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News :: Economy
video:Senator Bennett endorses penny stock scam with striptease club,bribery connection !! Current rating: 0
05 Aug 2005
Modified: 10:48:51 PM
This article may be seen as an addition or extension to the following story I posted on indybay a short while back.While I was defrauded by 'select clients' of Charles Schwab and the fraudulent biotech penny stock company Endovasc of Montgomery, Texas (incorporated in Nevada,of course), using a Stanford patent in their promotions who ran an illegal pump and dump from a Charles Schwab account,the company and their 'famed Texas trial attorney' John O'Quinn extended the fraud by claiming Charles Schwab,my broker, of 'naked shorting' shares,(meaning selling shares that do not exist), thus causing Endovasc and my shares to plummet in value.
The truth is millions of shares were being illegally dumped from a Schwab account and someone(s) at Charlles Schwab was aiding and abetting the in covering up as they defrauded me and other unidentified investors. 'Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering'on indybay with link to controversial pdf file Charles Schwab does not want public :

Funny in a way that a penny stock scam called 'naked shorting' ,and with Beltway connections as I've come to discover ,
used a Las Vegas striptease club as a fraudulent address.And Senator Bennett further used not a reputable business journal or securities adviser to back up his claim but instead 'FinancialWire' that has been promoting scammy stocks as and their 'management' as victims of 'naked short selling' for years that are all penny stocks known to be involved in illegal pump and dump activities and possibly money laundering !!!

And he claims to be competent in business
and banking !! And his own constituent , Patrick Byrne, whose has a very questionable business model and who donated $500,000 himself to run ads against Democratic VP candidate Edwards and support the Swift Boat Captains against Kerry had only in February placed a $100,000 + ad-letter to W Bush in the Washington Post claiming 'naked shorting' was the key reason not to place SS funds in markets.Well he only promotes stock fraud !

The truth is he and a penny stock fraudster using the alias 'Bob O'Brien'who will not reveal his name appear to be running a scam and the Senator is either
incompetent or in cahoots.He should apologise for allowing his name to be associated with penny stock scams aledgedly hatched in striptease clubs.

The video:

(Note I will add an interview of 'Bob O'Brien' who I believe to be James Dale Davidson,by prestigious Wall Street Journal investigator and writer Carol Remond in additional commentary below this.The use of the Las Vegas Cheetah Club striptease address among other things,are discussed in that interview.

Take this link and scroll below the 'Boycott the Washington Post' announcement and see Carol Remond's well researched article about the Senator Bennett,Patrick Byrne and ncans connections,both economic and political.)

This is all a fraud.The rapid rise in value of most penny stocks is caused by a insiders to that fraud promoting the company and its' worthless shares to a gullible public such as myself. James Dale Davidson,who I believe to be the Bob O'Brien whose anonymity is protected by Senator Bennett and his Utah 'constituent' Patrick Byrne, through his Agora Publications,which is a multi-tentacled stock promotion enterprise even promoted the CIA connected 'Ionatron' stock,reported by Christopher Byron of The New York Post.The equally rapid collapse in share value comes from dumping millions of shares from pumping those shares after a fraudulent promotion which is illegal !!!!!

This Agora Publications of James Dale Davidson,Bill Bonner, promoted so many scammy stocks over the years my Endovasc losses from this manipulation and George Tenet's and CIA insiders obscene gains from dumping of shares of Ionatron that Agora Publications promoted is, unfortunately,nothing new.
.(Do google 'cia tenet ionatron' or 'cia gilman louie less than honest')).

This is also a follow up to my 'Google Censors Indymedia for Partick Byrne, and the Wshington Post' and another article-commentary here that can be found by doing a 'ryals' search of the utah.indymedia site.

Or if you wish to know a little more about James Dale Davidson who is also the man who 'promoted' the idea that Clinton killed Vince Foster as a political smear,check out utah.indymedia for,'J.D.Davidson of 'Clinton killed V.Foster,a fraud'.

The video was made by and an unidentified person who uses the alias 'Bob O'Brien' who Senator Bennett probably knows as James Dale Davidson of the Beltway and founder of National Taxpayers Union among other things. Although it was cut out of the tape,Senator Bennett, during the hearing with the SEC's former Chairman Donaldson, particularly decries the non-existent problem of 'naked short selling' which is really a fraudulent claim used to mask unaudited shares and consequent illegal pump and dump operations of U.S.penny stocks, both onshore from U.S. brokerages and offshore around the world,including terrorist suspect countries such as Kuala Lumpur,Dubai as well as Bermuda,etc..This both defrauds Americans and can be used in illicit money laundering operations.Why is the Senator unconcerned about that ?

For those who are unaware,Utah itself has a bad reputation for welcoming such criminality into the state.Nevada,Florida,and Texas do as well with Nevada being the most corrupt in my opinion.Even if Utah feels it benefits from such fraud,I doubt it does.It only invites criminals into the state and puts money into their pockets,at times ,at the expense of honest citizens of Utah.

While I may post additional commentary it should be noted that the Cheetah Club of Las Vegas is owned by the same father and son who own the Cheetah Club in San Diego that has been investigated for bribery and corruption of public officials there.And in fairness it was the ncan's founder's first stock tout website,, founded to promote Novastar Financial or NFI,that specifically used the Cheetah Club,Las Vegas address.

NCANS' Mary Helburn is actually the 'star' of the video featuring your Senator whose link , as you can see, is below. She is the one who calls herself 'Mary Campbell' in the video and does not disclose she is the president of NCANS,that promotes a number of questionable,(to say the least ),penny stock companies who all have in common illegal,(if the SEC did its' job)pump and dump promotions such as the Global Links(gbll) that Senator Bennett was used in the promotion of !!!! She also misled in a letter to the editor(do google search 'mary helburn')in which she suggested SEC employees commit 'suicide' that NCANS was located in Ohio !!!!

And all of the penny stock companies claiming to be victims of 'naked short selling' avoid audits of shares they sell through brokers or even offshore 'boiler rooms' and thus, coincidentally,are very conducive to use for money laundering !! If you can't or don't audit shares,and the SEC fails miserably at this,you can't audit the flow of money .Get it ? Why is Senator Bennett aiding and abetting illegal penny stock pump and dump activities where terrorists or any other criminals would find harbor to launder money ?

I challenge Senator Bennett,just as I did James Angel the Georgetown professor also appears in the video,(and who in fairness says he was videoed out of context),to prove Global Links,or any other penny stock for that matter, is the victim of 'naked shorting' as opposed to being frauds and covering up share flow auditing !!!

Also the fraudulent and secretive has a San Diego Wells Fargo account and are represented by San Diego law firm SADR & BARRERA, APLC, ATTORNEY CLIENT TRUST, Account number 0430243675.Shouldn't someone tell this San Diego law firm they are representing illegal penny stock pump and dump criminals who will not identify themselves for that reason and that money laundering with penny stock shares is possibly involved ? Shouldn't the California Department of Corporations be compelled to investigate this massive penny stock scam being operated out of the state of California ?

And a Cheetah Club of San Diego convicted of bribing San Diego city council members is owned by same father-son team who owns the Cheetah Club in Las Vegas used by 'Bob O'Brien' of National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling used as a fictitious address !!!! What has become of America ? Why the unending corrupition,dear reader,much of it emanating from the Beltway coincidentally ?

And why did Charles Schwab aid and abet Endovasc fraud,using a Stanford patent from Charles Schwab's own Alma Mater in Endovasc's case to promote their scam,and allow me to be robbed blind by their 'select clients' even if I was naive ? Is that an excuse for Charles Schwab and its Beltway connected Mantas Inc.'anti-money laundering and anti-pump and dump professionals' to allow organized crime to get away with securities fraud ?

Does Senator Bennett endorse the Cheetah Club striptease as well ?
Or is it only natural that the 'naked short scam' of Beltway connected James Dale Davidson's' , or 'National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling, should have a Las Vegas striptease club connection,at least as a fraudulent address ?

And like his National Taxpayers Union and his now defunct National Association Against Naked Short Selling or 'NAANSS', which was also used to mask his illegal pump and dump of penny stocks both onshore and offshore,is it only natural that it should have the phoney pretense of 'national'in its acronym to divert attention from the fact that it is an international criminal,even money laundering, enterprise using unaudited shares of U.S. penny stocks to disguise the flow of money, often from defrauded Americans in illegal pump and dump activities to and for offshore entities,Americans or not.

And is it only 'natural' that it's original website at the time of the February 8,2005, $100,000 + ad-letter to President Bush in the Washington Post (and paid for in great part by Utah's and's Patrick Byrne),claiming Bush had to stop 'naked short selling' before it was safe to invest SS funds in stock markets, would be an address and website located in the British Virgen Islands ? The website was since moved to San Diego coincidentally.

Doesn't Senator Bennett realise he has been made a laughing stock by James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union,Agora Publications ,etc. ? And he is aiding and abetting illegal pumps and dumps and offhore money laundering though the SEC's absurd Reg.S and other penny stock share distribution schemes by touting for Davidson's ? Doesn't he realise the anonymous person calling himself 'Bob O'Brien'(James Dale Davidson)used a fraudulent address,(the Cheetah striptease Club in Las Vegas!!),for this mafiosi scam ?

Doesn't Senator Robert Bennett realise that the 'stop naked shorting' fraud is a scam and he was set up by James Davidson and Senator Bennett's constituent in Utah,Patrick Byrne and his,who are the ones who placed the $100,000 plus ad-letter to President Bush in the Washington Post to promote a stock fraud claiming Social Security investing was threatened by 'naked short selling' when in truth the fraudulent claim was and is used to disguise the flow or manipulation and illegal pump and dump of penny stock shares aiding and abetting fraud and money laundering !? And far from protecting investors, he is working,knowingly or not, with their defrauders ?

