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Commentary :: Protest Activity
A Revolutionary ‘Sound bite' (BKH) Current rating: 0
03 Aug 2005
Bring revolutionary clarity which is required to overcome and destroy counter revolutionary mass confusion, the product of the propaganda attacks and deceits of this current ruling system.

A Revolutionary ‘Sound bite'


Everyday I find myself wondering ‘where do we go next' or ‘what has to be done.' Sometimes there does not seem to be anything that needs to be done, it feels ‘finished'. But I have what I will call ‘the revolutionary spirit' and if there is something that has to be done, I know it, because in the course of day, something will cross my path which will whip into a state of what I will call ‘revolutionary agitation', this occurring when I encounter something which strikes me as being really dangerous for the revolution. What happens next is that I enter into that phase of ‘revolutionary struggle' where I grab onto that thing that must be done, and I can't let it go, or stop thinking about it, until finally I come up with ‘a revolutionary solution.' The ‘revolutionary spirit' tells me that I only need to do those things which demand to be done, so therefore there is no point in ‘busy work', and I always know when there is something that fits that criteria, because of the sudden plunge into that revolutionary agitation and that revolutionary struggle that follows.

Such an experience happened again earlier today when I paid a visit to the D.C. Indymedia site, and read a page entitled The Scotland G8 Protests (a critique). To summarize the message that I extracted from the piece, the author suggested that not much seemed to be accomplished when it came to reaching out to John and Jane Doe, so therefore really it was just one more protest which followed what seem to be becoming the rituals of protest, with much of the activity consisting of ‘rising to the bait' (they put up a fence, we tear down the fence) combined with empty symbolic gestures such as busting the windows at Starbucks. As for the ritual of ‘rising to the bait' here we see the revolutionary as reactionary (they set the agenda, we respond, they decide to meet, we decide to protest the meeting). As for the busting of those windows, this symbolizes the busting up of the ideology represented by the targets, but as the author suggests how much damage does such a symbolic breakage actually cause. I would suggest myself that people do such things as bust a windows at Starbucks when they do not know how to go about busting the ideology, thus causing them to resort to symbolic destruction since they cannot destroy the thing in reality, making window busting a means of expressing and then venting this frustration. The author concludes that not much was really accomplished here, and the piece then leaves an answered question hanging in the air - ‘where do we go from here? Since this is not what we need what do we need? What should we be doing now/'

Having this question left hanging in the air, especially when it was posed by a revolutionary anarchist, stirred me into a high state of revolutionary agitation, since we cannot have anything other than resolute action based on a crystal clear understanding of the current situation, otherwise the revolution will be crushed and destroyed by the currently rising tide of fascism, where no such lack of resolve or doubts or lack of a clear agenda is found to exist.

Such a problem demands a solution, since we cannot have revolutionaries going around wondering what they are supposed to be doing, or asking how they can actually reach John and Jane Doe instead of simply participating in what increasingly seems to them to be the rituals of the protest movement. After struggling with the problem I finally achieved some clarity on the issue and I realized that what we need is a simple ‘handout' which takes the ‘sound bite' approach to explaining the revolutionary side of the story, and I also understood that this is not impossible since when you clear away all the clutter what is happening here is not really all that complex, and so therefore it is possible to explain it simply and clearly in a short amount of time, so as to achieve the maximum impact. Furthermore working on such a simple ‘sound bite' might also help to bring the state of ‘revolutionary clarity' to those revolutionaries who still have not entirely shaken off the effects of mass confusion, which is the intended product of all capitalist propaganda, and thus should have no place within the mind of the revolutionary.

Since the target audience for such a summation would be John and Jane Doe, I feel that it is critical to avoid using that revolutionary jargon that you so often find peppered throughout the papers distributed by revolutionary groups, and which is a major turn off for people, for the use of this terminology means that not only are you not speaking to them in their language, but rather presuming to speak to them in your language, which then leaves the impression that what you are saying is dogmatic, and that you are a zealous advocate of doctrine rather than a teller of truth, and given how people have grown accustomed to being accosted by religious types who also insist dogmatically on using the correct terminology and so on, coming across in the same way doesn't help your cause.

