Young or old, here or there, the information condensed on this page may
shock you as it often seems unbelievable. For that reason this writer guarantees readers that Truth
is indeed stranger than fiction. You are about to learn the biggest of all secrets. What you are seeing above is the face
of modern day terrorism itself. There is no one human face behind the
events of 9-11. Why can't the average person understand what really
happened on 9-11? Because they don't know where to point all the blame.
However, this should not be about blame, or continued
bloodshed; it is about awareness and forgiveness. Also because it
is a monstrous conspiracy as it is often said. It is literally ingrained
into our global society. Here is where truth becomes stranger than fiction. "The individual is faced with a conspiracy so
monstrous - he/she can hardly believe it exists." - Former US president
Hoover, stated before most of us were even born into this world. {
Please roll your mouse over each image to read the short descriptions. }
"When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great
things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will
render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will
become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"We are on the verge of a major tranformation, all we need is the right crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller, stated before September 11th, 2001
Greetings global neighbor, it is so nice to see ordinary Americans and
many other Friends around the world coming to to
share in the truth of our world.
For centuries, many patriotic people have been endlessly hacking only
at the branches of evil, not at the root, therefore it persists in our
world, and continues to worsen...
The focus of this website has been descriptively covering the the
rapidly developing New World Order Conspiracy for over two years.
In the simplest terms, 9-11 was meant to accelerate the adoption of the
United Nations, the international banker's "beast" government, as a world
government commanding total control over the lives of everyone; enslaving
everyone unto its lies, propaganda, and tyranny - for the sole benefit of
the supra-wealthy international banking class, known as the "illuminati",
that owns and controls it. On that note, this is what George Orwell and
Aldous Huxley tried to warn us of in their books "1984" and "Brave New
World". They are not around to scream about it from their rooftops now
It is a big story, so a free (no charge to distribute) 222
page informative e-book has been made available for download in Adobe PDF format, of which you
may wish to share with your friends as well. A version is also published
in HTML on the web. Here is a quick look at the book, the table
of contents. Chapter 2 describes how the powers-that-be have amassed
so much wealth and power, it details the entire history of money and the
manipulation of it in our world. (simply fascinating stuff that you
haven't been taught in school or on the televison that everyone
should know about)
Truth has much value. The world is a very big place for
each of us. We have had and still have much to learn together. We have to
fight against the lure of being continuously programmed into slaves of
every different nation, through the corporate controlled cable television
channels that have become infiltrated with many members belonging to illuminati
secret societies such as Skull & Bones. "News" is being
presented in the "West" differently than it is being presented in the
"East" - to establish "control" and public perception over both halves of
the world. However, one of their many secrets has just been exposed, a giant tunnel
and cave network underneath Paris. They left a note for the police: "Don't try to find us."
Worldwide, We must learn to Stand United rather than fall
divided. We must Unite for the benefit of all our children as they are
under attack by the current system too, in many ways. We should also unite
for the greater glory of the Kingdom of Heaven, whether or not we are
actually living in the prophetic "end-times".
In short, America, principally, has been slowly but surely under
serious attack from forces within it -
and it likely will
soon get alot worse before people accept this as a mainstream realization
and truth. Basically, right now, the powers-that-be have the various people
mentally, nationalistically, fragmented from one another and perpetually
distracted by the false media to no apparent end. The American
people have lost any and all control they once had over their
government. The media sharks reporting the 'news' to America
appear to have the American people right where they want them to be again;
ready for another blinding act of political terrorism right onto them.
Likely it will be 10 times larger than 9-11 the next time around going by
how the people scripting the emergence of the "New World Order" have
stepped it up in the past.
So why aren't people like Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Michael Dell and
other Fortune 100 industrialist billionaires speaking up against the
tyranny and bloodshed? Simply, they feel they have more to profit by going
along with this current "system" rather than going against it and exposing
it. They would knowingly risk persecution instead, like this writer and
website publisher does. They are also the ones most paranoid in thinking
there isn't any more room for more people on the planet, as if they are
not given enough space already. Trends in the advancement of cheap clean
energy and transportation technology prove their deadly assumptions wrong,
but their innate greed and satanic desire for more power still have them salivating
at the prospect of eventually witnessing billions of people around the
world butchered in war and murdered through a combination of bio-warfare
and a deadly and deceptive "vaccination" plan now coming your way.