And is the Securities Exchange Commission going to allow the 'naked short scam',(much worse than the Nigerian letter scam), to go on indefinitely when it is originating in their own Beltway backyard ? Will the fraudulent absurdity never end ? Do they want money to be laundered and American retail 'investors' in U.S.penny stocks to be defrauded by Beltway criminals and a Las Vegas penny stock mafia ?

Does Senator Bennett not realise that the website of the group his reputation has helped to promote had their website based in B.V.I. KNOWN FOR PENNY STOCK FRAUD AND MONEY LAUNDERING BEFORE MOVING IT TO SAN DIEGO ?

Senator Bennett and James Dale Davidson even touted the Global Links(gbll) penny stock as a victim of 'naked shorting'.This is why,ethically more than ever,it is important for Senator Bennett to acknowledge his assertion of it as being a victim of 'naked shorting selling' was false.Senator Bennett may be aiding and abetting money laundering through penny stocks wittingly or not through such false claims.

Some say a Mormon Bishop is behind the Global Links(gbll) scam.I don't know,but I do know that to knowingly promote Global Links as a victim of naked short selling' is fraud.

from the 'Bob O'Brien or James Dale Davidson website:

Never A Dull Moment
Mark Faulk, in one of his latest installments of The Faulking Truth, does a follow-up on the Global Links story - a saga that highlights the depth of the Fail To Deliver problem, and raises troubling questions about the role that the SEC and the DTCC are playing. His piece can be seen here. I note with wry amusement that the reporter he takes on as being one of the greatest disseminator of misleading information is one of our favorites: Carol Remond. She also happens to be the reporter that the hedge fund drive to discover my identity was shifted to when the issue became too embarrassing for WSJ Jesse Eisinger to pursue.

Here are a few select quotations from Mark's outstanding piece:

"... It seems that Robert Simpson, CEO of a small company in Michigan called Zann Corp., had bought every available share of Global Links Corp after the company had reduced their outstanding shares to about 1.1 million shares from more than 350 millions shares in early February. Incredibly, over the next two days, over 50 million shares traded hands, even though Simpson owned every share, and there were only 1.1 million shares even in existence.

The Global Links story is one that, like the Stockgate scandal itself, just won't go away. While some articles have called it the "poster child" of the Stockgate scandal, others have been more concerned with discussing their lack of financial success over the past few years, while ignoring the more important issue of how brokers could buy and sell almost fifty times the total issued shares in only two days, especially since those shares were presumably in the account of just one shareholder.

The Faulking Truth has received numerous emails from other GLKC stockholders who held shares totaling over 400,000 during the same time period. In fact, Global Links representative Patrick Donahoo says that "During the month of February, we were literally besieged by stockholders who were digging for information. While we cannot confirm exactly how many shares were purchased and held, we believe that this number exceeds 20 million shares." Twenty million shares out of a total available float of 1,158,064. Where did the other nineteen million shares come from?"

Now, I may not be a mathematician, but even I can understand that the likelihood of all of this being innocent is nil. And yet the system keeps insisting that there's no problem, and the DTCC is pushing the states to eliminate requirements for any paper certificates, thereby eliminating the only mechanism with which investors can verify that they aren't being screwed by the participants. Does any of this seem a trifle alarming? The entire trading/regulatory framework is simply ignoring the elephant in the room, while the DTCC works frantically to eliminate the last of the proof of malfeasance.

What's wrong with this picture?

Read all of Mark's piece - it's a stunner.

# posted by bob obrien @ 1:03 PM 0 comments

(The above writing of 'O'Brien' or James Dale Davidson from,who along with's Patrick Byrne placed a $100,000+ ad-letter on February 8 in the Washington Post erroneously claiming naked short selling to be the biggest danger to placing SS funds in stock markets.

This is also the penny stock specifically mentioned by Senator Bennett in hearing with the SEC's Donaldson as the poster child victim of 'naked short selling'.His erroneous comment actually caused a wave of buying of shares and consequent insider selling or dumping.Or what is known as an illegal 'pump and dump'.

The truth is, Mr.Davidson,founder of the National Taxpayers Union,and who is probably 'O'Brien' or his chief backer at,fraudulently uses the claim to mask his illegal penny stock pumps and dumps and probably money laundering.)

More about
by Tony Ryals Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 9:01 PM
ncansisscam (at)

more about Cheetah Club,,etc. right from their website where 'Bob O'Brien' posted his interview with Carol Remond in hopes of beating WSJ to a story,and in his mind, decreasing chances WSJ would do one.

from'She(Carol Remond) brought up the Cheetah Club and BVI locations of the website registration, and seemed annoyed at my sense of humor. I can understand that not everyone has the same sense of humor, or any, for that manner. I think it's safe to say at this point that this was fairly adversarial - there wasn't a lot of interest in hearing about the issue, but rather a non-stop barrage of "when did you stop beating your wife" sorts of questions.'

Carol Remond of Dow Jones
Email is Carol.Remond (at)
Bob O'Brien speaks with the press - a summary I spoke at some length this morning with reporter from Dow Jones. She seemed troubled by the idea that I have chosen to remain anonymous. I pointed out that I have several attorney friends that indicated that was a prudent choice, as I didn't want a horse head in my bed one morning. She seemed to feel that it brought my message into question - she really seemed to dislike the idea that nobody else was troubled by it, that I was completely up-front as to why I had made that choice, and that it was common knowledge that I used a pseudonym for privacy reasons.

We discussed the Reg SHO problem, and her position was that the system seemed to be working, and that the Reg SHO list had all sorts of plausible explanations - none of which she was able to articulate for specific examples I brought up. I pointed out that the preliminary list had been circulated as of Dec. 3, and that many of the companies that had been on the list as of that date were still on it today. I also asked what her logic was for pardoning the failures up to January 7, 2005, given that there had been rules against naked shorting/Failing To Deliver for 71 years. She was non-responsive to that. We chatted about the foreign exchanges, and I articulated my theory that they were being used as a pretense by offshore hedge funds to Fail To Deliver - "waiting on Berlin time" as 'twere. She indicated that the SEC and the NASD had gone to Germany and satisfied themselves that no naked shorting was going on through Germany - I pointed out that I didn't say that they were naked shorting through Germany, but rather using the German exchanges as a pretense for Failing To Deliver here. She didn't like that and instead went back to her statement, attempting, I believe, to attribute it to me. I corrected her.

This seemed adversarial at this point, and I inquired why a highly intelligent, obviously informed person would be deliberately introducing fallacious arguments and attempting to re-configure my statements so that they seemed pejorative. She indicated that she thought it was dishonest of me to be Bob O'Brien rather than using my real name. I asked why that changed the truth of the message. She didn't have much to say about that, other than that I could be some sort of a stock tout or trader or something - to which I responded how did running an advocacy ad with no symbols on it constitute a stock tout - no answer from her.

We then discussed who the contributors were for NCANS, I invited her to check the Yahoo message boards so that she could see all the small investors who had posted "I sent my check" messages." She seemed really stuck on the notion that it was all some sort of a scam. Dave Patch, who runs, and who has been very helpful in bringing me up to speed on the abuses, and Gary Vallenotti, CEO of Jag Media, were both introduced to the discussion - she seemed very interested in whether they were members of NCANS or not. I indicated that they hadn't donated, but I considered them members - hey guys, you want to be members? Anyway, she then wanted to know if we were registered or licensed anywhere, and I indicated that I wasn't aware of any registration or license we required, and asked her if she did? She didn't, but acted as though we should have been. Interesting.

The topic returned to why I was a rat b*stard for not wanting the bad guys on Wall Street to have my home address and phone number. I again pointed out that not all the players on the street played by the King's rules. She poo-pooed that, and went back to what I "should" do in order to have "credibility" - I again asked why the messenger was so important when the message was so important. No reply. She indicated that if you were going to write to the President, you should be willing to sign it. I asked where the etiquette rules were as I'd misplaced my copy - there was a conspicuous lack of amusement from her end.

She brought up the Cheetah Club and BVI locations of the website registration, and seemed annoyed at my sense of humor. I can understand that not everyone has the same sense of humor, or any, for that manner. I think it's safe to say at this point that this was fairly adversarial - there wasn't a lot of interest in hearing about the issue, but rather a non-stop barrage of "when did you stop beating your wife" sorts of questions.

We then moved to who was involved in creating the ad, and I indicated that it was an agency that had asked to remain anonymous. She hated that. Wanted to know if we had any high profile contributors - I said all would be revealed on our schedule. She asked if I'd ever heard of some other coalition, and I said I thought I had heard of something from years ago that was linked in some way to some penny stock scammers, but I could be wrong - it was a long time ago and it was an email exchange that it was mentioned in. She seemed to feel that had significance, but couldn't articulate why.

We then again returned to why I was suspect as I wouldn't say who I really was. We discussed Rocker Partners, and I indicated that they were presumed to be the large short in NFI - she reframed some of my statements, and I corrected her and indicated that I wouldn't say anything libelous about Mr. Rocker. She went back to who had threatened me, and wanted to know if I was saying that Rocker was threatening me. I replied that I was saying no such thing. And so on.

We went back to why I thought that there was a problem with naked shorting/Failing To Deliver. I pointed out that Reg SHO was proof of the Fail To Delivers being fact, not theory. We then went round and round on whether there was definitive proof that the DTCC and the NYSE and the NASD and the NASDAQ and the SEC were covering up a systemic problem. I asked what she would need other than a list of companies where the laws on the books for 71 years had been violated. She didn't have an answer for that.

She asked for Mary's phone number, which I got back to her with. Wanted to know how many checks we'd received. I told her somewhere between 50 and 100 - I wasn't sure as I'm not handling that. She wanted again to know how many members we had, I said 150-200 or so, but growing steadily.

I think it's safe to say that my chances of having dinner with Carol are slim at this point. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I detected an agenda that didn't have a lot in common with telling an impartial story. So we can all assume that she will not be depicting me with a cape and a little mask, defending the downtrodden.