The following is intended as an example of how in one pamphlet it might be possible to cover all the ground that needs to be covered, to say those things that need to be said, to bring revolutionary clarity which is required to overcome and destroy counter revolutionary mass confusion, the product of the propaganda attacks and deceits of this current ruling system. The story is simple in its constituent parts, and for this reason there is really no reason for a revolutionary to ask ‘what do we do' or ‘what do we say' since the answers to these questions should be obvious and the solutions therefore are simple, and not impenetrably complex....

A Revolutionary ‘Sound Bite'

1. The Police State

The American people should be aware that during the last several years there has been an erosion of certain civil rights that have been part of the fabric of the nation in the past, and which up to this time have been taken for granted by most people. The justification for the suspension of certain fundamental principles of law and freedom in the United States was that law enforcement agencies needed extra powers to keep Americans safe from terrorist attack, and at the time of the introduction of these police state measures, they included a sunset clause, whereby the measures would be up for review this year, and now in mid-2005, the Congress has now made these changes in America's legal structure permanent, fundamentally altering what most people once assumed were fundamental features of ‘the American way of life.' Americans are now subject to increased spying by government agencies, a loss of privacy rights, and included in these police state measures are measures allowing the executive branch to arrest and detain individuals indefinately, which is a serious breach of standard legal procedures overturning over eight centuries of law going right back to the time of the Magna Carta. This swing towards authoritarianism and a police state structure has been widely condemned with close to 500 municipalities passing symbolic legislation rendering the new provisions null and void within their borders. To make matters worse even more police state measures are in process, in direct violation of provisions of the Constitution of the United States which contains clauses which were enshrined in the document for the express purposes of the restraining the power of the government by forbidding the creation of the very sort of police state we see emerging in America at this time.

For those unaware of the far reaching implications of these new police state powers, click here for an overview.

2. Historical Parallels with Nazism

The official explanation given by the Bush Administration for the conversion of America into a permanent police state is that the threat from International Terrorists is the new world crisis that will last for generations (thus replacing the cold war with the Soviet Union with ‘Muslim Extremists' becoming the new justification for massive military spending). In order to justify the police state and global military action it is required that propaganda paint the Muslim extremist as a Mad Dog, something less than human, in otherwords, a type of subhuman, thus being a person who cannot be talked to or reasoned with, and who can only be hunted down all over the earth and killed. Just as America is being converted into a permanent police state, we can therefore also see that America is now creating a classification of ‘subhumans', and the historical parallels with Nazism should be obvious to most people if they give the matter a little thought. That this doctrine serves the interests of the military industrial complex should also be obvious.

The Patriot Act, and its police state measures, which have now been made permanent, in violation of provisions of the Constitution of the United States, parallels the legislation put into effect by Adolph Hitler after ‘communist terrorists' attacked the Reichstag in Germany. "The activities of subversive organizations are to be combatted with the most drastic methods. Communist terrorist acts are to be proceeded against with all severity and weapons must be used ruthlessly when neccesary..." Hitler, Feb 4th, 1933. Hitler then proceeded to bring in legislation identical to the legislation which has now been made permanent in the United States of America. Hitler signed a decree for Homeland Security (the term ‘Homeland' being used frequently by Hitler and now also the title of the new police state agency responsible for domestic spying in America). Just as the Patriot Act suspends the American constitution, Hitler's anti-terrorist legislation suspended the sections of the constitution defending the fundamental rights of citizens...including "violations of the privacy of postal, telegraphic, and telephonic communications and warrants for house searches...are permissable beyond the legal limits otherwise prescribed." They also provided the legal warrant for the device of 'protective custody" and the Gestapo to imprison without trail, with similar powers have been granted to Bush in the United States, once again in violation of the Constitution. Hitler's attacks on the law faced little opposition, given that so many Germans were convinced of the grave threat posed by communist terrorists, and in time Hitler led the German in people in the first ‘war against terrorism', by convincing the German people that the only way to end the threat of communist terrorism was by cutting the terrorist organization off at the root by invading the Soviet Union (which explains how Hitler was able to convince the Germans to go along with his plans for imperialistic conquest, in case anyone was wondering how he achieved this level of mass hypnosis - now you know).

