In this episode the Yum twins tell from orbiting space picking up karmic signals from souls below about the apotheosis of certain dignitaries and their being assimilated into the cosmic karmic circus matrix maximus at Caesars Entertainments. Jesus that a lot of s’s. They say how the equations do start to tilt and sway back and forth, forth and back, froth and foam, frog and moan, fog and moon, “f” sounding words and “m”. God don’t report me to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge for conspiracy to heal the injured or worse California Fault or Mr. Bra Lines of the BBC or SEC, please. E-Bay has the Oil. Ask for Ray. Next to Teen Cream pies and Odai Does Toes II.
immediate release: ToDie and QuasiRight, sons of the infamous terrorist and
mother of Alkali Earth Metals from Earth Sodom G. Osama Ben Enjerry were killed
today during the city’s yearly ice cream social. The two brothers ran at one time a system of brothels in foreign
countries featuring such notorious skin artists as Mamas Tu Fruitpies, Kentucky
Fries, Texas Too, and B. Yond Tuc Tomb, as well as the fully Nude York Yank
machine. The two corrupted thousands,
perhaps millions with these maidens of the flesh. Below this reporter recounts some of their other horrendous
crimes. First, the details of how they
were done in as given by Bing Yum, the boy wonder of the news, and his sister
Clere Yum. They’re in a non-incestuous
Aristotelian STA love kind of thing so bear with them.
Yes thank you sir. May I have another?
The two killed were legally executed in a shoot out involving paralegals from the ninth symphony, being the last. Their 8-year-old son recounted the action in vivid detail and then collapsed and died too of excitement to the brain. They went into this house. A constable immaculately dressed with a battery of lawyers and legal documents said come out with your hands cut off. The two refused and started hurling furniture and pieces of children’s cereal at them. Then the constable, after consulting with the lawyers and carefully reading the rules of the Engagement as published by Viacum, MMM, and Andy’s War Holes To Go Dot Cum, and their affiliates, Busted Ovaries R Us, and We Are All the Time Fucked Up by Irresponsible Grown Ups Dot Orgies R Us determined the right thing to do: kill these terrorist (even if their tourists) for treason against citizenry of their own country which they ran poorly, humanity and bad ammo they might of thought about having when they got drunk a couple of weeks ago and many other crimes against life, liberty, and other rhetoric you can fill in here: weapons of mass destruction they were making in the house in the bathtubs, like methyl-amphetamine and all kinds of nastiness that they should not of been able to do cause of the special interest groups paying them off for their really young customers to get really much more screwed than normal later and what have you, etc..
That’s what the kid said.
Anyway acting on the newly enacted, lawfully considered new law of the lay of the land, “your guilty always even when the facts paint something like somebody ought to be suspicious of something or another somewhere here” or until we say otherwise or everyone’s dead or Judge Judy (or Wapner or Bo Bridges or what have you on the boob tube) is coming on whichever comes first. Acting on this warrant to remove all personnel that could of at some time or another thought about something bad or done something bad or you know was bad in heart, if their was nothing else to do to get back at the bad somebody did somebody 911 thirty AM sometime ago or something or another – you know legal stuff like that -- they did act to kill the human weapons of badness that were necessary to kill because they could have been something like doing bad things at some time or another according to the writ of execution sworn by the constable with the new bottle of mouthwash or booze (I don’t know which): I think it was Ozzy Ben Bourne by name.
They shot these bastards and less badness in the world was felt right away and pleasure signals to my brain happened in me and weapons that they were there to insure they were not there to be removed were to be removed by them there if they were ever there started to blossom in air like they was going to show up finally and then – shit on me, if you dare -- they did dry up again, if they were ever there somewhere and then they completely disappeared in Einstein ether or something like physics book teach or something again for the nth time. I swear the conjurer of cheap tricks Blaine is anti-Blair; he is responsible for the negative like set backs and the common cause of this political dysentery heard coming out in Washington jeans and TV screens. I’ll look it up later which one.
The writ was to remove all massive weapons in anybody at alls pants and kill all personnel of the country who ran the country that were maybe perhaps thinking of massive acts that they might actually be thinking to act upon one day in the far distant future messily. Therefore by legal decree as spoken by paralegals duly swearing and cursing they did all shout at once the edict of the Marshall plan: kill the promoter and clapper and applause maker of Mamas Tu Fruitpies in the face of US at once. We demand it. And down the two went in a blaze of fire and smoke. A real karmic equation to die for!