I hope I'm wrong, and that I misunderstood. Perhaps anyone that sent in donations can email her so she knows that real people are really upset about this and really sent money. Maybe then she'll get that we really are mad as hell and aren't going to take it any

Copyright © 2005

An interesting point to note,James Dale Davidson had a similar dislike of Carol Remond when she reported on his Genemax(gmxx) and Endovasc(evsc) penny stock scams in
2002.Also at that time he ran a wabite called NAANSS OR National Association Against Naked Shrt Selling'.Now his new scam in NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling.And he founded the National Taxpayers Union in 1969 proving pseudo-patriotism is the refuge of scoudrels and frauds.

add your comments
video:Senator Bennett endorses penny stock scam with striptease club connection !!
by Tony Ryals Friday, Aug. 05, 2005 at 1:09 AM
ncansisscam (at)

This article may be seen as an addition or extension to the following story I posted here on indybay a short while back. While I was defrauded by 'select clients' of Charles Schwab and the fraudulent biotech penny stock company Endovasc of Montgomery,Texas (incorporated in Nevada,of course), using a Stanford patent in their promotions who ran an illegal pump and dump from a Charles Schwab account, the company and their 'famed Texas trial attorney' John O'Quinn extended the fraud by claiming Charles Schwab,my broker, of 'naked shorting' shares,(meaning selling shares that do not exist), thus causing Endovasc and my shares to plummet in value. The truth is millions of shares were being illegally dumped from a Schwab account and someone(s) at Charlles Schwab was aiding and abetting the in covering up as they defrauded me and other unidentified investors. 'Charles Schwab and Share-Money Laundering'on indybay with link to controversial pdf file Charles Schwab does not want public :

The video:

(Note I will add an interview of 'Bob O'Brien' who I believe to be James Dale Davidson,by prestigious Wall Street Journal investigator and writer Carol Remond in additional commentary below this.The use of the Las Vegas Cheeah Club striptease address among other things,are discussed in that interview.

Take this link and scroll below the 'Boycott the Washington Post' announcement and see Carol Remond's well researched article about the Senator Bennett,Patrick Byrne and ncans connections,both economic and political.)

This was all a fraud.The rapid rise in value was caused by an insider to that fraud,James Dale Davidson,promoting the company and its' shares through his Agora Publications,which is a multi-tentacled stock promotion enterprise.Agora even promoted the CIA connected 'Ionatron' stock,reported by Christopher Byron of The New York Post, among others.The equally rapid collapse in share value came from dumping millions of shares from a Charles Schwab pump and account,which is illegal !!!!!

This Agora Publications has promoted so many scammy stocks over the years my Endovasc losses from this manipulation and George Tenet's and CIA insiders obscene gains from dumping of shares of Ionatron that Agora Publications promoted is,unfortunately,nothing new.
.(Do google 'cia tenet ionatron' or 'cia gilman louie less than honest')).

This is also a follow up to my 'Google Censors Indymedia for Partick Byrne,' and another article-commentary here that can be found by doing a 'ryals' search of this utah.indymedia site.

The video was made by and an unidentified person who uses the alias 'Bob O'Brien' who Senator Bennett probably knows as James Dale Davidson of the Beltway and founder of National Taxpayers Union among other things. Although it was cut out of the tape,Senator Bennett, during the hearing with the SEC's former Chairman Donaldson, particularly decries the non-existent problem of 'naked short selling' which is really a fraudulent claim used to mask unaudited shares and consequent illegal pump and dump operations of U.S.penny stocks, both onshore from U.S. brokerages and offshore around the world,including terrorist suspect countries such as Kuala Lumpur,Dubai as well as Bermuda,etc..This both defrauds Americans and can be used in illicit money laundering operations.Why is the Senator unconcerned about that ?

For those who are unaware,Utah itself has a bad reputation for welcoming such criminality into the state. Nevada,Florida, and Texas do as well with Nevada being the most corrupt in my opinion.Even if Utah feels it benefits from such fraud,I doubt it does.It only invites criminals into the state and puts money into their pockets,at times ,at the expense of honest citizens of Utah.

While I may post additional commentary it should be noted that the Cheetah Club of Las Vegas is owned by the same father and son who own the Cheetah Club in San Diego that has been investigated for bribery and corruption of public officials there.And in fairness it was the ncan's founder's first stock tout website,,founded to promote Novastar Financial or NFI,that specifically used the Cheetah Club,Las Vegas address.

NCANS' Mary Helburn is actually the 'star' of the video featuring your Senator whose link ,as you can see, is below. She is the one who calls herself 'Mary Campbell' in the video and does not disclose she is the president of NCANS,that promotes a number of questionable,(to say the least ),penny stock companies who all have in common illegal,(if the SEC did its' job)pump and dump promotions such as the Global Links(gbll) that Senator Bennett was used in the promotion of !!!! She also misled in a letter to the editor(do google search 'mary helburn')in which she suggested SEC employees commit 'suicide' that NCANS
was located in Ohio !!!!

And all of the penny stock companies claiming to be victims of 'naked short selling' avoid audits of shares they sell through brokers or even offshore 'boiler rooms' and thus, coincidentally,are very conducive to use for money laundering !! If you can't or don't audit shares,and the SEC fails miserably at this,you can't audit the flow of money .Get it ? Why is Senator Bennett aiding and abetting illegal penny stock pump and dump activities where terrorists or any other criminals would find harbor to launder money ?

I challenge Senator Bennett,just as I did James Angel the Georgetown professor also appears in the video,(and who in fairness says he was videoed out of context),to prove Global Links,or any other penny stock for that matter, is the victim of 'naked shorting' as opposed to being frauds and covering up share flow auditing !!!

Also the fraudulent and secretive has a San Diego Wells Fargo account and are represented by San Diego law firm SADR & BARRERA, APLC, ATTORNEY CLIENT TRUST, Account number 0430243675.Shouldn't someone tell this San Diego law firm they are representing illegal penny stock pump and dump criminals who will not identify themselves for that reason and that money laundering with penny stock shares is possibly involved ? Shouldn't the California Department of Corporations be compelled to investigate this massive penny stock scam being operated out of the state of California ?

And a Cheetah Club of San Diego convicted of bribing San Diego city council members is owned by same father-son team who owns the Cheetah Club in Las Vegas used by 'Bob O'Brien' of National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling used as a fictitious address !!!! What has become of America ? Why the unending corrupition,dear reader,much of it emanating from the Beltway coincidentally ?

And why did Charles Schwab aid and abet this fraud,using a Stanford patent from Charles Schwab's own Alma Mater in Endovasc's case to promote their scam,and allow me to be robbed blind by their 'select clients' even if I was naive ? Is that an excuse for Charles Schwab and its Beltway connected Mantas Inc.'anti-money laundering and anti-pump and dump professionals' to allow organized crime to get away with securities fraud ?

Does Senator Bennett endorse the Cheetah Club striptease as well ? Or is it only natural that the 'naked short scam' of Beltway connected James Dale Davidson's' ,or 'National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling, should have a Las Vegas striptease club connection,at least as a fraudulent address ?

And like his National Taxpayers Union and his now defunct National Association Against Naked Short Selling or 'NAANSS', which was also used to mask his illegal pump and dump of penny stocks both onshore and offshore,is it only natural that it should have the phoney pretense of 'national'in its acronym to divert attention from the fact that it is an international criminal,even money laundering,
enterprise using unaudited shares of U.S. penny stocks to disguise the flow of money, often from defrauded Americans in illegal pump and dump activities to and for offshore entities,Americans or not.

And is it only 'natural' that it's original website at the time of the February 8,2005, $100,000 + ad-letter to President Bush in the Washington Post (and paid for in great part by Utah's and's Patrick Byrne),claiming Bush had to stop 'naked short selling' before it was safe to invest SS funds in stock markets, would be an address and website located in the British Virgen Islands ? The website was since moved to San Diego coincidentally.

Doesn't Senator Bennett realise he has been made a laughing stock by James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union,Agora Publications ,etc. ? And he is aiding and abetting illegal pumps and dumps and offhore money laundering though the SEC's absurd Reg.S and other penny stock share distribution schemes by touting for Davidson's ? Doesn't he realise the anonymous person calling himself 'Bob O'Brien'(James Dale Davidson)used a fraudulent address,(the Cheetah striptease Club in Las Vegas!!),for this mafiosi scam ?

Doesn't Senator Robert Bennett realise that the 'stop naked shorting' fraud is a scam and he was set up by James Davidson and Senator Bennett's constituent in Utah,Patrick Byrne and his,who are the ones who placed the $100,000 plus ad-letter to President Bush in the Washington Post to promote a stock fraud claiming Social Security investing was threatened by 'naked short selling' when in truth the fraudulent claim was and is used to disguise the flow or manipulation and illegal pump and dump of penny stock shares aiding and abetting fraud and money laundering !? And far from protecting investors, he is working,knowingly or not, with their defrauders ?

And is the Securities Exchange Commission going to allow the 'naked short scam',(much worse than the Nigerian letter scam), to go on indefinitely when it is originating in their own Beltway backyard ? Will the fraudulent absurdity never end ? Do they want money to be laundered and American retail 'investors' in U.S.penny stocks to be defrauded by Beltway criminals and a Las Vegas penny stock mafia ?

Does Senator Bennett not realise that the website of the group his reputation has helped to promote had their website based in B.V.I. KNOWN FOR PENNY STOCK FRAUD AND MONEY LAUNDERING BEFORE MOVING IT TO SAN DIEGO ?

Senator Bennett and James Dale Davidson even touted the Global Links(gbll) penny stock as a victim of 'naked shorting'.This is why,ethically more than ever,it is important for Senator Bennett to acknowledge his assertion of it as being a victim of 'naked shorting selling' was false.Senator Bennett may be aiding and abetting money laundering through penny stocks wittingly or not through such false claims.