3. The ‘war on terrorism'

Following the script, just as the Germans followed Hitler into the oil fields of southern Russia during their ‘war on terrorism', so the Americans have now followed Bush into the conquest of the oil fields of Iraq, and Washington is also determined to conquer Iran, as is indicated by the bipartisan report of the commission investigating 911, which fingered Iran as a terrorist state and suggested that Iran was more worthy of invasion than was the case with Iraq.

The obvious presence of oil in Iraq is just the first indication that the ‘war on terrorism' is bogus. The ‘sub human' fascist propaganda is the second indication, and when you consider how extremely rare terrorist attacks actually are, and when you also consider that terrorist attacks are responses to Washington's foreign policy, this should be enough to discredit the concept of a ‘war on terrorism.' Furthermore, I, the author of this piece, was able to talk to the resistance movement in Iraq in November of 2004, and I managed to convince them to stop making those video tapes they were making before that time, as they attempted to scare the Americans out of Iraq, and as you would notice, they stopped immediately, thus proving that ‘terrorists' are in fact human beings and you can talk to them, and you can also influence them provided that you give them a better strategy than some desperate idea they were trying before that time. I also managed to convince the IRA that it is much better to target an ideology, which is why you have just heard recently about the change in strategy of the IRA, once again proving that it is not required that you spend a trillion and hunt down the IRA or some Muslim as though they were subhuman dogs that can only be shot down on the spot, but rather all people are human and they do things for a reason. A terrorist is only a desperate freedom fighter with no strategy, and this leads to the wild desperation of terrorist acts. This ‘sub human' ideology, also employed by Hitler as you will recall, serves only to justify the building up of the military machine, as well as providing a justification for the invasion of other countries, always, as is the case for every military attack in history, for the purposes of plundering their resources.

4. The root causes of terrorism

The root cause of terrorism is oppression, with the system causing the oppression so monolithic in its powers, that no other avenue of resistance is seen to be available, and given that not acting is not considered an option, a return strike in the form of terrorism becomes the chosen method of reprisal.

As an example of systems of oppression, you can consider the situation in Bolivia. Here, the people have been held at gun point and kept prisoner in third world conditions while their resources have been robbed and plundered. Most people would be familiar with the history of imperialist colonialism and its invasions and robberies of lands around the world. What is called ‘the third world' is the direct result of colonialism and its history of armed robbery, and despite what most people would think, colonialism did not end in the last century, it just went under cover. The third world is a creation of the military industrial complex with the profits accruing to wealthy capitalists. Although the armed robbery of the Bolivians has been going on in secret, the open robbery taking place in Iraq is no big secret, and is just a more nakedly aggressive example of the very same thing which has been going on forever across the third world, and is the reason why you cannot ‘Make Poverty History' by protesting within the system, since this is the very same capitalist system that creates the very poverty you seem to think that they might want to cure.

Given the wide spread nature of this poverty enforced at gun point, one would expect more terrorist attacks, but since most people are the same, and thus not violent by nature, terrorism is quite rare. Furthermore, as you can tell when on 911 some individuals committed suicide in order to blow up the main buildings of the Capitalists on Wall Street, and their military arm at the Pentagon, even when some people are driven to terrorism because of evil oppression against them, they do show some rationality in that they picked the symbolism of their targets according to the message they wanted to send to the American people - which was, to put it in words, they were being brutally oppressed by the capitalists on Wall Street using the Pentagon as their global instrument of oppression. This was the intended message of those who gave their lives to send this message to the American people on 9-11, and since they did die to send this message, even if they took a lot of unwilling Americans along with them, it seems to me that the American people do have an obligation to at least consider what these people were trying to say. Given the fact that capitalists own the media, it is unlikely that the Americans would ever be able to hear such things said in a sound bite by a Bolivian or any other oppressed person in the world, your media being that heavily controlled and censored, and so these people decided to try to communicate with the American people using the language of symbols on 9-11.