The perverting ones of the young I’m talking about, spreaders of VD and all kinds of scummy stuff, like “we are all just sticky buns 4u grownups” films, and all manner of weird sick unwholesome junk like that were done in well then in the house of the terrorizing house that might as well have been in the US under that kind of jurisdiction stuff had not continental drift been in league with Osama’s Aunt Jemima from the beginning even before Iran’s Ayatollah Cumonme did bad to our boys with hoods and stuff. So it was legal enough if you just move the continent back to where it would have been had not terrorists and those that harbor and lend feet support to them and others for thousands of years had not helped in their evilness and badness of mountain shiftiness.
This reporter will now recount the sadness that ToDie and QuasiRight used to perpetrate on small children, adolescents, young adults, adults, old adults, and silly old adults.
I was going to say “farts” but you know the censures might get pissed with this shit I’m writing so I better watch out. I should delete that last sentence, but my dick is starting itch from the saltpeter they subliminally feed us over the boob tube every night – you know morning male stiffness. I got it bad. Help Aunt Jemima!
Just forget it go on….this is funny shit.
Okay. I’ll try.
This reporter will now recount the sadness that ToDie and QuasiRight used to perpetrate on small children, adolescents, young adults, adults, old adults, and silly old whatever. They used to promote with solemn bulimic regularity tobacco to young ones with cartoons that made them like to watch. And then they’d show up on milk cartons later in a different related context. Just ask Megan here. Thousands of these young ones later took up the not all together helpful habit and they did spend their lunch monies and ToDie used to say “yea” to this and the congressmen (the new republican guard) under him with the Scent of the Senate – I can smell it – was guard the republican right guard cans at all costs. What a smell it is. And all the coughing, gagging, puking kiddies died of soulless addicted to tobacco existential pennilessness of soul and betrayal of genetically engineered for thousands of years youthful trust. This was just some of the awful badness these felons of focus groups and chemists and lobbyists and fuck heads in tall buildings sitting on smiling obelisks telling them viscerally on how to really screw up kids did do bad dodo.
Then they would be making these little ant cartoons geared to get the beer money from the teen boppers and they would be causing lots to get so blasted that they would go ahead and crock on dorm floors filled to flowing with beer puke of beer over loving over much, you know what I mean. They wanted to be mysteriously ant-brained by cartoon-endorsed booze. Mutilated next in cars they were with bend metal and innocent creepy families too going down the road post curfew, so that’s their fault. They did do these bad things and the sense of the Senate, as the bastards and bitches rested in their Roman Baths or Villas like Iraqi badest or worstest house or Blair’s Tony Tory Out House or something English like that was so what, pass the soap suds and rub my back bitch for votes Bud; bucks helps me let you fuck the young ones for fun up so pay up Oh Ruler of Legions Markmy Dickusup of Rome 2 (48 AD Appian Way Street, still there all these years) and other really clever, advanced thinking and insightful humanitarian relief, not as in urine, efforts for the good of the armpit scent of important cosmological giants of multicolored pragmatically combined to homogeneity houses to be whipped with.
I swear I’m not making this up. That’s what I heard: toast the young ones for bucks I need to give my whores more jewels and linens or no more head for months. That’s what they said.
And many such as these that loved the little cartoons and cute chicks getting squirted with foam beer like sperm was yes I can do so spray my sperm if I was to be drinking the beers like the guy with the gal with nice boob say. So the horrible ToDie and Quasi or SemiRight did do all these bad things while all the parental type sleeping or just fucking around heads and authority types did soak in soapy sales and lobbyist’s suds smoking bud with the monies from the sales of the fun shit to the little pretty, impressionable neophytes of stretched aching swollen rubbed raw genitalia and inter uterine love who should ought to know better so its not the grown up ones fault really. Or it is I forget. Are we talking ToDie or UsisBadForManKind2 here? Doesn’t matter.
The little kiddies that did trust their moms and dads and neighbors and movies and societies and communities and TVs and Ads at counters and all manner of Quasi or NotReallyRightAtAll’s ideas or was it ToDie’s fault. This reporter is not sure, but MayBeAllah is not ToDie but the American ILoveToMakeYou CumOnMeBaby industry should, as well Ms. Inmea’s Stinkingnet makers and all her clerics, technical assistants, users, sick heads, etc. should. I do not know now anymore where the bad fault fart lies. In flowing cleric robes browned with hopefully only sand or pinstriped loose cuts against the wall street types.
