too miraculous to be true. The standard litany about the wonders of globalization could be the next myth that is ripe for debunking... read more

Meet the Chickenhawks
Excerpted from The New Hampshire Gazette

A chickenhawk is a term often applied to public persons - generally male - who (1) tend to advocate, or are fervent supporters of those who advocate, military solutions to political problems, and who have personally (2) declined to take advantage of a significant opportunity to serve in uniform during wartime... read more

Monthly Art Exhibits Coming to the IMC
By Alejandro Rodriguez

One of the most beneficial and interesting aspects of a place like the Independent Media Center is that it exists in a constant state of evolution . It is always adapting to meet the needs and desires of the community for which it was created. In its twenty-four month history, the IMC has been home to a newspaper , a radio show, a concert venue, a library, and a site for political meetings, among other uses. In its newest incarnation, the IMC will be home to an art gallery... read more

Man Arrested by FBI for Faking Green Connections to Terrorism
by Mike Lehman

In the interests of fuller disclosure, here is more background on a case that is getting limited coverage in the dominant media. Reports in the September 6-12 Cityview and the September 7 News-Gazette indicate that a local man, 21-year old Max Weissberg of Champaign, was indicted this week on a federal charge of sending a threatening communication. Weissberg appeared in federal court in Urbana on Friday, August 30, following his arrest on August 26. He was released on bond, ordered to have no access to the Internet and then was allowed to travel to Oregon to attend college, pending further court action on his case. What is left unclear in the above reports is the apparent motivation for Weissberg's alleged threat... read more

The Practice and Persecution of Falun Gong
by Stephen Gregory and Dongdong Zhang

On June 12, when Hubert Zhou, a resident of Chicago, presented his ticket at the Icelandic Air ticket counter in Minneapolis St.Paul airport for that evening's flight to Iceland, rather than have his bags checked and his boarding pass issued, he was asked to step aside and speak to the station manager. The manager informed Mr. Zhou that his name was on "the list." What list? The Iceland Ministry of Justice had given Icelandic Air a list of individuals in the United States and other countries around the world suspected of being Falun Gong practitioners. Icelandic Air was forbidden from allowing anyone on this list to fly to Iceland. Any employees who slipped up and allowed someone to make the trip risked losing their jobs. No refund was offered for the suddenly invalid ticket... read more


What Next? Metaphor by Jay Morris, 25 September 2002
the oil has run out.
we saw it coming
and it did...

The Cremation Of... by Cat Sullivan, 15 September 2002
There are strange things done under Bush's sun
Where greedy men moil for gold;
They have no care for the fetid air
Breathed by the young and old...

read more

March IMC Calendar
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