Both the first attack on the twin towers, during the Clinton Administration, and the second attack on 9-11 were directly related to the American attack on Iraq. The first American attack on Iraq was not related to Iraq's war with Kuwait. Before Saddam Hussein attacked Kuwait, he consulted with Washington, and Ambassador Gillespie gave him the green light to go ahead. This was not a coincidence. Iraq had a socialist Oil Industry, and was using the money to modernize Iraq, using socialist techniques to make Iraq the most modernized and developed of the surrounding poverty stricken Muslim countries. Just as Reagan bombed Grenada three days after Grenada voted in the Socialists, and just as Reagan sent in the contra terrorists to Nicaragua after Nicaragua became Socialist, and just as Washington has placed a brutal embargo on Cuba for going Socialist, and just as Washington overthrew the government of Iran when Iran brought in Socialism and then installed the Shah as dictator, and just as Washington provided intelligence to the Indonesian Kap Gestapu during the mass murder campaign against Socialists in that Country (as revealed by declassified documents discussing State Department and CIA assistance in providing this intelligence information to the Gestapu), so in the same way Washington invaded Iraq, after encouraging Iraq to invade Kuwait to provide a pretext for the attack, because Iraq had Socialism and even worse, was developing and no longer a third world country, thus being an example of how poverty is linked to colonialism and capitalist exploitation.

A mole released documents in which high level officials in Washington discussed the systematic destruction of Iraq's infrastructure, built under socialist principles. The officials openly discussed how the systematic destruction of all Iraq's development was an International War Crime which nevertheless the American government was determined to do in any case. (I cannot remember the title of this leaked document, but since it is floating around in public, I am sure it will show up at the International War Crimes tribunal). Close to half a million Iraqi children died as a result of such things as water borne diseases after Iraq's water system was deliberately destroyed in a long lasting systematic bombing campaign (which would suggest that Bill Clinton also needs to be investigated as an International War Criminal, for these things are against International War Crimes laws, and because the Constitution of the United States declares that all signed international treaties become domestic law, such conduct is also a violation of American law).

It was for these reasons that America was targeted on 911 and earlier during the Clinton administration, and it was because Iraq was being targeted for attack by the capitalists of Wall Street, who actually control both parties of the United States government as well as the Pentagon, which functions as their enforcement arm, as you can tell by watching the looting taking place in Iraq at the moment, the target of both attacks was chosen symbolically, the World Trade towers, symbolic of the American Capitalist, since they were the oppressors being targeted by both strikes.

The root cause of terrorism is evil oppression, or to be more specific, the root cause of terrorism is Wall Street and the Capitalists, the source of the world's evil oppression.

5. The Capitalist Crisis

You might recall how during the late 1990s, during a time in which propaganda suggested that the economy was in what was then called ‘The Clinton Boom', secretly corporations were cooking the books to hide the fact that they were not showing profits, and many were actually going bankrupt. Next Geroge Bush was illegally installed as President when the Supreme Court forced a stop to a vote recount in Florida. The Court also ignored the illegal striking off the rolls of hundreds of thousands of black voters, committing two illegal acts at the same time in order to install Bush into the White House. Shortly thereafter you might recall that interest rates were lowered to almost zero and left there for a long time, this being the strongest dose of medication ever given to a sick and ailing economy in living memory, an indication of just how desperate was the economic crisis. Show trials were held that remind one of the Stalinist ‘Wreckers' trials in the old Soviet Union, whereby certain officials were put on trial on charges of ‘wrecking the Soviet economy', thus deflecting criticism from Stalin and the entire system for the failures of the Soviet economy at the time.

Anyone familiar with economic history would know that crashes followed by Great Depressions are a constantly recurring feature of capitalism, the crash of 1929 only being one of a long string of such repeated crashes. You might also be aware that shortly before the crash of 1929 the policy of encouraging heavy borrowing was used to keep that sickly economy afloat for a few years. The policy was criticized by an advisory committee to the President as merely delaying the inevitable by ‘telescoping the future into the present', and in the end only made the following Depression even worse since consumer spending was dampened further by the need to keep up on debt payments on loans taken out during the 1920s in order to forestall the crash (without this build up of debt we might be talking about the great crash of 1925 instead of 1929, since the debt policy just bought time for the economy).

