Patriot Pinhead Manifesto 2001 1. Be unable to name a single country on maps of the Middle East and South Asia. 2. Be unaware of the fact that the majority of Muslims are not Arabs. 3. Be unaware of the fact that other non-Arabs and/or Muslim peoples also wear turbans. 4. Be unable to name a single difference between an Iraqi and an Iranian,like their national languages, Iran's being Farsi and Iraq's being Arabic. 5. Be unaware of the fact that Arabs are Semitic peoples and that you are engaging in anti-Semitism when you dehumanize them. 6. Demand the deportation of all Arabs and/or Muslims, even though you don't have a rudimentary understanding of what those terms mean. 7. Forget the fact that you weren't attacking people of Irish descent, Catholic Churches, red heads and any other European Americans you thought "looked" Irish or had a non-Irish Gaelic last name, while demanding the deportation of all Irish people when it was learned that Timothy McVeigh was the chief suspect in the Oklahoma City Bombing. 8. Also, forget the fact that you weren't demanding the destruction of the Pentagon, the armed services, the CIA or any other institutions that might be "harboring" suspected terrorists like McVeigh, regardless of the loss of innocent life, when it was learned that McVeigh was a Gulf War veteran. 9. Don't be concerned about the humanity of the people with dark skin and/or turbans and veils you assault and possibly kill. They are all terrorist enemies of the USA. 10. USA! USA! USA!