Barbara Lee Stands Alone Against War
What follows is the text of the statement of Representative
Barbara Lee (D, 9th Congressional District, CA) given
on the floor of the House of Representatives, September
14, 2001, prior to casting the lone dissenting vote
against giving the President of the United States virtually
unlimited power to declare and wage war against an enemy
defined only as 'terrorism'.
MS. LEE: Mr. Speaker, I rise today with a heavy
heart, one that is filled with sorrow for the families
and loved ones who were killed and injured in New York,
Virginia, and Pennsylvania. Only the most foolish or
the most callous would not understand thegrief that
has gripped the American people and millions across
the world.
This unspeakable attack on the United States has forced
me to rely on my moral compass, my conscience, and my
God for direction.
September 11 changed the world. Our deepest fears now
haunt us. Yet I am convinced that military action will
not prevent further acts of international terrorism
against the United States.
I know that this use-of-force resolution will pass,
although we all know that the President can wage a war
even without this resolution. However difficult this
vote may be, some of us must urge the use of restraint.
There must be some of us who say, let's step back for
a moment and think through the implications of our actions
today - let us more fully
understand its consequences.
We are not dealing with a conventional war. We cannot
respond in a conventional manner. I do not want to see
this spiral out of control. This crisis involves issues
of national security, foreign policy, public safety,
intelligence gathering, economics, and murder.
Our response must be equally multi-faceted.
We must not rush to judgment. Far too many innocent
people have already died. Our country is in mourning.
If we rush to launch a counter-attack, we run too great
a risk that women, children, and other non-combatants
will be caught in the crossfire.
Nor can we let our justified anger over these outrageous
acts by vicious murderers inflame prejudice against
all Arab Americans, Muslims, Southeast Asians, or any
other people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity.
Finally, we must be careful not to embark on an open-ended
war with neither an exit strategy nor a focused target.
We cannot repeat past mistakes.
In 1964, Congress gave President Lyndon Johnson the
power to "take all necessary measures" to
repel attacks and prevent further aggression. In so
doing, this House abandoned its own constitutional responsibilities
and launched our country into years
of undeclared war in Vietnam.
At that time, Senator Wayne Morse, one of two lonely
votes against the Tonkin Gulf Resolution, declared,
"I believe that history will record that we have
made a grave mistake in subverting and circumventing
the Constitution of the United States ... I believe
that within the next century, future generations will
look with dismay and great disappointment upon a Congress
which is now about to make such a historic mistake."
Senator Morse was correct, and I fear we make the same
mistake today. And I fear the consequences.
I have agonized over this vote. But I came to grips
with it in the very painful yet beautiful memorial service
today at the National Cathedral. As a member of the
clergy so eloquently said, "As we act, let us not
become the evil that we deplore."