This website's Lesson: What is Political Terrorism?
It has been widely discovered by hundreds of researchers that September
11th, 2001 was an act of premeditated global political terrorism.
The existing government of the United States of America and principally
the governments of the European Union, are primarily complicit in
'political terrorism' against its own people while attempting to lay the
blame of terrorism itself on the remnants of the Eastern World they wish
to soon politically and economically conquer. Events, like September 11th,
2001, do not happen by accident in politics; there always has
existed a conspiratorial motivation in politics for events
to occur, such as the JFK assasination to name just one. The media then
controls the minds of the great masses of people around the world - as the
ruling elite desire it to be.
This has been an effect of thousands of years of generational
political conspiracy, involving today's private world banking system, the
vatican, the communist tyrants of the East and this hemisphere's Western
blood-capitalists all working together, for the goals of the United
Nations (a One World Government/Court/Military) - not for the benefit of
their own people - but "their" personal benefit. |
There indeed is currently a dark, hidden world, intertwined within our
'mainstream presentation' of our world. It has been called the New World
Order for a long time. The term "New World Order" was first publically
proclaimed by Adolph Hitler.
All today's powerful elite, or those who
consider themselves powerful in the face of God, from your local bank
owner, to Bill Gates the billionaire, to Eric von Rothschild the
trillionaire, are in alignment with bringing the "New World Order" onto
the whole world. The lasting fault with their devilish plans is that they
do not truly know God or His Son, and that is why they persist in futility
to plan the deaths of 95% of the world's population. (Recent Highlight:
Remember when John Kerry stated that his favorite Biblical verse is John
16:3? His script instead read "John 3:16". John 16:3 reads - "They do
these things because they have not known the Father or me." This was no
accident. They Holy Spirit apparently made Kerry a bit dyslexic in reading
his recent speech it seems. John Kerry's "Skull & Bones" secret
nick-name is "Long Devil". Enough said.) Past that, their plan goes on to
then subsequently enslave the priviledged surviving class as some sort of
sub-race, with each survivor renumbered, tagged, treated, and traded
amongst powers as an economically viable or 'corporate' asset. (Remember,
the majority of the world's wealth is controlled by less than 1% of
today's society.)
" Four sorrows ... are certain to be visited on the United States.
Their cumulative effect guarantees that the U.S. will cease to resemble
the country outlined in the Constitution of 1787. First, there will be a
state of perpetual war, leading to more terrorism against Americans
wherever they may be and a spreading reliance on nuclear weapons among
smaller nations as they try to ward off the imperial juggernaut. Second is
a loss of democracy and Constitutional rights as the presidency eclipses
Congress and is itself transformed from a co-equal 'executive branch' of
government into a military junta. Third is the replacement of truth by
propaganda, disinformation, and the glorification of war, power, and the
military legions. Lastly, there is bankruptcy, as the United States pours
its economic resources into ever more grandiose military projects and
shortchanges the education, health, and safety of its citizens. "
Chalmers Johnson, Sorrows of Empire
"I have unwittingly ruined my country!" - president Woodrow
Wilson, groomed by the elite for the express purpose of having him
sign in the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 - which by now has helped
economically enslave the whole planet in fact, not only the United States
of America.
The time is upon us, and we have been long foretold:
" I have heard much of the nefarious and dangerous plan and doctrines of the illuminati. It was not my intention to doubt the doctrines of the Illuminati and the principles of Jacobinism had not spread in the United States. On the contrary no one is more satisfied of this fact than I am. " - George Washington, The Writings of George Washington
" Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. Our minds are molded... largely by men we have never heard of. " - Walter Bernais, Quoted from his book Propaganda
" I claim... the existence of a conspiracy for the destruction of the Western world as the prelude for sheparding mankind into a sheep's pen as the prelude to a One World Tyranny. " - A.K. Chesterton, Quoted from his book The New Unhappy Lords
The ruling elite have plans to release biological plagues all over
the world, while attempting to still lay the blame on the Islamic world;
for the billions of deaths and massive chaos and suffering that would
occur. This is no science fiction novel - this is the truth of the plans
of the ruling elite on earth. And they appear to not have changed their
plans/mind. The ruling elite, who control Washington DC, actually think
they are priviledged to carry out the horrors mentioned in Bible prophecy;
yet - not empowered by the One True Father watching from above, but for
their "god" - Satan otherwise known as Lucifer. They appear to simply not
know any better. They appear to not believe in the One True Universal God
or keeping His commandments or to the ministry of His Son. As Jesus
perhaps best said while he was being crucified on the cross, "They know
not what they do."