Great Depressions were described in the simplest terms by Albert Einstein, the mathematician. In short, Depressions are caused by income inequality, leading to what Einstein referred to as an instability in the accumulation and utilization of cash. As the rich get richer and the poor get poorer, the consumption cycle is broken, and the result is that surplus of goods exist for which no buyers exist. This leads to deflation, which leads to further lay offs, which leads to less consumption, and further deflationary pressures, and more lay offs as the country spirals into disaster, and a Great Depression begins. At the current time other factors come into play, such as globalization, and the exodus of jobs from the United States to cheap labor locations, which then once again, lowers consumption, leading to more layoffs, leading to a tail spin into a crash and Great Depression. It was just such a tail spin that the low interest rate policy was intended to forestall. Income inequality can also exist between nations, leading to instability. For example, by pursuing an aggressive low dollar policy, America can attempt to address the lop sided trade balance problem, whereby, through moving jobs overseas, America is not a debtor nation, forced to import hundreds of billions of dollars of goods from other countries. But the low dollar policy leads to stagnation in Europe, so that as the American economy gains growth, Europe goes down the toilet. Eventually America can no longer export to Europe, leading to further job losses, and another one of those spirals into a crash scenario. This is one example of how fixing one problem only moves the problem somewhere else, and in the end just delays the inevitable for a time.

Those who are familiar with history will know that there were two ways to deal with an economic crash. In Europe fascism arose in response to the crisis, leading for example to the rise of Hitler or of Franco in Spain. This is a logical progression, since capitalism is a form of fascism, based on the ‘boss' principle, and when this principle is taken out of the work place and applied to a society at large you wind up with a the ‘Fuhrer principle', a boss in charge of the political system. This rise of fascism was required in order to crush the revolutionary forces unleashed due to the great crash, which otherwise would have toppled the rich and the powerful from the throne.

America just barely escaped fascism, when the Capitalists of America approached the military in an effort to establish fascism in America as well. The whole scam fell apart when Marine Corp Commandant Smedley Butler reported the conspiracy to the American people, with the result that the American capitalists got stuck with Roosevelt and the New Deal instead. Butler was so furious that he turned on his past military allegiance, stating that
"War is just a racket. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of people. Only a small inside group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the few at the expense of the masses... There isn't a trick in the racketeering bag that the military gang is blind to. It has its "finger men" to point out enemies, its "muscle men" to destroy enemies, its "brain men" to plan war preparations, and a "Big Boss" Super-Nationalistic-Capitalism. It may seem odd for me, a military man to adopt such a comparison. Truthfulness compels me to. I spent thirty- three years and four months in active military service as a member of this country's most agile military force, the Marine Corps. I served in all commissioned ranks from Second Lieutenant to Major-General. And during that period, I spent most of my time being a high class muscle- man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for the Bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I suspected I was just part of a racket at the time. Now I am sure of it. Like all the members of the military profession, I never had a thought of my own until I left the service. My mental faculties remained in suspended animation while I obeyed the orders of higher-ups. This is typical with everyone in the military service. I helped make Mexico, especially Tampico, safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefits of Wall Street. The record of racketeering is long. I helped purify Nicaragua for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. In China I helped to see to it that Standard Oil went its way unmolested. During those years, I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Looking back on it, I feel that I could have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."

6. The decline of Capitalism

Fascism and the police state is the response of Capitalists to economic crisis. Through the means of fascism they intend to forestall revolution and thus crush the population, keeping the population in chains to suffer through the Great Depression, as their ancestors did before them, while at the same time, turning to naked Imperialism and colonization to generate more profits (the first example of this sort of thing being seen now in Iraq, with Iran next on the target list). As Hitler did in the 1930s, this naked imperialism and fascism is justified not for its true reasons, the protection of the rich and powerful and the crushing of revolution, but rather the excuse given is that this is a ‘war against terrorism'. As poll data suggests, most people see a connection between ‘terrorism' and imperialism, in particular the war for oil in Iraq, which demonstrates that this generation is no longer as gullible as the Germans were in the 1930s, and thus are proving to be much harder to deceive than was the case with their ancestors.