Some say a Mormon Bishop is behind the Global Links(gbll) scam.I don't know,but I do know that to knowingly promote Global Links as a victim of naked short selling' is fraud.

from the 'Bob O'Brien or James Dale Davidson website:

Never A Dull Moment
Mark Faulk, in one of his latest installments of The Faulking Truth, does a follow-up on the Global Links story - a saga that highlights the depth of the Fail To Deliver problem, and raises troubling questions about the role that the SEC and the DTCC are playing. His piece can be seen here. I note with wry amusement that the reporter he takes on as being one of the greatest disseminator of misleading information is one of our favorites: Carol Remond. She also happens to be the reporter that the hedge fund drive to discover my identity was shifted to when the issue became too embarrassing for WSJ Jesse Eisinger to pursue.

Here are a few select quotations from Mark's outstanding piece:

"... It seems that Robert Simpson, CEO of a small company in Michigan called Zann Corp., had bought every available share of Global Links Corp after the company had reduced their outstanding shares to about 1.1 million shares from more than 350 millions shares in early February. Incredibly, over the next two days, over 50 million shares traded hands, even though Simpson owned every share, and there were only 1.1 million shares even in existence.

The Global Links story is one that, like the Stockgate scandal itself, just won't go away. While some articles have called it the "poster child" of the Stockgate scandal, others have been more concerned with discussing their lack of financial success over the past few years, while ignoring the more important issue of how brokers could buy and sell almost fifty times the total issued shares in only two days, especially since those shares were presumably in the account of just one shareholder.

The Faulking Truth has received numerous emails from other GLKC stockholders who held shares totaling over 400,000 during the same time period. In fact, Global Links representative Patrick Donahoo says that "During the month of February, we were literally besieged by stockholders who were digging for information. While we cannot confirm exactly how many shares were purchased and held, we believe that this number exceeds 20 million shares." Twenty million shares out of a total available float of 1,158,064. Where did the other nineteen million shares come from?"

Now, I may not be a mathematician, but even I can understand that the likelihood of all of this being innocent is nil. And yet the system keeps insisting that there's no problem, and the DTCC is pushing the states to eliminate requirements for any paper certificates, thereby eliminating the only mechanism with which investors can verify that they aren't being screwed by the participants. Does any of this seem a trifle alarming? The entire trading/regulatory framework is simply ignoring the elephant in the room, while the DTCC works frantically to eliminate the last of the proof of malfeasance.

What's wrong with this picture?

Read all of Mark's piece - it's a stunner.

# posted by bob obrien @ 1:03 PM 0 comments

(The above writing of 'O'Brien' or James Dale Davidson from,who along with's Patrick Byrne placed a $100,000+ ad-letter on February 8 in the Washington Post erroneously claiming 'naked short selling'to be the biggest danger to placing SS funds in stock markets.

This is also the penny stock specifically mentioned by Senator Bennett in hearing with the SEC's Donaldson as the poster child victim of 'naked short selling'.His erroneous comment actually caused a wave of buying of shares and consequent insider selling or dumping.Or what is known as an illegal 'pump and dump'.

The truth is, Mr.Davidson,founder of the National Taxpayers Union,and who is probably 'O'Brien' or his chief backer at,fraudulently uses the claim to mask his illegal penny stock pumps and dumps and probably money laundering.)

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More about
by Tony Ryals Monday, Aug. 01, 2005 at 9:01 PM
ncansisscam (at)

more about Cheetah Club,,etc. right from their website where 'Bob O'Brien' posted his interview with Carol Remond in hopes of beating WSJ to a story,and in his mind, decreasing chances WSJ would do one.

from'She(Carol Remond) brought up the Cheetah Club and BVI locations of the website registration, and seemed annoyed at my sense of humor. I can understand that not everyone has the same sense of humor, or any, for that manner. I think it's safe to say at this point that this was fairly adversarial - there wasn't a lot of interest in hearing about the issue, but rather a non-stop barrage of "when did you stop beating your wife" sorts of questions.'

Carol Remond of Dow Jones
Email is Carol.Remond (at)
Bob O'Brien speaks with the press - a summary I spoke at some length this morning with reporter from Dow Jones. She seemed troubled by the idea that I have chosen to remain anonymous. I pointed out that I have several attorney friends that indicated that was a prudent choice, as I didn't want a horse head in my bed one morning. She seemed to feel that it brought my message into question - she really seemed to dislike the idea that nobody else was troubled by it, that I was completely up-front as to why I had made that choice, and that it was common knowledge that I used a pseudonym for privacy reasons.

We discussed the Reg SHO problem, and her position was that the system seemed to be working, and that the Reg SHO list had all sorts of plausible explanations - none of which she was able to articulate for specific examples I brought up. I pointed out that the preliminary list had been circulated as of Dec. 3, and that many of the companies that had been on the list as of that date were still on it today. I also asked what her logic was for pardoning the failures up to January 7, 2005, given that there had been rules against naked shorting/Failing To Deliver for 71 years. She was non-responsive to that. We chatted about the foreign exchanges, and I articulated my theory that they were being used as a pretense by offshore hedge funds to Fail To Deliver - "waiting on Berlin time" as 'twere. She indicated that the SEC and the NASD had gone to Germany and satisfied themselves that no naked shorting was going on through Germany - I pointed out that I didn't say that they were naked shorting through Germany, but rather using the German exchanges as a pretense for Failing To Deliver here. She didn't like that and instead went back to her statement, attempting, I believe, to attribute it to me. I corrected her.

This seemed adversarial at this point, and I inquired why a highly intelligent, obviously informed person would be deliberately introducing fallacious arguments and attempting to re-configure my statements so that they seemed pejorative. She indicated that she thought it was dishonest of me to be Bob O'Brien rather than using my real name. I asked why that changed the truth of the message. She didn't have much to say about that, other than that I could be some sort of a stock tout or trader or something - to which I responded how did running an advocacy ad with no symbols on it constitute a stock tout - no answer from her.

We then discussed who the contributors were for NCANS, I invited her to check the Yahoo message boards so that she could see all the small investors who had posted "I sent my check" messages." She seemed really stuck on the notion that it was all some sort of a scam. Dave Patch, who runs, and who has been very helpful in bringing me up to speed on the abuses, and Gary Vallenotti, CEO of Jag Media, were both introduced to the discussion - she seemed very interested in whether they were members of NCANS or not. I indicated that they hadn't donated, but I considered them members - hey guys, you want to be members? Anyway, she then wanted to know if we were registered or licensed anywhere, and I indicated that I wasn't aware of any registration or license we required, and asked her if she did? She didn't, but acted as though we should have been. Interesting.

The topic returned to why I was a rat b*stard for not wanting the bad guys on Wall Street to have my home address and phone number. I again pointed out that not all the players on the street played by the King's rules. She poo-pooed that, and went back to what I "should" do in order to have "credibility" - I again asked why the messenger was so important when the message was so important. No reply. She indicated that if you were going to write to the President, you should be willing to sign it. I asked where the etiquette rules were as I'd misplaced my copy - there was a conspicuous lack of amusement from her end.

She brought up the Cheetah Club and BVI locations of the website registration, and seemed annoyed at my sense of humor. I can understand that not everyone has the same sense of humor, or any, for that manner. I think it's safe to say at this point that this was fairly adversarial - there wasn't a lot of interest in hearing about the issue, but rather a non-stop barrage of "when did you stop beating your wife" sorts of questions.

We then moved to who was involved in creating the ad, and I indicated that it was an agency that had asked to remain anonymous. She hated that. Wanted to know if we had any high profile contributors - I said all would be revealed on our schedule. She asked if I'd ever heard of some other coalition, and I said I thought I had heard of something from years ago that was linked in some way to some penny stock scammers, but I could be wrong - it was a long time ago and it was an email exchange that it was mentioned in. She seemed to feel that had significance, but couldn't articulate why.

We then again returned to why I was suspect as I wouldn't say who I really was. We discussed Rocker Partners, and I indicated that they were presumed to be the large short in NFI - she reframed some of my statements, and I corrected her and indicated that I wouldn't say anything libelous about Mr. Rocker. She went back to who had threatened me, and wanted to know if I was saying that Rocker was threatening me. I replied that I was saying no such thing. And so on.

We went back to why I thought that there was a problem with naked shorting/Failing To Deliver. I pointed out that Reg SHO was proof of the Fail To Delivers being fact, not theory. We then went round and round on whether there was definitive proof that the DTCC and the NYSE and the NASD and the NASDAQ and the SEC were covering up a systemic problem. I asked what she would need other than a list of companies where the laws on the books for 71 years had been violated. She didn't have an answer for that.

She asked for Mary's phone number, which I got back to her with. Wanted to know how many checks we'd received. I told her somewhere between 50 and 100 - I wasn't sure as I'm not handling that. She wanted again to know how many members we had, I said 150-200 or so, but growing steadily.

I think it's safe to say that my chances of having dinner with Carol are slim at this point. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, but I detected an agenda that didn't have a lot in common with telling an impartial story. So we can all assume that she will not be depicting me with a cape and a little mask, defending the downtrodden.

I hope I'm wrong, and that I misunderstood. Perhaps anyone that sent in donations can email her so she knows that real people are really upset about this and really sent money. Maybe then she'll get that we really are mad as hell and aren't going to take it any

Copyright © 2005

An interesting point to note,James Dale Davidson had a similar dislike of Carol Remond of 'Wall Street Journal' when she reported on his Genemax(gmxx) and Endovasc(evsc) penny stock scams in 2002.Also at that time he ran a website called NAANSS OR National Association Against Naked Shrt Selling'.Now his new scam in NCANS or National Coalition Against Naked Short Selling.And he founded the National Taxpayers Union in 1969 proving pseudo-patriotism is the refuge of scoudrels and frauds.

This work is in the public domain
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Georgetown University used in Senator Bennett's,'s erroneous 'naked short' claim
Current rating: 0
08 Aug 2005
Patrick Byrne of Utah's uses the same erroneous claim and fear of 'naked short selling' to tout his loss generating company as a victim of conspiracy rather than of a poor business plan and management.