This cooperation involves all corporations and privately controlled
media organizations world-wide which currently feed from their private
banking coffers. It is referred to as an 'open-conspiracy' as it is
open for anyone to participate in who wishes to be ruled by the quest for
more dollars in this system instead of a knowledgable, aware, humane,
sane, tempered, loving, and good spirit - or the holy spirit, if you will.
In the challenge to know and love Christ, by God's own design, we have to
overcome this world and all its lures and deceptions. To earn eternal life
as Jesus spoke of, we have to be willing to even sacrifice our own lives
for the sake of our worldly brothers and sisters through acts of love. The
wicked, as scripture states "will receive their reward in full", here on
Earth only, before they are tossed in the realm of fire like what a
gardener does with withered grass and weeds chopped down in the fields.
This is principally why you, the average middle-class American citizen
who may be working hard in the rat race doesn't know all about this. This
resembles how ordinary Germans got suckered in by Hitler. The American
people are perpetually controlled and distracted en-masse by the cable-tv
content. Two of them can hardly agree upon anything important these days.
About half the public think GW Bush is a good guy and should be president.
The other half of the sheeple of America think Kerry should 'win' simply
because he appears to be the less of two evils. They are only given these
two pre-selected 'choices'. About half think the UN is a bad thing;
another half think it is a good thing. They wish to give us only one
choice in that matter.
" When buying and selling are controlled by legislation, the first thing to be bought and sold are legislators." - P.J. O'Rourke
"If congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper money, it was given them to use themselves, not to be delegated to individuals or corporations." - Andrew Jackson, One of The Greatest of US Presidents
"The few who understand the system, will either be so interested in its profits, or so dependent on its favors that there will be no opposition from that class, while on the other hand, the great body of people, mentally incapable of comprehending the tremendous advantages...will bear its burden without complaint, and perhaps without suspecting that the system is inimical to their best interests." - Rothschild Brothers of London communiqué to associates in New York June 25, 1863
In today's world, television content is
actually scientifically constructed war propaganda put out onto the
public. The Pentagon and CIA have already invaded Hollywood and the
national 'news' media long ago. It is just perceived to be a generally
known fact. Likewise, most Americans have only heard rumors that so-called
"ill-" families run the world. Those involved in the shadows of society
know how valuable public perception is, and they have strongly controlled
it even decades before the J F Kennedy assasination for instance.
Grant Wardlaw, an expert on terrorism, in his book Political
Terrorism: Theory, Tactics, and Counter-measures defined 'political
terrorism' as:
'The use, or threat of use, of violence by an individual or a group,
whether acting for or in opposition to established authority, when such
action is designed to create extreme anxiety and/or fear inducing effects
in a target group larger than the immediate victims for the purpose of
coercing that group into acceding to the political demands of the
Is your flag in the many displayed below? If so, you also have alot to
possibly lose, namely your family and your life, by today ignoring and
helping them further cover up the truth of the matter of this global
'political terrorism'.
As of today, it is interesting to note that
What a lie! Just how many people of the world have figured out that Osama
Bin Laden is working with the governments all along, governments who never
offer to help find him, to further sponsor terrorism against our own
people, namely middle class Americans? In fact, it is known that Mr. Bin
Laden has been working with the CIA and other intelligence agencies around
the world since they gave him all sorts of funding starting in the 1980s.
Of course they do not work together every week, or every month, but every
few years they have been using Osama's image to put the blame on, casting
the blame from the real masters of terrorism - the secretive illuminati controlled New
World Order regimes, which unfortunately for every American, includes our
own government.
Not only is our government completely compromised and corrupted by the
world economic power that is centered around the illuminati families such
as the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Duponts, Warburgs, Kennedys, etc... but
our mass media, that is our televised "news" has been completely
compromised in a similar fashion.