Even so, most people might not understand that this sudden rise of fascism is directly linked both the immediate crisis facing the capitalists, another crash caused by their ‘globalization' project and the decimation caused to the American economy by this profit driven process, but it is also linked to the historical dead end being reached by capitalists in this, the time of their decline and their disappearance from world history.

Capitalists are attempting to establish permanent fascism in America for the simple reason that from this time forward it will be impossible for America to remain both a Democracy and a capitalist country both at the same time. Historical trends are now operating which will result in the destruction of capitalism, with the development of high technology and science ushering in a new age in which the only rational solution for humanity lies in the direction of some type of cooperative socialism. The reason for this is that you cannot have capitalists without having workers, and as half a million workers have discovered in the first half of 2005, during a massive wave of job cuts, a capitalist with high technology and robots is a capitalist no longer in need of one more worker, and then another and then another.

Because capitalism is now in terminal decline and heading for a disastrous collapse due to the turning wheels of historical development, America must now become a fascist dictatorship and turn to Nazism. Due to the huge job losses the future holds capitalists require fascist domination of society and a brutal police state in order to crush the American people and quell the rising anger and social disorder that will continue to build as capitalism goes into decline and collapse. Your congressmen and Senators all know this, which is why with bipartisan support, both the parties of the capitalist system, the Democrats and the Republicans, voted to make the police state measure permanent, which means that your governing officials have just voted to permanently abrogate the constitution of the United States of America. All of this is being done on the basis of a pack of lies, fraud and deception, as your government plans the systemic oppression required to crush the people of the United States of America, in order to protect the fortunes of the wealthy capitalists of America. As capitalism continues its decline and final fiery collapse, conditions will become increasingly desperate in America, which requires the undemocratic conversion of America into an Orwellian police state, something your government knows full well, lies and deception being a dish served only to the American people. Your government knows the truth.

7. Another World is Inevitable

Yes, your government knows the truth, but then, so does the revolutionary, which is what makes a revolutionary a revolutionary. It has been said that ‘Another World is Possible.' This saying is now obsolete. "Another World is Inevitable."

A world with that capitalist is no longer possible. The rise of technology has reduced capitalism to the level of the absurd. Robots do not purchase products, and programming a robot to purchase products in order to save capitalism would be absurd. The future of humanity lies with some form of humane socialism, whereby the ideals of fraternity and equality can finally be realized on earth, bringing to an end poverty and war, those two gifts of elitism, of which capitalism is just the currently exiting form.

There are two possible directions in which humanity can go in the future. One is to establish for the first time in human history, a true populist democracy, to replace the current fraudulent system of musical chairs elitism, masquerading as a democracy, which was the product of a strategic retreat by the elitists at the time of the First American Revolution. The second direction leads to a new and mutated form of elitism.

If elitism is allowed to remain on earth then there are once again two possible futures. The first is already taking shape right before our eyes, in the form of fascism and a police state, which is the future of capitalism and the only way that this system can survive from this day forward. The second is the establishment of perverted form of socialism, governed by ruling elitists, Stalinism, the system that collapsed in ruins in the Soviet Union. Since socialism is the wave of the future and capitalism is doomed by history, for this to be possible it would be necessary for the ruling elitists to mutate and do the Orwellian Animal Farm act, a costume change, so as to become the Stalinists rulers of a perverse ‘worker's state', which it would turn out would entail only a small change in their ideology. Just as the old ‘communist rulers' swiftly changed to capitalists and seized all Soviet assets for themselves when the Soviet Union collapsed, if elitism is allowed to survive in this new world, only a costume change would occur and things would then continue on as before. About the only difference most people would notice is that the propaganda line coming out from the media would now follow a different party line..