Perhaps his $100,000 + ad-letter to Bush in the Washington Post on February 8,along with the elusive 'Bob O'Brien' and his penny stock tout site, was prelude to blaming's faultering business plan on something other than his own management.

The ad was at first rumored to be paid for by 'mom and pop' victims of 'naked short selling' until 'Bob O'Brien' finally acknowledged to the WSJ that Byrne had himself paid at least $50,000 of the fraudulent ad's cost.I say fraud because the ad has been used to promote a number of questionable penny stocks, some that have even gained the notice of the SEC, which often tries as best it can,to look the other way at penny stock frauds.

This is a follow up for readers or followers of the controversial issue of Senator Bennett touting a scammy penny stock called Global Links(gbll) as being a victim of 'naked shorting' or dumping of non-existent shares as outlined in my article,' video: Senator Bennett endorses penny stock scam with striptease club connection !! '.

While an email was sent to Senator Bennett himself and I was a victim myself of his erroneous claim used in a pump and dump fraud previously by Patrick Byrne's colleague who uses a false name,'Bob O'Brien' claiming his life is threatened by hedge fund managers,it appears Senator Bennett knows the real name of the perpetrator of this scam and he is James Dale Davidson,Beltway insider and founder of and the National Taxpayers Union,among other things.

The video link is placed below and this email is directed to Georgetown University's James Angel who also paricipated as you may recall,in that video.

Georgetown University

Dear James Angel,
Below is one of my posts on Byrne's Yahoo message board from today.Like I said 'Bob O'Brien' and his various aliases or insiders to his various securities scams have been touting heavily on the board since the latest SEC filing,mainly about being a victim of 'naked shorting' that you,unfortunately, warned about so eloquently on his video and in your letter to SEC's Jonathan Katz.O'Brien,or ncand3,who you did that video for,also warned that shorters should buy back in and repent and how shareholders should buy 'certs' - ( the very same scam he has used in his many penny stock naked short frauds) .Are you proud to draw Georgetown, much less your own reputation, into supporting,or appearing to support,securities fraud ?

After I sent you my last email an alias using 'angels' appeared on the OSTK message board, very eloquently debating with 'ncansd3' or 'O'Brien' or James Dale Davidson or his parrot.At first I thought it might be you making an effort to undue the damage your naked short statements have caused,but I fear no such luck.By way of his explanations for his reasons for posting on the board I conclude he is not you.

Well I didn't mean for my real thoughts to all hang out on this post but they did and maybe that's good so you'll know what I'm really thinking and my desire for answers will give you an idea where my mind races when none are forthcoming.I think you owe both Georgetown and yourself,not to mention NASDAQ if you have been employed there,more.I think you owe people who have been ripped off in fraudulent schemes claiming to be victims of 'naked shorting', when in retrospect they are nothing more than pump and dump and possible money laundering schemes using unaudited U.S. penny stocks, more.

My next essay will be about you and Georgetown and 'naked shorting'.I have looked all over the internet to see examples of how you were quoted out of context as a WSJ article contends you have claimed.I can find nothing anywhere unfortunately to lead me to that conclusion.Your statement to Katz in fact reminds me of that very questionable 'famed Texas attorney O'Quinn' in his letter to Jonathan Katz, who has been aiding and abetting the 'naked short scam' that yes, I believe, greatly emanates from the Beltway, just as the Nigerian letter scam had its origens in Nigeria.Only I dare say this U.S.penny stock fraud is substantially larger that the Nigerian letter scam.

Yes I know Davidson's 'NAANSS' was in Blaine,Washington and some of his criminal cohorts such as Grant Atkins and convicted Canadian securities scamster Brent Pierce often work out of Canada.And money stolen from Americans such as myself often goes to Bermuda or Isle of Man or Kuala Lumpur or Eastern or Western Europe or Dubai for that matter.It is an international fraud but Davidson is Beltway connected and so I believe is this 'naked short scam' even if San Diego provides ncans a bank account or Nevada provides a place for fraudulent incorporations and striptease clubs for convenient addresses.Senator Bennett should be ashamed to allow his name to promote such fraud but America appears beyond shame lately.

Couldn't you, being so close to Washington D.C.,put Senator Bennett in touch with a few better sources of stock and securities related articles or publications than FinancialWire ? Is this some sort of bad joke ? Is this a nightmare and we will soon all wake up ? This was Senator Bennett's 'source' as you may recall that 'Global Links' was being visciously 'naked shorted'.Not even James Dale Davidson's pal Steve Forbes would dare write fraudulent trash like that.

And I don't believe it a coincidence that Senator Bennett failed to mention the Washington Post ad-letter of February 8 by Patrick Byrne and 'Bob O'Brien' claiming to be a bunch of 'mom and pop' victims of 'naked shorting'.No.I believe he wanted to put the illusion of 'naked shorting' in the news but also draw attention away from his Utah constituent's part in that fraudulent letter with his(Byrne's) fraudulent claim that money for it came from 'moms and pops'.

Finally I just want to know if you have written any warnings about the use of the naked short claim for fraud to mask illegal securities pump and dump operations ?Yes or no ? If so,where do I find this writing so I can quote it and cite you ? If you have not written such a warning for investors do you plan to ? If not don't blame me when I use only the material I see in public view on your 'naked short selling' commentary. So far,out of ignorance or not,or because your real writing has not been in the public domain or because 'Mr.Bob O'Brien',whoever that is with a Las Vegas striptease joint for an address,videoed you 'out of context'. Do I have all this about right,I mean correct ?
Tony Ryals

below, message posted on Yahoo message board :

Re: J.D.Davidson has used the 'buy cert
by: ncansisscam 08/07/05 04:00 pm
Msg: 32425 of 32455

certs scam to a point of it getting old,very old,as he himself has dumped shares he pumped into various floats.this is indeed a fraud of beltway origens just as the nigerian letter scam originated in nigeria.who's bennefitting from this 'you're being naked shorted buy certs to ptrotect yourself' massive securities fraud ? who all besides james dale davidson is behind it ?

who put senator bennett to waving 'Financialwire' fraaud publication in SEC's Donaldson's face and screaming about 'naked shorting' ? was james angel of georgetown university paid to tout the fraudulent idea as well ? does georgetown university approve have having its name tied to this massive fraud ?

Posted as a reply to: Msg 32423 by dendreonaire

ncansisscam (at)> wrote:
James Angel,

ncansd3 whose video you were featured in, is on yahoo ostk message board making claim only 100,000 shares exist in its entire float .The messages are worth a cut and paste because they are even wilder than this from his bobosrevenge or whatever website. And he continues to try and sell the idea to 'buy certs' just as he has done so often with penny stocks.I thought there were some millions of shares in the float.

Nontheless it is the same scam he got me on with Endovasc.Can NASDAQ stocks keep their float so well hidden just like the frauds that claimed to be 'naked shorted' in the otcbb ?Also,forget the moron from Canada or whereever,writing on 'naked shortin',why don't you either do it or help me to ?I looked on internet for everything thing I could find re you and 'naked shorting'.Mainly I only find your letter to Jonathon Katz of SEC and what you say to him is not too different from what you say on the infomercial.Is that where you want to leave it ?

Why do you write nothing warning that over 100 penny stocks have been fraudulently promoting being victims of 'naked short selling' and pointing out the websites and phoney 'journalists',David Patch,Mark Faulk,Gary Essary,James Dale Davidson and his Agora Publications and his old 'naanss' and probably his 'ncans' who have been using the 'naked short claim' for fraud,to mask the illegal pumps and dumps of these scams ? Do you not believe me yet, that you, like Senator Bennet were scammed,but you didn't lose anything ? I and other defrauded investors did.

So ncans,naanss,investigatetheesec,faulkingtruth, FinancialWire, investrend and a few more are all involved in what really is a massive fraudulent organized criminal activity. Haven't you noticed ? CMKX has its own scam anti-naked short site, I believe it's called.

There was no where else I could invest in that patent touted by Stanford U.'s Cooke and Heeschen and so I did.Stanford didn't lose in illegal pump and dump I did.You did not lose by claiming the penny stocks ncans touted investors did,as much as you would like to make a joke that they were 'nekked shorted' it certainly did not look like a joke in your ncans infomercial.It's still not clear to me hoow this video maker so easily got you to do the video.Were you paid ? Were you just trying to educate investors and somehow it went awry ? Is there anywhere in your writing that you warn a false 'naked short' claim has been used for fraud ?

Would you in light of the way you have obviously been used to promote a scam that is really used to disguise illegal pumps and dumps and perhaps even money laundering,be willing to expose that fact ? Or do you wish to leave things as they are having gone on record with the SEC that 'naked shorting' harms investors without providing one single example ? And by remaining silent as a massive scam has been and still is being used for penny stock fraud.In fact because one of your fields of specialty in stocks is the penny market I feel more than ever you owe it to those ripped off by the faudulent naked shorting claim to speak out.

Or you could just go on record to say you stick to 'naked shorting' as the pre-eminent problem in investing in penny stocks and leave it at that.Just say you agree with James Dale Davidson' about 'electronic counterfeitting' and not his pump dump activities are what caused the collapse in share value of his Genemax(named for newsmax' ?) and Endovasc etc.

You see you have your academic career you can laugh about 'nekkid shorting' and do funny infomercials promoting a fraud and laugh at us naive investors who 'were greedy' and 'deserved it' including your adding to the problem by aiding and abetting the fraud.Or you can say I'm not going to allow myself to be used to promote a fraud and use my position to help defrauded investor,not those who defrauded them.Which is it ?


Tony Ryals

from ncansd3's or 'dirtydirtydeeds' or 'Bob O'Brien's' or 'James Dale Davidson's' website,that you made the infomercial for :

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

The OSTK 300K Share Conundrum
Dr. Byrne had a good conference call today. Especially towards the end, when he started doing the math on the number of shares that were owned by his family, friends, and institutions. The way the math works out is that all but about 300K shares issued are owned by these folks.