He was not ToDie, but his brother Quasi, really at all, but of the bathing ones they may be really criminals, the ones in the house bathing in blood-money-all-the-time are ones worthy to die in a shoot out with eagles coming down to eat their guts and gross rotting ideas like cancer of the lungs, esophagus fable, verbal intercourse with gapping mouths and holes and throats full of fun and puke of smokes and beers for campaign money in backseats of cars and all kinds of gross stuff kids get into thanks to this really awful killer of thousands millions really for fun profit at the younger generations expense: Oidai Cologne ToDieWith or ReallyIsCriminal what they did and all like them are good to go this reporter without bias or other stuff I learned in college says it is so. Barbarous he was ToDie intruding on weddings when the cameras from porno Hollywood and reporters weren’t ready. Shoot all the bastards; turn them on each other is the way to go maybe. I don’t know Moses, Allah Mode? Or just blast them with Aunt Jemima sauce till they puke to death?
With the death of these that do these like crimes against humanity, children and like makers of bad life for unsuspecting people the world is better. We can all like hope that the number one maker of deadly culture Mr. Mini Won and his horrible wife the former Ms. Cleartoass Chanel (originally with the scent of French senate on her just prior to the revolution that bears the same name) will one day fall, pay the reaper, get tapped by Uncle Good or some other horrible fate as should be the case if you are an adult, responsible for children in your society and flagrantly choose to turn them into prostitutes and whores and waste them for amusement only via sweating humans gyrating on electromagnetic radiating brain machines. I’m talking Masconi’s macaroni souls to go permanently out dot com here; but come back karma smoking version 2 is possible! The “in the net all the time” for everybody to get them for fun should be punished like “ToDie” was punished I think I mean I don’t know. I mean that was how ToDie died, but I don’t know -- am getting confused with this music playing and the TV and all this crap in my head…
Writer’s note: Need to suggest somehow indirectly avoiding fault lines showing how confusion can turn tragic. Need to mention somehow the fate of Romans, Greeks, Carthaginians, Dinosaurs and other extinct cultures, animals, plants, reptiles and living things I think bad about for more than a moment. I remember I think I got depressed once, then my stomach ached, and a while back I burped in Europe and broke wind in Japan and cleaned my teeth during some fall season once. Let’s tune the band up for big spasm angels: Krishna comes again. Something I ate. Anyway….
Writer’s continuing note: If you are the FBI, CIA or some kind of creepy, insecure person or country or head of some such insecure guilty as shit country or something or another ignore that last paragraph. It is just entertainment. If you want real crimes against humanity, check the net, the cable, your own head, culture, life, and amusements out. E-bay has great knives, cheap. Go ahead. If find something carry the organ into your local offices of YourTrashyCultureIsToDieForDotCom. They can auction it off for you and your karmic penalty will be cancelled. You will also get $5 off on your next purchase.
Bing (Continues)
Mean time our boys march on to glory, killing off local terrorist or tourists (teen sandwiches win Atm for people at atms atom to Adam or Mohammed to Adam atom) of blatant corruption of young want-to-be, could-be-angels of God houses where like ToDie and QuasiRight look a-likes and are really the same as when you look at the numbers of wrongfully injured, killed, tortured, maimed in drunken car accidents, generally culturally ruined, overdoses, VD stuff like AIDs, syphilis, those anal wart jobs, guns to go, bulimia and all that might be thought by weird writers like me to be you know not that good from real Cadillac of the spirit realm types perspectives. There are lots of Catholics, entertainers, adults in the heart, and crappy people in high places with fingers always somewhere not nice that should probable go with the Oil of Odai house arrests.
Let us wish them well as defenders of what is a good start to beat back the scummy ones that are everywhere even always in magical light shows from Blaine boxes and plasma states Einstein must have made up in his sleep like the sun coming down to Earth or sometime last night or was it me or something with the physicist Feynman who taught be good all from his head to me or else mmc11: “I’m going to fuck your Western US ass bad for what you done to Clere.”
This has been your reporter Bing. Clere you there?
Writer’s note: That was the last Bing Yum said and then Clere waiting next to her brother, piped up after rubbing her butt and wiping a tear away and other unmentionable liquids of the night.
We shall all come over here and do the same the angels and demons say from Iraq and do unto them that done us for our badness to them for their bad unpunished, reported spoken about badness as bad as they done us bad. Whew this is a really bad paragraph, but I’ll leave it in. No one will notice, Clere’s paragraph is about societal cultural wrong, editable by if not just ass nuts Mother Nature mom mops wasps or bad colognes from ancient Rome: Where Jesus Wet. Extremely expensive: payable in days in beds repeating ImDeadDeadDead with Jesus wet. Rise up brother smell on your brothers. Everybody try to wet each other like animals in jungles right now as long as you can.
Then Odai said take my oil and go away.
And other weird prose like that.
Transmission Over….