Stealth Attack on the Freedom of the Press
by Robert W. McChesney
This fall, with little fanfare, the Federal Communications
Commission (FCC) has proceeded with plans to overhaul
and possibly eliminate its remaining ownership regulations
for mediacompanies. These include regulations which
currently prohibit one company from owning newspapers
and TV stations, or TV stations and cable systems,
in the same market; which restrict the number of TV
stations one firm can own so that it cannot reach
morethan 35 percent of the nation's population; and
which restrict the percentage of the nation's population
that one cable TV company can reach to a similar level.
Michael Powell, the Republican FCC Chairman
and the son of Secretary of State Colin Powell, ison
record as favoring the elimination of all these regulations.
So are the other Republicans who currently comprise
the majority of the five-person commission. Thus,
barring significant political opposition, a vast relaxation
of ownership regulations is certain to ensue. The
process should be completed early in 2002.
In every corner of the market, one analyst
noted, the big will get bigger and broader, thereby
changing the underlying economics. Considering that
the last wave of media ownership deregulation under
Bill Clinton spawned a massive round of industry consolidation,
further developments along these same lines are profound
in their implications. Already all of the major film
studios, all of the TV networks, many of the cable
TV systems, the vast majority of cable TV channels,
most of the music companies, a great deal of book
and magazine publishing, and much else, are controlled
by the ten largest media conglomerates. Another 15
or 20 firms own practically all of the remainder.
Today most of these ten giant media conglomerates
rank among the 200 largest firms in the world; several
are in the top 50. Forty years ago only a couple might
have ranked among the top 500. These firms barely
existed in their present form as recently as 1985;
they are the product of media deregulation.
And these firms are about to get bigger,
a lot bigger. Following the proposed round of further
deregulation, look for the largest newspaper chains
(there are now five or six chains that dominate the
industry) to link up with larger firms, and expect
the giants to gobble up the remaining independently
owned TV stations.
The media giants claim that deregulation will spur
competition, lower prices, and improve service. If
there were any truth to that proposition, these corporations
and their lobbyists would not be pushing so hard for
it. The truth is that deregulation simply permits
these firms to get so much larger that they have less
fear of direct competition, and more ability to hyper-commercialize
their content to extract greater profit.
One look at radio broadcasting, which
was significantly deregulated in the 1996 Telecommunications
Act, demonstrates this process clearly. In the past
few years a significant percentage of the country's
radio stations have been gobbled up by a handful of
colossal firms, like Clear Channel and Viacom, that
own hundreds of stations and up to eight in each of
the cities where they operate. These radio behemoths
use their market power to increase standardized fare,
reduce the amount of (more costly) local programming,
and ratchet up the amount of advertising and overall
commercialism. Small stations cannot compete so they
sell out, and listeners everywhere pay the price.
The media giants also claim that the emergence of
the Internet renders concerns about media concentration
moot. After all, they say, what does it matter if
a few companies have massive empires when there are
millions of web sites competing for our attention,
and when the cost of launching a web site is so nominal?
The problem with this argument is that
the market-driven Internet has so far not spawned
a new generation of commercially viable media content
providers. Capitalism trumps technology. It is now
clear that if we want the Internet to provide a well-funded
alternative to corporate media fare, explicit policies
will be required to encourage that development.
There are some, even among those critical
of the American media system, who believe that concerns
about media concentration are overblown. After all,
they say, media was not any better a generation or
two ago when there was greater competition. Along
these same lines, they argue that the current output
of the romanticized small commercial media is often
worse than that provided by the huge media conglomerates.
These comments are beside the point.
It is true that market concentration is not the only
factor that determines media content. Even the more
competitive markets have flaws inherent in their being
commercially driven. That is why we need to develop
a significantrange of independent, nonprofit and noncommercial
media. And in some instances concentrated ownership
is not even a particularly important factor in explaining
media performance. But in nearly every instance where
concentrated ownership has a clear effect, as in radio
broadcasting, the effect is negative. Where there
is doubt, there should be a very substantial bias
toward multiplicity rather than concentration in media.
It is a core liberal and democratic value.
Nor does media concentration affect
merely media content. It also means that the largest
firms become increasingly powerful in Washington DC,
disproportionately influential with government officials.
Insofar as our current media system is in reality
far more the product of government policies than it
is of some alleged free market, media concentration
leads to exceptionally corrupt policy-making. Laws
and regulations are made in the public's name, but
without the public's informed consent.
Proponents of media ownership deregulation
do make two valid points. First, the emergence of
digital technologies, which undermine the distinctions
between media, is making traditional regulations obsolete.
Second, it is unfair that some media companies and
industries cannot compete on equal terms with firms
that have the good fortune of being in less regulated
media sectors.
The solution to this problem is not to abandon media
ownership regulations altogether, but rather to revise
them in order to take into consideration the new technologies,
and then to developregulations that apply across all
media and that serve the desired values. Such ownership
regulations will in all likelihood not be generated
in forums currently provided by the FCC, where high-roller
lobbyists make their case before FCC members with
virtually nonexistent public attention or debate.
Robert McChesney is a professor
of Communication in the Institute of Communications
Research at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign,
and a co-editor of Monthly Review.