Has anyone ever told you that the national mass media is heavily
controlled and is chock full of paid-off liars who candy-coat the ugly
truth with lies, myths, and blatent war propaganda? The political
atmosphere is so bad and rotten up there in the executive offices of the
major news networks, that to tell the truth is to seem like the person
speaking it must be lying or plain crazy. George H. Bush, former CIA chief
and president, the daddy, once admitted in earshot of one reporter over a
decade ago: "The truth will either get you broke or dead." They,
collectively, control the minds of every American this way! Almost every
one! That includes every "Republican" who wishes to argue with every
"Democrat" and every "Democrat" who wishes to argue with every
"Republican". The truth is there is no difference between parties. It is
all a gigantic dog and pony show. Their selected puppet president figure
always wins. Voting is controlled. The results are always nationally
televised lies. The elections have been always going in favor of the
privatized money power of this world. They have every American perpetually
arguing with each other over fake politics while they command total
control over the nation regardless.
" Who controls the past controls the future. Who controls the present controls the past. " - George Orwell |
Why does Michael Moore play along with
only giving you some disturbing truths while omitting mention of the "New
World Order" itself? Because he is allowed to profit in the millions by
helping lie to you (through omission). You only think you are getting the
full truth from him, but you are not. The real idea of that film is to get
the rest of the world angry at America and Americans who shamelessly
tolerate such obvious corruption in its government. That is the
The television lies to you, the American people, at large, every day,
over and over again about the real truth behind 9-11, Oklahoma City, Waco,
the Kennedy Assasination, and all the other government crimes of the past.
This is how they stay in power and have amassed so much power. Now our
nation is in a state of perpetual war for the further benefit of the
military industrial complex, the rich, and the illuminati families - while
each American relies on this corrupt government for their "safety".
If the long-held New World Order conspiracy really exists (which it
certainly does), what is their objective or goal?
Well, they want to run a world government over everyone's head. They
want it to be a commUNist world government. They want everything you and
your family has: freedoms, wealth, and even everyone's spiritual soul.
This researcher, along with hundreds of others, have discovered that
this world is being run by financial oligarchs who have already sold their
souls completely out to "Satan" or elements of greed, power, and total
control over humanity.
To do this they must destroy the free-market economies of the West and
integrate the remains with the already communist controlled East. In
effect, they are plotting to destroy America through terrorism, economic
bankruptcy, and biological warfare directly on the American people - the
finale being a total UN (United Nations) take-over. This is where our
nation is headed due to the deception of the government/media/military/etc
and the general ignorance of the American people. Hitler would be very
proud if he was in Bush's position. In other words, the government does
not work for you - but most all governments these days work for the
secretive illuminati families and their private world banking enterprise
that has its slimy tentacles over the whole world and into everyone's
business. (You have heard of "Big Brother" have you not? How about those
video cameras going up everywhere? How are you going to like living under
Martial Law { here
is this same article with the truth read
aloud between the lines. } while they drop deadly Spanish Flu (Influenza-A) on
you from their Chemtrail
spraying program if this self-induced societal insanity not be
stopped? This is the near future for our country. Of course they are going
to try and blame it all on al-caida terrorists (really 'al-cia-da'). Are
you going to buy more of it?
In the discovery of all this, this researcher feels blessed with seeing
into and contrasting this terrible news together with regard to actual
Bible prophecy and believes the picture it paints is quite real. (The
end-time prophecies of Daniel and John/Revelation).
In fact, as it appears, the globalist New World Order seems to
believe it is their 'duty' to actually carry out Bible prophecy.
Imagine that! They are doing it for their 'god' - Satan, otherwise known
as "Lucifer". The United Nations is known to be a self-proclaimed
Luciferian organization. David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative,
United Nations was quoted: "No one will enter the New World Order unless
he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New
Age unless he will take a Luciferian Initiation."
Bible prophecy includes the release of plagues on all seven continents,
devestations (man-made perhaps?), a horrible "abomination that causes
desolation", and a new 4th beast (the 4th beast in the visions of Daniel
and John) that will trample down on the host the whole world round (again
perceived to be the United Nations.) In fact, it is a good time to look at Biblical end-time prophecy.
Written below is one interpretation. It may ultimately not turn out to be
correct as interpretted here, but this writer is giving his best shot at
looking at it. This all seems very real to this researcher.