That is insane.

300K shares legitimately issued by the company, insiders and family who aren't trading or selling, and institutions that aren't trading, judging from their filings.

So here's a question: Today 2.5 million or so shares traded hands, on blockbuster earnings (the company was projected to show a .22 cent loss, and beat that by almost 50%, with a .13 cent loss), and yet it was methodically sold off, from the ECN's - BRUT, CINN, and ARCX responsible for 90% of the trades from the sell side. Where did all those shares come from, if nobody on the Byrne side of the fence is selling?

Answer: They are phantom shares created by the system, and traded as though they are real. FTDs. Or at least a good portion of them likely are. Some are no doubt shares lent by a few of the institutions to legitimate short sellers. But most are likely FTDs.

Question two: What happens when the institutions finish up their trading today, and run the math, listen to the call, and figure out that there are only 300K legitimate shares from which to cover around 10 million shares, give or take?

Bonus question: What happens when the institutions simply call back their loaned shares - and there are no actual shares with which to cover? What happens to the millions and millions of shares that must be bought, immediately, no excuses, and there are only 300K shares? Does anyone believe that the institutions won't comprehend the ramifications, and be thinking in terms of 5 or 10 times the money?

Why not?

Did anyone notice that you can now buy September call options up to $100? Wonder why that is?

I commend Dr. Byrne for alerting the legitimate shorts as to the danger of their situation, and further would advise one and all that criminal behavior like illegally naked shorting to manipulate the price of a stock can sometimes end badly. This looks like one of those times, where a tightly held company owned largely by folks that know each other on a first name, if not familial basis, decide that they don't want to play the game any longer.

If I was one of the three prime brokers that supports the hedge funds involved in this, I would be asking some very hard questions, and stopping any short selling that isn't accompanied by a legitimately issued share of stock immediately. This contingent liability for these houses could be astronomical pretty quickly, as the other stocks these hedge funds are short also must get bought in to cover the damage. And there will likely be heavy hitters watching to ensure that no funny business goes on, so the usual tricks won't fly. So the bankers now are on notice that they have an issue.

Because at the end of the day, it's not just the hedge funds that have a problem now. What's that old saying? If you owe the bank a dollar, you have a problem...but if you owe the bank a billion dollars, the bank has a problem....

Dr. Byrne, IMO, just alerted the banks that they have a problem, and it could be triggered whenever the institutions want to call the shares, or if Dr. Byrne decides to take the company private, or any number of other scenarios. And this isn't some penny stock where it will all go away - everyone will be looking at the trades from this point forward, expecting some sort of shenanigans.

So longs, get your paper certificates now. Legitimate shorts, understand that you have just been warned that you could be put through a thresher, without warning, at will, where your fortunes will be lost in a matter of days. And manipulators, your days are now officially numbered.

That's what I took away from the conference call.

For the record, I have no affiliation with OSTK, nor am I endorsing the buying or selling of their shares, for any purpose whatsoever. Do your own diligence, and invest wisely.

# posted by bob obrien @ 1:35 PM 12 comments

James Angel <angelj (at)> wrote: Dear James -

I got an email from someone who has some interesting things to say that might be useful in your book. His email is ncansisscam (at)


also see Charles Schwab and share-money laundering :

Senator Bennett duped in penny stock scam with striptease club connections

Judge Ken Reilly,Endovasc and money laundering in Montgomery,Texas
To SEC : James Angel,Georgetown University,Aids Penny Stock Fraud
Current rating: 0
11 Aug 2005
Modified: 01:06:09 AM
The father and son owners of Cheetah Clubs of Las Vegas and San Diego,named Galardi,have already been convicted for bribing San Diego city council members to condone 'lap dancing' and they have been accused in Florida of running a prostitiution ring !!! Is this what Georgetown University stands for ? Shame. Dr.Angel,as I explain,is as wrong intellectually and professionally about the subject matter of which he speaks,'naked short selling',(hee hee),as he is ethically and morally in promoting a penny stock scam out of a Las Vegas strip club,or anywhere else for that matter.

see Georgetown University professor James Angel's video infomercial for :

(Note in email to SEC's John Reed Stark I jokingly switch between the names 'James Dale Davidson',Beltway insider and known securities fraud,and 'Bob O'Brien' an alias he uses as founder of

Securities Exchange Commission
Office of Internet Enforcement
August 9,2005
Dear John Reed Stark,

I was hoping to reach you in some capacity other than just as the head of the SEC Internet Division,or as a Georgetown professor,and ask you,human to human, what the hell is going on in the penny stock securities fraud and internet securities fraud business ? Just how big of a business is it and who does it really benefit ?

A David Marchant ,'KYC' ,'Know Your Client', or inspired article in 'The Royal Gazette' last year,quoting one SEC lawyer and a broker at VFinance said this.:

'"The volume of LOM's US trading, whether on behalf of its customers or its own accounts, is staggering," stated Mr. Ungar. "For example, in LOM's account at Schwab, during a two-week period in 2003 – the same year in which the SHEP and Sedona transactions in question occurred – LOM bought or sold, on over 4,000 different occasions, a total of 151 million shares of US securities traded over various US securities markets."
The trader at Florida-based vFinance who was in charge of LOM's account testified that "LOM's trading over the US markets was more than the trading of most US regional banks" and that he "either accumulated or liquidated millions of shares a day for them", stated Mr. Ungar.'

James Dale Davidson and the Lord Rees-Mogg were both shareholders when they recommended LOM in their book,'The Sovereign Individual',(again information gleaned from David Marchant's,KYC,or,without disclosing that fact,of course.I am almost sure Endovasc and Davidson dumped from the Schwab LOM account but Schwab will not disclose to me even though it appears obvious it was an illegal pump and dump account and their Beltway located 'anti-money laundering,anti-pump and dump expert,Mantas Inc.,with all its software,didn't catch it.Why ? !

James Dale Davidson definitely touted or fraudulently promoted Endovasc through Agora's 'Vantage Point'in late 2002.He did not simply send out mailings to private clients as the SEC claimed,he was involved in and benefitted from illegal pumps and dumps of Endovasc and Genemax,among many many others over the years, then fraudulently claimed they were 'naked shorted' knowing full well,as an insider to the illegal pump and dump from a Charles Schwab account,that this was a lie.

Now he,I mean 'Bob O'Brien',is using the same 'naked short' scam that I consider to be of Beltway origen to rob naive Americans and perhaps launder money,just as the Nigerian letter scam has Nigerian origens,to tout Patrick Byrne's OSTK and NFI. James Dale Davidson,I mean 'Bob O'Brien,is claiming in both cases they are victims of 'naked shorting' and that investors in either should buy 'certs' to protect
themselves .

I believe because NFI is more a ponzi scheme where dividends are paid to recruit more suckers and more shares are sold to pay the dividends among other things,,this puts the lie to the 'naked short' claim because no one, to my knowledge, has claimed having shares that are not receiving their dividends.I don't know why James Dale Davidson,excuse me,I mean 'Bob O'Brien' didn't figure that flaw in his fraudulent 'NFI is being naked shorted' scam.As for OSTK,'ncansd3' or 'Bob O'Brien has been touting it furiously since the recent SEC filing,and claiming the 'float' is only 100,000 shares!!! And to buy 'certs' to protect yourself from 'naked shorters' of course.

Also can you or anyone provide an explanation of this 'shareholders agreement' below on pdf file ? Is this any proof of an illegal pump and dump from a Schwab account ? Does pump and dump always include money laundering as a corresponding crime ? What other purpose would such an account filled with millions of EVSC shares for 'select clients' be for ?

I was able to get this letter and 'shareholders agreement' from Schwab in 2003 but never able to get any documentation of 'trading activities' for that account for late 2002 when James Dale Davidson promoted or touted through Agora and trading volume hit the ceiling for a couple of weeks.Then the 'company' and attorney O'Quinn claimed I was being 'naked shorted'! This I am now sure was a fraud to conceal a pump and dump but Schwab remained silent. So I bought a 'cert' from former SEC employee Alexander Walker and his 'NATCO' tranfer agency in Nevada,not knowing he was also an insider to the fraud and would receive $200,000 in freely dumpable shares as an 'insider' a year later and no telling what under the table.

I've wanted to put this letter from Charles Schwab and the Endovasc shareholders agreement online for a couple of years but couldn't do the simplest of pdf posting skills.The format or whatever made it fairly straight forward so here it is. And is the fact of no money changing hands being mentioned in the 'agreement' to deposit up to 30 million shares - two months in fact before a 'reverse split' would supposedly reduce all shares to less than three million - unusual !?

I don't understand.It would appear Schwab Capital and other market makers would not allow the reverse split in June if already that many shares would be deposited in a Schwab account,thus making the 'reverse split' null and void ? Yet they did. Can anyone explain ? I'm as confused as I was defrauded.I feel Charles Schwab and Endovasc and their 'select clients' all worked togather to deceive and deraud me and among other things,Schwab working as both broker and market maker and accounts holder benefitted from illegal insider information in being able to know the trading or dumping patterns from the very stocks the were market making with.

And I do feel the failed their fiduciary duty to me by not providing a heads up as to what was going on,much less in hosting a pump and dump account that would destroy my investment,however naive that investment might have been in retrospect.

Also around November 2002 James Dale Davidson began his touting in Agora-Vantage Point and that is when the volume exceeded a million shares per day.I couldn't believe it for a couple of weeks,thinking nearly half existing shares were being bought and sold every day,then it all ended as fast and Endovasc and attorney John O'Quinn put out a businesswire pr claiming I was 'naked shorted' by Schwab,Ameritrade and Refco !I learned next year of course they had dumped perhaps 10's of millions of shares, so it was no 'naked short'.

