Media Monopoly in Champaign-Urbana?
Consolidation, Absentee Ownership Both on the Increase
by Paul Riismandel and John Wason
Ever wonder why local news coverage on TV actually
adds up to only a few minutes a day? Curious why there
seems to be little difference between 'extreme' rock,
'modern' rock, and 'mix' rock radio? And why do the
TV and radio stations in Champaign-Urbana look and
sound just like their counterparts in Charlotte and
A major answer is consolidation, which has become
a 21st century buzzword as multinational corporations
play the dating game, merging into ever-larger behemoths.
In no other arena is this phenomenon more evident
than in the mass media. Twenty years ago scholar and
former journalist Ben Bagdikian documented this trend
when he published The Media Monopoly. In its first
edition, Bagdikian identified fifty corporations that
he saw dominating the US media scene.
The massive deregulation effected by the Telecommunications
Act of 1996-which received little coverage in the
mainstream press-touched off a wave of media mergers
that is still ongoing. The impact on broadcast television
and radio was astounding. By raising the limits on
how many broadcast stations a company may own, both
in a given market and nationwide, the act's passage
spurred broadcast conglomerates to gobble up independent
stations. When those were gone, they began to gobble
up each other. By the fifth edition of Bagdikian's
book, published in 1997, the dominant media club enjoyed
a more rarefied membership of only ten companies.
At its core, consolidation has the effect of limiting
diversity. While on the surface there are just as
many media channels as there were before the Telecommunications
Act, there are actually fewer companies producing
all of the content for these stations. In practice
this means that channels share more programming and
do more cross-promotion, engaging in what the industry
calls "synergy"-making sure that the "products"
of various channels work together. For example, this
is why you frequently see the heavy promotion of Disney
movies and characters on ABC television, which is
owned by Disney.
When consolidation hits local media markets-when
local TV and radio stations are bought by larger,
frequently non-local companies-there are effects similar
to what we see with Disney/ABC. In this case local
programming gets replaced by national programming,
and what local programming is left is often homogenized
to match what that company broadcasts through its
other stations. There is also a strong emphasis on
cost cutting, so that in TV news, for example, investigative
news is often neglected in favor of less expensive,
moresuperficial reporting of violent crime, celebrity
news, and sports.
In radio the changes are not always as clear-cut
as in TV, especially on music stations, which usually
retain at least some of the local DJs. But decisions
about programming, such as what songs are played,
begin to be determined on a more national basis. Local
program directors lose some or all control over what
is played on their stations, and more dictates are
handed down by national offices, which may be programming
tens or hundreds of stations across the country. This
change may be difficult to detect at first, but it
becomes much clearer when you notice that fewer new
artists are being introduced. Then you might notice
that your favorite station now carries a greater percentage
of syndicated programs, such as the Bob and Tom morning
show or Rush Limbaugh. When you travel outside your
community, you hear pretty much the same morning shows,
the same talk shows, and the same set of songs everywhere
you go. That's consolidation at work.
As local stations are purchased by large corporate
entities, their management and staff are often cut
and consolidated, too. The most drastic change occurs
in ad sales. When several local stations have the
same ownership, it is common practice for the sales
staff to sell advertising on all the stations as a
package, usually at a rate that is less than it would
cost to buy ad time on the stations separately. While
this may seem like a good deal for local advertisers,
in reality it has the effect of raising overall ad
costs. Some advertisers may want to advertise only
on the country station and not on the hard rock station,
but they may no longer have that option, or they may
have to pay much higher rates for the privilege of
advertising to a target demographic.
These package ad rates also tend to undercut independently
owned stations, who can't offer the same sort of packages,
and whose costs tend to be higher. Thus the consolidation
of one group of stations in a particular market has
the ripple effect of forcing the consolidation of
other stations, who need to cut costs in order to
The combination of higher ownership limits for broadcast
companies, and the increased competition for ad dollars,
has brought about an explosion in the selling prices
of radio stations. When you consider the fact that
the federal government charges nothing for a broadcast
radio license, it is amazing to see stations in the
largest markets changing hands for as much as $100
A further reason why radio stations are growing more
costly to purchase is the fact that the spaces left
on the dial for new stations are almost all gone-even
in Champaign-Urbana. In most urban areas it has become
virtually impossible to put a new station on the air,
so millions of dollars are needed to buy an existing
station. This effectively prevents local organizations
or independent entrepreneurs from getting into the
broadcast business and establishing independent radio
At first glance Champaign-Urbana might seem like
a backwater market of little value or interest to
any large corporate entity. Such a presumption, however,
would be entirely incorrect. While the largest broadcast
industry powerhouses such as Clear Channel Communications,
owner of 468 radio stations, have yet to set up shop
in town, stations in the area have nonetheless become
hot properties. For instance, just last year WKIO-FM,
"Oldies 92", was purchased for $7 million
by Grosse Point, Michigan-based Saga Communications.