Daniel speaks of four beasts that arise by the end-time:
1) The first beast is a Lion with four Eagles wings. (To this
researcher this describes Western Capitalism.)
2) The second beast is a giant bear who it will be said unto it "Go eat
your fill of flesh". (This seems to represent Eastern Communism.)
3) The third beast is a 4 headed leopard with 4 dove wings. (This seems
to represent the corrupt church system of the world.)
4) The fourth beast is a beast larger than all the others with bronze
and iron claws that tramples on everything underfoot. (This appears to be
the UN takeover attempt of America and the entire West.)
In the last paragraphs of the Book of Daniel, this is said to all occur
at "a time, times, and a half a time".
Guess what! Doesn't this work in the equation: 1000 years (a time),
1000 more years (2 "times") and a half a time (a decade). 1000 + 1000 + 5
= 2005!!! (a "time" can be any unit of time, such as a decade, 10 years.)
Daniel was given actual number of days (past a certain starting event)
of when these things would happen and be completed. The number 1290 days
was given to him. This interestingly breaks down to be 3 years, 6 months,
and 11 days - a noticably 'beastly' combination of numbers. Also, 2300
days was given to him as to how long it would take in full for the
reconsecration of God's Kingdom here on Earth. That breaks down into
another 'beastly'
number sequence: 6 years, 3 months, and
18 (or 6+6+6) days. Using September 11th, 2001 as the perfect candidate
for the start of the end day prophecy: 1290 days out leads to March 24th,
2005 (for the 'abomination that causes desolation'), 1335 days (for the
"Blessed" who are still left alive/standing) becomes May 8th, 2005 (a
Sunday/Sabbath - and perhaps a day of The Lord Jesus's second coming),
2300 days past 9-11-01 is December 28th, 2007 (a Good Friday). The only
uncertainty as to which date the devastation would begin is contained in
the prophecy given to John in Revelation. John was told the abomination
will commence on the 1260th day. That would turn out to be February 22nd,
2005 using the 9-11-01 timeline. The Father gives us two dates. He is the
only one who knows the real date however. It seems that if he is
especially disappointed in us, there will be 75 days of hell on earth
rather than 45 days before Christ's second return.
To this researcher who
has been studying the New World Order, its entire history, and the
timeline of events of today - it appears that the New World Order is
attempting to follow Biblical prophecy. If this is indeed true, we can
expect a huge quantity of fake-terrorism to commence on February 22nd,
2005 or March 24th, 2005. Then it appears the next 45 days would be
terrible for all. At the end of the 45 days, whoever is still
alive/standing can count themselves among the Blessed. Perhaps all the
evil/satanic new world
order conspirators would be destroyed with all the unrighteous people God
the Father does not want hanging around anymore, clearing the path for His
Son's glorious return. Then 1000 years of foretold peace would commence,
with the ones who made it to May 8th, 2005 to reign with Christ here on
Earth. {the author of this essay recommends reading the book of Daniel in
its entirety.}
This all might seem fantastic or unbelievable (who naturally wants to
see the world collapse on itself?) but once you become educated all about
the New World Order and then you take a second look at the Bible, it all
starts making pretty clear sense. It is a beautiful plan, for it is our
Father's in Heaven. He knew in the depravity of all of us put together,
that this would occur. Jesus knew this 2000 years ago as well.
The New World Order conspirators 'think' they are doing "God's" work -
but their god - Satan, and not the One True Universal God of peace, Our
Creator. Evil souls are to be vanquished in hell, and the chosen ones are
blessed with Eternal life in Jesus's name.
That's about it. If you find this summary fascinating, perhaps you will
really enjoy the 222 page book, Prophecy
Realized!, (adobe PDF format) available from this website free of
charge. (downloadable) The entire history of the invention, formation, and
use (and abuse) of MONEY is clearly and chronologically represented in Chapter
2 of this book. Timothy warned us that the love of money is the root
of evil. The quest for absolute power is the end-time prophecy.
If you find it chock full of truth (and not lies like the television
newscasters or the mouths of our current politicians) - then please pass
this information on. {keep in mind that all congressman are aware of the
"New World Order" plan for America and the rest of the world. On this site
and others, Ron Paul of
Texas even admits it.} If you hear a congressman clearly admit it -
will you give this information a second read and read the larger (more
detailed) book that has been made available for free distribution?