Schwab remained quiet and I only got this 'shareholder agreement' a year later after complaining to the SEC.Schwab will still not say if it was LOM or Davidson or who.Is there any way I can find out ? Did SCHWAB knowingly host an illegal pump and dump account ? Who are they protecting ? LOM of Bermuda as you may know has come under some investigation from SEC for unusual volume manipulation and dumping of penny stocks from their Schwab account.Davidson and or Agora Publications was accused of touting Endovasc, Genemax,and 'USU' but they may have gotten off,I'm not sure.

Do I have any right to know as an investor in Endovasc and client of Schwab and or any legal recourse ? Or will the SEC stop coddling the criminals,whether they are of Beltway origen or foreign citizens ?

Would this account not go a long way in explaining what many,including your colleague James Angel of Georgetown,James Dale Davidson of the National Tapayers Union and 'NAANSS' and 'NCANS', and Texas' 'famed trial attorney John O'Quiin ' claim to be 'naked shorting' ? Why not provide them an explanation? They appear even more confused than I am.But I admit they all had me confused enough to defraud me or let me be defrauded with their mis-information, and Charles Schwab was not 'naked shorting' but providing illegal pump and dump accounts !!! Is that not what really happened ?

Does Jonathan Katz know that he was being misled,to say the least,by both Endovasc attorney John O'Quinn and Georgetown professor James Angel about 'naked shorting' when they both wrote letters to him decrying it? Does Georgetown realise their reputation is being used to support a securities fraud ?

Dr.Angel can provide no proof whatsoever for his erroneous claims to either the SEC or to the public through his ncans video.This appears to me a great mistake or a form of academic fraud.While economics may not be an exact science there comes a point when some statements can and must be backed by figures and examples or one should, and Dr.Angel is an example,simply remain silent,if he does or did not know,what he is talking about. Instead he makes video infomercials for a scam 'naked short' promoting website,that has no address other than a striptease joint in Las Vegas,funded by James Dale Davidson and Patrick Byrne,who pretend it's 'moms and pops' backing it and that they,(Davidson and Byrne),don't really know each other!!! Hello !!!???

In sum,as I'm sure you know,in penny stocks which Dr.James Angel places himself in the position of an authority,the naked short claim' has been erroneously used for fraud on a massive scale. Why ? Because for some reason the SEC is unable,or unwilling in my opinion,to audit penny stock shares.One cannot audit money flow if one cannot monitor share flow.You see,the joke with Dr.Angel's statements is the same delimma I faced when 'famed trial attorney O'Quinn and Endovasc's phoney Dr.David P. Summers put out a Businesswire pr in late 2002, just after Davidson's touting with his Agora Publications and the dump that followed.(I,of course,knew nothing about the pump and dump or even that Davidson was touting at the time because I was not an insider.)

Angel has no data to prove his case of 'naked shorting' or lack thereof in penny stocks because the SEC provides none and allows fraud companies like EVSC,GMXX,CMXX,USXP,JAGH,and on and on, not to provide any !!! Georgetown's James Angel made an eroneous claim that,only coincidentally,aided and abetted Senator Bennett's false claim re Global Links,etc.,based upon no empirical data for the very reason the SEC does not monitor penny stock floats.Why doesn't Dr.Angel mention that fact and not make erroneous claims that aid and abet the penny stock fraud market based upon no data ? In many areas of academics and perhaps even in his own field in a rigorous academic environment he would be thouroughly discredited for his false claims based upon 0 data.

While even the Belladorgroup,of Kuala Lumpur and terrorist suspect money laundering haven Dubai,has acknowledged a business relation to Endovasc both in an 'Endovasc scam warning' on their own website and on posts on the message board,there is nothing of this in SEC filings.So how could a novice investor such as myself who has trouble still with SEC filings have known Endovasc's Dwight Cantrell and Robert Johnson had made a deal with them and more shares were going to be dumped in to the float even as they continued to cry 'naked shorting' ?

And although David P. Summers and Attorney John O'Quinn released businesswire prs in late 2002 claiming my own broker, Charles Schwab,had an 'oversold position' after the 40 for 1 'reverse split' and pump and dump,there were no records of massive shares released for dumping until an SEC filing the next year !! And even that concealed the parties involved who I believe mainly dumped from the Schwab account.

Below is material I have already begun to put on internet although I plan to try and edit and do a better job of explaining the fraud and the use of Georgetown University to promote it.Also one final,although to me,certainly no less significant point.Why has the SEC and you as the head of their internet division done nothing to clean up that any fool knows is the center for organised penny stock cyberfraud in the U.S. ? It was even the source of the first insider chatter about a letter being published in the Washington Post to W. Bush,on February 8 by Patrick Byrne of and'Bob O'Brien',or James Dale Davidson as I prefer to call him,claiming fraudulently, that 'naked shorting' was the biggest danger to SS investing in the stock markets,aside from that was organizing it, which I didn't know at the time !!!

This site has been used by so many penny stock criminals it isn't funny and if you fight back as I did,(using the alias wolfblitzzer0),you are as likely to be accused of being a criminal yourself,even though you are really only trying to prevent fellow Anmericans from being riped off by international criminals touting and dumping unaudited U.S. penny stocks with fraudulent lies!! Susan Blumenthal who did run the athena-sword website warning others about ADOT and the potential losses an investor who is not an insider might suffer, is a good example as well of harrassment by what I see as the internet mafia that dominates that you do nothing about.Why ?

Since the time I faced the fact by early 2003 that I was defrauded in an illegal pump and dump of every penny I had from an inheritence,(only trying to support a Stanford patent I believed in at the time of Dr.Heeschen and Cooke of that university),I have been on everyday trying to warn others away and watching touter aliases I know to be part of the fraud always there day after day touting Endovasc shares and that the company was a victim of 'naked shorting'.

And yet the SEC does nothing.Why ? Why even have an internet fraud group when you do nothing ? Ignoring the fraud and organised internet crime and touting on rb makes a joke of the SEC internet and cyberfraud efforts.Even the touters knowingly laugh at the SEC internet division and laughingly provide the SEC complaint email link and dare you to waste your time with and email complaint.Just as another fraudulent James Dale Davidson connected,(by way of David Patch who used to tout Genemax),website called, promotes fraudulent companies who all claim to be victims of 'naked short selling',as well.Why ? The most disheartening aspect of their dare or tease is knowing they are correct,the SEC does nothing. Do you all like it that way ?

So remains the central organizing point of penny stock touting and organized penny stock crime.Besides the occasional,or obsessive and fraudulent Businesswire prs,the main source of spreading fraudulent lies,or directing victims to specialized mind control penny stock websites such as the many CMKX sites as an example,or the old 'naanss' website,or or,and on and on is probably became acquainted with the scammy FinancialWire scam 'publication' Senator Bennett used as his proof that Global Links was being 'naked shorted' was by way of the website. You could have raided that site years ago but have never touched it.Why ?

In fact I have noticed over the years and particularly when my ' wolblitzzer0' alias made it to google search by way of ending up on various law and internet speech and law blogs,that the is NEVER search engined by Google or any other search engine for that matter.Is this on purpose ? Are someones blocking Google etc. searches there ? Are those running afraid or ashamed to put what goes on there into the public view through search engines ? Don't you think something strange and corrupt is going on ? I do.

Ragingbull is a site for fraud and fraud prefers a dark alley of the internet if possible to do its thing.


Tony Ryals

Judge Ken Reilly,Endovasc and money laundering in Montgomery,Texas

Senator Bennett duped in penny stock scam

Charles Schwab and share-money laundering

James Angel:Does Haas School of Business Teach Ethics or Fail Securities ?

The Man Who Conned Senator Bennett
Re: To SEC : James Angel,Georgetown University,Aids Penny Stock Fraud
Current rating: 0
11 Aug 2005
My correspondence with Georgetown University's James Angel is below.Note only that he denies knowing James Dale Davidson and there is more'so much more if anyone wishes it.I have received threats just as Marc Cohodes of Marin,California by the person named Bob O'Brien' who is really James Dale Davidson of or National Taxpayers Union.Do a simple google search of 'barrons alpert james dale davidson' or 'eisinger james dale davidson boat 7 ' and see what you find on and spitzer2006.
Or alternatively go to www.blogmaverick .com
starting in February with Marc Cuban's 'I feel So Dirty,Naked Shorts',and see my ,'Tony Ryals',dialogue with 'Bob O'Brien' there that is the before William Apert of Barrons and
Jesse Eisinger basically reach the same conclusion,'Bob O'Brien' IS James Dale Davidson or his spokesman and Davidson IS funding the Angel made the video whose link is above for.

Now dear reader, do google search 'nfi cheetah club' and find interview with Carol Remond on Then do google 'cheetah club las vegas san diego' and you will realise everything I say is on the mark.

Or do a google search of 'SS funds in manipulated markets' and that will give you a link to and you will find about 12 pages to keep you busy.

Date: Thu, 28 Jul 2005 12:52:34 -0400
From: "James Angel" <angelj (at)> Add to Address Book
To: ncansisscam (at)
Subject: RE: Utah Senator Bennett Duped In Penny Stock Scam

Dear Tony -

Thank you for letting me know these things. I do not know James Dale

I got a call from an author doing a book on naked short selling. Would
you like me to pass your information on to the author so that you and
he can talk about this?



>>> charles walker <ncansisscam (at)> 07/27 5:54 PM >>>
Dear James Angel,

Excuse that I have yet a new email address,I guess I can thank
'O'Brien' or 'dirtydirtydeeds' or 'ncansd3' or James Dale Davidson for that
once again.He,'ncansd3', proudly boasts he could have me killed by a
'cabby' for $500 in Guatemala.Real nice company we keep,huh ? I guess at
least none of us can deny that the 'O'Brien' who set you up for that
naked short selling 'infomercial' is the 'dirtydirtydeeds' who posted
personal info re Marc Cohodes of Marin on Yahoo NFI message board and the
same one who,(as 'ncansd3'),claims I'm an evil short seller,or 'naked
short seller',whatever,(rather than someone defrauded in one of his
'naked short scams' or pump and dump ops),in Guatemala.