However as one can tell by observing the behavior of both capitalist parties in Washington, and their attacks on the constitution and their establishment of a police state, the die has been cast, and the capitalists have already decided firmly on Nazism, which means that they intend to take the death flight of capitalism, riding it out to its inevitable final crash and its fiery end.

Under these circumstances, the fear of change, which has always been the attractive force of the progressive movement, and undermined revolutionary movements, is now outweighed by the even greater fear of not changing. For the ruling elitists of America are conspiring together to create a future of ever increasing poverty with social unrest crushed through the most brutal oppression so that they can maintain their power.

8. The Second American Revolution

For these reasons I call upon the American people to rise up in populist revolution and overthrow your government. You have nothing to fear, but fear itself. For just as you cannot have a capitalist without workers, so you cannot have a government without popular consent, and it is this revolutionary principle which is all that the American people need to understand if they are to save themselves from the vicious plot being formulated against them by their government which has now become a criminal organization riddled with conspiracy and corruption in every single one of its most vital organs. Power is an illusion, and depends on the ability to isolate people who can then be persecuted with no one to rescue them. United we stand, and they fall. Power is nothing more than consent, which is why they are trying so desperately to sow mass confusion and the lack of solidarity which then results, since this mass confusion, this propaganda offensive, is one of the tools of the trade. Counter this attack with knowledge and crystal clear understanding.

Withdraw your consent, and bring down your government. I call for the creation of a new world, a world free of the long history of attacks launched against the human race by the rich and the powerful, which up to this day has always been the tragic story of the human race. I call for the establishment of the world's first true democracy, a democracy without elites and without control from above by the powerful, who, as we have seen so clearly, have abused their power to sow confusion, to misinform, to mislead and misrule the human race, having done so throughout history. This will continue to happen so long as a system remains in place which facilitates such attacks on the human race for the purposes of exploitation and enslavement.

I call for the rise of society where workers are the owners and shareholders, rather than being the slaves to be ruthlessly disposed of on the whims of a tiny cabal of wealthy elites. I call for the creation of society where the words ‘All human beings are equal' and where all ‘have the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness' actually mean something, rather than merely being empty slogans as they have become under this Stalinist Capitalist Soviet System. For how could the American dream and its high ideals ever become a living truth under a system such as capitalism, which is the very antithesis of these noble ideals?

I call for the creation of a humane world, devoid of poverty and the militarism and imperialist colonialist assaults of the elite and the wealthy, which is the only true way to Make Poverty History, since poverty is the creation of the gun, and the maintenance of poverty is a product of their endless stream of deception and lies. They are the terrorists and the source of all terrorism, and their attacks against the human race are daily events, while the retaliatory strikes they receive from a crushed and oppressed humanity are so rare as to hardly worth mentioning, and even less worthy of destroying the nation over, as our criminal elitists are now conspiring to bring to pass, under a ridiculous and offensive assault of lies and an endless stream on nonsensical perjury.

Another world is not only possible, another world is inevitable. It is at this time that the revolutionary decision must be made, as capitalism staggers towards its next great depression, a creation of the so called ‘free enterprise' system, under which all freedom is reserved exclusively for capitalists, while the basest form of slavery is the lot of most of humanity. There will be revolution, and new world will be born now, or there will fascism and great human misery, as well continued destruction of the planet and its life support systems, followed by the inevitable ruinous collapse of capitalism as it meets if fiery doom, and disappears from history, as simple common sense dictates must happen. Its inevitable. Therefore given that revolution is in the interests of humanity, while fiery destruction serves only the short term interest of the ruling elites, I call on humanity to rise up and take back power, and create a new world, a world devoid of all the things humanity so hates, such as cycles of violence, oppression, war, suffering, and poverty, all of these things being the creations of elites, and have been maintained by the brutal machinations of capitalists for far to long.

A new world is at hand....