The author truly believes knowing,
honoring, and accepting Christ's love is the only way for us to
individually and together overcome all this war and evil in our world. The
author recommends Psalm 37 and Psalm 91 for peace of mind during the
tribulations planned for us by our 'loving' government(s) ahead.
To them, the American middle-class is like the American Indian
'problem' all over again. And that never should have been a 'problem'.
May Our Father Bless the Righteous and Condemn the perpetually wicked
of this World!
Peaceful and loving regards, Please click
here to continue with the remainder of this large and exhaustive New
World Order knowledge website. Most importantly, please bring others this
knowledge as well. There is no known misinformation on this website,
aside perhaps (maybe) from the bible prophecy interpretations expressed by
this author stated above. However, does a clearer interpretation
exist? If so, it will be posted here. If the day passes, this author will
still look forward to the next big date in time to base these days off of
and the eventual coming of our Blessed and Blessing Lord Jesus Christ, Son
of the Most High of the Universe.
Let us take the "W" out of war, and Welcome
others to the truth
and knowledge resource website. You will always be made a welcome guest
here by decree of this one website publisher. This site does not claim to
be the source of all truth, but it has been simply made into a good
starting point.
p.s. and they cover-up amazing breakthroughs in energy science that
would revolutionize the world, solve all energy problems, put a small
power-plant in each home, empower each person so much more, provide for so
much more, and spur a new facet of the worldwide economy such as this (Big Oil and the New
World Order has covered up this energy science breakthrough in the media
for over 3 years already.)
A PDF file
(EssayToSaveHumanity.pdf) of this webpage is available for download,
please consider printing and sharing in through e-mail the truth outlined
above. All of us together have the same to lose, and the same to gain.
While America Stays Distracted - the governments continue to make plans
to be the terrorists...
Here is one piece of one example of their criminal
mentality made into a short movie.
Also see:
" The government of the United States does not, in its policies, express the decency of its people. " - Jerry Fresia, author of Toward an American Revolution
" Where is the outrage? ... If we are moved merely by greed, and there's no longer any respect for decent or honest government, then we will suffer the results. " - Barbara Tuchman, historian and author
" It is the job of thinking people, not to be on the side of the executioners. " - Albert Camus, French writer and thinker, 1913-1960
final notes:
Please take a break from taking a break America. Things shouldn't
continue to go they way they have been everyday. The government is taking
a much bigger interest in all of you. They wish to destroy families and
repossess what you have.
You know they make it seem on TV worldwide that Americans are for these
wars yet there are many more housewives in the American middle class who
against this war than for it. They are not all with Barbara Bush and her
gang. She is of European blueblood lineage pushing for the New World
Order. The daddy Bush must of spoke to her about it over 1000 mornings and
evenings since he first called for it in front of the roman fasci's in the House of Representatives on September
11th, 1990!
And so we thought Roman empire fell long ago! Those same families just
fled from Rome to points throughout Europe, Scotland, Germany, and all the
rest to set up their privately controlled banking empires throughout, went
into hiding, and called themselves 'illuminati'! Now the same result!
Almost every American was against Bush's war prior to the bombs
dropping and should be against this new war - as it is on us!
Freedom is not free and it hasn't been earned yet; so turn off the TV
for a while and go make some more friends and talk about things. Kerry is
not the answer and the TV will only make you think you are free as they
continue to lie to you more. Truckers take a stand together, you've been
waiting for the right time and reason, so get on the radios and stop the
engine here in America so it can be quickly fixed and be restarted.
Figuratively, this engine is leaking alot of oil and now idling out of control.
They are planning the reality of that new " The ten horns that thou sawest are ten kings that have not yet
received a kingdom, but who for one hour will receive authority as kings
along with the beast. They have one purpose and they will give their power
and authority to the beast. They will make war against the lamb, but the
lamb will overcome them because He is the Lord of lords and King of kings
- and with Him will be His called, chosen, and faithful followers. " -
Revelation 17:12-14
So are we really going to let them be one step ahead of all of us
America? They actually do have the deadly plagues and the ways to disperse
it all over any city of their choosing. Show them that you are waking
up to this people of America and don't let the devil win - because if this
CONspiracy wins - you lose, and so does the rest of the world, and that
represents alot of people who really need our help more than ever now!