Here's my take(below) on Senator Bennett from
message board.I think a search 'ryals' on utah.indymedia has the
article-commentary I made re 'stanford heeschen cooke'.My emphasis there is that
that commentary was one that Google cached and then deleted from google
cache.No, I did not do 'dd' at least correctly from Guatemala re
Endovasc,perhaps greatly in part because I thought Stanford who rented them
the 'nicotine-angiogenesis' for their pump and dump ops had done it for

Oh sure I could have imagined sloppy management etc. BUT NOT FRAUDULENT
term,'share-money laundering' for what I experienced and to finally accept
the reality that Charles Schwab and probably their LOM account was
behind it ? Why ?, because James Dale Davidson and his Lard Rees-Mogg once
touted it as well without disclosing they were significant

I have not dug out my original communication with you but I remember
the general questions I had for you.First was,do you know James Dale
Davidson who is indeed a Beltway figure and the founder,to my knowledge,of
the National Taxpayers Union ? I know he kept shares of his penny pump
and dump MIV Therapeutics at that same address as the National
Taxpayers Union in his and his children's name.I don't believe he made a claim
for MIVT being 'naked shorted' but he did a arrange phoney
collaboration in order to enhance the touting and dumping of both.

I am almost positive Senator Bennett knows who conned him.He probably
sat at the hearing
or hearings where Mr.Davidson spoke to a Senate Committee as
representative of the National Taxpayers Union.So that's my main question,do you
know Mr.James Dale Davidson and do you not now believe he is O'Brien'
or at least,(hee hee),the 'brains' behind Mr.Bob O'Brien' ?
In retrospect do you feel you were used by this man,whoever he is ? Do
you now realize Mary Campbell in the infomercial is really Mary Helburn
who touts NFI on Yahoo incessently and an unending amount of penny
stock pump and dump scams that all claim to be victims of 'naked shorting ?
And she of course is 'president' of the whose
infomercial you and Senator Bennett appeared in ?

I suppose having lost everything to these frauds I would like to see
you take as much interest in exposing the scam that is using the naked
short claim for fraud to mask their illegal pumps and dumps as you have
to decry the evils of 'naked shorting'.Again do you have a single proven
case of 'naked shorting' that harmed a viable company ? Neither James
Dale Davidson or O'Brien' or Mary Cmpbell Helburn have not provided a
single one to my knowledge.And the fact is James Dale Davidson NEVER
disclosed his holdings of Endovasc shares as he touted to dump through
Agora's 'Vantage Point' and he lied straight out about another 'nicotine
patent' that did not exist and would have conflicted with Stanford's
patent if it did !!!

It's been so long since I got back to you I forgot whether or not I
sent you the NFI board post of June 1 where 'ncansd3', in his excitement
after an email communication with Jesse Eisinger of
WSJ, actually blurted out the name 'James Davidson' in regards to a
'significant contributer' to ncans as well as a 'boat' by that name.I
presume the boat to be kept on or near the Potomac.
Perhaps near that of San Diego Congressman Cunningham for all I know.

So I think you can make out the most important queries above.Do you
know James Dale Davidson and do you realise he has had a history of using
the 'naked short claim' to mask his illegal pump and dump operations
with penny stocks ? Do you now see that O'Brien' and Mary Campbell
Helburn are repeating the same scam as Davidson's older 'naanss' and David
Patch's investigatethesec' ? Not to menton Mark Faulk's
'thefaulkingtruth' that touted Global Links heavily after Senator Bennett made his claim
which also appeared in the infomercial you were in.

Do you wish to stop at the infomercial and just let it be seen that you
oppose 'naked short selling', without providing one single example,by
the way.Or are you as mad as I am that you were used to promote a fraud
by penny stock con artists and wish as much as I do to clean up the
fraudulent mess ?

Tony Ryals

Re: Utah Senator Bennett Duped In Penny Stock Scam
By Does the 'naked short scam' have a Beltway origen ? on 7/25/2005
2:03:20 AM
E-mail: wolfblitzzer0 (at)

Does Senator Bennett endorse the Cheetah Club striptease as well ?
Or is it only natural that the 'naked short scam' of Beltway connected
James Dale Davidson's '',or 'National Coalition Against
Naked Short Selling should have a Las Vegas striptease club connection,at
least as a fraudulent address ?

And like his National Taxpayers Union and his now defunct National
Association Against Naked Short Selling or 'NAANSS', which was also used to
mask his illegal pump and dump of penny stocks both onshore and
offshore,is it only natural that it should have the phoney pretense of
'national'in its acronym to divert attention from the fact that it is an
international criminal,even money laundering enterprise using unaudited
shares to disguise the flow of money often from defrauded Americans in
illegal pump and dump activities to offshore entities ?

And is it only 'natural' that it's original address at the time of the
February 8 $100,000+ ad-letter to President Bush in the Washington Post
would be an adress and website located in the British Virgen Islands ?

Doesn't Senator Bennett realise he has been made a laughing
stock by James Dale Davidson of the National Taxpayers Union,Agora
Publications ,etc. ? And he has aided and abetted illegal pumps and dumps
and offhore money laundering though SEC's Reg.S and other penny stock
share distribution schemes by touting for Davidson's,''? Doesn't
he realise the anonymous person calling himself 'Bob O'Brien'(James
Dale Davidson)used a fraudulent address,(the Cheetah striptease Club in
Las Vegas!!),for this mafiosi scam ?

Doesn't Senator Robert Bennett realise that the 'stop naked shorting'
fraud is a scam and he was set up by James Davidson and Senator
Bennett's 'contituent'in Utah,Patrick Byrne and his,who are the
ones who placed the $100,000 plus ad-letter to President Bush in the
Washington Post to promote a stock fraud claiming Social Security
investing was threatened by 'naked short selling' when in truth the fraudulent
claim was used to disguise the flow or manipulation and illegal pump
and dump of penny stock shares aiding and abetting fraud and money
laundering !? And far from protecting investors he was working with their
defrauders ?

And is the Securities Exchange Commission going to allow the 'naked
short scam',(much worse than the Nigerian letter scam), to go on
indefinitely when it is originating in their own Beltway backyard ? Will the
fraudulent absurdity never end ? Do they want money to be laundered and
American retail 'investors' in U.S.penny stocks to be defrauded by
Beltway criminals and a Las Vegas penny stock mafia ?

Does Senator Bennett not realise that the website of the group his
reputation has helped to promote had their website based in B.V.I. KNOWN

Senator Bennett and James Dale Davidson even touted the Global
Links(gbll) penny stock as a victim of 'naked shorting'.This is why,ethically
more than ever,it is important for Senator Bennett to acknowledge his
assertion of it as being a victim of 'naked shorting selling' was
false.Senator Bennett may be aiding and abetting money laundering through
penny stocks wittingly or not through such false claims.

Some say a Mormon Bishop is behind the Global Links(gbll) scam.I don't
know,but I do know that to knowingly promote Global Links as a victim
of naked short selling' is fraud.

from the 'Bob O'Brien or James Dale Davidson website:

Never A Dull Moment
Mark Faulk, in one of his latest installments of The Faulking Truth,
does a follow-up on the Global Links story - a saga that highlights the
depth of the Fail To Deliver problem, and raises troubling questions
about the role that the SEC and the DTCC are playing. His piece can be
seen here. I note with wry amusement that the reporter he takes on as
being one of the greatest disseminator of misleading information is one of
our favorites: Carol Remond. She also happens to be the reporter that
the hedge fund drive to discover my identity was shifted to when the
issue became too embarrassing for WSJ Jesse Eisinger to pursue.

Here are a few select quotations from Mark's outstanding piece:

"... It seems that Robert Simpson, CEO of a small company in Michigan
called Zann Corp., had bought every available share of Global Links Corp
after the company had reduced their outstanding shares to about 1.1
million shares from more than 350 millions shares in early February.
Incredibly, over the next two days, over 50 million shares traded hands,
even though Simpson owned every share, and there were only 1.1 million
shares even in existence.

The Global Links story is one that, like the Stockgate scandal itself,
just won't go away. While some articles have called it the "poster
child" of the Stockgate scandal, others have been more concerned with
discussing their lack of financial success over the past few years, while
ignoring the more important issue of how brokers could buy and sell
almost fifty times the total issued shares in only two days, especially
since those shares were presumably in the account of just one shareholder.

The Faulking Truth has received numerous emails from other GLKC
stockholders who held shares totaling over 400,000 during the same time
period. In fact, Global Links representative Patrick Donahoo says that
"During the month of February, we were literally besieged by stockholders who
were digging for information. While we cannot confirm exactly how many
shares were purchased and held, we believe that this number exceeds 20
million shares." Twenty million shares out of a total available float
of 1,158,064. Where did the other nineteen million shares come from?"

Now, I may not be a mathematician, but even I can understand that the
likelihood of all of this being innocent is nil. And yet the system
keeps insisting that there's no problem, and the DTCC is pushing the states
to eliminate requirements for any paper certificates, thereby
eliminating the only mechanism with which investors can verify that they aren't
being screwed by the participants. Does any of this seem a trifle
alarming? The entire trading/regulatory framework is simply ignoring the
elephant in the room, while the DTCC works frantically to eliminate the
last of the proof of malfeasance.

What's wrong with this picture?

Read all of Mark's piece - it's a stunner.

# posted by bob obrien @ 1:03 PM 0 comments

(The above writing of 'O'Brien' or James Dale Davidson from,who along with's Patrick Byrne placed a $100,000+
ad-letter on February 8 in the Washington Post erroneously claiming 'naked
short selling'to be the biggest danger to placing SS funds in stock

The truth is Mr.Davidson,founder of the National Taxpayers
Union,fraudulently uses the claim to mask his illegal penny stock pumps and dumps
and probably money laundering.)