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News :: Civil & Human Rights |
NESARA=Peace, Prosperity,Liberty |
Current rating: 0 |
by Dean Email: dean2 (nospam) (verified) |
06 Nov 2002
National Economic Security And Reformation Act~The Golden Age Of Enlightenment creates PEACE, PROSPERITY, and LIBERTY as God had intended!
Creates Worldwide change...
Addresses enviromental concerns...
Restores the US Constitution...and much, much more. |
Political and Economic change are on the horizon. Then why is the Mainstream News Media not covering this??
It's because members of the Bilderbergs, Council on Foreign Relations, and Trilateral Commission have quietly taken over almost all key positions within the US government, mainstream news media, Labor Unions, academic, banking, big industry, and the Vatican. Yes!! And the current Bush administration are all like puppets on a string, dancing to every order coming down from the Rockefellers, Rothchilds, Rhodes, and many other names you would recognize. Why do they "hate" NESARA?? Because it exposes the fraudulent and illegal activities of the "Privately owned" Federal Reserve, and puts them "OUT of BUSINESS"!!
I know YOU reading this now will likely consider this an outrageous "conspiracy theory", but if you would only clear the fog from your mind and consider who is running the world, you would realize it is not the Presidents and Prime Ministers, but those who "make the money" (money out of nothing) who are giving the orders, ie: Owners of the Federal Feserve Bank.
Study the history and you will shocked to learn who really is controlling America !!
Below is a brief discription of NESARA and the benefits it will bring the world.
1. Passed secretly by U.S. Congress on March 9, 2000. Signed into law by President Bill Clinton on October 10, 2000.
2. Enactment of NESARA creates immediate world peace, world freedom, and world prosperity.
3. Public announcement and enactment of NESARA on 9/11/01 was stopped by President George W. Bush.
4. Destruction of the World Trade center and the U.S. Pentagon was done by the CIA under orders from President Bush to stop the NESARA announcement.
5. Continuing U.S. terrorist threats, Iraqi War, and Washington D.C. serial killer are all attempts by U.S. government to stop the NESARA public announcement.
1. Abolishes the illegal IRS immediately and creates sales tax revenue on only new items--no tax on food, medicine, and medical or used items.
2. Abolishes all credit card debt immediately.
3. Forgives all debt owed to the illegal Federal Reserve Bank System, including car loans, student loans, home and business mortgages.
4. Abolishes the illegal Federal Reserve Bank system worldwide.
5. Creates a Constitutional U.S. Treasury Banking System with currency backed by gold and silver.
6. Restores the original Constitutional of the Republic of the united States of America and common law.
7. Requires the immediate resignation of President George W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, and the entire U.S. Congress.
8. Requires new interim U.S. President and Vice President.
9. Requires new national elections within 120 days of NESARA's public announcement.
10. Requires the NESARA President Designate to declare world "peace" to enable international banking change to a gold standard system.
11. Immediately ends all U.S. military aggressive actions worldwide.
12. NESARA was ordered by 1993 U.S. Supreme Court and World Court rulings, but legislation prevented and enactment stopped for ten years by U.S. government actions.
The U.S. Supreme Court Justices need to order the public announcement and enactment of NESARA---Now! Please send postcards urging the Justices to make the NESARA official public announcement immediately!
Send your postcard to:
U.S. Supreme Court
One First Street
Washington, D.C. 20543
(Use ONLY postcards, as letters will be delayed 6-8 weeks due to the Anthrax scam)
NESARA. = Peace - Freedom - Prosperity !!
As I said above however, the Mainstream News Media will NOT cover this as NEWS. Hundreds of thousands of people have gather in "Awareness Rallies" across America to bring NESARA into public view. There is HOT HOT action in many places to spring the NESARA law into public view! Together we must do our part to bring this to the world. "Let's do it !! |
Flakes And Scams |
by ML (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 06 Nov 2002
All it takes is a Google search of the term "NESARA" to discover the whole thing is nothing but a bogus conspiracy theory, based on the discredited ideas of Huey Long:
There's nothing credible about it once you look into it. The idea has been used as the basis of pyramid schemes and chain letters. |
Beyond bogus |
by Big Daddy (No verified email address) |
Current rating: 0 07 Apr 2006
Beyond bogus, but look on the bright side, you may be lucky enough to hitch a comet ride on an alien least your odds are better.
Like it or not, there it is.
Big Daddy |