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10 million for famine, 500 million for military
Current rating: 0
03 Aug 2005
Bombs not food

After appealing for famine money since the locust plague last year, at the end of July the U.N. finally received a donation of 10 million dollars for the famine victims in Niger. Meanwhile Niger is receiving 500 million dollars in military aid, for, you see, Niger is a rich source of the Uranium required for the production of Weapons of Mass Destruction. This is on top of the millions Niger is receiving in the form of military training in what is supposedly training for the 'war against terrorism', but as is the case in all poor countries, is actually part of the machinary of oppression of the poorest people on earth, and thus best described as the 'war against revolution' , the exact same tactic you see practiced against the Bolivians, and all other third world people, and since it is for such a good cause, receives many billions in funding without the need for constant appeals.
Bombs not Food. This is the slogan for the current capitalist system, and unlike appeals for food money which go unanswered, Bomb money flows in a steady stream, forked over with remarkable generosity, as you would expect money to flow like gusher, when its for a good cause.

Close to 20 million people are malnourished in the SubSaharan region with 8 locust hit nations on the famine danger list. Already the famine in Niger, with 3 million starving, is being called one of the biggest relief operations in history, or it could be, depending on whether or not the monstrous governments of the world, who have been stubbornly refusing to fork over so much as a dime, actually find some spare change in their capitalistic wallets for Food, not Bombs. These are the same governments who put on a big sham of pretending to be generous during that Live 8 / G8 propaganda scam, where a honey pot was set out to keep busy activists real busy pressuring governments to keep to their time table of providing debt relief to Africa in the year 2010, just as they eliminated child poverty in the year 2000, if anyone remembers that other phony honey pot from the past.

The disaster in Niger has been worsened by IMF policies through which a 19 percent tax was added onto the price of food, and food was to be made subject only to pure market forces, which then led to the abolition of the system of emergency grain reserves (the capitalistic logic behind such cruelty being that having free food around would 'distort the market'). To make matters worse organizations such as the U.N. drag their feet when it comes to giving out free food as do so many Aid agencies, on the theory that once again this will distort those precious capitalistic market forces, which just goes to show you how deeply entrenched that twisted inhumane ideology of capitalistic greed has become in this world.

Just feel the need to make a few comments here, just in case maybe there might still be someone out there who is naive, sheeplike, and innocently trusting and thus the exact type to believe in the Hitler Big Lie technique
Perhaps there still might be someone who does not find it to be shall weird that your government and those capitalists behind it all would go slumming into the dumpster diving garbage can of history and dig up Hitlerism with all its details as the new ideology of America...perhaps such a thought might seem oh far fetched maybe, hard to believe...Or if I were to tell you that the third world has been created on purpose, at gun point, perhaps you might think, 'it can't be true' can't be true that the Bolivians are currently fighting off another attempted armed robbery by the imperialistic colonialist capitalists...
Well these weird people, with the twisted morals, who are dredging up Hitler for you, not to mention all the International War Crimes for Iraq, and doing the Machine Gun Kelly thing on Bolivia, are the same ones who tried feeding you a really big Hitler style lie about 'Debt Relief for Africa', while they did the big hypocrite thing by hiding the famine, and only after nine months of pressure did they manage to barf up 10 million bucks for the famine, which given that 3 million are starving, many of them little kiddies, would work out to be about 3.33 a person, and these are the same creeps who managed to find about half a billion for militarism, while lying about that as well, calling that pile of shit part of their so called 'war on terrorism'

Now can anyone in their right mind say that a revolution against those deeply warped gangsters is not a good idea...I mean really now, these are the people who you want doing the Nazi on you while they do the Bolivia thing on the American people, not to mention that in that poverty they plan to do the Niger thing as well, cutting welfare as we know it, at the same time that they ditched 500 thousand Americans so far this year...think about it...these are not nice people and onto their list of crimes, you can add constant lying, big lying, Hitler style big lies

think about it, if there is anyone out there who thinks that this might be a good time to hand out a pamphlet, well you wouldn't want to be the type to hand out a pamphlet about baby seals right now, would you, with those Nazis coming after you...I think my pamphlet would make more sense, because you need the American people wide awake and ready for class warfare, if you want to escape bad Nazi thing they are plotting against you right now...

So let us try to get over our Niave sheep like innocence, shall we, and not believe any more big lies...