Oldies 92 became the third station in Saga's local
line-up, along with WLRW "Mix 94.5" and
WIXY 100.3 FM.
The same week that WKIO changed hands, Rhode Island-based
AAA Entertainment acquired four Champaign-Urbana area
stations for a total of $5.3 million: WBNB 95.3 FM
and WQQB 96.1 FM, both licensed to Rantoul, WGKC 105.9
FM, licensed to Mahomet, and WEBX 93.5 FM, licensed
to Tuscola. In a deal that would have been illegal
prior to 1996, AAA Entertainment thus became the largest
owner of radio stations in the area.
In total, 30 broadcast stations program to the Champaign-Urbana
market: 18 FM radio, 3 AM radio, and 9 television
stations. At first glance the C-U broadcast media
market doesn't seem terribly consolidated. Those 30
stations have 18 different owners-a ratio of about
1.6 stations per owner. But a closer look at how those
statistics break down presents a somewhat different
Perhaps the most glaring fact about C-U media is
that out of 18 owners, only seven are located in the
area. And five of those seven are non-profits: Illini
Media Company (WPGU 107.1 FM), the University of Illinois
(WILL-AM, FM, TV), Prairie Air (WEFT 90.1 FM), Parkland
College (WPCD 88.7 FM) and Good News Radio (WGNJ 89.3
FM, WGNN 102.5 FM, and W280DE 103.9 FM). Only two
for-profit radio companies are based locally: Professional
Impressions Media Group (WDWS 1400 AM and WHMS 97.5
FM) and WBCP, Inc. (1580 AM). The only locally-owned
television station is the public TV station, WILL
channel 12, owned by the University of Illinois.
One effect of this increasingly non-local ownership
of the broadcast media is that a great deal of the
profits derived from the use of the Champaign-Urbana
airwaves are siphonedout of the local economy. And
while not yet in the league of CBS/Infinity or of
Rupert Murdoch's News Corporation, the companies reaping
the spoils from C-U airwaves are by no means small
players. Among the largest are Sinclair Broadcast
Group, the Maryland-based owner of NBC affiliate WICD-TV,
with annual revenues in the neighborhood of $700 million,
and Saga Communications, which earned $101.7 million
last fiscal year.
When considering media consolidation in Champaign-Urbana,
it is important to note that the two daily newspapers
also own radio stations, though both are locally-owned.
The News-Gazette's parent company has WDWS-AM and
WHMS-FM, while the Illini Media Company, publisher
of the Daily Illini, owns WPGU-FM. Under the federal
government's current "duopoly" rule, one
company cannot own both a newspaper and a television
station in thesame media market. This is why our local
newspapers own only radio stations at present. However,
Sinclair Broadcasting, owner of WICD-TV Channel 15,
the local NBC affiliate, is currently contesting this
rule in court. A victory for Sinclair could resultin
even greater media consolidation.
When you look at who actually owns your local broadcast
media outlets (see accompanying table) it becomes
clear that few owners have any kind of roots or stake
in the community. Of the three network TV stations
offering local news, the owner of only one-WAND Channel
17, the ABC affiliate-has been in the area for more
than five years.
So what's the bottom line? What does this trend toward
increasing corporatization and non-local ownership
of the American media mean to the average citizen
in a community such as Champaign-Urbana? Far more
than the fact that capital, in the form of advertising
revenues and eliminated jobs, flows out of the local
community to distant centers of corporate power.
The old homily that "you are what you eat"
could be more accurately stated "you are what
you consume." We are, all of us, consumers not
only of food, the air we breathe, and material goods,
but of information. And, to invoke another truism,
information is indeed power. As independently-owned
sources of information¾newspapers, radio stations,
and television stations¾are removed from local
control and transformed into corporate "profit
centers", independent voices are silenced. As
news and other information becomes increasingly homogenized,
unique perspectives and voices of dissent are stifled.
In his book The Press and Foreign Policy, published
in 1963, author Bernard Cohen stated, "It (the
press) may not be successful much of the time in telling
people what to think, but it is stunningly successful
in telling its readers what to think about."
If that statement was true in 1963, it is even more
true today as a consequence of media consolidation,
and it applies equally to the broadcast media. A corollary
of Cohen's observation is that what is not said is
frequently at least as important as what is said.
As corporate control of the media tightens, our awareness
of the world in which we live slowly but inexorably
and insidiously becomes constricted, often without
our conscious awareness of the process.
Even former FCC Chairman William Kennard and former
President Clinton have both recently expressed regret
over the policies that created the climate of consolidation.
Is it too late for regrets, or are they just in time?