to Talk to Your Children About Terrorism
by John Wason
In light of the rapidly unfolding events
since September 11, our nation's children are likely
to be almost as caught up in the furor and frenzy
about 'terrorists' and 'terrorism' as the adults are.
Parents - and sometimes teachers, child care providers,
or other child care workers - have a responsibility
to defuse some of the children's fear and anxiety
by explaining the situation to them in simple, rational
terms, and by answering any questions they may have
with the calming force of logic and patient reassurance.
Young children's questions should be
relatively easy to answer.
Simon (young son): What's 'terrorism', Daddy?
Dad: It's when.....uhhh.....bad, evil people make
you afraid by killing lots of innocent people in your
country in.....errr.....violent ways.
S: You mean like when my friend Bobby's daddy killed
Bobby and Bobby's mommy and Bobby's sister?
D: Oh, no, not like that! Terrorists kill people for.....ummm.....political
reasons, not personal reasons.
S: What's 'political reasons', Daddy?
D: Well, like......hrrrm.....terrorists hate freedom.
S: Huh? I thought EVERYONE LIKES freedom! That's what
you told me before.
D: Well, yes, they.....arrgh.....these terrorists
hate our AMERICAN kind of freedom.
S: WHY, Daddy? And do WE hate THEIR kind of freedom?
D: Eh? We sort of.....they don't have.....why don't
you go and ask your mother?
If you think THAT was a tad awkward,
your teenage or, God forbid, college-age children
will pose even greater challenges. But in some mysterious
fashion, the answers will actually become simpler.
Debbie (precocious teenage daughter): Mom, what exactly
is 'terrorism' anyway?
Mom: Well, terrorism is when.....uhhh.....bad, evil
people make you afraid by killing lots of innocent
people in your country in.....errr.....violent ways.
D: So it's like capital punishment in the state of
Texas, then?
M: Pardon?
D: You kidding? Not in Texas!
M: What, dear?
D: Never mind. Anyway, Mom, President Bush said that
"any nation that continues to harbor or support
terrorism will be regarded by the United States as
a hostile regime." Don't WE harbor terrorists?
Haven't a lot of them been living in the United States
for quite a while?
M: Well, I'm sure President Bush didn't mean THAT.
I guess some of them have, but we didn't know it,
and we don't condone it. And now we're going to change
D: How?
M: By kicking them out or bringing them to justice.
D: Are we going to carpet-bomb Trenton, New Jersey
like we're carpet-bombing Afghanistan? And are we
going to bomb wherever it is that Henry Kissinger
M: Of course not, silly!
D: I won't even ask what the difference is. How will
we know who the terrorists are here in America?
M: Well, I'm not sure exactly. They'll be foreign,
of course, probably young Arab men as Peggy Noonan
D: But most young Arab men aren't terrorists, are
they? And some terrorists aren't Arabs, right? Or
even foreign? Timothy McVeigh and the Unabomber -
they weren't Arabs, were they? Or Henry Kissinger?
M: Why on earth do you keep bringing up Henry Kissinger?
McVeigh and the Unabomber were just crazy. Anyway,
our government will figure out who the Evil Doers
are, hunt them down like dogs, and punish them. Our
intelligence agencies are the most sophisticated in
the world.
D: Then why weren't they able to PREVENT the World
Trade Center attacks, and all this anthrax stuff?
M: I don't know the answer to that one, honey.
D: This Osama bin Laden guy - how will bombing innocent
Afghan civilians bring him to justice?
M: I don't know for sure, dear. Maybe the people in
Afghanistan will get tired of being bombed, and kill
him or turn him in or something.
D: Well, they'll have a hard time doing that if they're
all dead, or weakened by starvation. And wasn't that
how it was supposed to work in Iraq with the sanctions,
Mom? I've heard that over the past 10 or 11 years
somewhere around a million and a half Iraqis have
died, including a LOT of children, and Saddam Hussein
is still in power. Isn't that true?
M: Well.....former Secretary of State Madeline Albright
said it was "worth the price."
D: WHAT was worth the price? What have we gained?
What has anyone gained? Don't our government leaders
ever learn ANYTHING? What are you TALKING about??
M: I'm not sure, honey.
D: Won't all this bombing and sanctions have the OPPOSITE
effect, of creating even more people who hate America?
More terrorists like bin Laden?
M: I hope not, sweetheart. I don't see how ANYONE
could hate America. We're a peace-loving people who
believe in freedom and democracy.
D: You mean like in Florida last November, where a
lot of African Americans weren't allowed to vote,
and Bush won the Presidency?
M: What are you implying? I don't think our government
would let anything happen that wasn't LEGAL.
D: No?? Speaking of our government, what's all this
I keep hearing about 'blowback', about America itself
being a terrorist, with the CIA instigating terrorism
all around the world?
M: Now there's no need to talk dirty, young lady!
And surely you mean 'investigating' terrorism? If
what you say were true, our elected representatives
would certainly be doing something about it! I think
that's just the'blame America' crowd talking. Sour
D: Sour grapes?? WHAT sour grapes???
M: Oh, you know. The 'blame America' crowd hates freedom
and democracy.
D: Huh? Just like the Islamic 'terrorists', you mean?
I thought EVERYONE LIKED freedom and democracy, other
than a few despots. I thought the 'blame America'
crowd, as you call them, is arguing that America PROCLAIMS
freedom and democracy for all, but doesn't consistently
PRACTICE those things, except for when it benefits
corporations and the rich.
M: Where on EARTH do you get all these ideas?? The
United States has been a beacon of freedom in the
world for over 200 years! [Quoting: "Give me
your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning
to breathe free....."]
D: What about all the Native Americans we killed?
And slavery?
M: Oh, honey, the Native Americans were savages. Noble,
which is why we have them as team mascots. But still
savages. And we're SORRY about slavery, we really
are. We shouldn't have done it.
D: But we've never really officially apologized for
slavery, have we? Or given any of their descendants
reparations? Not even 40 acres and a mule?
M: Aren't we wandering awfully far afield from our
discussion of 'terrorism'?
D: Not really. It seems to me that everything we've
been talking about has to do with terrorism of one
sort or another. Colonialism. Imperialism. First Europeans
and then Americans consuming vast amounts of all kinds
of resources, and doing WHATEVER it takes to get them.
Isn't that a common thread here? Isn't that what all
of this is REALLY all about?
M: Oh, sweetheart, I hate to see you becoming so cynical
at such a young age! President Bush has never once
mentioned 'oil' in any of his speeches to the American
people about terrorism. America is the greatest and
freest nation in the world. Just look at all the people
from other countries who are struggling to come and
live here!
D: Maybe that's because we've helped make their lives
in their native countries such a living hell.
M: Don't you think that's just a TINY BIT of an oversimplification,
young lady? Why don't you go and talk to your father
about all of this? I'm sure HE can straighten you