Oh, but Fuehrer
Bush wants to give all you a mental
health screening first. This will likely come with the
vacc(assas)inations being planned after they start releasing the deadly
biological plagues. $5 Billion signed to be spent this year on Operation
"Bio-Shield"!!! When is the last time THE PEOPLE stopped a $5 Billion
federal reserve check backed deceptive bill and gang of elusive big
banking criminals acting like out of control nazi eugenicists?
This page (with graphics) is available as a file as well in zip format:
Can you get your friends around the world to read it?
" The great masses of people will more easily fall victims to a big lie rather than a small one, especially if it is repeated over and over. " - Adolph Hitler
"By the end of this decade (2000 AD) we
will live under the first One World Government that has ever existed in
the society of nations ... a government with absolute authority to decide
the basic issues of human survival. One world government is inevitable."
Pope John Paul II quoted by Malachi Martin in the book "The Keys of This
"It is the sacred principles enshrined in the United Nations charter to
which the American people will henceforth pledge their allegiance."
President George Bush addressing the General Assembly of the U.N.,
February 1,1992.
"The New World Order is a world that has a supernational authority to
regulate world commerce and industry; an international organization that
would control the production and consumption of oil; an international
currency that would replace the dollar; a World Development Fund that
would make funds available to free and Communist nations alike; and an
international police force to enforce the edicts of the New World Order."
Former West German Chancellor, Willy Brandt, former chairman of the
Fifth-Socialist International, who chaired the Brandt Commission in the
late 1980s.
"But this present window of opportunity, during which a truly peaceful
and interdependent world order might be built, will not be open for long.
Already there are powerful forces at work that threaten to destroy all of
our hopes and efforts to erect an enduring structure of global
interdependence." David Rockefeller, speaking at the Business Council for
the United Nations, September 14, 1994. (note: 'interdependence' is the opposite of 'independence'.)
"A colossal event is upon us, the birth of a New World Order." Brent
Scowcroft, George Bush's National Security Advisor, said on the eve of the
Gulf War.
"The Persian Gulf crisis is a rare opportunity to forge new bonds with
old enemies (the Soviet Union)...Out of these troubled times a New World
Order can emerge under a United Nations that performs as envisioned by its
founders." President George Bush, September 11, 1990.
"The world can therefore seize the opportunity (the Persian Gulf
crisis) to fulfill the long held promise of a New World Order where
diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the
universal aspirations of mankind." President George Bush in his State of
the Union Address, January 29, 1991.
"NAFTA is a major stepping stone to the New World Order." - Henry
Kissinger when campaigning for the passage of NAFTA.
"Further global progress is now possible only through a quest for
universal consensus in the movement towards a new world order." Mikhail
Gorbachev, in an address at the United Nations, December 1988.
"We are not going to achieve a new world order without paying for it in
blood as well as in words {lies} and money." Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., in
"Foreign Affairs," July/August 1995.
"...In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the
bottom up rather than from the top down. It will look like a great
'booming, buzzing confusion,' to use William James' famous description of
reality, but an end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by
piece, will accomplish much more than the old-fashioned frontal assault."
Richard N. Gardner, in "Foreign Affairs," April 1974.
"When we got organized as a country and we wrote a fairly radical
Constitution with a radical Bill of Rights, giving a radical amount of
individual freedom to Americans... and so a lot of people say there's too
much personal freedom. When personal freedom's being abused, you have to
move to limit it. That's what we did in the announcement I made last
weekend on the public housing projects, about how we're going to have
weapon sweeps and more things like that to try to make people safer in
their communities." President Bill Clinton, 3-22-94, MTV's "Enough is
Enough" Clinton is of the "Collins" illuminati family bloodline.
