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Announcement :: Children |
Realize The Value Of Being Beautiful With Each Other |
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by one truth amongst many! (No verified email address) |
29 Oct 2002
supremely foolish? why do yOu *believe* as you believe? |
love to the folks running this IMC! i have fond memories of knowing many of you!
confucious once was attributed as saying: truth is like an elephant, and we are all blind [persons] touching different parts of truth.
and as we touch these different truths, we believe we have the ONLY Truth, yet such truth is amongst many.
when we understand this we may better approach being excellent with each other.
And how about kids? Consider:
As people seek to hold onto the imagination Given (where common folks must subordinate to coerced ideas of life), in our alienation we become madder and madder (angry and *off the deep end*) as we try to hold onto a Way of Doing Things which reduces us from our excellent diversity. The young, still being in-depth real--not as conditioned as their adults--intuitively dissent. Yet, in their dissent they are not yet always articulate enough to be able to speak our language so that we may understand.
This is where we may find the idea in the art valuable
As is said, peace begins at home.
And, as Chomsky has said, to be most responsible, we go into motion on the things/situations we CAN influence.
So, where can you influence? And, what if you were to go BEYOND where you think you can influence?
Time to come out of the margins!
Utilize our awareness of the severe alienation of terroristic power and do a kind of mutually beautiful ju-jitsu; beyond formal, beyond all the confines that have been planted in our heads (in our imaginations). Those who apparently believe in Given "Norms" are very often lost/*knowing not what they do*/wishing privately that they could be involved in excellence
the question which then arises is, *when* is excellence?
my view of excellence is when there is a mutual understanding that each party involved understands that we are seeking to do beautifulness; this of course, is not easy to do when faced with persons, including ourselves, who are stuck in FEAR.
in my view, excellence, then, is a *process*, a *procedure*, a *methodology* where our intent or tendency is to realize the value of *bridging* with those so severely alienated---including *ourselves!*----that we pioneer, *evolve* an awareness of our diverse truths.
And thus excellence happens when we dare to speak up about our intuitions, our gut feelings, our *heart*, our
spirits, our idea of something we see happening.
excellence, then, is not *only* found in our confined ideas of Given "Norms" of excellence, such as putting on "social masks" and faking an *always being good*.
And when is good, anyway? i see *good*/value as when we mutually understand that our intentions are quite possibly beautiful in seed. tHe challenge arises, then, when positive or good intentions are held back by our limited *belief* of "normal" ways of doing things.
(these posts are dedicated in love and respect to two human beings, perfectly imperfect, with blindspots like all of us (!): Herbert Brun and John Trudell; a WHOOP for you when we meet in this life or another!) |