"We can't be so fixated on our desire to preserve the rights of
ordinary Americans..." Bill Clinton (USA TODAY, 11 March 1993, page 2A)
"Whatever the price of the Chinese Revolution, it has obviously
succeeded not only in producing more efficient and dedicated
administration, but also in fostering high morale and community of
purpose. The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao's leadership is
one of the most important and successful in human history." David
Rockefeller, statement in 1973 about Mao Tse-tung: (NY Times 8-10-73)
"You need only reflect that one of the best ways to get yourself a
reputation as a dangerous citizen these days is to go about repeating the
very phrases which our founding fathers used in the great struggle for
independence." Charles Austin Beard (1874-1948)
"We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis and the nations will accept the New World Order." - David Rockefeller (Stated before September 11th, 2001), Former Chairman of Chase-Manhattan Bank and Conspiring Master Globalist
" Out of these troubled times, we can see a New World Order coming into view. What is at stake is more than one small country { meaning the United States of America }... It is a BIG IDEA, a NEW WORLD ORDER, where diverse nations are drawn in together in common cause... " - George H. Bush Sr., International Terrorist, [ While addressing congress on September 11th, 1990 ( video clip below) ]
"We are grateful to the Washington Post,
The New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose
directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of
discretion for almost forty years. It would have been impossible for us to
develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of
publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and
prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational
sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely
preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past
centuries." David Rockefeller, Baden-Baden, Germany 1991
"When all government, domestic and foreign, in little as in great
things, shall be drawn to Washington as the center of all power, it will
render powerless the checks provided of one government on another and will
become as venal and oppressive as the government from which we separated."
-- Thomas Jefferson
"Naturally the common people don't want war: Neither in Russia, nor in
England, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood. But, after
all, IT IS THE LEADERS of the country who determine the policy and it is
always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a
democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist
dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the
bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is TELL THEM THEY
ARE BEING ATTACKED, and denounce the peacemakers for lack of patriotism
and exposing the country to danger. IT WORKS THE SAME IN ANY COUNTRY."
Hermann Goering, President of the Reichstag, Nazi Party, and Luftwaffe
Commander in Chief
"Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to
restore order. Tomorrow they will be grateful! This is especially true if
they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond, whether real
or promulgated, that threatened our very existence. It is then that all
peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from this evil. The one
thing every man fears is the unknown. When presented with this scenario,
individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of
their well-being granted to them by the World Government." Dr. Henry
Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
"The truth of the matter is that you do have those standby provisions,
and the statutory emergency plans are there whereby you could, in the name
of stopping terrorism, apprehend, invoke the military, and arrest
Americans and hold them in detention camps." U.S. Representative Henry
Gonzalez, August 29, 1994
"One of the least understood strategies of the world revolution now
moving rapidly toward its goal is the use of mind control as a major means
of obtaining the consent of the people who will be subjects of the New
World Order." From The National Educator, K.M. Heaton
"The business of the New York journalist is to destroy truth; to lie
outright; to pervert; to vilify, to fawn at the feet of Mammon; to sell
his country and his race for his daily bread. We are the tools and vessels
for rich men behind the scenes. We are intellectual prostitutes." - John
Swinton, editor of the New York Tribune.
"All governments are run by liars and nothing they say should be
believed." I.F. Stone.
"A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from
present levels, would be ideal." Ted Turner, in an interview with Audubon
"Every child is our child." -- Motto of the United Nations Children's
Fund (UNICEF).
"The UN is but a long-range, international banking apparatus clearly
set up for financial and economic profit by a small group of powerful
One-World revolutionaries, hungry for profit and power." Curtis Dall,
FDR's son-in-law as quoted in his book, My Exploited Father-in-Law
"Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be
for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be
important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the
greatest care, and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake
so that much that now is unthinkable may at least become thinkable." Sir
Julian Huxley, first Director General of UNESCO, 1946-1948.
"We must speak the truth about terror. Let us never tolerate outrageous
conspiracy theories concerning the attacks of September the 11th,
malicious lies that attempt to shift the blame away from the terrorists
themselves, away from the guilty." George W Bush speaking before the UN
General Assembly 11/10/2001
" The first casualty of war is always truth." - Rudyard Kipling
" Oh Mortal Man, is there nothing you cannot be made to believe? " - Adam Weishaupt, Co-Founder of the New World Order
"The high office of the President has been used to foment a plot to
destroy the American's freedom and before I leave office, I must inform
the citizen of this plight." President John Fitzgerald Kennedy - In a
speech made to Columbia University on Nov. 12, 1963, ten days before his
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